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Hubble Space Telescope Collection

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012

Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) infrared image of distant galaxies in a region of the sky in the constellation of Fornax

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Interacting galaxies NGC 5257 and 5258

Interacting galaxies NGC 5257 and 5258
Interacting galaxies NGC 5257 and NGC 5258. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of two interacting spiral galaxies, collectively known as Arp 240

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Orion nebula

Orion nebula. Coloured composite infrared and visible light image of the Orion nebula M42

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Ultra Deep Field galaxies

Hubble Ultra Deep Field galaxies
Ultra Deep Field galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope Ultra Deep Field, the deepest view ever taken of the universe in 2004. Each dot of light is a separate galaxy

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Pillars of Creation

Pillars of Creation, combined Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope image. These towering columns are formed of interstellar hydrogen gas and dust

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Nebula Sh 2-106, HST image

Nebula Sh 2-106, HST image
Nebula Sh 2-106, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image. Combined optical and infrared image of the compact star-forming region and emission nebula Sharpless 2-106 (Sh 2-106)

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Amazing Crab Nebula

Amazing Crab Nebula
The Crab Nebula, the result of a supernova noted by Earth-bound chroniclers in 1054 A.D

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Carina Nebula features, HST image C013 / 5604

Carina Nebula features, HST image C013 / 5604
Carina Nebula features, HST image. These pillars of gas and dust within the Carina Nebula are Herbig-Haro Objects (HH 901 and HH 902)

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Sombrero galaxy (M104), HST image

Sombrero galaxy (M104), HST image
Sombrero galaxy (M104, NGC 4594), Hubble Space Telescope image. This spiral galaxy is seen almost edge-on to Earth. Its disc is seen as a dark band of dust crossing the brighter central bulge

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Antennae colliding galaxies, Hubble image

Antennae colliding galaxies, Hubble image
Antennae colliding galaxies, Hubble Space Telescope image. The Antennae (NGC 4038 and NGC 4039) are formed of two galaxies colliding due to mutual gravitational attraction

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: M51 whirlpool galaxy

M51 whirlpool galaxy

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Crab nebula (M1)

Crab nebula (M1), Hubble Space Telescope image. This is a supernova remnant, the remains of a star that ended its life in a massine supernova explosion

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Giant Twisters in the Lagoon Nebula

Giant Twisters in the Lagoon Nebula
This NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image reveals a pair of one-half light-year long interstellar " twisters

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: M9 globular cluster, HST image

M9 globular cluster, HST image
M9 globular cluster, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image. Combined optical and infrared image of the Messier 9 (M9) globular star cluster

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Spiral galaxy M81, composite image

Spiral galaxy M81, composite image in visible (yellow), infrared (red), and ultraviolet (blue) light

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Cygnus Loop Supernova Blast Wave

Cygnus Loop Supernova Blast Wave
This is an image of a small portion of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant, which marks the edge of a bubble-like, expanding blast wave from a colossal stellar explosion, occurring about 15

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Magnificant Details in a Dusty Spiral Galaxy

Magnificant Details in a Dusty Spiral Galaxy
In 1995, the majestic spiral galaxy NGC 4414 was imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope as part of the HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: A Cosmic Magnifying Glass

A Cosmic Magnifying Glass
Scanning the heavens for the first time since the successful December 1999 servicing mission, NASAs Hubble Space Telescope imaged a giant, cosmic magnifying glass

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Light and Shadow in the Carina Nebula

Light and Shadow in the Carina Nebula
Previously unseen details of a mysterious, complex structure within the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) are revealed by this image of the " Keyhole Nebula

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Jupiter with moons and their shadows

Jupiter with moons and their shadows
Jupiter and its moons, infrared Hubble Space Telescope image

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Light echoes from exploding star

Light echoes from exploding star
Light echoes from an exploding star. Hubble Space Telescope image of an illuminated dust shell around the star v838 Monocerotis

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Planetary nebula

Planetary nebula NGC 6751. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the planetary nebula NGC 6751. A planetary nebula is formed when a Sun-like star ejects its outer layers at the end of its life

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Interacting galaxies Arp 147, HST image

