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Translation Collection

Translation is a powerful tool that bridges the gaps between cultures, languages, and time periods

Background imageTranslation Collection: Page of Codex argenteus at Upsala

Page of Codex argenteus at Upsala, fragment of bishop Ulfilas gothic bible translation in the fourth century, Sweden, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: Anna May Wong in The Circle of Chalk

Anna May Wong in The Circle of Chalk
Miss Anna May wong as Chang-Hi-Tang dancing before the tea-shop keeper in The Circle of Chalk

Background imageTranslation Collection: Persian pharmacy, 13th century artwork

Persian pharmacy, 13th century artwork
Persian pharmacy. 13th century Arabic artwork entitled The Preparation of Medicine from Honey. This image was produced in Baghdad, Iraq, whilst it was still part of the Persian Empire

Background imageTranslation Collection: Poster advertising David Copperfield, French edition

Poster advertising David Copperfield, French edition
Poster advertising a French translation of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. David is depicted in Mr Brownlows garden

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther, German theologian

Martin Luther, German theologian
Martin Luther (1483-1546), German theologian and founder of the Protestant Reformation. Luther was born at Eisleben

Background imageTranslation Collection: Bacterial ribosome

Bacterial ribosome. Computer model showing the secondary structure of a 30S (small) ribosomal sub-unit from the bacteria Thermus thermophilus

Background imageTranslation Collection: Greek-Latin Dictionary

Greek-Latin Dictionary
Johann Scapulas Greek-Latin Lexicon is a contribution to Renaissance studies of classical literature when Roman borrowings from Greek are important to scholars

Background imageTranslation Collection: Costumes of the court of Turkey: Foreign Minister

Costumes of the court of Turkey: Foreign Minister
FLO4633909 Costumes of the court of Turkey: Foreign Minister, interpret, Muslim scholar, judge and Janissary officer

Background imageTranslation Collection: Hieroglyphs in the notebook of Jean-Francois Champollion

Hieroglyphs in the notebook of Jean-Francois Champollion, c1806-1832. Research on the system of the Egyptian hieroglyphs by Jean Francois Champollion, the translator of the Rosetta Stone

Background imageTranslation Collection: WWI Poster, Enlist Today (Welsh version)

WWI Poster, Enlist Today (Welsh version)
WWI Parliamentary Recruiting Committee Poster, Be honest with yourself. Be certain that your so-called reason is not a selfish excuse. (Lord Kitchener) Enlist Today (Welsh version). Date: 1916

Background imageTranslation Collection: Feast from Book of Esther, 1430 artwork

Feast from Book of Esther, 1430 artwork
Feast from Book of Esther. Illuminated manuscript miniature from the 15th-century Alba Bible, depicting the feast given by Queen Vashti and King Ahasuerus of Persia (The Book of Esther)

Background imageTranslation Collection: ARISTOTLE (384-332 BC). Greek philosopher. Ethica

ARISTOTLE (384-332 BC). Greek philosopher. Ethica, Politica, Aeconomia (15th c.), Latin translation by Leonardo Bruni d Arezzo. Naples coat of arms is depicted on the inside margin. Renaissance art

Background imageTranslation Collection: Antoine Lavoisier and wife, chemist

Antoine Lavoisier and wife, chemist
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794, centre left), French chemist, with his wife Marie-Anne- Pierrette (1758-1836) in his laboratory. Lavoisier is recognised as the founder of modern chemistry

Background imageTranslation Collection: John Eliots Indian Bible

John Eliots Indian Bible
Title page of John Eliots translation of the Bible into a Native American language, 1663. Document

Background imageTranslation Collection: Bullfighting Poster

Bullfighting Poster
A poster for a bullfighting show at Algeciras, Spain, with a rather superb section of English translation!

