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Kazimir Malevich Collection

Kazimir Malevich was a Russian avant-garde artist and art theorist who is best known for his pioneering work in abstract painting

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101 Items

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Apple Trees by Kasimir Malevich

Apple Trees by Kasimir Malevich
Apple Trees 1904 Kazimir Severinovic Malevich (1878-1935 Russian) Oil on Canvas Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Charlie Chaplin with Mr and Mrs Winston Churchill and members of a house party at Chartwell Manor

Charlie Chaplin with Mr and Mrs Winston Churchill and members of a house party at Chartwell Manor, Churchills Westerham, Kent, Estate 19th September 1931

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Kazimir Malevich, Prayer II, abstract painting, circa 1913

Kazimir Malevich, Prayer II, abstract painting, circa 1913

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Woman with a Rake, 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Woman with a Rake, 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Woman with a Rake, 1928-1932. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: An Englishman in Moscow, 1913-1914. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

An Englishman in Moscow, 1913-1914. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
An Englishman in Moscow, 1913-1914

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Mikhail Matyushin, Kazimir Malevich and Aleksei Kruchenykh, 1913

Mikhail Matyushin, Kazimir Malevich and Aleksei Kruchenykh, 1913. Found in the Collection of State Mayakovsky Museum, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: The Logger, 1912. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

The Logger, 1912. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
The Logger, 1912. Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: A Woman at the Piano, 1913. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

A Woman at the Piano, 1913. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
A Woman at the Piano, 1913. Found in the collection of the State V Surikov Art Museum, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Malevich: Morning, 1912

Malevich: Morning, 1912
MALEVICH: MORNING, 1912. Morning in Village After Snow. Oil on canvas, 1912, by Kazimir Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Portrait of Mikhail Matyushin, 1913. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Portrait of Mikhail Matyushin, 1913. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Portrait of Mikhail Matyushin, 1913. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: The Farmer in the Field by Malevich

The Farmer in the Field by Malevich
The Farmer in the Field Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935 Russian) Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Portrait of the Artist, Kasimir Malevich

Portrait of the Artist, Kasimir Malevich
Portrait of the Artist, I. Klyun 1913 Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935/Russian) Russisches Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Face of a Peasant Girl by Malevich

Face of a Peasant Girl by Malevich
Face of a Peasant Girl 1912 Kazimir Severinovic Malevich (1878-1935 /Russian) GMA-Museum, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Female Torso II by Kasimir Malevich

Female Torso II by Kasimir Malevich
Female Torso II Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935/Russian) Oil on Wood Panel Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Lady by the Piano by Malevich

Lady by the Piano by Malevich
Lady by the Piano 1913 Kasimir Malevich (1878-1935 Russian) Oil on canvas Private Collection

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Reservist of the First Division, 1914. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Reservist of the First Division, 1914. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Reservist of the First Division, 1914. Kazimir Severinovich Malevich. Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Cover of 'Die gegenstandslose Welt' by Kazimir Malevich

Cover of "Die gegenstandslose Welt" by Kazimir Malevich, 1927. Private Collection

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Cover for 'First Cycle of Lectures Delivered at Crash Courses for Teachers of Drawing'

Cover for "First Cycle of Lectures Delivered at Crash Courses for Teachers of Drawing"
1068639 Cover for "First Cycle of Lectures Delivered at Crash Courses for Teachers of Drawing", 1920 (litho) by Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Suprematist Satellites from 'Suprematism: 34 Drawings', 1920 (litho)

Suprematist Satellites from "Suprematism: 34 Drawings", 1920 (litho)
1068629 Suprematist Satellites from "Suprematism: 34 Drawings", 1920 (litho) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 42.9x57.5x3.2 cm; Dallas Museum of Art, Texas

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Schema I - III from 'On New Systems in Art', 1919 (litho)

Schema I - III from "On New Systems in Art", 1919 (litho)
1068626 Schema I - III from "On New Systems in Art", 1919 (litho) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 73.03x86.36 cm; Dallas Museum of Art, Texas

