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Research Collection

Background imageResearch Collection: Poster - British Military medals

Poster - British Military medals
NAVAL, MILITARY AND RAF DECORATIONS AND MEDALS 1793-1973. Poster, revised and edited by Arthur Kipling of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1975 (c)

Background imageResearch Collection: Portrait of Thomas Henry Huxley

Portrait of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825 - 1895, English biologist and anthropologist, specialized in comparative anatomy, frontispiece to his book „Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature", 1863

Background imageResearch Collection: MAP microwave background

MAP microwave background
Cosmic microwave background. Whole sky image of the cosmic microwave background made by the MAP (Microwave Anisotropy Probe) spacecraft

Background imageResearch Collection: Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test
Inkblot test cards from a set of ten cards used in the Rorschach test

Background imageResearch Collection: Histological Diagram of a Mammalian Retina

Histological Diagram of a Mammalian Retina
RAMON Y CAJAL, Santiago (1852-1934). Spanish doctor and histologist, Nobel Prize in 1906. Histological diagram of a mammalian retina. Original drawing by Ramon y Cajal

Background imageResearch Collection: JANE GOODALL (1934- ). British conservationist and zoologist

JANE GOODALL (1934- ). British conservationist and zoologist. Photographed with the chimpanzee, David Greybeard, 1965

Background imageResearch Collection: Hms Beagle / Darwins Ship

Hms Beagle / Darwins Ship
HMS Beagle Charles Darwins research ship

Background imageResearch Collection: CMS detector, CERN

CMS detector, CERN
CMS detector. Part of the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageResearch Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1797

Proton collision C014 / 1797
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageResearch Collection: Higgs boson event, ATLAS detector C013 / 6892

Higgs boson event, ATLAS detector C013 / 6892
Higgs boson event. Graphic of a transverse section through a detector showing one of the numerous particle collision events recorded during the search for the Higgs boson

Background imageResearch Collection: Mass spectrometer, 1954

Mass spectrometer, 1954
Mass spectrometer. Researchers adjusting the controls of a mass spectrometer. This is an all-metal demountable mass spectrometer

Background imageResearch Collection: Marie Curie

Marie Curie
Born in Poland in 1867, after receiving her secondary education she worked as a governess for eight years

Background imageResearch Collection: Apollo 17 astronaut

Apollo 17 astronaut. US astronaut and geologist Dr Harrison Schmitt exploring the Taurus-Littrow region of the Moon, as part of NASAs Apollo 17 mission

Background imageResearch Collection: Astronaut footprints on the Moon

Astronaut footprints on the Moon. Computer artwork recreating a photograph of boot imprints left by astronauts on the Moon

Background imageResearch Collection: ATLAS detector, CERN

ATLAS detector, CERN
ATLAS detector. Composite image of the ATLAS (a torodial LHC apparatus) detector (circular) at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageResearch Collection: Erwin Schrodinger

Erwin Schrodinger
ERWIN SCHRODINGER Austrian physicist whose research into subatomic particles is the basis of quantum mechanics

Background imageResearch Collection: Particle physics experiment, artwork

Particle physics experiment, artwork
Particle physics experiment. Artwork of tracks of particles detected following a collision in a particle accelerator

Background imageResearch Collection: ATLAS detector, CERN

ATLAS detector, CERN
ATLAS detector. Engineer standing on a platform in front of the ATLAS (a torodial LHC apparatus) detector (circular) at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageResearch Collection: APOLLO 11: BUZZ ALDRIN. Astronaut Edwin Buzz Aldrin standing on moon

APOLLO 11: BUZZ ALDRIN. Astronaut Edwin Buzz Aldrin standing on moon. Armstrong and Eagle reflected in his visor, 20 July 1969

Background imageResearch Collection: Library of Congress, 1870s

Library of Congress, 1870s
Law library within the old Library of Congress, 1870s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageResearch Collection: Marie Curie - Nobel Prize-winning Polish Scientist

Marie Curie - Nobel Prize-winning Polish Scientist
Marie Curie (1867-1934) - Polish Scientist, twice the recipient of the Nobel Prize for her pioneering research on radioactivity, the first woman Nobel winner. Date: 1911

Background imageResearch Collection: Coloured pictorial plaque on Pioneer 10 and 11

