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Prey Collection

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10859244

Picture No. 10859244
Barred OWL - in flight, wings spread, chasing for prey (Strix varia) Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Killer whale / Orca - The adult male known as 'MEL'

Killer whale / Orca - The adult male known as "MEL"
FG-eb-327 Killer whale / Orca - The adult male known as "MEL", 45 to 50 years old when these images were taken (March 2006) hunting South American Sealion pups on a beach at Punta Norte

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10854827

Picture No. 10854827
Indian Mongoose - attacking Indian Cobra Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10854169

Picture No. 10854169
Falconry Equipment Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Coastal Grizzlies or Alaskan Brown Bears - fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls

Coastal Grizzlies or Alaskan Brown Bears - fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls
TOM-1214 Coastal Grizzlies or Alaskan Brown Bears - fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls Katmai National Park, Alaska

Background imagePrey Collection: White-tailed Eagle or Sea Eagle -Haliaeetus albicilla- about to grab for a fish

White-tailed Eagle or Sea Eagle -Haliaeetus albicilla- about to grab for a fish, Lauvsnes, Flatanger, Nord-Trondelag, Trondelag, Norway

Background imagePrey Collection: Hawk on a Plum Branch, Japan, 1800. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro

Hawk on a Plum Branch, Japan, 1800. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro
Hawk on a Plum Branch, Japan, 1800

Background imagePrey Collection: Falco rusticolus, gyrfalcon

Falco rusticolus, gyrfalcon
Plate 13 from John Goulds The Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 1 (1873). Hand coloured lithograph

Background imagePrey Collection: Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl
A Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) perched on a branch. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imagePrey Collection: Red kite, Milvus milvus

Red kite, Milvus milvus

Background imagePrey Collection: Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) murmuration, flock pursued by Peregrine falcon

Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) murmuration, flock pursued by Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) before landing at winter roost. The Netherlands. February 2020

Background imagePrey Collection: Oiseaux - birds

Oiseaux - birds
Page of birds including birds of prey and tropical birds. Date: 1930

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10789115

Picture No. 10789115
Hen Harrier - Male passing prey to female in flight above nest (Circus cyaneus) Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Cat - looks at Goldfish in bowl

Cat - looks at Goldfish in bowl
LA-6089 Cat - looks at Goldfish in bowl Jean-Michel Labat Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imagePrey Collection: Lions and Dead Quagga, by Thomas Baines

Lions and Dead Quagga, by Thomas Baines
Lions and Dead Quagga, Vultures and Adjutants, Zululand, by Thomas Baines (1820-1875). (3 of 5) Date: 1874

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10947857

Picture No. 10947857
Osprey - in flight with fish prey - summer Scotland, UK. Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Coastal grizzly bear with salmon in mouth. Alaska MA1378

Coastal grizzly bear with salmon in mouth. Alaska MA1378
TOM-1218 Coastal grizzly bear with salmon in mouth Alaska Ursus arctos horribilis Tom & Pat Leeson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 11073828

Picture No. 11073828
Osprey / Sea Hawk / Fish Eagle / River Hawk adult in nest with chick

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10865989

Picture No. 10865989
Venus Fly Trap plant - with fly inside (Dionaea muscipula) Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10859245

Picture No. 10859245
Barred OWL - in flight, wings spread (Strix varia) Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Cave painting of a mammoth, artwork

Cave painting of a mammoth, artwork
Cave painting of a mammoth. Artwork of a prehistoric cave drawing from the cave of Font-de Gaume, in the Dordogne region of France. It shows a mammoth (Elephas primigenius)

Background imagePrey Collection: Kestrel - female with vole on stump in bluebell wood - controlled conditions 10279

Kestrel - female with vole on stump in bluebell wood - controlled conditions 10279
BB-2199 Kestrel - female with vole on stump in bluebell wood Falco tinnunculus controlled conditions Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imagePrey Collection: A Barn Owl

A Barn Owl (Tyto alba), perched on a gnarled old branch. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imagePrey Collection: Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon
A Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) perched on a branch. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imagePrey Collection: A Peregrine Falcon

A Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) perched on a fence post, above some barbed wire. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imagePrey Collection: European starling flock

European starling flock. Flock of european starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) being chased by a hawk

Background imagePrey Collection: Common buzzard with prey Bedfordshire UK

Common buzzard with prey Bedfordshire UK
BB-1569 Common buzzard with prey Bedfordshire UK Buteo buteo Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imagePrey Collection: Brown Bear Catching a fish. Alaska, USA

