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Soviet Collection

Background imageSoviet Collection: Red army soldiers raising the soviet flag over the reichstag in berlin

Red army soldiers raising the soviet flag over the reichstag in berlin, germany, april 30, 1945, photo taken by vladimir grebnev

Background imageSoviet Collection: Sunrise in Space by Leonov

Sunrise in Space by Leonov
" Sunrise in Space". Gouache on cardboard. A painting by Alexei Leonov, Soviet cosmonaut and artist

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet propaganda poster - We want Peace

Soviet propaganda poster - We want Peace
" We want Peace!" Soviet propaganda poster - featuring a happy, singing Communist family, waving flags. Date: circa 1950s

Background imageSoviet Collection: Andrei Kolmogorov, Soviet mathematician

Andrei Kolmogorov, Soviet mathematician
Andrei Kolmogorov (1903-1987), Soviet mathematician. Kolmogorov is widely considered one of the most prominent mathematicians of the 20th century

Background imageSoviet Collection: Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, in front of the Vostok 6 spacecraft in which she made 48 revolutions of the Earth on June 16-19, 1963

Background imageSoviet Collection: Above the Black Sea by Leonov

Above the Black Sea by Leonov
" Above the Black Sea" by Alexei Leonov, Soviet cosmonaut and science fiction artist

Background imageSoviet Collection: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Russian statesman

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Russian statesman
A photograph of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin (1870 - 1924), Russian statesman and Communist leader, circa 1920

Background imageSoviet Collection: Lenin, (c1930), (1939). Creator: Aleksandr Gerasimov

Lenin, (c1930), (1939). Creator: Aleksandr Gerasimov
Lenin, (c1930), (1939). Portrait of Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924)

Background imageSoviet Collection: Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Long live Lenin, Soviet propaganda poster by Viktor

Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Long live Lenin, Soviet propaganda poster by Viktor Semenovich Ivanov

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Armenia

Soviet Armenia
Tourism poster for Soviet Armenia, with a steam train passing over a viaduct and a motor car driving through the landscape

Background imageSoviet Collection: Trotsky slaying the counter-revolutionary dragon (poster), 1918

Trotsky slaying the counter-revolutionary dragon (poster), 1918. Found in the collection of the State Museum of Revolution, Moscow

Background imageSoviet Collection: Marshal georgy zhukov riding across red square

Marshal georgy zhukov riding across red square, reviewing the troops, prior to the victory parade on june 24, 1945

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yuri Gagarin onboard Vostok 1

Yuri Gagarin onboard Vostok 1
Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in the cabin of Vostok 1, the spacecraft in which he became the first person to orbit the Earth on April 12, 1961

Background imageSoviet Collection: Death to the World Imperialist Monster

Death to the World Imperialist Monster, 1919. Soviet propaganda poster by Dmitry Moor (Orlov)

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934- 1968) in his space helmet. Gagarin became the first person in space when he was launched on Vostok 1 on 12 April 1961

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Poster Art

Soviet Poster Art

Background imageSoviet Collection: Death to World Imperialism, poster, 1919. Artist: Dmitriy Stakhievich Moor

Death to World Imperialism, poster, 1919. Artist: Dmitriy Stakhievich Moor
Death to World Imperialism, poster, 1919. Found in the collection of the Russian State Library, Moscow

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934- 1968) in his space helmet. Gagarin became the first person in space when he was launched on Vostok 1 on 12 April 1961

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Heavy Tank in Berlin; Second World War, 1945

Soviet Heavy Tank in Berlin; Second World War, 1945
Photograph showing a Soviet heavy tank moving through Berlin, with the Brandenburg Gate in the background, May 1945

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yuri Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut

Yuri Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (1934-1968), Soviet cosmonaut and first man in space, artwork. Gagarin was born near Gzhatsk, Russia

Background imageSoviet Collection: Lisitsky Lazar ( El Lissitsky ) Drive Red Wedges into White Troops! Vitebsk

Lisitsky Lazar ( El Lissitsky ) Drive Red Wedges into White Troops! Vitebsk, Literary-Publishing department of the Soviet West Front Political Adminstration, 1920 Russian civil war

Background imageSoviet Collection: Tsar Bomba nuclear weapon display

Tsar Bomba nuclear weapon display
Yeniiiao iocay yaaðii£i iðoaeey a Ðinneeneii oaaaðaeuiii yaaðiii oaioða a Ieaea£iðianeie iaeanoe - naiay iiuiay a ieða oaðiiyaaðiay aaeaaiiaa n ðan÷¸oiie iiuiinouth ai 100 IA'

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet propaganda poster

Soviet propaganda poster: a Red Army officer, fearing civil disorder during a strike, asks the citizens to hand in their weapons