Coloured pictorial plaque on Pioneer 10 and 11
Pioneer plaque. Coloured version of a pictorial plaque attached to the exterior of the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecrafts, indicating their origin in case an intelligent alien species one day examines it

Background imageResearch Collection: Gloster Meteor F. 3 EE337 on HMS Implacable, 16 June 1948

Gloster Meteor F. 3 EE337 on HMS Implacable, 16 June 1948
Gloster Meteor F.3 (EE337) of 703 Squadron, on the deck of HMS Implacable, on the occasion of the first landing of a twin-engined jet aircraft on the deck of a Royal Navy carrier, 16 June 1948

Background imageResearch Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageResearch Collection: INGO SWANN

Ingo Swann American psychical research subject, participating in notable remote viewing experiments

Background imageResearch Collection: JOHN FLAMSTEED, c. 1700. Royal astronomer John Flamsteed

JOHN FLAMSTEED, c. 1700. Royal astronomer John Flamsteed, his one paid assistant, and friend, Marsh, in the old observing room at the Greenwich Observatory, England. English color engraving, c. 1700

Background imageResearch Collection: Aurora over Antarctica, satellite image

Aurora over Antarctica, satellite image
Aurora over Antarctica, ultraviolet satellite image. Australia is at upper left. This is the aurora australis (green ring), the southern lights display

Background imageResearch Collection: Solar System According to Ptolemy

Solar System According to Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho, Geocentric Model, Heliocentric Model

Background imageResearch Collection: Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn and and its moon Titan

Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn and and its moon Titan

Background imageResearch Collection: SHERLOCK HOLMES. Dr. John Watson observing Sherlock Holmes working hard over a

SHERLOCK HOLMES. Dr. John Watson observing Sherlock Holmes working hard over a chemical investigation. Drawing by Sidney Paget for Arthur Conan Doyles The Adventure of the Naval Treaty, 1893

Background imageResearch Collection: Mitsubishi A6M Zero aircraft, World War 2 C016 / 3818

Mitsubishi A6M Zero aircraft, World War 2 C016 / 3818
Mitsubishi A6M2 (Zero). US Air Force photograph of a test flight of a captured Japanese Mitsubishi A6M2 (Zero)

Background imageResearch Collection: Optical computing

Optical computing. Coloured light micrograph of a section through a hybrid electronic-optical circuit board. Optical waveguides (red) are used to transmit data in the form of light pulses

Background imageResearch Collection: ITER fusion research reactor

ITER fusion research reactor, computer artwork

Background imageResearch Collection: Fusion research, tokamak device

Fusion research, tokamak device
Nuclear fusion research. Cutaway computer artwork of the planned ITER tokamak device

Background imageResearch Collection: Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, artwork

Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, artwork

Background imageResearch Collection: Particle physics experiment, artwork

Particle physics experiment, artwork
Particle physics experiment. Artwork of tracks of particles detected following a collision in a particle accelerator

Background imageResearch Collection: Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test
Psychological testing of a woman using one of the Rorschach Test inkblot cards

Background imageResearch Collection: Universe timeline, artwork

Universe timeline, artwork
Big Bang and Evolution of Galaxies - The observable Universe is about 84 billion light years across

Background imageResearch Collection: The Terra Nova, 1910

The Terra Nova, 1910
Sectional illustration of the Terra Nova, the Polar research ship used by Captain R.F. Scott in his Antarctic Expedition of 1910-1912. The Terra Nova was built as a Dundee whaler in 1884

Background imageResearch Collection: Bristol Type 188

Bristol Type 188
Engineers Working on the Bristol Type 188 Supersonic Experimental Test-Bed Aircraft Parked at Filton, UK Preparing for Test on the de Havilland Gyron Junior Jet-Engine Date: 1960s

Background imageResearch Collection: Bolts of electricity discharging in the lab of Nikola Tesla

Bolts of electricity discharging in the lab of Nikola Tesla
Inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla in his lab while his magnifying transmitter high voltage generator produces bolts of electricity. December 1899

Background imageResearch Collection: Tungsten carbide slip gauge blocks C016 / 2042

Tungsten carbide slip gauge blocks C016 / 2042
Tungsten carbide slip gauge blocks. These are used as a standard form of length measurement. They are precision ground (lapped) to a specific thickness and then stacked to create the required length