Brown Bear Catching a fish. Alaska, USA
SM-1046 Brown Bear - Catching a fish Alaska, USA. Ursus arctos Stefan Meyers Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imagePrey Collection: Bearded Vulture / Lammergeier - With carcass bone in beak - Spain - 10 foot maximum wing-span-Pyrenees- Only

Bearded Vulture / Lammergeier - With carcass bone in beak - Spain - 10 foot maximum wing-span-Pyrenees- Only
CAN-2963 Bearded Vulture / Lammergeier - with carcass bone in beak Spain Gypaetus barbatus 10 foot maximum wing-span

Background imagePrey Collection: Great Grey Owl - Standing 27 in tall with a wingspan of 52 inches this is our longest owl

Great Grey Owl - Standing 27 in tall with a wingspan of 52 inches this is our longest owl
JZ-1882 Great Grey Owl - flight Northern Minnesota during one of the largest invasions on record in the winter of 2004/2005

Background imagePrey Collection: Great Gray Owl in flight - Standing 27 in tall with a wingspan of 52 inches this is our longest owl

Great Gray Owl in flight - Standing 27 in tall with a wingspan of 52 inches this is our longest owl
JZ-1876 Great Grey OWL - in flight Minnesota, USA Strix Nebulosa Standing 27 in tall with a wingspan of 52 inches this is our longest owl

Background imagePrey Collection: Falco peregrinus, peregrine falcon

Falco peregrinus, peregrine falcon
A peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) in flight. The peregrine falcon can be seen in most parts of the UK except around london and the home counties. They breed in rocky cliffs and uplands

Background imagePrey Collection: Falco rusticolus, gyrfalcon

Falco rusticolus, gyrfalcon
Plate from Hermann Schlegel and A.H. Verster de Wulverhursts Traite de Fauconnerie (1844-1853)

Background imagePrey Collection: Nightjar, historical artwork

Nightjar, historical artwork
Nightjar. Historical artwork of a nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) catching an insect in flight. The nightjar usually hunts at dusk or dawn, mainly taking moths and beetles

Background imagePrey Collection: Namaqua chameleon catching prey

Namaqua chameleon catching prey
Namaqua chameleon (Chamaeleo namaquensis) catching prey with its unfurled tongue. This tongue extends out extremely rapidly in just a few fractions of a second

Background imagePrey Collection: Western screech-owl (Megascops kennicottii) in flight, The Pond, Amado

Western screech-owl (Megascops kennicottii) in flight, The Pond, Amado, Arizona, United States of America, North America

Background imagePrey Collection: Namaqua Chameleon - Showing the tongue retracting with prey - Namib Desert - Namibia - Africa

Namaqua Chameleon - Showing the tongue retracting with prey - Namib Desert - Namibia - Africa
KAT-459 Namaqua Chameleon - Showing the tongue retracting with prey Namib Desert - Namibia - Africa Chamaeleo namaquensis Karl Terblanche Please note that prints are for personal display purposes

Background imagePrey Collection: Hoopoe - bird with caught lizard at nest entrance, Andalusia, Spain

Hoopoe - bird with caught lizard at nest entrance, Andalusia, Spain
USH-2413 Hoopoe - bird with caught lizard at nest entrance Andalusia

Background imagePrey Collection: Starling flock and peregrine falcon

Starling flock and peregrine falcon
ROY-241 Starling flock and peregrine falcon. Near Gretna, Scotland

Background imagePrey Collection: Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) hunting Sardine (Sardinops sagax) in bait ball

Striped marlin (Kajikia audax) hunting Sardine (Sardinops sagax) in bait ball. Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Background imagePrey Collection: A hunting falcon catches a hare during a celebration by Egyptian clubs

A hunting falcon catches a hare during a celebration by Egyptian clubs and austringers on World Falconry Day at Borg al-Arab desert in Alexandria, Egypt, November 17, 2018

Background imagePrey Collection: Page 364. The Greyhound Fox, 1810-17 (w / c & manuscript text)

Page 364. The Greyhound Fox, 1810-17 (w / c & manuscript text)
5670187 Page 364

Background imagePrey Collection: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) perched with fish in beak. Worcestershire, UK, September

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) perched with fish in beak. Worcestershire, UK, September

Background imagePrey Collection: An Alvarezsaurid bird cleans the mouth of a Giganotosaurus carolinii dinosaur

An Alvarezsaurid bird cleans the mouth of a Giganotosaurus carolinii dinosaur

Background imagePrey Collection: Phalcoboenus australis, striated caracara

Phalcoboenus australis, striated caracara
Ff. 37. Watercolour painting by George Forster (1773) annotated Falco harpe mas junior and made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)

