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Subatomic Particles Collection

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1797

Proton collision C014 / 1797
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: First observation of omega-minus particle

First observation of omega-minus particle
This historic photograph from the 80-inch (200cm) bubble chamber at the Brookhaven National Laborat- ory shows the first observation of the omega-minus particle

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Higgs boson, artwork C018 / 0936

Higgs boson, artwork C018 / 0936
Higgs boson. Computer artwork showing a Higgs boson particle, which was formed by the collision of two protons, decaying into a pair of Z bosons, one of which decays to a pair of electrons

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: James Chadwick, British physicist C017 / 7111

James Chadwick, British physicist C017 / 7111
James Chadwick (1891-1974), British physicist. Educated in Manchester, Chadwicks research under Rutherford was mainly with alpha particles (helium nuclei)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Werner Heisenberg, German physicist C017 / 7123

Werner Heisenberg, German physicist C017 / 7123
Werner Karl Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist. Heisenberg was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on a matrix theory of quantum mechanics

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0942

Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0942
Particle collision. Computer artwork of particles colliding and splitting to produce smaller particles

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle tracks on galaxies

Particle tracks on galaxies
Particle tracks and cosmology. Computer illustration of subatomic particle tracks (white spirals) seen with galaxies behind them

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle tracks on geometric patterns

Particle tracks on geometric patterns
Particle tracks and geometrical patterns. Computer illustration of subatomic particle tracks (white & yellow) and geometrical patterns (pink) on a starfield

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Lead ion collision C014 / 1793

Lead ion collision C014 / 1793
Particle tracks from a lead ion collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Computer art of a positron-electron collision

Computer art of a positron-electron collision
Positron-electron collision. Computer illustration of an electron (blue) and a positron (red) colliding

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Helium, atomic model

Helium, atomic model
Heium, atomic model. Helium has two neutrons (white) and two protons (pink) in its nucleus (centre). The atom also has two electron (blue) orbiting the nucleus

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1816

Proton collision C014 / 1816
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Electron-positron collision C014 / 1799

Electron-positron collision C014 / 1799
Two sets of particle tracks from electron-positron collisions seen by the ALEPH (Apparatus for LEP physics at CERN) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Beryllium, atomic model

Beryllium, atomic model. Beryllium has five neutrons (white) and four protons (pink) in its nucleus (centre). The atom also has four electron (blue) orbiting the nucleus

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Boron, atomic model

Boron, atomic model. Boron has six neutrons (white) and five protons (pink) in its nucleus (centre). The atom also has five electron (blue) orbiting the nucleus

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Lithium, atomic model

Lithium, atomic model. Lithium has three neutrons (white) and three protons (pink) in its nucleus (centre). The atom also has three electron (blue) orbiting the nucleus

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Professor J. J. Thomson in his laboratory

Professor J. J. Thomson in his laboratory. Hand-colored halftone of a 20th-century illustration

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0943

Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0943
Particle collision. Computer artwork of particles colliding and splitting to produce smaller particles

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1796

Proton collision C014 / 1796
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1811

Proton collision C014 / 1811
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Higgs boson event C014 / 1812

Higgs boson event C014 / 1812
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1802

Proton collision C014 / 1802
Cut-away view of the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland, showing particle tracks from a proton-proton collision

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1809

Proton collision C014 / 1809
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1814

Proton collision C014 / 1814
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1813

Proton collision C014 / 1813
Particles-eye view of particle tracks from a proton-proton collision in the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1803

Proton collision C014 / 1803
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1807

Proton collision C014 / 1807
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1798

Proton collision C014 / 1798
Cut-away view of the ATLAS (a toroidal LHC apparatus) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland, showing particle tracks from a proton-proton collision

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1806

Proton collision C014 / 1806
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1815

Proton collision C014 / 1815
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the LHCb (large hadron collider beauty) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1794

Proton collision C014 / 1794
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Electron-positron collision

Electron-positron collision
Particle tracks from an electron-positron collision seen by the L3 detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Photon emission, artwork

Photon emission, artwork
Photon emission. Computer artwork of an atom (large sphere) emitting a photon (yellow)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle collision, artwork C017 / 8032

Particle collision, artwork C017 / 8032
Particle collision. Computer artwork of particles colliding (centre) and splitting to produce smaller particles (smaller spheres)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Deuterium, atomic model

Deuterium, atomic model
Deuterium. Atomic model of deuterium, also known as heavy hydrogen, an isotope of hydrogen. Isotopes are forms of an element that contain different numbers of neutrons in the atomic nucleus (centre)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Quarks, 3D-computer artwork

Quarks, 3D-computer artwork
3D-computer artwork of quarks. A quark is an elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. The image shows protons, composed of two up quarks and one down quark

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Quark structure of silicon atom nucleus