Background imageSoviet Collection: Ukraine Dnieper Dam

Ukraine Dnieper Dam
Dam on the Dnieper river

Background imageSoviet Collection: Advertising Poster for Pelmeni, 1936

Advertising Poster for Pelmeni, 1936. Found in the Collection of Russian State Library, Moscow

Background imageSoviet Collection: Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Russian Bolshevik leader

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, Russian Bolshevik leader, in the Kremlin, Moscow, Russia, October 1918

Background imageSoviet Collection: RAF Poster, Back Them Up! WW2

RAF Poster, Back Them Up! WW2
RAF Poster, Back Them Up!, showing Hurricanes of the RAF cooperating with the Russian Air Force during the Second World War. 1940s

Background imageSoviet Collection: Laika the space dog

Laika the space dog
First animal in space. Laika, the bitch who became the first animal in space, inside a mock-up of the cabin of the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Sputnik 2 was launched on 3 November 1957

Background imageSoviet Collection: Mikhail Kalashnikov, Russian gun designer

Mikhail Kalashnikov, Russian gun designer
Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov (born 1919), Russian gun designer, holding the first-ever AK-47 assault rifle, at an official 60th anniversary event, held in 2007 in Moscow, Russia

Background imageSoviet Collection: Kapitsa and Androv, Russian physicists

Kapitsa and Androv, Russian physicists. Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa (left, 1894-1984) is listening to a graduate student called Androv (right), who is defending his doctoral thesis

Background imageSoviet Collection: Apollo-Soyuz Test Project poster

Apollo-Soyuz Test Project poster. 1979 poster celebrating the joint US/Soviet Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) that flew in 1975

Background imageSoviet Collection: Checkpoint Charlie reconstruction, Berlin, Germany

Checkpoint Charlie reconstruction, Berlin, Germany
Reconstruction of Checkpoint Charlie for visitors to the museum in Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, Germany

Background imageSoviet Collection: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Communist leader in disguise

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Communist leader in disguise
A photograph of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin (1870 - 1924), Communist leader in disguise, August 1917

Background imageSoviet Collection: WW1 poster, Enlist in the Navy, All Together - Allied sailors of six nationalities

WW1 poster, Enlist in the Navy, All Together - Allied sailors of six nationalities. Date: 1917

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Spy Kim Philby holds a press conference after being cleared of spying by

Soviet Spy Kim Philby holds a press conference after being cleared of spying by the Foreign Office. October 1955 P009631

Background imageSoviet Collection: Tokamak-15 nuclear fusion reactor C013 / 1348

Tokamak-15 nuclear fusion reactor C013 / 1348
Tokamak-15 nuclear fusion reactor. Nuclear engineer standing on top of the Tokamak-15 (T-15) nuclear fusion reactor at the Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Power, near Moscow, Russia

Background imageSoviet Collection: No! : Soviet poster, 1958, by Albert Aslyan

No! : Soviet poster, 1958, by Albert Aslyan
RUSSIA: ANTI-NUCLEAR, 1958. No! : Soviet poster, 1958, by Albert Aslyan

Background imageSoviet Collection: Mikhail Gorbachev

Mikhail Gorbachev
MIKHAIL SERGEYEVICH GORBACHYOV Leader of the former Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. Date: 1931 -

Background imageSoviet Collection: Wartime poster, Comrades in Arms

Wartime poster, Comrades in Arms! Britain and the USSR. Showing the British and Soviet Russian flags flying side by side. A message below says: British Women! You can win this war

Background imageSoviet Collection: Sputnik 1 stamp

Sputnik 1 stamp. Artwork of Sputnik 1, the worlds first artificial satellite, on a stamp issued by the communist government of the former Soviet Union. Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4th, 1957

Background imageSoviet Collection: Vostok 1 spacecraft after landing, 1961

Vostok 1 spacecraft after landing, 1961
Vostok 1 descent module after landing in the Saratov region of Russia, in the USSR, on 12 April 1961. Vostok 1 was the first spacecraft to take a human into space

Background imageSoviet Collection: Laika the space dog

Laika the space dog
First animal in space. Laika, the bitch who became the first animal in space, inside a mock-up of the cabin of the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Sputnik 2 was launched on 3 November 1957

Background imageSoviet Collection: Belka, Soviet space dog, after the mission

Belka, Soviet space dog, after the mission
Space animal. Belka, one of the dogs on board the second spacecraft to carry animals into orbit, after the mission

Background imageSoviet Collection: Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, 1963

Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, 1963
Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova preparing to become the first woman in space. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (born 1937) flew solo in the Vostok 6 spacecraft on 16 June 1963