Background imageResearch Collection: MICHAEL FARADAY (1791-1867) establishing the fundamental law of electrolysis: colored engraving

MICHAEL FARADAY (1791-1867) establishing the fundamental law of electrolysis: colored engraving, 19th century

Background imageResearch Collection: Mars Exploration Rover

Mars Exploration Rover on the surface of Mars, artwork. The first of two identical NASA rovers, Spirit, landed on Mars on 4 January 2004

Background imageResearch Collection: Pilot ACE computer, 1950

Pilot ACE computer, 1950
Pilot ACE computer. Control panel of the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) pilot model

Background imageResearch Collection: Notes by Leonardo da Vinci

Notes by Leonardo da Vinci on the flow of water

Background imageResearch Collection: Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Background imageResearch Collection: Porton Down, aerial photograph

Porton Down, aerial photograph. This site, in Wiltshire, UK, houses the headquarters of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, an executive Agency of the Ministry of Defence

Background imageResearch Collection: Mathematical series, 18th century

Mathematical series, 18th century

Background imageResearch Collection: Medieval scholar, 16th century

Medieval scholar, 16th century

Background imageResearch Collection: Particle physics research

Particle physics research. Screenshot of particle tracks as recorded by a detector at a particle accelerator

Background imageResearch Collection: Axolotl, artwork

Axolotl, artwork
Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), artwork. This aquatic freshwater amphibian is a neotonic (larva-like) salamander

Background imageResearch Collection: Universe timeline, artwork

Universe timeline, artwork
Big Bang and Evolution of Galaxies - The observable Universe is about 84 billion light years across

Background imageResearch Collection: Mauna Kea telescopes and Milky Way

Mauna Kea telescopes and Milky Way

Background imageResearch Collection: FRANKENSTEIN, 1931. Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein

FRANKENSTEIN, 1931. Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein

Background imageResearch Collection: Rings including letter ring on Greylag Goose Caerlaverock Scotland winter

Rings including letter ring on Greylag Goose Caerlaverock Scotland winter

Background imageResearch Collection: Prices Ghost Kit

Prices Ghost Kit
Harry Prices ghost-hunting kit

Background imageResearch Collection: Hms Beagle / Cape Horn

Hms Beagle / Cape Horn
HMS Beagle, the ship in which Charles Darwin sailed, off Cape Horn

Background imageResearch Collection: Skylab in orbit above Earth at the end of its mission, 1974. Creator: NASA

Skylab in orbit above Earth at the end of its mission, 1974. Creator: NASA
Skylab in orbit above Earth at the end of its mission, 1974. The Skylab space station, first launched in May 1973, and was occupied in succession by three teams of three crewmembers

Background imageResearch Collection: Foden / Rolls-Royce research vehicle

Foden / Rolls-Royce research vehicle, c.1979 Date: circa 1979

Background imageResearch Collection: Hms Beagle / Darwins Ship

Hms Beagle / Darwins Ship
HMS Beagle, the ship in which Charles Darwin sailed, in the Straits of Magellan

Background imageResearch Collection: Frontispiece illustration from Frankenstein

Frontispiece illustration from Frankenstein
Frontispiece illustration from Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein. Date: first published 1818

Background imageResearch Collection: Fruit fly brain, illustration C018 / 0791

Fruit fly brain, illustration C018 / 0791
Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) brain, illustration. The two large structures at right and left are the optic lobes, which process information from the flys large compound eyes

Background imageResearch Collection: Voyager spacecraft

Voyager spacecraft. Computer artwork of a Voyager spacecraft passing out of our solar system

Background imageResearch Collection: Beagle 2 landing on Mars

Beagle 2 landing on Mars
Beagle 2 probe landing on Mars, computer artwork. Its heat shield is glowing as it falls through the Martian atmosphere

Background imageResearch Collection: Brain protein research

Brain protein research. Computer artwork of a brain and coloured dots from a protein microarray. Protein microarrays can be used to follow protein interactions

Background imageResearch Collection: Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Curiosity rover on Mars, artwork

Background imageResearch Collection: Snowflake research, 18th century

Snowflake research, 18th century

Background imageResearch Collection: Human heart, artwork

Human heart, artwork
Human heart, computer artwork

Background imageResearch Collection: Kepler-10b exoplanet, artwork

Kepler-10b exoplanet, artwork
January 10, 2011 WASHINGTON -- NASAs Kepler mission confirmed the discovery of its first rocky planet, named Kepler-10b

