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Alternatives Collection

"Exploring the Vast Realm of Alternatives: A Journey through Time and Art" Kill All Alternatives

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Healthy eating pyramid chart

Healthy eating pyramid chart Healthy eating pyramid chart illustration

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Oscarshal, Oscarshall, Christiania

Oscarshal, Oscarshall, Christiania, Oslo, Norway, View from 1885, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Record date not stated, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Storthings Bygningen, Stortingsbygningen

Storthings Bygningen, Stortingsbygningen, Christiania, Oslo, Norway, View from 1885, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Record date not stated, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Panorama from St. Hanshaugen, Christiania

Panorama from St. Hanshaugen, Christiania, Oslo, Norway, View from 1885, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Record date not stated, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe granensis radice genculata

Aloe granensis radice genculata, Aloe americana levis, a plant species of the genus Aloes, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe vera minor, a plant species of the genus Aloes

Aloe vera minor, a plant species of the genus Aloes, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe tuberosa levis, a plant species of the genus Aloes

Aloe tuberosa levis, a plant species of the genus Aloes, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe africana perfoliata glaua non spinosa

Aloe africana perfoliata glaua non spinosa, a species of plant in the genus Aloes, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe africana maculata flore rubro secunda

Aloe africana maculata flore rubro secunda, a species of plant in the genus Aloes, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe tuberosa, today Yucca, palm lily

Aloe tuberosa, today Yucca, palm lily, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Aloe vera vulgaris, a plant species of the genus Aloes

Aloe vera vulgaris, a plant species of the genus Aloes, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Picture series the preparation of medicinal plants

Picture series the preparation of medicinal plants, cinchona calisaya, cutting the bark from the tree, digitally restored reproduction of a collective picture from ca 1900, public domain

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) or oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) or oyster mushroom, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Lawn pear moss (Bryum caespiticium)

Lawn pear moss (Bryum caespiticium), Bryum cespitium, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Lesser bulrush (Typha angustifolia)

Lesser bulrush (Typha angustifolia), digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Lady's smock (Pulicaria vulgaris)

Lady's smock (Pulicaria vulgaris), Inula pulicaria, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Bald cat's ear (Hypochaeris) glabra

Bald cat's ear (Hypochaeris) glabra, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Blood st john's wort (Hypericum) androsaemum

Blood st john's wort (Hypericum) androsaemum, or man's blood, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date unknown

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis)

Meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis), also vetch, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Bitter bittercress (Cardamine) amara

Bitter bittercress (Cardamine) amara, also false cress or bittercress, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Gaensefingerkraut (Potentilla anserina) digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19

Gaensefingerkraut (Potentilla anserina) digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Grosse Fetthenne, Hylotelephium telephium (Sedum telephium)

Grosse Fetthenne, Hylotelephium telephium (Sedum telephium), digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Meadow common sorrel (Rumex acetosa)

Meadow common sorrel (Rumex acetosa), also sorrel, sour lump, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Delicate pimpernel, Anagallis tenella

Delicate pimpernel, Anagallis tenella, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Gewoehnlichre Teufelsabbiss (Scabiosa) succisa

Gewoehnlichre Teufelsabbiss (Scabiosa) succisa, Teufelsabbiss, Abbiss oder Teufelwurz und Teufelsbiss (Succisa pratensis), digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Ufer-Wolfstrapp, Lycopus europaeus

Ufer-Wolfstrapp, Lycopus europaeus, also Gemeiner Wolfstrapp, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Agaricus ovalus, Conocybe subovalis

Agaricus ovalus, Conocybe subovalis, Gerandetknolliges Samthaeubchen, Eifoermiges Sammethaeubchen, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date unknown

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Forest fiddleweed (Mercurialis perennis)

Forest fiddleweed (Mercurialis perennis), also permanent fiddleweed and wild hemp, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Heath dog-violet (Viola canina)

Heath dog-violet (Viola canina), also known as Horse Violet, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)

Bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), also common horn clover, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Sand thyme (Thymus serpyllum) or field thyme

Sand thyme (Thymus serpyllum) or field thyme, also field thyme, quender, field cumin and rain cumin, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Poison buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus

Poison buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Buschwindroeschen (Anemone nemorosa) bzw

Buschwindroeschen (Anemone nemorosa) bzw. Busch-Windroeschen, digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Sand-hornwort (Cerastium semidecandrum)

Sand-hornwort (Cerastium semidecandrum), also sand-hornwort, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Rabelera holostea, known as greater stitchwort

Rabelera holostea, known as greater stitchwort, greater starwort, and addersmeat, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date unknown

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Grey heather, also bell heather (Erica cinerea)

Grey heather, also bell heather (Erica cinerea), digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Shaggy willowherb (Epilobium) hirsutum

Shaggy willowherb (Epilobium) hirsutum, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Swedish goosefoot (Chenopodium suecicum)

Swedish goosefoot (Chenopodium suecicum), also Swedish goosefoot or green goosefoot, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Sagina erecta, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Sagina erecta, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Field foxtail grass, Alopecurus myosuroides Huds

Field foxtail grass, Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. Syn. Alopecurus agrestis, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), medicinal plant

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), medicinal plant, useful plant, chromolithograph, 1876

Background imageAlternatives Collection: One way of leaving visiting cards at the Cape of Good Hope

One way of leaving visiting cards at the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, historic image, 1883, Africa

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Samuel Thomson (1769-1843)

Samuel Thomson (1769-1843) was a self-taught American herbalist and founder of the alternative system of medicine known as Thomsonian Medicine

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Turbine Hall, hydroelectric Power Station

Turbine Hall, hydroelectric Power Station, powerhouse of Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, Historical illustration, 1900, Halle mit Turbinen und Generatoren, Niagarafaelle, Ontario, Kanada

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Vincenz Priessnitz, or Priessnitz

Vincenz Priessnitz, or Priessnitz, 1799-1851, the founder of modern hydrotherapy, Austrian Silesia, Vincenz Priessnitz, Vincenz Prisnitz oder Vincenz Prissnitz, 1799-1851

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Eine Familie aus dem Elsass wandert nach Frankreich aus

Eine Familie aus dem Elsass wandert nach Frankreich aus, 1872

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Alte Eisenbatterie, 19. Jahrhundert

Alte Eisenbatterie, 19. Jahrhundert

Background imageAlternatives Collection: The monastic life of monks at work

The monastic life of monks at work

Background imageAlternatives Collection: The monastic life of monks at work

The monastic life of monks at work

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Transamund II, the Lombard Duke of Spoleto from 724 to 745

Transamund II, the Lombard Duke of Spoleto from 724 to 745, was put in a monastery by Liutprand

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Transamund II, the Lombard Duke of Spoleto from 724 to 745

Transamund II, the Lombard Duke of Spoleto from 724 to 745, was put in a monastery by Liutprand

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 02.12.1991, alternative electronics company under the roof of a house on Paul-Linke-Ufer

Germany, Berlin, 02.12.1991, alternative electronics company under the roof of a house on Paul-Linke-Ufer, drawing board, bicycle

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 02.12.1991, alternative electronics company under the roof of a house on Paul-Linke-Ufer

Germany, Berlin, 02.12.1991, alternative electronics company under the roof of a house on Paul-Linke-Ufer, drawing board, bicycle

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 02.12.1991, alternative electronics company under the roof of a house on Paul-Linke-Ufer

Germany, Berlin, 02.12.1991, alternative electronics company under the roof of a house on Paul-Linke-Ufer, (Nina Hagen's career began in the same factory floor through Jim Rakete), Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Oslo formerly Christiania, capital of Norway

Oslo formerly Christiania, capital of Norway, emblem round, saint, woman, sky, stars, inscription, historical illustration c. 1898

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a German physician

Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a German physician, known for creating an alternative form of medicine called homeopathy

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, Entrance to a squatted house in Kastanienallee

GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, Entrance to a squatted house in Kastanienallee, Hammer and sickle, Whoever pisses in the courtyard / corridor will be bathed in it

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, backyard of the squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, backyard of the squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, Facade of the squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, Facade of the squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, Facade of the squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

GDR, Berlin, 12 June 1990, Facade of the squatted house at Kastanienallee 86

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, woman with rat

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, woman with rat

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, woman with rat

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, T-shirt with stinky finger and rat