Interacting galaxies Arp 147, HST image
Interacting galaxies Arp 147. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of a pair of interacting galaxies known as Arp 147

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: The Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula
This spectacular color panorama of the center the Orion nebula is one of the largest pictures ever assembled from individual images taken with NASAs Hubble Space Telescope

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: A Grazing Encounter Between Two Spiral Galaxies

A Grazing Encounter Between Two Spiral Galaxies
The larger and more massive galaxy is cataloged as NGC 2207 (on the left in the Hubble Heritage image), and the smaller one on the right is IC 2163

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Space Telescope image of gaseous pillars

Hubble Space Telescope image of gaseous pillars

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Orion Nebula

Orion Nebula

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Ring Nebula M57, Hubble image C017 / 3725

Ring Nebula M57, Hubble image C017 / 3725
Ring Nebula (M22, NGC 6720). Combined images from the Subaru Telescope and Hubble Space telescope of the Ring Nebula M57

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Spiral galaxy NGC 2841, HST image

Spiral galaxy NGC 2841, HST image
Spiral galaxy NGC 2841, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image. This galaxy lies around 46 million light years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Jupiter

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in the solar system. The planet has a rocky core but is mostly composed of liquid and gaseous hydrogen and helium

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Interacting galaxies

Interacting galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the interacting spiral galaxies NGC 2207 (left) and IC 2163 (right)

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Orion nebula (M42 and M43)

Orion nebula (M42 and M43)
Orion nebula. Hubble Space Telescope mosaic of the Orion nebula (M42; NGC 1976), which is 1500 light years away in the constellation Orion

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Spiral galaxy M81, composite image

Spiral galaxy M81, composite image. M81 is around 12 million light years from Earth, in the constellation of Ursa Major. It has a supermassive black hole at its centre

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Helix nebula, HST image

Helix nebula, HST image
Helix Nebula. Hubble Space Telescope image of the Helix planetary nebula (NGC 7293). This comprises shells of gas cast off a Sun-like star near the end of its life

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Open star cluster NGC 3603, HST image

Open star cluster NGC 3603, HST image. The stars seen here are young stars, heating the gas and dust of the nebulae around them

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: A Swarm of Ancient Stars

A Swarm of Ancient Stars
This stellar swarm is M80 (NGC 6093), one of the densest of the 147 known globular star clusters in the Milky Way galaxy

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Reopens Eye on the Universe

Hubble Reopens Eye on the Universe
In its first glimpse of the heavens following the successful December 1999 servicing mission, NASAs Hubble Space Telescope captured a majestic view of a planetary nebula

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: International Year of Astronomy 2009

International Year of Astronomy 2009
In celebration of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, NASAs Great Observatories -- the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Cometary Knots Around A Dying Star

Cometary Knots Around A Dying Star
These gigantic, tadpole-shaped objects are probably the result of a dying stars last gasps

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Space Telescope above earth

Hubble Space Telescope above earth

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Artwork of Hubble Space Telescope over Earth

Artwork of Hubble Space Telescope over Earth
Hubble Space Telescope. Computer artwork of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in orbit over Earth, facing a collage of images that are typical of those it produces

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Uranus

Uranus. Hubble Space Telescope image of the planet Uranus, showing its ring system and six of its moons. The bright moon at lower right is Ariel. Five other faint moons are seen around the rings

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Space Telescope in orbit, artwork

Hubble Space Telescope in orbit, artwork
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in orbit over the Earth, artwork. The HST is an astronomical satellite in orbit around Earth

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Captures View of Mystic Mountain

Hubble Captures View of Mystic Mountain
NASAs Hubble Space Telescope captures the chaotic activity atop a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Pleiades star cluster (M45)

Pleiades star cluster (M45), Hubble Space Telescope image

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: M22 Globular Star Cluster, Hubble image C017 / 3722

M22 Globular Star Cluster, Hubble image C017 / 3722
M14 Globular Star Cluster (NGC 6656). This globular cluster lies around 10, 400 light years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Mars

Mars, optical image. This image was taken when Mars was 68 million kilometres from Earth. The Martian summer in the northern hemisphere results in a large south polar ice cap (white, bottom)

