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21,517 Items
Cotswolds / Ebrington 1927Cotswolds scenery: Ebrington, Gloucestershire Date: 1927
Liverpool & Mersey TugThe Mersey tug The Minegarth, approaching the Pier Head at Liverpool, Merseyside, England, with the Royal Liver Building beyond. Date: 1950s
Rudolph Valentino / MailRUDOLPH VALENTINO Italian-American romantic film idol with his fan mail Date: 1895 - 1926
Catherine of SienaST CATHERINE OF SIENA in her cell in the family home, with her confessor. Below, her house in Siena, Date: 1347 - 1380
A fine view of the White Tower, Tower of London, which was built by William the Conqueror in 1078 to protect the City of London. Note the World War Two bunker. Date: mid 1940s
D-DAY MAP 1944Plan 1C - Operation Neptune, an elaborate map detailing the proposed D-Day Normandy assault landings by Allied troops on the French beaches. Date: June 1944
Stag / Monarch of Glen 19CA large stag in the Scottish Highlands. Date: 19th century
Reagan Chesterfield AdRONALD REAGAN 40th American President (1981-89), seen here as a popular actor of the early 1950s in a cigarette advert Date: circa 1951
Native American / GeronimoChiricahua Apache leader who led a sensational campaign against the whites (1885-6). His Indian name is Goyathlay which translates as the one who yawns. (Right in photo.) Date: 1829 - 1909
Dunster / Somerset 1912Dunster, Somerset: model for Stancy Castle in Thomas Hardys novel A Laodicean Date: 1912
Map / Cornwall C1857Map of Cornwall Date: circa 1857
Dublin / O connell StreetThe famous thoroughfare of O Connell Street, Dublin, Ireland, with the Post Office on the left and Nelsons Column in the centre. Date: early 1930s
For What We Are About to Receive by Cecil AldinAn illustration by Cecil Aldin showing three dogs waiting to be fed. Date: 25th November 1929
Mill Pond, SwanageA lovely tranquil scene, with ducks on the old mill-pond in the charming village of Swanage, Dorset, England. Date: 1939
Hogarth / False PerspectivAn exercise in false perspective. Date: early 19th century
METROLAND MAPA map of Metro-Land, the residential area in Londons northwest hinterland, served by Londons Underground though in these parts most of it runs over ground. Date: 1926
Leipzig Battle ChargeNAPOLEONIC WARS Battle of Leipzig The charge of the Brandenburg Hussars Regiment overwhelms the French Date: 16 October 1813
George Calvert, first Lord BaltimoreGEORGE CALVERT, first lord BALTIMORE (1580 - 1632) Colonial entrepreneur, who acquired Maryland, though he never visited there. Date: circa 1610
Plymouth / Pier 1907Plymouth, Devon: the pier Date: 1907
Cleethorpes / PromenadeCleethorpes, Humberside (formerly north-east Lincolnshire): Promenade and Slip Date: 1906
Margaret of AnjouMARGARET OF ANJOU Queen of Henry VI, she played an active part in the Wars of the Roses. Date: 1430 - 1482
England / London / PinnerPinner High Street, London Borough of Harrow, north West London, England. Date: 1950s
Marsden Rocks, DurhamThe sandy beach at Marsden Rocks on the Durham coast where we used to go when I was a boy... Date: 1924
York / Minster / DistantYork and its Minster: distant view Date: 1908
Albert Bridge LondonConnecting Chelsea and Battersea : built 1871-3 by R M Ordish using a hybrid cantilever and suspension technique. Date: circa 1880
John Gill, ChurchmanJOHN GILL English Baptist churchman, pen in hand. Date: 1697 - 1771
Chinatown Shop, 1960SLoon Fung Chinese general provision store, probably in Chinatown, central London. Date: 1960s
William Holden / ColumbiaWILLIAM HOLDEN (William Beedle) American film actor Date: 1918 -