Background imageSoviet Collection: Spacecraft on the Moon, lunar map

Spacecraft on the Moon, lunar map
Spacecraft on the Moon. Map showing coloured markers for 34 spacecraft that impacted or landed on the Moon from the 1960s onwards

Background imageSoviet Collection: Model of Russian Molniya-1 satellite

Model of Russian Molniya-1 satellite
Molniya 1 communications satellite. Model of a Molniya-1 military communications satellite in its orbital configuration

Background imageSoviet Collection: Buran space shuttle landing

Buran space shuttle landing
The Buran orbiter landing at the Baikonur space center

Background imageSoviet Collection: Orbit of Sputnik 1, Soviet 1957 diagram

Orbit of Sputnik 1, Soviet 1957 diagram
Orbit of Sputnik 1. Diagram showing the Earth orbits possible for different spacecrafts. Sputnik 1, the first spacecraft ever to reach Earth orbit, was launched on 4 October 1957 by the Soviet Union

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yuri Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut

Yuri Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut
Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968), soviet cosmonaut and first man in space. Gagarin made the first manned space flight on 12 April 1961

Background imageSoviet Collection: Russian Propaganda Poster

Russian Propaganda Poster
A Russian Propaganda Poster from the early Bolshevik era, depicting a red army cavalry soldier charging into battle on a fine white steed, sword raised in agressive pose

Background imageSoviet Collection: Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Soviet officer in the Red Army who played a decisive role during World War Two, including the capture of Berlin

Background imageSoviet Collection: Lenin in his Study

Lenin in his Study
VLADIMIR ILICH ULYANOV LENIN Soviet statesman, in a relaxed pose, in front of a bookcase in his study

Background imageSoviet Collection: House to house fighting in Stalingrad, USSR

House to house fighting in Stalingrad, USSR
House to house fighting during the bitter battle amongst the ruins of the battered city of Stalingrad (Volgograd), USSR

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet cholera vaccination poster, 1967

Soviet cholera vaccination poster, 1967
Soviet cholera vaccination poster. Poster which appeared in the USSR in 1967, urging citizens to get themselves vaccinated against cholera

Background imageSoviet Collection: Gagarin and Tereshkova, souvenir postcard

Gagarin and Tereshkova, souvenir postcard
Gagarin and Tereshkova, Soviet cosmonauts, souvenir postcard. Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) was the first person in space

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yakov Sverdlov

Yakov Sverdlov
YAKOV SVERDLOV Russian revolutionary, virtual creator of the new Soviet state : very active 1917-1919, but died of illness, cutting short an eminent career

Background imageSoviet Collection: View of Tbilisi (Tiflis), Georgia

View of Tbilisi (Tiflis), Georgia
View of Tbilisi (known as Tiflis until 1936), capital of Georgia, formerly part of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, until independence in 1991

Background imageSoviet Collection: Marshal georgy zhukov, hero of the soviet union, 1945

Marshal georgy zhukov, hero of the soviet union, 1945

Background imageSoviet Collection: World war 2, senior sergeants v

World war 2, senior sergeants v, mityoshina and n, zalko, former students of the moscow state theatrical institute have been at the front from the first days of the war

Background imageSoviet Collection: Alexander Friedman, Soviet cosmologist

Alexander Friedman, Soviet cosmologist
Alexander Alexandrovich Friedman (1888-1925), Russian and Soviet cosmologist and mathematician. Friedman, who lived and worked in Leningrad, is considered the founder of modern cosmology

Background imageSoviet Collection: Valentin Glushko, Soviet scientist

Valentin Glushko, Soviet scientist
Valentin Glushko (1908-1989), Soviet rocket scientist. Glushko was one of the most important scientists in the development of the Soviet space programme

Background imageSoviet Collection: Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra monastery

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra monastery, Kiev, Ukraine

Background imageSoviet Collection: BREZHNEV, Leonid (1906-1982)

BREZHNEV, Leonid (1906-1982). Soviet politician, leader of the Communist Party (1964-1982). Oil on canvas

Background imageSoviet Collection: U. S. Air Force photograph of the launch site of intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) at Guanajay

U. S. Air Force photograph of the launch site of intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) at Guanajay
CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS, 1962. U.S. Air Force photograph of the launch site of intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) at Guanajay, Cuba, 17 October 1962

Background imageSoviet Collection: Yuri Gagarin visiting Manchester, England in 1961

Yuri Gagarin visiting Manchester, England in 1961
Yuri Gagarin. View of Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, visiting Manchester, England, in July 1961

Background imageSoviet Collection: Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova
Portrait of Valentina Tereshkova (b.1937), Russian cosmonaut and the first woman in space. Tereshkova flew on Vostock 6, launched on 16 June 1963

Background imageSoviet Collection: Sputnik 1 postcard

Sputnik 1 postcard. Artwork of Sputnik 1, the worlds first artificial satellite, on a postcard issued by the communist government of the former Soviet Union