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Ceres, artwork

Ceres, artwork
Ceres. Computer artwork, based on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images, of the dwarf planet Ceres (1 Ceres) with the Sun in the distance. Ceres has a diameter of 950 kilometres

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Open star cluster NGC 290

Open star cluster NGC 290. This cluster of young stars lies in the Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy orbiting our Milky Way

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Globular star cluster NGC 6101

Globular star cluster NGC 6101. This globular star cluster is located in the constellation Apus. It is around 50, 000 light years from Earth, and 36, 500 light years from the galactic centre

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Overlapping galaxies, HST image

Overlapping galaxies, HST image
Overlapping galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the overlapping galaxies known as 2MASX J00482185-2507365

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Boomerang Nebula

Boomerang Nebula, Hubble Space Telescope image. This is a bipolar reflection nebula, where gas and dust surrounding a star are shining by reflected light

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Supernova SN1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Supernova SN1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Glittering stars and wisps of gas create a breathtaking backdrop for the self-destruction of a massive star, called supernova 1987A, in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby galaxy

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: The Mercury 7 On April 9, 1959

The Mercury 7 On April 9, 1959, NASA introduced its first astronaut class, the Mercury 7

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: 4389, 4389-382

4389, 4389-382
Aftermath of a Supernova

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hubble Space Telescope and Earth Limb, 1997. Creator: NASA

Hubble Space Telescope and Earth Limb, 1997. Creator: NASA
Hubble Space Telescope and Earth Limb, 1997. Flyaround of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) after deployment on this second servicing mission (HST SM-02). Note the telescopes open aperature door

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Mirror, Primary Backup, Hubble Space Telescope. Creator: Kodak

Mirror, Primary Backup, Hubble Space Telescope. Creator: Kodak
This is the backup primary mirror for the Hubble Space Telescope manufactured by the Eastman Kodak Company

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Star and Nebula from the Hubble Telescope

Star and Nebula from the Hubble Telescope
Original images from the Hubble Telescope, NASA, with light and objects added and then a zoom effect applied

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Big bang theory- zoom; Images from NASAs Hubble telescope

Big bang theory- zoom; Images from NASAs Hubble telescope
Images from NASAs Hubble telescope with the zoom effect applied to make the universe look like it has exploded. Astronomy background. The images are released for public use

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Universe big bang with zoom effect applied

Universe big bang with zoom effect applied
Images from NASAs Hubble telescope with the zoom effect applied to make the universe look like it has exploded. Astronomy background. The images are released for public use

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Solar System Explosion; light and objects added and then a zoom effect applied

Solar System Explosion; light and objects added and then a zoom effect applied
Original images from the Hubble Telescope, NASA, with light and objects added and then a zoom effect applied

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Star cluster

Star cluster

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Light echoes around star

Light echoes around star

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Eta Carinae, Hubble image

Eta Carinae, Hubble image
Eta Carinae. False colour Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image showing the gas and dust clouds around the giant star Eta Carinae

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Stingray Nebula

Stingray Nebula
This Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 image captures the infancy of the Stingray nebula (Hen-1357), the youngest known planetary nebula

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: An ancient storm in the Jovian atmosphere, 1999. Creator: NASA

An ancient storm in the Jovian atmosphere, 1999. Creator: NASA
An ancient storm in the Jovian atmosphere, 1999. The Great Red Spot in Jupiters atmosphere is a vast storm, spinning like a cyclone

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Solar System explosion

Solar System explosion
Original images from the Hubble Telescope, NASA, with light and objects added and then a zoom effect applied

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Horsehead Nebula; Looking like an apparition rising from whitecaps of interstellar foam

Horsehead Nebula; Looking like an apparition rising from whitecaps of interstellar foam
Looking like an apparition rising from whitecaps of interstellar foam, the iconic Horsehead Nebula has graced astronomy books ever since its discovery more than a century ago

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Saturn with rings at widest angle to Earth

Saturn with rings at widest angle to Earth

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Supernova remnant combined X-ray

Supernova remnant combined X-ray

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Antennae colliding galaxies C017 / 3745

Antennae colliding galaxies C017 / 3745
Antennae colliding galaxies, combined optical image. The Antennae (NGC 4038 and NGC 4039) are formed of two galaxies colliding due to mutual gravitational attraction