Background imagePrey Collection: Mauritius. The endemic Mauritius kestrel, Falco punctatus, is the only bird of prey

Mauritius. The endemic Mauritius kestrel, Falco punctatus, is the only bird of prey left in Mauritius and has survived through intensive conservation efforts

Background imagePrey Collection: Montagus Harrier circus pygargus male migrating through Caucusus Mountains in Georgia

Montagus Harrier circus pygargus male migrating through Caucusus Mountains in Georgia April

Background imagePrey Collection: Sea Otter - Using tool cracking clam on rock. California, USA Mo82

Sea Otter - Using tool cracking clam on rock. California, USA Mo82
TOM-788 Sea Otter - Using tool to crack clam on rock California

Background imagePrey Collection: Alligator mississippiensis, American alligator

Alligator mississippiensis, American alligator Alligator of St Johns. Drawing 22 (Ewan 49) from the Botanical and zoological drawings (1756-1788) by William Bartram. Pen and ink. Size: 235 x 366

Background imagePrey Collection: Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) spy-hopping to observe Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii)

Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) spy-hopping to observe Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) in preparation to knock it from the ice by creating a wave. Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, summer

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 11980729

Picture No. 11980729
Red-tailed Hawk Immature in flight One of the largest most common and widespread hawks in North America Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: George Chapman / Anon Copp

George Chapman / Anon Copp
GEORGE CHAPMAN English poet and dramatist, known especially for his verse translations of Homer Date: 1559 - 1634

Background imagePrey Collection: A large Rajasaurus roars in an attempt to scare two Indosuchus away from their kill

A large Rajasaurus roars in an attempt to scare two Indosuchus away from their kill
A large Rajasaurus bellows in an attempt to intimidate two Indosuchus dinosaurs away from a dead Titanosaurus. A pack of small Compsosuchus watch while they eat scraps of meat in the foreground

Background imagePrey Collection: A raptor stalks a pair of grazing Europasaurus holgeri dinosaurs

A raptor stalks a pair of grazing Europasaurus holgeri dinosaurs

Background imagePrey Collection: Labocania attacking a Magnapaulia dinosaur

Labocania attacking a Magnapaulia dinosaur
Labocania attacking a Magnapaulia. The tyrannosaurid stumbled and fell, allowing the lambeosaurine to escape

Background imagePrey Collection: Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) with ruffled feathers

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) with ruffled feathers

Background imagePrey Collection: Osprey -Pandion haliaetus- taking flight after an unsuccessful hunt

Osprey -Pandion haliaetus- taking flight after an unsuccessful hunt, Pothiolampi, Kangasala, Westfinnland, Finland

Background imagePrey Collection: Cambrian animals, artwork

Cambrian animals, artwork
Cambrian animals. Artwork of an Opabinia regalis invertebrate (upper right) attempting to catch its prey, a primitive chordate called Pikaia (lower left)

Background imagePrey Collection: Wildlife of the Miocene era, artwork

Wildlife of the Miocene era, artwork. The Miocene era is the period from around 23 to 5 million years ago

Background imagePrey Collection: Anaconda and Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) at water's edge - Guyana - South America

Anaconda and Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) at water's edge - Guyana - South America
NG-1498 Green ANACONDA & Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) Guyana

Background imagePrey Collection: Goshawk Aciipiter gentilis feeding on Pheasant Scotland (captive)

Goshawk Aciipiter gentilis feeding on Pheasant Scotland (captive)

Background imagePrey Collection: Osprey, Pandion haliaeetus, with trout, summer

Osprey, Pandion haliaeetus, with trout, summer

Background imagePrey Collection: Origin Species, CH Bennett, banker - vulture

Origin Species, CH Bennett, banker - vulture
Vulturine. Satire on Darwins Origin of Species showing the evolution of a vulture to a banker

Background imagePrey Collection: Wild Hunt of Norsemen

Wild Hunt of Norsemen
A troop of Norse horsemen and their dogs gallop through the night sky in pursuit of their prey

Background imagePrey Collection: Panther Chameleon - male hunting an insect - Andasibe-Mantadia National Park - Eastern-central Madagascar

Panther Chameleon - male hunting an insect - Andasibe-Mantadia National Park - Eastern-central Madagascar
MAR-1178 Panther Chameleon - male hunting an insect Andasibe-Mantadia National Park - Eastern-central Madagascar Furcifer pardalis Thomas Marent Please note that prints are for personal display

Background imagePrey Collection: Cheetah - Chasing Thomson's Gazelle Transmara, Maasai Mara, Kenya, Africa

Cheetah - Chasing Thomson's Gazelle Transmara, Maasai Mara, Kenya, Africa
LA-1768 Cheetah - Chasing Thomson's Gazelle Transmara, Maasai Mara, Kenya