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Text pages for 'From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting'

Text pages for "From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting"
1068621 Text pages for "From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting", 1916 (letterpress) by Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: DMA1068610

DMA1068610; Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, USA; The Art Museum League Fund in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clark; out of copyright

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Text pages for 'From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting'

Text pages for "From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting"
1068620 Text pages for "From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting", 1916 (letterpress) by Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: The Laundress, 1907 (oil on board)

The Laundress, 1907 (oil on board)
SRM96257 The Laundress, 1907 (oil on board) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 99.5x39.5 cm; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia; ( by Kazimir Severinovich Malevich)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Un charpentier (A Carpenter). L artisan se tient debout devant un village de campagne

Un charpentier (A Carpenter). L artisan se tient debout devant un village de campagne
FIA5326835 Un charpentier (A Carpenter). L artisan se tient debout devant un village de campagne, il est vetu de son tablier de travail et tient ses outils dans chaque main

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Croquis pour une fresque. La triomphe des cieux

Croquis pour une fresque. La triomphe des cieux
FIA5328341 Croquis pour une fresque. La triomphe des cieux. (Sketch for a fresco painting. The Triumph of the Heavens)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Une bouquetiere (A Flower Girl)

Une bouquetiere (A Flower Girl)
FIA5327167 Une bouquetiere (A Flower Girl). Scene d ete, la foule se promene dans un parc public au milieu de la ville, portrait d une vendeuse de fleurs

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Une faucheuse (A Reaper). Portrait d une paysanne courbee

Une faucheuse (A Reaper). Portrait d une paysanne courbee
FIA5326832 Une faucheuse (A Reaper). Portrait d une paysanne courbee, pieds nus, recoltant des cereales

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Mikhail Matiouchine (1861-1934)

Mikhail Matiouchine (1861-1934)
FIA5409483 Mikhail Matiouchine (1861-1934), Kasimir Malevitch (1879-1935) et Alexei Kroutchenykh (1886-1968) - Mikhail Matyushin, Kazimir Malevich and Aleksei Kruchenykh, by Bulla

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Bien, Sultan... (Well, Sultan)

Bien, Sultan... (Well, Sultan)
FIA5339636 Bien, Sultan... (Well, Sultan). Satire du conflit entre la Turquie et la Russie, durant la premiere guerre mondiale (1914-1918)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: fart01458

FIA5618084 fart01458 by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ( Un jardinier avec une pelle (A Gardener)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Portrait de la femme de l artiste (Portrait of the artists wife)

Portrait de la femme de l artiste (Portrait of the artists wife)
FIA5329070 Portrait de la femme de l artiste (Portrait of the artists wife). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1933

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Paysage d ete (Summer Lanscape)

Paysage d ete (Summer Lanscape)
FIA5328318 Paysage d ete (Summer Lanscape). Description du jardin d une petite maison de campagne en ete, avec un enfant profitant des vacances d ete

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Une blanchisseuse (A Laundress)

Une blanchisseuse (A Laundress)
FIA5328310 Une blanchisseuse (A Laundress). Dans une cour, une femme courbee sur un bac sureleve, occupee a laver du linge, a ses pieds un seau en metal

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Resident d ete. (Summer Resident)

Resident d ete. (Summer Resident)
FIA5326852 Resident d ete. (Summer Resident). Devant un village de campagne en ete, portrait d un charpentier, pieds nus, en tablier tenant ses outils

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Femme de fermier avec le visage noir (Farmers Wife with the Black Face)

Femme de fermier avec le visage noir (Farmers Wife with the Black Face)
FIA5326826 Femme de fermier avec le visage noir (Farmers Wife with the Black Face). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1928-1932

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Sur le boulevard (On the Boulevard)

Sur le boulevard (On the Boulevard)
FIA5326809 Sur le boulevard (On the Boulevard). Scene d ete, dans un parc avec la ville en arriere plan, de nombreuses familles se promenent