Background imageResearch Collection: Plant sex system by Linnaeus, 1807

Plant sex system by Linnaeus, 1807
Plant sex system by Linnaeus

Background imageResearch Collection: Dinosaurs - Geology Sedimentary sequence at Ghost Ranch

Dinosaurs - Geology Sedimentary sequence at Ghost Ranch
FG-CD-87 Dinosaur geology: Sedimentary sequence at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico Triassic Chinle Formation (red)

Background imageResearch Collection: Seance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research

Seance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research
Undated photograph of corner of the sance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, with trumpets on table. HPG/1/2/1 (vi)

Background imageResearch Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageResearch Collection: Volcano Observatory

Volcano Observatory, Montserrat, Leeward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Background imageResearch Collection: Hms Beagle / Darwins Ship

Hms Beagle / Darwins Ship
HMS Beagle among porpoises Charles Darwins research ship

Background imageResearch Collection: Glutamine synthetase enzyme

Glutamine synthetase enzyme computer model. This is a ligase enzyme, which forms chemical bonds between molecules. The different colours show the different subunits that comprise the protein

Background imageResearch Collection: Stem cells, SEM

Stem cells, SEM
Stem cells, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Stem cells can differentiate into any other cell type

Background imageResearch Collection: Common tern, Sterna hirundo

Common tern, Sterna hirundo. Laro nigro, Brandvogel, Brandfuchs, Brandhirss

Background imageResearch Collection: Portrait of a Black-capped chickadee, (Poecile atricapillus) with white background

Portrait of a Black-capped chickadee, (Poecile atricapillus) with white background, Block island, Rhode Island, USA. Bird caught during scientific research

Background imageResearch Collection: Gloster Meteor IV EE455

Gloster Meteor IV EE455, in which Eric Greenwood made an attempt on the World Air Speed Record, November 1945

Background imageResearch Collection: PHASES OF THE MOON, 1534. Woodcut designed by Hans Holbein the Younger from Sebastian

PHASES OF THE MOON, 1534. Woodcut designed by Hans Holbein the Younger from Sebastian Munsters Canones super novum instrumentum luminarium, Basel, Switzerland, 1534

Background imageResearch Collection: Arecibo message and decoded key C016 / 6817

Arecibo message and decoded key C016 / 6817
Arecibo message and decoded key. Diagram showing the binary transmission (left) known as the Arecibo message, with the message decoded and labelled at centre and right

Background imageResearch Collection: Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft C016 / 0586

Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft C016 / 0586
Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft. NASAs B377SGT, the Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft, taking off from Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA

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"Unveiling the Secrets: Exploring the Vast Realm of Research" From deciphering the valorous tales behind British Military medals to unraveling the enigmatic patterns in a Rorschach Inkblot Test, research takes us on an intellectual odyssey. It delves into realms beyond our comprehension, like scrutinizing the cosmic microwave background through MAP and decoding intricate histological diagrams of a mammalian retina. Research is not confined to laboratories; it extends to observing nature's wonders firsthand. Jane Goodall, with her unwavering dedication as a British conservationist and zoologist, captured alongside a chimpanzee, epitomizes how research bridges gaps between species. The quest for knowledge transcends boundaries of time and space. Erwin Schrodinger's groundbreaking discoveries in quantum mechanics remind us that research propels humanity forward by challenging conventional wisdom. In particle physics, proton collisions such as C014 / 1797 or witnessing Higgs boson events like C013 / 6892 within ATLAS detectors demonstrate how researchers strive to unlock mysteries at subatomic levels. Pioneers like Marie Curie exemplify relentless pursuit despite adversities faced by women in science. Her revolutionary work with radioactivity continues to inspire generations. It also embarks on daring expeditions akin to HMS Beagle - Darwin's ship that sailed uncharted waters - pushing boundaries of exploration and understanding. Similarly, Apollo 17 astronauts left indelible footprints on the Moon while expanding human horizons beyond Earth's confines. These captivating glimpses into diverse facets highlight its transformative power. It fuels curiosity, challenges assumptions, and empowers us with knowledge that shapes our world. Whether investigating microscopic particles or exploring vast ecosystems – research illuminates paths towards progress and inspires future generations to embark upon their own quests for discovery.

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