The Gullet, Stafford Street, BirminghamUnder the Artisans and Labourers dwellings Improvement Act, 1875, slum areas like the gullet were cleared and improved. Date: 16 December 1876
Ice skating by Rene VincentIllustration showing two gentlemen trying to steady a clumsy lady on an ice rink. Date: 1934
Teignmouth-Shaldon TollThe Teignmouth-Shaldon Toll Bridge, over the River Teign, Devon, England. Date: 1950s
Culpeper House LondonCulpeper House, 21 Bruton Street, London, a picturesque Georgian house and shop front, headquarters of the Society of Herbalists, named after Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) Date: 1960s
GW & GCR New Station at Princes Risborough - Footbridge sections and elevation [N. D]Drawing no. 19 Microfilm no. 82883 Please note this drawing is a microfilm copy and not the original
FRANKLIN'S WRITINGDocument transcribed by Sir John Franklin stating that H.M.S Erebus & Terror wintered in the ice at Beechey Island. Informs of his death & signed by Capt.s Crozier & Fitzjames. Date: 28 May 1847
AL CAPONE/1931 PHOTOAlphonse Scarface Capone, Chicago gangster Date: 1931
NEWCASTLE ON TYNE 1771Newcastle-on-Tyne: the old bridge Date: pre-1771
England, Kent, Ramsgate, Ramsgate Marina
Champagne HoardLining up bottles of champagne in rows in preparation for a wealthy Argentine society event at the Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Date: 1930s
Senate House LondonThe Senate House, University of London, was designed by the architect Charles Holden in 1932. Some say it owes its lines to the USA skyscraper, others to European Modernism. Date: 1950s
Garcon De Cafe 1850A French garcon de cafe, or cafe waiter. Date: 1850
Broadstairs 1950SAn incredibly crowded beach at Broadstairs in Kent, showing how popular British holiday resorts used to be in the days before package holidays. Date: 1950s
Ginger Rogers / W Way 1931GINGER ROGERS American film actress and dancer Date: circa 1931
James Dean / Warner BrosJAMES DEAN American film actor Date: 1931 - 1955
Italy / Siena Palio 1913Siena: crowds gather in the Campo in front of the Palazzo Pubblico to watch the annual horse race, known as the Palio Date: 1913
Carcassonne 1904Carcassonne: general view Date: 1904
The Cutty Sark in dry-dock, Falmouth, 1938Photograph showing the clipper ship Cutty Sark in dry-dock at Falmouth in 1938
India AmritsarThe Golden Temple Date: circa 1840
Wales / BorthThe sweep of the bay at Borth, Cardiganshire, Wales, looking northwards towards the estuary of the River Dovey. Date: 1950s
Wanstead Flats FairA travelling funfair, at Wanstead Flats, east London. Date: 1930s
Anderton Boat LiftThe Anderton Boat Lift, near Northwich, Cheshire, England, which transfers the canal narrow boats from the River Weaver to the Trent and Mersey Canal and vice-versa. Date: June 1963
Canadian RodeoA cowboy riding a bucking bronco at a rodeo at Alberta, Canada. Date: early 1930s
Chef with SnailsA French chef preparing snails for eating. Date: early 1930s
Chef Strirring ItA chef stirring a large bowl with a huge spatula. Date: early 1930s
Non-stop ! The famous Windmill Theatre girls work hard, but they know how to play when they get a brief break between shows
Mad Metal RobotTHE MAD ROBOT by William P McGivern. A brave man fires a ray-gun at an advancing metal robot with large claws and a brain encassed in a glass-domed head Date: 1944
Hms InvincibleBritish battle cruiser which distinguished herself in World War One in the battle against Von Spees squadron off the Falklands. Date: 1915
Claudius Galen (Bust)CLAUDIUS GALEN Greek physician working in Rome, at court of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus : he tended the gladiators, and voiced theory of humours. Date: 129 - 199