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Une jeune fille (A Girl). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)

Une jeune fille (A Girl). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)
FIA5329062 Une jeune fille (A Girl). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile 1932. Art russe, avant garde, 20e siecle, suprematisme

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Deux femmes au jardin (Two Women in the Garden)

Deux femmes au jardin (Two Women in the Garden)
FIA5328328 Deux femmes au jardin (Two Women in the Garden). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, vers 1930. Art russe, 20e siecle, art moderne

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Les baigneurs (The Bathers). Trois silhouettes blanches et nues

Les baigneurs (The Bathers). Trois silhouettes blanches et nues
FIA5328313 Les baigneurs (The Bathers). Trois silhouettes blanches et nues, se tenant pres d une riviere, en ete

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Les autrichiens allaient a Radziville (The Austrian was going to Radzivill)

Les autrichiens allaient a Radziville (The Austrian was going to Radzivill)
FIA5328330 Les autrichiens allaient a Radziville (The Austrian was going to Radzivill)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Une silhouette rouge (A Red Figure)

Une silhouette rouge (A Red Figure)
FIA5328308 Une silhouette rouge (A Red Figure). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovch Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1928-1932. Art russe, 20e siecle, avant garde

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Samovar. Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)

Samovar. Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)
FIA5327812 Samovar. Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1913. Art russe, 20e siecle, avant garde. art abstrait, cubisme, constructivisme

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Trois personnages (Three Figures)

Trois personnages (Three Figures)
FIA5327376 Trois personnages (Three Figures). Une mere avec deux enfants, representes de dos

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Aviateur (Aviator). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)

Aviateur (Aviator). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)
FIA5326844 Aviateur (Aviator). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1914. Art russe, 20e siecle, avant garde, cubisme, constructivisme

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Vache et violon (Cow and Violin)

Vache et violon (Cow and Violin)
FIA5326833 Vache et violon (Cow and Violin). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur bois, 1913

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Les moissonneuses. (Reapers). Scene de travaux agricoles

Les moissonneuses. (Reapers). Scene de travaux agricoles
FIA5326818 Les moissonneuses. (Reapers). Scene de travaux agricoles, les femmes courbees font des gerbes de cereales dans le champs, une travailleuse debout tient une petite serpe face au soleil

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: A la recolte (Martha et Vanka) (To the Harvest)

A la recolte (Martha et Vanka) (To the Harvest)
FIA5326807 A la recolte (Martha et Vanka) (To the Harvest. Martha and Vanka). Une mere et sa fille, representees de dos, se dirigent vers un groupe de femmes courbees au travail des champs

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Deux figures masculines (Two male Figures)

Deux figures masculines (Two male Figures)
FIA5326848 Deux figures masculines (Two male Figures). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1928-1932

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Le recitant. Costume preparatoire pour l opera La victoire sur le soleil d apres Alexei Kroutchenykh (ou Kroutchonykh)

Le recitant. Costume preparatoire pour l opera La victoire sur le soleil d apres Alexei Kroutchenykh (ou Kroutchonykh)
FIA5359173 Le recitant. Costume preparatoire pour l opera La victoire sur le soleil d apres Alexei Kroutchenykh (ou Kroutchonykh) (1886-1968). (Reciter)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Aux allies francais... (At the French Allies)

Aux allies francais... (At the French Allies)
FIA5328337 Aux allies francais

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Paysage d ete (Summer Landscape)

Paysage d ete (Summer Landscape)
FIA5328316 Paysage d ete (Summer Landscape). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1928-1929. Art russe, 20e siecle

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Garde (Guardsman). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)

Garde (Guardsman). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)
FIA5328300 Garde (Guardsman). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1913-1914. Art russe, 20e siecle, avant garde, cubisme, constructivisme

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Printemps. Paysage avec une petite maison

Printemps. Paysage avec une petite maison
FIA5328295 Printemps. Paysage avec une petite maison. (Spring. Landscape with a small House). peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1928-1929