Background imageTranslation Collection: Sir Thomas Urquhart

Sir Thomas Urquhart
SIR THOMAS URQUHART Scottish scholar, soldier, traveller, best known for his highly praised translation of Rabelais

Background imageTranslation Collection: Wyclif / Anon Oval

Wyclif / Anon Oval
JOHN WYCLIF English religious reformer and theologian, initiated the first complete translation of the Bible into English

Background imageTranslation Collection: Cranmers Bible / Henry 8

Cranmers Bible / Henry 8
Henry VIII is presented with Cranmers Bible - the first English translation

Background imageTranslation Collection: First illustration from Luther's 1534 translation of the New Testament

First illustration from Luther's 1534 translation of the New Testament, Evangelist with halo, magnificent garden, outdoors, table with tools, Bibles, angels, castle in the background, sunbeams

Background imageTranslation Collection: The New Testament in the first complete edition Luther's Bible translation into German

The New Testament in the first complete edition Luther's Bible translation into German, Wittenberg 1534, historical illustration 1883

Background imageTranslation Collection: Facsimile, translation by Martin Luther

Facsimile, translation by Martin Luther, title, The New Testament of 1522, Gospel of Matthew, Chapter One, Birth of Jesus, historical illustration 1883

Background imageTranslation Collection: Facsimile, Decorated title to Luther's translation of the Bible from 1522

Facsimile, Decorated title to Luther's translation of the Bible from 1522, The New Testament, historical illustration 1883

Background imageTranslation Collection: Charles XII Bible

Charles XII Bible
UIG3078338 Charles XII Bible; ( Charles XII Bible, a Bible translation into Swedish, instigated by King Charles XI in 1686. Dated 17th Century.); Universal History Archive/UIG

Background imageTranslation Collection: Luthers - as Yunker Joerg - translation of the Bible on the Wartburg

Luthers - as Yunker Joerg - translation of the Bible on the Wartburg
UTD4924687 Luthers - as Yunker Joerg - translation of the Bible on the Wartburg, coloured image (artist unknown) from " : Doktor Martin luthers Leben, Thaten und Meinungen

Background imageTranslation Collection: John Wycliffe (ca. 1329-1384), English reformer

John Wycliffe (ca. 1329-1384), English reformer. Leader of the Lollarden (Mumblers). Questioned the doctrine of transubstantiation. Organised the translation of the Bible into English

Background imageTranslation Collection: The Gothic alphabet

The Gothic alphabet, alphabetical script developed by the Gothic bishop Wulfila in the 4th century to translate the New Testament into the Gothic language, illustration from 1880, historical

Background imageTranslation Collection: William Smellie (1740-1795) Scottish printer

William Smellie (1740-1795) Scottish printer, naturalist and antiquarian. He completed the first English translation of Buffon's Natural History (1780)

Background imageTranslation Collection: St Jerome was born around 347 and died in 420

St Jerome was born around 347 and died in 420, also known as Saint Jerome. Christian priest and apologist, best known for his translation of the Vulgate

Background imageTranslation Collection: Title page of Martin Luther's Bible

Title page of Martin Luther's Bible, the first printing of the first complete Bible translation, digital reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imageTranslation Collection: Digitally restored, Die Uebersetzung der ersten elf Verse des 34

Digitally restored, Die Uebersetzung der ersten elf Verse des 34

Background imageTranslation Collection: Beginning of Hamlets soliloquy Being or Not Being in A

Beginning of Hamlets soliloquy Being or Not Being in A.W. von Schlegels translation, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageTranslation Collection: Text of Psalm 1 from the 1550 Coverdale Bible English translation

Text of Psalm 1 from the 1550 Coverdale Bible English translation. Courtesy of the Reed Collection at Dunedin Public Library, New Zealand, Oceania

Background imageTranslation Collection: Text of Mark Ch 1 from the 1572 Bishops Bible English translation

Text of Mark Ch 1 from the 1572 Bishops Bible English translation. Used with permission from the Reed Collection at Dunedin Public Library, New Zealand, Oceania

Background imageTranslation Collection: View of the Gotthardbahn railway line

View of the Gotthardbahn railway line, bridge across the Rohrbach creek near Wattingen, Switzerland, wood engraving, 1880, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke

Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, nee Sidney, 1561-1621, an English author and poet

Background imageTranslation Collection: Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke

Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, nee Sidney, 1561-1621, an English author and poet

Background imageTranslation Collection: Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke

Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, nee Sidney, 1561-1621, an English author and poet

Background imageTranslation Collection: Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke

Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke, nee Sidney, 1561-1621, an English author and poet

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther's translation of the old testament

Martin Luther's translation of the old testament

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther, translating the holy bible at the Wartburg castle

Martin Luther, translating the holy bible at the Wartburg castle, Germany, 1521-22, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: William Edmondstoune Aytoun, 1813 - 1865

William Edmondstoune Aytoun, 1813 - 1865, a Scottish poet, professor of rhetoric

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther, translating the holy bible at the Wartburg castle

Martin Luther, translating the holy bible at the Wartburg castle, Germany, 1521-22, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: Wulfila or Ulfilas, c. 311-383

Wulfila or Ulfilas, c. 311-383, missionary of the Visigoths, translating the bible

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther at the Wartburg castle

Martin Luther at the Wartburg castle, Germany, 1521, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: Arrival of Martin Luther at the Wartburg castle

Arrival of Martin Luther at the Wartburg castle, Germany, 1521, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: Portrait of Alfred Victor de Vigny

Portrait of Alfred Victor de Vigny, 1797, 1863, a French poet, playwright and novelist

Background imageTranslation Collection: Agnolo Ambrogini, nickname Poliziano

Agnolo Ambrogini, nickname Poliziano, 1454 - 1494, an Italian classical scholar and poet of the Florentine Renaissance

Background imageTranslation Collection: Agnolo Ambrogini, nickname Poliziano

Agnolo Ambrogini, nickname Poliziano, 1454 - 1494, an Italian classical scholar and poet of the Florentine Renaissance

Background imageTranslation Collection: Agnolo Ambrogini, nickname Poliziano

Agnolo Ambrogini, nickname Poliziano, 1454 - 1494, an Italian classical scholar and poet of the Florentine Renaissance

Background imageTranslation Collection: Historic steel engraving by Ferdinand Rothbart

Historic steel engraving by Ferdinand Rothbart, 1823 - 1899, a German illustrator, drawing on Phedre, a tragedy by Jean Racine, 1639 - 1699

Background imageTranslation Collection: Historic steel engraving by Johann Baptist Wilhelm Adolf Sonderland

Historic steel engraving by Johann Baptist Wilhelm Adolf Sonderland, 1805 - 1878, a German illustrator, scene from The Life of Benvenuto Cellini

Background imageTranslation Collection: Historical drawing from the 14th Century

Historical drawing from the 14th Century, happiness through music

Background imageTranslation Collection: Historic print, woodcut from 1522

Historic print, woodcut from 1522, title of the first translation of the New Testament, a reformation document written by Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546

Background imageTranslation Collection: Preface by Jean de Vignay, translation of the Speculum Historiale by the Dominican monk Vincent de Beauvais

Preface by Jean de Vignay, translation of the Speculum Historiale by the Dominican monk Vincent de Beauvais, National Library Paris, France, Europe

Background imageTranslation Collection: Cover of the German translation of the letter of the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci on the third of his journeys to

Cover of the German translation of the letter of the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci on the third of his journeys to the newly discovered

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther continues the translation of the Bible with the help of Melanchton

Martin Luther continues the translation of the Bible with the help of Melanchton, two persons, room, desk, shelf, books, curtain, religion, Christianity, years 1523-1524, 16th century

Background imageTranslation Collection: The first page of the Bible translation of St

The first page of the Bible translation of St. Jerome, Eusebius Sophronius Jerome, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imageTranslation Collection: Text of II John from the 1551 Taverner's Bible

Text of II John from the 1551 Taverner's Bible, English translation. Courtesy of the Reed Collection at Dunedin Public Library, New Zealand, Oceania

Background imageTranslation Collection: Text of Acts 2:41-47 from the 1560 Geneva Bible English translation

Text of Acts 2:41-47 from the 1560 Geneva Bible English translation. Used with permission from the Reed Collection at Dunedin Public Library, New Zealand, Oceania