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Pe-2 bomber and pilot, 1944

Soviet Pe-2 bomber and pilot, 1944
Soviet Pe-2 bomber and pilot. The pilot, Grigory Pasynkov, held the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Photographed in December 1944, in the St Petersburg region of Russia

Background imageSoviet Collection: Vostok ejection seat

Vostok ejection seat. View of the type of ejection seat fitted to the Vostok spacecraft in 1961-63

Background imageSoviet Collection: Launch of Vostok 1 spacecraft, 1961

Launch of Vostok 1 spacecraft, 1961
Launch of Vostok 1 spacecraft. Close-up of the exhaust flames of the rocket launching Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) into orbit from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, on 12 April 1961

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Women Read Pravda

Soviet Women Read Pravda
Soviet women factory workers read Pravda on the day the Anglo-Soviet Agreement is announced

Background imageSoviet Collection: Cartoon Re Finland War

Cartoon Re Finland War
Finland defends itself valiantly against the Soviet invasion

Background imageSoviet Collection: Brezhnev / Leonid

Brezhnev / Leonid
LEONID ILYICH BREZHNEV Soviet Communist leader

Background imageSoviet Collection: Khrushchev Speaking at the UN

Khrushchev Speaking at the UN
Russian statesman, secretary-general of the Communist Party and premier 1958-1964, Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), depicted addressing the assembly at the United Nations

Background imageSoviet Collection: Soviet Air Attack

Soviet Air Attack
Finland : Soviet aircraft attack a Finnish supply train of elk-drawn sledges : the Finnish troops themselves are on skis

Background imageSoviet Collection: Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, and Josef Stalin

Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman, and Josef Stalin
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U.S. President Harry S. Truman, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin sit together at the Potsdam Conference in 1945

Background imageSoviet Collection: Photo portrait of Vladimir Lenin

Photo portrait of Vladimir Lenin

Background imageSoviet Collection: Lenin and Stalin sitting on a bench

Lenin and Stalin sitting on a bench
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870 - 1924) and Josef Stalin (1879 - 1953), Communist Russian leaders, sitting on a bench. Date: circa 1920

Background imageSoviet Collection: Woman with a Rake, 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich

Woman with a Rake, 1928-1932. Artist: Kazimir Malevich
Woman with a Rake, 1928-1932. Found in the collection of the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg

Background imageSoviet Collection: Eye surgery

Eye surgery. Fish-eye lens view of surgeons operating in the Eye Microsurgery Institute, Moscow, in the then Soviet Union, in 1986

Background imageSoviet Collection: Chelyuskin search and rescue, 1934

Chelyuskin search and rescue, 1934
Chelyuskin search and rescue aviators from the USA and the Soviet Union, in front of a seaplane

Background imageSoviet Collection: Portrait of Soviet marshal Stalin

Portrait of Soviet marshal Stalin Portrait of Soviet marshal Josef Stalin (1879-1953) World War II

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The Soviet Union, a nation that left an indelible mark on history, is a captivating tale of triumphs and tribulations. From the breathtaking artwork like "Sunrise in Space" by Leonov to iconic photographs like Vladimir Grebnev's image capturing Red Army soldiers raising the Soviet flag over the Reichstag in Berlin, April 30th, 1945 - each frame tells a story of resilience and determination. In the early days of revolution, powerful imagery emerged with Trotsky slaying the counter-revolutionary dragon in a poster from 1918. This portrayal symbolized their unwavering commitment to uprooting oppression. Likewise, another propaganda poster titled "We want Peace" showcased their desire for harmony amidst global tensions. Artistic brilliance continued to flourish as seen in Leonov's masterpiece "Above the Black Sea, " which depicted cosmic beauty intertwined with human exploration. The Soviet Union also produced remarkable leaders such as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and his profound impact on Russian politics can still be felt today. However, it wasn't just political figures who captured attention; even animals played significant roles. Laika, the space dog who ventured into orbit aboard Sputnik 2, became an emblematic figure representing scientific progress and sacrifice. Soviet Armenia stands as a testament to cultural diversity within this vast empire. Its rich heritage blended seamlessly with socialist ideals while preserving its unique identity. Yuri Gagarin's historic journey onboard Vostok 1 marked humanity's first step into space—an achievement that propelled both science and national pride skyward. Valentina Tereshkova followed suit becoming not only the first woman but also one of many trailblazers who shattered gender barriers within Soviet society. Amidst all these milestones lay fervent opposition towards world imperialism encapsulated perfectly by Dmitriy Stakhievich Moor's poignant poster declaring "Death to World Imperialism. " It embodied their relentless fight against oppressive forces.

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