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Mystic Suprem, 1920-1922 (oil on canvas)

Mystic Suprem, 1920-1922 (oil on canvas)
6620151 Mystic Suprem, 1920-1922 (oil on canvas) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); Musee National d Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France; ( Pompidou center)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Project for Suprematist Brooch Nos. 1, 2 and 3, c. 1916-20 (pencil & w / c on paper)

Project for Suprematist Brooch Nos. 1, 2 and 3, c. 1916-20 (pencil & w / c on paper)
FFA178130 Project for Suprematist Brooch Nos. 1, 2 and 3, c.1916-20 (pencil & w/c on paper) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); Private Collection; ( measurements: 1. 10.5x6, 2)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Prayer II, c. 1913 (lithograph)

Prayer II, c. 1913 (lithograph)
3959982 Prayer II, c.1913 (lithograph) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 17.5 x 11.7 cm; Kunstmuseum, Basel, Switzerland; Russian, out of copyright

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Landscape, 1906-08 (oil on cardboard)

Landscape, 1906-08 (oil on cardboard)
SRM96273 Landscape, 1906-08 (oil on cardboard) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 19.5x31 cm; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia; eState Russian Museum; Russian, out of copyright

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Little Girl, 1932 (oil on canvas)

Little Girl, 1932 (oil on canvas)
SRM96271 Little Girl, 1932 (oil on canvas) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 43.5x34 cm; State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia; eState Russian Museum; Russian, out of copyright

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Black Square for 'From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism

Black Square for "From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism
1068612 Black Square for " From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism: A New Realism in Painting", 1916 (letterpress) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); Dallas Museum of Art

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Toilet Casket, 1913 (oil on canvas)

Toilet Casket, 1913 (oil on canvas)
FIA5325968 Toilet Casket, 1913 (oil on canvas) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow; Photo eFine Art Images; Russian, out of copyright

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Suprematist Cross, 1920 (woodcut)

Suprematist Cross, 1920 (woodcut)
1068628 Suprematist Cross, 1920 (woodcut) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); 31.1x25.4 cm; Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, USA; The Art Museum League Fund in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James H

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: On the Boulevard, 1903. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

On the Boulevard, 1903. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
On the Boulevard, 1903. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: The Shroud, 1908. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

The Shroud, 1908. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
The Shroud, 1908. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: A Girl with a Comb, 1932-1933. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

A Girl with a Comb, 1932-1933. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
A Girl with a Comb, 1932-1933. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Landscape near Kiev, 1930. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Landscape near Kiev, 1930. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Landscape near Kiev, 1930. Found in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Head of a Peasant, 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Head of a Peasant, 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Head of a Peasant, 1928-1932. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Malevich: Scissors Grinder

Malevich: Scissors Grinder
MALEVICH: SCISSORS GRINDER. Oil on canvas, 1912, by Kazimir Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Russia, painting of The red house

Russia, painting of The red house
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (1879-1935), The Red House, 1932

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Reaper, from (Three) Troe / V. Khliebnikov

Reaper, from (Three) Troe / V. Khliebnikov
BL7219413 Reaper, from (Three) Troe / V. Khliebnikov, A. Kruchenykh, E. Guro ; khudozhnikom (illustrations by K)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Battle of the Vistula River, 1914 (poster)

Battle of the Vistula River, 1914 (poster)
8698322 Battle of the Vistula River, 1914 (poster) by Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: La grande masse des Allemands

La grande masse des Allemands
FIA5339626 La grande masse des Allemands... (The Great Mass of Germans...). satire de la premiere guerre mondiale (1914-1918)

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Paysage (Landscape). Oeuvre de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)

Paysage (Landscape). Oeuvre de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich)
FIA5328345 Paysage (Landscape). Oeuvre de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur carton, 1906-1908. Art russe, 20e siecle, art moderne, post impressionnisme

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Croquis pour une fresque. La priere