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther, Bible translation

Martin Luther, Bible translation, languages, Latin, German, Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Aramaic, Protentatism, group, interior, table, work, window, chandelier, religion, Christianity

Background imageTranslation Collection: Martin Luther begins the translation of the Bible at Wartburg Castle

Martin Luther begins the translation of the Bible at Wartburg Castle, chamber, hiding place, knight George, disguise, Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible, sword, chair, table, window, books, cloak

Background imageTranslation Collection: The translation of the Old Testament

The translation of the Old Testament
UTD4924848 The translation of the Old Testament, coloured illustration (artist unknown) from : " Doktor Martin Luthers Leben, Thaten und Meinungen

Background imageTranslation Collection: Robinson Crusoe: German edition 1910

Robinson Crusoe: German edition 1910
PCT4272011 Robinson Crusoe: German edition 1910, adapted by G.A. Grabner

Background imageTranslation Collection: Historic steel engraving by Johann Baptist Wilhelm Adolf Sonderland

Historic steel engraving by Johann Baptist Wilhelm Adolf Sonderland, 1805 - 1878, a German illustrator, scene from The Life of Benvenuto Cellini

Background imageTranslation Collection: Historic print, woodcut from 1534

Historic print, woodcut from 1534, title page of the first translation of the Bible by Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546, from Bildatlas zur Geschichte der Deutschen Nationalliteratur

Background imageTranslation Collection: German translation of the letter of the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci on the third of his journeys to the newly

German translation of the letter of the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci on the third of his journeys to the newly discovered, but yet unnamed America to Lorenzo Pietro Pierfrancesco de Medici

Background imageTranslation Collection: The Worship of the Inscribed Tablet from the Cross, about 1525-1530. Creator: Simon Bening

The Worship of the Inscribed Tablet from the Cross, about 1525-1530. Creator: Simon Bening
The Worship of the Inscribed Tablet from the Cross; Prayer Book of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, about 1525-1530

Background imageTranslation Collection: Octavien de Saint-Gelais and King Charles VIII, 16th century

Octavien de Saint-Gelais and King Charles VIII, 16th century
Octavien de Saint-Gelais presents his translation of Ovid's Heroides to King Charles VIII of France, beginning of 16th century. The king sits on a four-poster bed with his feet on a cushion

Background imageTranslation Collection: Title page of the translated version of De Sphaericus of Theodosius of Tripoli

Title page of the translated version of De Sphaericus of Theodosius of Tripoli
UIG3733346 Title page of the translated version of De Sphaericus of Theodosius of Tripoli.; ( Title page of the translated version of De Sphaericus of Theodosius of Tripoli)

Background imageTranslation Collection: English aristocrat and guests drinking coffee in a drawing room

English aristocrat and guests drinking coffee in a drawing room. Sir William laments his ill health to Mr. Jones and son Charles. A servant in livery serves coffee

Background imageTranslation Collection: Women and children seated in a parlor, 18th century

Women and children seated in a parlor, 18th century. A maid shows Mrs. Sandford the note of debt stolen by the miser Mr. Skinpenny

Background imageTranslation Collection: A wool manufacturer paying his employees, 18th century

A wool manufacturer paying his employees, 18th century
A wool manufacturer paying wages to his employees, 18th century. Mr Jones sits at a desk with ledgers and cash, as weavers line up to be paid. How happy it is that there are rich men in the world

Background imageTranslation Collection: A woman visits the home of a miser, 18th century

A woman visits the home of a miser, 18th century
A woman in bonnet and cape in the dirty home of an old man in ragged clothes. Mrs Jones visits the house of the miser Mr. Skinpenny. I am a very poor unhappy man

Background imageTranslation Collection: English gentlemen shaking hands in a dining room, 18th century

English gentlemen shaking hands in a dining room, 18th century
English gentlemen shaking hands in a candlelit dining room, 18th century. The profligate Mr Noel meets his old tutor Mr. Goodman at the home of the Jones. You are my Benefactor, my Preserver

Background imageTranslation Collection: A woman buying hats from a hatmaking family, 18th century