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, T-shirt with stinky finger and rat

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, T-shirt with stinky finger and rat

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, Punk

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, couple

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, view

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30 April 1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30 April 1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, conversation

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, video man

Background imageAlternatives Collection: GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz

GDR, Berlin, 30.04.1990, May Day celebration on Kollwitzplatz, goulash cannon, field kitchen

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 3.11.1990, Autonomous demonstration in East Berlin

Germany, Berlin, 3.11.1990, Autonomous demonstration in East Berlin, in the centre: Christian Specht, Igel_Fahne, AL (Alternative List), in front of Lustgarten, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 21.05.1991, Cafe Entweder Oderberger

Germany, Berlin, 21.05.1991, Cafe Entweder Oderberger, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 26 June 1991, planted Trabi in front of a squatted house in Tucholskystrasse (Zosch)

Germany, Berlin, 26 June 1991, planted Trabi in front of a squatted house in Tucholskystrasse (Zosch), Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 26 June 1991, planted Trabi in front of a squatted house in Tucholskystrasse (Zosch)

Germany, Berlin, 26 June 1991, planted Trabi in front of a squatted house in Tucholskystrasse (Zosch), Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 26 June 1991, squatted house

Germany, Berlin, 26 June 1991, squatted house, Neue Schoenhauser Strasse, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 6 July 1991, in front of the cellar pub Assel

Germany, Berlin, 6 July 1991, in front of the cellar pub Assel, Oranienburger Strasse, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 6 July 1991, in front of the cellar pub Assel

Germany, Berlin, 6 July 1991, in front of the cellar pub Assel, Oranienburger Strasse, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 6 July 1991, in front of the cellar pub Assel

Germany, Berlin, 6 July 1991, in front of the cellar pub Assel, Oranienburger Strasse, Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 22 June 1991, courtyard party at the squat at Auguststrasse 10

Germany, Berlin, 22 June 1991, courtyard party at the squat at Auguststrasse 10, KULE (Kunst und Leben), Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 22 June 1991, courtyard party at the squat at Auguststrasse 10

Germany, Berlin, 22 June 1991, courtyard party at the squat at Auguststrasse 10, KULE (Kunst und Leben), Europe

Background imageAlternatives Collection: Germany, Berlin, 22 June 1991, courtyard party at the squat at Auguststrasse 10

Germany, Berlin, 22 June 1991, courtyard party at the squat at Auguststrasse 10, KULE (Kunst und Leben), Europe

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"Exploring the Vast Realm of Alternatives: A Journey through Time and Art" Kill All Alternatives. This provocative statement sets the stage for a captivating exploration into the world of alternatives, beyond what meets the eye. Imagine a man being shown paintings of prostitutes in a Flemish brothel, captured in intricate copper engravings. The vividness and detail transport us to another era, where such scenes were both scandalous and fascinating. In contrast, we encounter Coles Phillips Girl, depicted in two distinct lithographs - "the Time of Her Life" and "Which?" These colorful artworks invite us to ponder choices and decisions that shape our lives. Delving further back in history, we stumble upon an engraving titled "Tablettes a ecrire en usage chez les Romains, " revealing ancient Roman writing tablets. It reminds us that even centuries ago, people sought alternative means to record their thoughts and ideas. Satire on Franco-German relations takes center stage with an illustration from Le Rire. Through vibrant lithography, it humorously reflects upon political tensions while reminding us that alternative perspectives can shed light on complex issues. The Roaring Fork comes alive as Widgeon bluffs his way through life in a mesmerizing lithograph. This whimsical scene encourages us to embrace creativity when faced with challenges or uncertain situations. Floor cloth manufacture is showcased twice - once as an engraving highlighting craftsmanship skills from yesteryears; then again as a reminder that even mundane tasks can have alternative approaches worth exploring. A thought-provoking anti-Whig cartoon from 1798 presents John Henry Tooke surrounded by portraits personifying vice and virtue. It urges us to consider alternatives when confronted with moral dilemmas or conflicting ideologies. Traveling back to the mid-19th century reveals options available in healthcare - Allopathy, Homeopathy, Hydropathy - each offering different paths towards healing.

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