Croquis pour une fresque. La priere
FIA5328339 Croquis pour une fresque. La priere. (Sketch for a fresco painting; Prayer). Un personnage nu, dans un paysage de foret, est recroqueville sous son aureole

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: La vie dans un grand hotel (Life in a Grand Hotel)

La vie dans un grand hotel (Life in a Grand Hotel)
FIA5327818 La vie dans un grand hotel (Life in a Grand Hotel). Peinture de Kasimir Severinovich Malevitch (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935), huile sur toile, 1913-1914

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: The three (Trio) (Lithography, 1913)

The three (Trio) (Lithography, 1913)
LRI4616336 The three (Trio) (Lithography, 1913) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); Galerie Gmurzynska, Cologne

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Suprematist element: two squares (oil on canvas, 20th century)

Suprematist element: two squares (oil on canvas, 20th century)
LRI4616317 Suprematist element: two squares (oil on canvas, 20th century) by Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878-1935); Museum of Modern Art, New York

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Landscape with red houses Painting by Kasimir Severinovich Malevich (Malevich

Landscape with red houses Painting by Kasimir Severinovich Malevich (Malevich
LRI4616380 Landscape with red houses Painting by Kasimir Severinovich Malevich (Malevich, Malevic) (1878-1935) Sun 107x106 cm 1910 Sun Kunstmuseum Bale by Malevich

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Mikhail Matyushin, Kazimir Malevich and Aleksei Kruchenykh, 1913

Mikhail Matyushin, Kazimir Malevich and Aleksei Kruchenykh, 1913. Found in the Collection of State Mayakovsky Museum, Moscow

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Self-Portrait, 1908-1910. Artist: Malevich, Kasimir Severinovich (1878-1935)

Self-Portrait, 1908-1910. Artist: Malevich, Kasimir Severinovich (1878-1935)
Self-Portrait, 1908-1910. Private Collection

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Kazimir Malevich in his studio Artist: Anonymous

Kazimir Malevich in his studio Artist: Anonymous
Kazimir Malevich in his studio. Private Collection

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Kazimir Malevichs Grave at Nemchinovka Artist: Anonymous

Kazimir Malevichs Grave at Nemchinovka Artist: Anonymous
Kazimir Malevichs Grave at Nemchinovka. Private Collection

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Torso (Figure with Pink Face), 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Torso (Figure with Pink Face), 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Torso (Figure with Pink Face), 1928-1932. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg

Background imageKazimir Malevich Collection: Three Women on the Road, after 1927. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Three Women on the Road, after 1927. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Three Women on the Road, after 1927. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg

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Kazimir Malevich Collection

Kazimir Malevich was a Russian avant-garde artist and art theorist who is best known for his pioneering work in abstract painting. He is credited with creating the first purely abstract painting, titled "Black Square," which he painted in 1915. This work was a radical departure from traditional representational art, and it marked the beginning of a new movement in modern art: Suprematism. Malevich's style of abstract painting focused on basic geometric shapes such as squares, circles, and rectangles arranged in simple compositions that emphasized flatness and color over perspective or depth. His works explored themes of spirituality, utopianism, and the relationship between man and nature. Malevich's influence on modern art has been immense; his ideas about abstraction have been adopted by many artists since his death in 1935.

Our beautiful Wall Art and Photo Gifts include Framed Prints, Photo Prints, Poster Prints, Canvas Prints, Jigsaw Puzzles, Metal Prints and so much more

The Kazimir Malevich collection available at Media Storehouse is a stunning selection of wall art and framed prints that showcase the work of one of the most influential artists in modern history. Kazimir Malevich was a Russian painter who pioneered abstract art, creating works that were characterized by geometric shapes, bold colors, and a sense of movement. Our collection features some of his most iconic pieces, including "Black Square," which is considered to be one of the first purely abstract paintings ever created. Other notable works include "Suprematist Composition: White on White" and "Red Square." Each piece in our collection has been carefully reproduced using high-quality printing techniques to ensure that every detail is captured with precision. Whether you're looking for a statement piece for your living room or an inspiring addition to your office decor, the Kazimir Malevich collection from Media Storehouse offers something truly special.