A woman buying hats from a hatmaking family, 18th century
A woman in bonnet and cape buying hats from a hatmaking family. Mrs Jones in the home of hatmaker Mrs Fanny Sandford and her daughters. It is hard to suffer Want

Background imageTranslation Collection: Mr and Mrs Jones embrace in a dining room, 18th century

Mr and Mrs Jones embrace in a dining room, 18th century
Mr and Mrs Jones embrace in a dining room after deciding to help the spendthrift Mr. Noel. Amongst all our Pleasures the most delightful is that of doing Good

Background imageTranslation Collection: Two men arguing in a candlelit room, 18th century

Two men arguing in a candlelit room, 18th century. The curate is falsely accused by his suspicious brother of treachery. I hate you! Pl. 14, Vol. 1

Background imageTranslation Collection: A country woman and a curate talking in a parlour, 18th century

A country woman and a curate talking in a parlour, 18th century
A country woman and a curate talking in a parlour. Betty cries as the curate accuses her of the sin of envy. I have not had a peaceable hour since. Pl. 11, Vol. 1

Background imageTranslation Collection: Species of lemur

Species of lemur
Endangered ring-tailed lemur, Lemur catta 173, common brown lemur, Eulemur fulvus 174, and critically endangered black-and-white ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata 175. Macauco, mongous and vari

Background imageTranslation Collection: European hamster, bobak marmot and Egyptian mongoose

European hamster, bobak marmot and Egyptian mongoose
Critically endangered European hamster, Cricetus cricetus 170, bobak marmot, Marmota bobak 171, and Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon 172, eating a snake

Background imageTranslation Collection: Variegated squirrel and spotted cuscus

Variegated squirrel and spotted cuscus
Variegated squirrel, Sciurus variegatoides 167, and common spotted cuscus, Spilocuscus maculatus 168. Coquallin and phalanger

Background imageTranslation Collection: Giraffe, sloth and tarsier

Giraffe, sloth and tarsier
Giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis 165, Hoffmann's two-toed sloth, Choloepus hoffmanni 166, spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum 167

Background imageTranslation Collection: Porcupines and tenrec

Porcupines and tenrec
Crested porcupine, Hystrix cristata 162, tailless tenrec, Tenrec ecaudatus 164, and Brazilian porcupine, Coendou prehensilis 163. Porcupine, tendrac and coendou

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Translation is a powerful tool that bridges the gaps between cultures, languages, and time periods. It allows us to understand and appreciate the beauty of diverse art forms, literature, and scientific discoveries from around the world. In "The Circle of Chalk, " Anna May Wong's captivating performance transcends language barriers as her emotions are universally understood by audiences worldwide. Similarly, the French edition poster advertising David Copperfield showcases how translation brings classic literature to new audiences. Martin Luther, a German theologian, used his translations of religious texts to ignite a revolution that forever changed Christianity. His work paved the way for religious freedom and understanding across different regions. Even in science, translation plays a crucial role. The bacterial ribosome acts as nature's translator by decoding genetic information into functional proteins essential for life itself. Traveling back in time to ancient Persia reveals an exquisite 13th-century artwork depicting a Persian pharmacy. This masterpiece not only showcases artistic talent but also serves as a window into medical practices through translation of symbols and imagery. The Greek-Latin Dictionary stands as evidence of early efforts to bridge linguistic gaps between two influential civilizations. Its creation allowed scholars to delve deeper into classical works and expand their knowledge beyond borders. Jean-Francois Champollion's notebook holds hieroglyphs that unlocked the mysteries of ancient Egypt when translated by this brilliant scholar himself. Through his dedication and expertise, he brought an entire civilization back to life on paper. During World War I, posters urging people to enlist were translated into various languages like Welsh with messages tailored specifically for each region's audience. Translation played a vital role in rallying support during times of conflict. Artistic expression knows no bounds when it comes to translation; even feast scenes from the Book of Esther come alive through stunning 15th-century artwork. These visual translations allow us insight into historical events while showcasing human creativity at its finest.

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