Quark structure of silicon atom nucleus
Visualisation of a silicon nucleus. This image represents the nucleus of a silicon atom. The nucleus is made of 28 particles, called nucleons (14 protons and 14 neutrons)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Visualisation of quark structure of uranium

Visualisation of quark structure of uranium
Quark structure of the uranium nucleus. Computer visualisation of the nucleus of a uranium atom. The most common isotope, uranium-238, consists of 92 protons and 146 neutrons

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle tracks on a star chart

Particle tracks on a star chart

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Art showing size of atomic components

Art showing size of atomic components
Atomic dimensions. Computer artwork showing the relative sizes of atoms and their components. The scale at bottom, measured in fractions of a metre, decreases from left to right

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Visualisation of quark structure of gold

Visualisation of quark structure of gold

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle tracks, equations and head

Particle tracks, equations and head
Particle tracks. Conceptual computer illustration depicting the increasing human understanding of particle physics as a head viewing subatomic part- icle tracks (orange)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Beryllium atom

Beryllium atom
Atomic structure. Computer artwork representing a single atom of beryllium (symbol: Be)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Art of a neutron showing constituent quarks

Art of a neutron showing constituent quarks
Proton structure. Computer artwork showing the constituent parts of a proton. The proton is made up of three quarks (blue and white) held together by gluons (red)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Visualisation of quark structure of carbon

Visualisation of quark structure of carbon
Quark structure of the carbon nucleus. Computer visualisation of the nucleus of a carbon atom. The most common isotope, carbon-12, consists of six protons and six neutrons

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Quark structure of carbon atom nucleus

Quark structure of carbon atom nucleus
Visualisation of a carbon nucleus. This image represents the nucleus of a carbon atom. The nucleus is made of twelve particles, called nucleons (six protons and six neutrons)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Art of helium nucleus or alpha particle

Art of helium nucleus or alpha particle

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Art of particle tracks

Art of particle tracks
Particle tracks. Computer illustration of subatomic particle tracks. The particles are seen as coloured points

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Artwork of the six types of quark

Artwork of the six types of quark
Quarks. Computer artwork of the six types (or " flavours" ) of quark. Quarks are sub-atomic particles which make up the larger particles such as the baryons and mesons

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle tracks and head

Particle tracks and head
Particle tracks. Conceptual computer illustration depicting the increasing human understanding of particle physics as a head viewing subatomic particle tracks (orange)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Particle tracks and two heads

Particle tracks and two heads
Particle tracks. Conceptual computer illustration depicting the increasing human understanding of particle physics as two heads viewing subatomic particle tracks (white spirals)

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Visualisation of quark structure of proton

Visualisation of quark structure of proton
Quark structure of the proton. Computer visualisation of the structure of the proton, one of the building blocks of atomic nuclei

Background imageSubatomic Particles Collection: Visualisation of quark structure of silicon

Visualisation of quark structure of silicon
Quark structure of the silicon nucleus. Computer visualisation of the nucleus of a silicon atom. The most common isotope, silicon-28, consists of 14 protons and 14 neutrons

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"Unveiling the Mysteries of Subatomic Particles: A Journey through Time and Discoveries" In 1797, a groundbreaking event took place with the proton collision C014, marking a significant step in understanding subatomic particles. This collision paved the way for future discoveries, including the first observation of the omega-minus particle. Throughout history, lead ion collisions have played a crucial role in unraveling the secrets of these tiny entities. These collisions have allowed scientists to delve deeper into their properties and interactions. One remarkable breakthrough was made with the detection of Higgs boson, depicted beautifully in artwork C018 / 0936. This elusive particle's discovery shed light on how other particles acquire mass and further expanded our knowledge of subatomic realms. James Chadwick, a brilliant British physicist (C017 / 7111), also contributed significantly to this field. His research on neutron radiation led to his discovery of this neutral subatomic particle that completes an atom's nucleus. Artwork C018 / 0942 captures another pivotal moment – a mesmerizing collision between particles. Such collisions provide valuable insights into their behavior and help us comprehend fundamental forces governing our universe. Not only do we find traces of these particles within galaxies (particle tracks on galaxies), but they also leave behind intricate patterns when observed on geometric surfaces (particle tracks on geometric patterns). These visual representations aid researchers in studying their movements and characteristics more effectively. Werner Heisenberg, an influential German physicist (C017 / 7123), introduced uncertainty principles that revolutionized our understanding of subatomic particles' nature. His work emphasized that certain aspects remain inherently uncertain at such minuscule scales. The significance of lead ion collisions cannot be overstated; they continue to propel scientific advancements even today (Lead ion collision C014 / 1793). As technology advances further, we can anticipate more astonishing revelations about these building blocks of matter – subatomic particles.

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