What are Kazimir Malevich (Painting Abstract Art) art prints?

Kazimir Malevich was a Russian painter and art theorist who is credited with pioneering the abstract art movement. His work is characterized by geometric shapes, bold colors, and an emphasis on form over representation. Kazimir Malevich's paintings are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike, which has led to the creation of a range of high-quality art prints. These Kazimir Malevich art prints feature reproductions of some of his most iconic works, including "Black Square," "White on White," and "Suprematist Composition." They are printed using state-of-the-art technology that captures every detail of the original painting, from its texture to its color palette. Whether you're looking for a statement piece for your home or office or simply want to add some sophistication to your collection, Kazimir Malevich art prints are an excellent choice. With their timeless aesthetic and enduring appeal, they will continue to be treasured for generations to come.

What Kazimir Malevich (Painting Abstract Art) art prints can I buy from Media Storehouse?

We offer a wide range of Kazimir Malevich art prints that showcase his pioneering work in abstract art. You can choose from a variety of iconic pieces, including "Black Square," "White on White," and "Suprematist Composition: Airplane Flying." These prints are available in various sizes and formats to suit your individual preferences. Malevich was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, known for his revolutionary approach to painting. His use of geometric shapes and bold colors helped pave the way for modern abstract art, inspiring countless artists around the world. Whether you're looking to add some color to your home or office space or simply appreciate Malevich's groundbreaking contributions to the art world, we have something for everyone. With high-quality printing techniques and durable materials, these prints are sure to make a lasting impression wherever they're displayed.

How do I buy Kazimir Malevich (Painting Abstract Art) art prints?

To buy Kazimir Malevich art prints, you can visit Media Storehouse and browse our collection of abstract art. Once you have found the print that you like, select the size and format that suits your needs. You can choose from a range of options such as canvas prints, framed prints or poster prints. After selecting your preferred format, add the item to your cart and proceed to checkout. At this point, you will be prompted to provide your shipping details and payment information. Be sure to double-check all details before submitting your order. Once your order has been processed, it will be shipped directly to your address within the specified timeframe. When it arrives, carefully unpack it and enjoy displaying it in a prominent place in your home or office. Buying Kazimir Malevich art prints is easy with our user-friendly website and wide selection of formats available for purchase.

How much do Kazimir Malevich (Painting Abstract Art) art prints cost?

We offer a range of Kazimir Malevich art prints that feature his iconic abstract paintings. The cost of these prints may vary depending on the size and type of print you choose. We have a variety of options available including framed or unframed prints, canvas prints, and poster prints. Our collection includes some of Malevich's most famous works such as "Black Square," "Suprematist Composition: White on White," and "Red Square." These pieces are highly sought after by collectors and art enthusiasts alike due to their significant contribution to the development of abstract art. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality reproductions at affordable prices so that everyone can enjoy the beauty and creativity of Malevich's work in their own home or office. Whether you're looking for a small print to add to your personal collection or a large statement piece for your living room, we have something for every budget.

How will my Kazimir Malevich (Painting Abstract Art) art prints be delivered to me?

We take pride in delivering your Kazimir Malevich art prints with utmost care and attention. Your order will be carefully packaged to ensure that it arrives at your doorstep in pristine condition. We use high-quality materials to protect the artwork during transit, including sturdy cardboard tubes for rolled prints and protective packaging for framed pieces. Our delivery partners are reliable and experienced couriers who have a track record of handling delicate items with care. They will deliver your order directly to your specified address within the timeframe stated on our website. We understand how important it is for you to receive your artwork promptly, which is why we work hard to dispatch orders as quickly as possible. Once dispatched, you will receive an email notification containing tracking information so that you can monitor the progress of your delivery. Rest assured that when you order from Media Storehouse, you can expect a hassle-free experience from start to finish.
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