Background imagePrey Collection: Kestral - Male passing food to female Falco tinnunculus Hungary BI016142

Kestral - Male passing food to female Falco tinnunculus Hungary BI016142
COS-2661 Kestrel - Male passing food to female Hungary Falco tinnunculus Bill Coster Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imagePrey Collection: Blue Tit - pair feeding grubs to chicks at nest

Blue Tit - pair feeding grubs to chicks at nest
WAT-8833 Blue Tit - pair feeding grubs to chicks at nest Parus caeruleus M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imagePrey Collection: Coral polyp. - Night. Feeding on polychat worm

Coral polyp. - Night. Feeding on polychat worm
VT-8376 Coral polyp. - Night. Feeding on polychat worm, Coral polyps are carnivours. They feed on other animals Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef

Background imagePrey Collection: Barred Tiger Salamander Eating earthworm, Colorado, USA

Barred Tiger Salamander Eating earthworm, Colorado, USA
CLA-292 Barred Tiger SALAMANDER - eating earthworm Colorado, USA Ambystoma t. mavortium Mary Clay Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imagePrey Collection: Osprey and fish

Osprey and fish
Johnson Huang

Background imagePrey Collection: Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, adult with rabbit prey

Background imagePrey Collection: Snowy Owl, Arctic Owl, Great White Owl

Snowy Owl, Arctic Owl, Great White Owl, Harfang (Bubo scandiacus) (Nyctea scandiaca), calling

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10947600

Picture No. 10947600
Orca / Killer Whale - attack on young South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) (formerly Otaria byronia) Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia, Argentina. Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 10921827

Picture No. 10921827
Common Buzzard. perched on stump - controlled conditions - North Lincolnshire. (Buteo buteo). Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Red Fox - in snow with mouse - controlled conditions 15480

Red Fox - in snow with mouse - controlled conditions 15480
BB-2771 Red Fox - in snow with mouse Vulpes vulpes controlled conditions Brian Bevan contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imagePrey Collection: Cave painting of a boar, artwork

Cave painting of a boar, artwork
Cave painting of a boar

Background imagePrey Collection: Picture No. 11992542

Picture No. 11992542
Swainson's Hawk - Buteo swainsoni - Adult perched in pine tree in July in Colorado - USA Swainson's Hawk, Buteo swainsoni. Adult perched in pine tree in July in Colorado. USA Date:

Background imagePrey Collection: Eagle Owl - with prey - forest glade of Ural Mountains

Eagle Owl - with prey - forest glade of Ural Mountains (Bubo bubo). Russia - winter snow

Background imagePrey Collection: USA, Louisiana, Jefferson Island. Anole lizard with dragonfly prey

USA, Louisiana, Jefferson Island. Anole lizard with dragonfly prey. Credit as: Cathy & Gordon Illg / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont

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In the wild, the concept of "prey" takes on a whole new meaning. Picture No. 10854827 captures the awe-inspiring moment when a killer whale, known as "MEL, " goes in for the hunt. At 45 to 50 years old, MEL is an experienced predator who sets his sights on South American Sealion pups at Punta Norte in Patagonia, Argentina. Meanwhile, Picture No. 10859244 showcases another remarkable scene of nature's drama unfolding before our eyes. Coastal Grizzlies or Alaskan Brown Bears are captured fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park, Alaska during July. These massive creatures display their impressive hunting skills as they snatch fish from the rushing waters. The White-tailed Eagle or Sea Eagle featured in Picture No. 10854169 demonstrates its mastery of aerial hunting techniques off the coast of Lauvsnes in Trondelag, Norway. With razor-sharp focus and precision timing, this majestic bird prepares to grab hold of its next meal—a fish that will sustain it high above the Norwegian landscape. Picture No. 10789115 introduces us to a different kind of predator: the Tawny Owl lurking silently within dense foliage waiting for unsuspecting prey to pass by under cover of darkness. This mysterious nocturnal hunter symbolizes stealth and cunning as it swoops down upon its victims with deadly accuracy. The Common Starling murmuration depicted here (Falco rusticolus) witnesses an extraordinary spectacle where thousands upon thousands of birds move together like one fluid entity across the sky—only to be pursued relentlessly by a Peregrine Falcon seeking out individual targets amidst this mesmerizing flock formation. Lastly, Picture No. 10947857 reminds us that even seemingly harmless creatures can become predators when necessary for survival; here we see an ordinary house cat stalking through tall grasses with focused intent—an embodiment of instinctual behavior passed down through generations.

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