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672 C017 / 3735

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672 C017 / 3735
Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672, Hubble Space Telescope image. NGC 1672 lies over 60 million light years from Earth, in the constellation of Dorado

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Great Orion nebula (M42), Hubble image C017 / 3753

Great Orion nebula (M42), Hubble image C017 / 3753
Great Orion nebula (M42), Hubble Space Telescope image. M42 is a diffuse nebula situated south(b) of Orions Belt in the constellation of Orion

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Spiral galaxy NGC 3521, Hubble image C017 / 3742

Spiral galaxy NGC 3521, Hubble image C017 / 3742
Spiral galaxy NGC 3521, optical image. NGC 3521 measure 50, 000 light years across and lies 35 million light years from Earth in the constellation of Leo. Imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Whirlpool Galaxy, infrared HST image

Whirlpool Galaxy, infrared HST image
Whirlpool Galaxy. Near-infrared Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the centre of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) showing its skeletal dust structure

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Hercules A galactic jets, composite image

Hercules A galactic jets, composite image. Combined radio and optical image of the galactic jets (pink) emerging from the centre of the Hercules A galaxy

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Galaxy cluster Abell 2261, HST image

Galaxy cluster Abell 2261, HST image
Galaxy cluster Abell 2261, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image. Combined optical and infrared image of the galaxy cluster Abell 2261. Galaxy clusters are gravitationally bound groupings of galaxies

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Tarantula Nebula, composite image

Tarantula Nebula, composite image
Tarantula Nebula (30 Doradus). Combined optical and infrared image of the large star-forming region known as the Tarantula Nebula

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Irregular galaxy NGC 7673

Irregular galaxy NGC 7673, optical Hubble Space Telescope image. Intense star birth regions (blue) make this a starburst galaxy

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Galaxy cluster collision, X-ray image

Galaxy cluster collision, X-ray image
Galaxy cluster MACS J0025.4-1222 collision. Combined Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) image of a powerful collision of galaxy clusters

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Remnant of Supernova 1987A

Remnant of Supernova 1987A. Photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. Supernovae are massive stellar explosions which throw the outer layers of a star off into space

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope, 1990

Deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope, 1990. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was put into orbit from the Space Shuttle Discovery, mission STS-31 on 24 April 1990

Background imageHubble Space Telescope Collection: Drawing of Hubble Telescope, 1980s

Drawing of Hubble Telescope, 1980s. Artists impression of the exchange of information via Hubble, Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TRDS) and ground stations

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"The Hubble Space Telescope: Unveiling the Wonders of the Universe" Step aboard a journey through space as we explore the captivating images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. In 2012, the telescope's lens focused on an area known as the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, revealing a breathtaking tapestry of galaxies scattered across billions of light-years. Among these celestial marvels is the mesmerizing Orion Nebula, where stars are born amidst swirling clouds of gas and dust. The iconic "Pillars of Creation" stand tall in this cosmic nursery, showcasing towering columns that give birth to new stellar life. Venturing further into space, we encounter Nebula Sh 2-106—a stunning image captured by HST—where vibrant hues dance among intricate patterns formed by interstellar gases. The M51 Whirlpool Galaxy beckons with its spiral arms gracefully intertwined with a smaller companion galaxy, creating a mesmerizing celestial ballet. The Sombrero Galaxy (M104) captivates us with its distinctive shape resembling an elegant hat perched delicately in space. Meanwhile, our gaze turns towards Crab Nebula (M1), witnessing remnants from a colossal supernova explosion that occurred centuries ago—an awe-inspiring testament to nature's power. Intriguingly named Cygnus Loop Supernova Blast Wave showcases shockwaves rippling through space following an ancient star's explosive demise. And how can we forget about the Amazing Crab Nebula? Its intricate filaments and pulsating heart leave us spellbound at every glance. As if taken straight out of science fiction novels, Antennae Colliding Galaxies presents a cosmic spectacle where two galactic giants collide and merge together in an epic display of celestial chaos. Lastly, Giant Twisters in Lagoon Nebula unveil immense storms brewing within this stellar nursery—a reminder that even within seemingly serene environments lies hidden turbulence waiting to be discovered.

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