Joshua BarneyJOSHUA BARNEY (1759 - 1818) American naval officer who, despite his abilities, was three times captured by the British but none the less survived to fight another day. Date: circa 1800
Lawyer / Mlle MiropolskiWOMAN DEFENDS WOMAN: THE LEGAL FEMINIST Lady Lawyer, Mlle. Miropolsky pleading the case of a client in the Paris Law Courts. Date: 1908
Sir William C. Brooks, Vanity Fair, SpySIR WILLIAM CUNLIFFE BROOKS, 1st Baronet (1819 - 1900) Lawyer, banker and Conservative Member of Parliament for East Cheshire. Caption: The Golden Pippen Date: 1819 - 1900
Crystal Palace 1901Exterior view of the Crystal Palace which gives a fine impression of the awesome size of the magnificent building. Date: circa 1899
Kennet & Avon Canal 4Rennies design for the Dundas Aqueduct carrying the canal over the river Avon. Date: opened 1799
Shoreditch High Street Date: 1896
Ellen Terry / Kent HomeDame ELLEN ALICE TERRY English actresss home, Small Hythe, near Tenterden, Kent Date: 1912
Wombwells PosterA poster from Bostock and Wombwells circus, featuring Madame Jumbo, performing horses and various other beasts, birds and reptiles. Date: Late 19th century
The Salvation Army Riots at Worthing, SussexThese images show the Skeleton Army, opponents of the Salvation Army organised by those interested in Sunday drinking, rioting against one of the Salvation Armys religious Sunday processions
TARR STEPSTarr Steps, a Prehistoric stone bridge over the River Barle, near Dulverton, Somerset, England, said to have been placed there by the Devil to win a bet. Date: circa 1000 BC
Salvador Dali PortraitEric Coop took this photograph of the surrealist artist, Salvador Dali (1904-1989), sporting his famous antennae moustache
Salvador DaliThe surrealist artist, Salvador Dali (1904-1989), was photographed with a statuette of the Madonna and Child during a visit to London in 1959. At the time Fleur Cowles was writing a book about him
Grimsby TrawlersFishing trawlers at Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England. Date: 1930s
PERUVIAN FIGUREHEADThe figurehead of the ship Peruvian, wrecked off Seaford, Sussex, England, in February 1899. Sparks flew as the ship was battered against the sea wall. Date: shipwrecked 1899
Cocker SpanielA Cocker Spaniel with a shiny black coat. Date: 1928
Leamington Spa Pump RoomThe Royal Pump Room and Baths, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, were designed and built by C.S. Smith of Warwick and were opened in July 1814. Date: opened 1814
Youghal Clock GateThe famous Youghal Clock Gate, in the seaport of Youghal, County Cork, Ireland, was built in 1777 on the site of Trinity Castle, part of the towns fortifications. Date: 18th century
Royal Iris Ferry SteamerThe Royal Iris, the Wallasey to Cheshire Ferry steamer. This is the successor to the vessel of the same name which became famous during World War One. Date: 1950s
William HaleWILLIAM HALE Well-fed resident of Kings Walden, Hertfordshire, with his autograph Date: 1749 - 1829
Nikolai GrundtvigNIKOLAI Fs GRUNDTVIG Danish theologian and poet with his autograph Date: 1783 - 1872
NED KELLY/BUSHRANGER/C19Portrait photograph of Australian bushranger Ned Kelly, taken the day before his hanging at the age of 24. Date: 1880
TWO DANCE AN IRISH JIGTwo Irish children celebrate Saint Patricks day by dancing a jig. Date: early 20th century
HILL OF HOWTH / DUBLINDublin: Hill of Howth and Irelands Eye Date: 1916
England / ManningtreeThe foreshore at Manningtree, Essex. Date: 1930s
Steeplechase with FallerFALLS One horse falls at a fence while three other horses clear the fence successfully. Date: 1912
Lloyds InteriorA busy scene inside Lloyds of London. Date: late 1960s