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Pinnipedia Collection

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) playful juvenile swimming upside-down

Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) playful juvenile swimming upside-down, Carnac Island, Western Australia

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Killer whale (Orcinus orca) male named Mel attacking young South American sea lion

Killer whale (Orcinus orca) male named Mel attacking young South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) on beach, Punta Norte, Peninsula Valdes, Argentina

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Walrus and the Carpenter

Walrus and the Carpenter
Vintage colour lithograph of The Walrus and the Carpenter, from Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll, John Tenniel

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) swimming towards camera, Orkney, Scotland, UK, August

Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) swimming towards camera, Orkney, Scotland, UK, August

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Harp Seal or Saddleback Seal -Pagophilus groenlandicus

Harp Seal or Saddleback Seal -Pagophilus groenlandicus, Phoca groenlandica- pup on pack ice, Magdalen Islands, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Quebec, Canada

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Playful juvenile Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea)

Playful juvenile Australian sea lion (Neophoca cinerea) greeting me in shallow water at Carnac Island in Western Australia

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) male resting in water

Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) male resting in water, Kapp Lee, Svalbard, Norway, Arctic Ocean, July

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) yearling pup playing withg own air bubbles in

Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) yearling pup playing withg own air bubbles in shallows, Gardner Islet, Espanola Island, Galapagos, Ecuador

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) playing in a kelp forest off Santa Barbara Island

California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) playing in a kelp forest off Santa Barbara Island, California, USA

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Young Galapagos Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki)

Young Galapagos Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Australian sea (Neophoca cinerea) juvenile playing in the sand

Australian sea (Neophoca cinerea) juvenile playing in the sand, Carnac Island, Western Australia

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Picture series Women of the World

Picture series Women of the World, Eskimo Woman, Liebig picture, digitally restored reproduction of a collector's picture from around 1900, public domain, exact date unknown

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Mammals, Walrus, Trichecus rosmarus

Mammals, Walrus, Trichecus rosmarus, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of an original from 1860

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Maned seal, also South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) is a South American species of eared seal

Maned seal, also South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) is a South American species of eared seal, South American sea lion, formerly

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) is an eared seal native to the northern Pacific Ocean

Northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) is an eared seal native to the northern Pacific Ocean, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date unknown

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Sea lion, Otaria stellari, Sea lion

Sea lion, Otaria stellari, Sea lion, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date unknown

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), Trichechus rosmarus or Rosmarus arcticus

Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), Trichechus rosmarus or Rosmarus arcticus, Walrus, Trichechus rosmarus or Rosmarus arcticus, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Skeleton of walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)

Skeleton of walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), Trichechus rosmarus, Rosmarus arcticus, Skeleton of walrus, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date unknown

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)

Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), one of two species of elephant seals, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date unknown

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus)

Harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), Phoca groenlandica

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Skeleton of the harbour harbor seal

Skeleton of the harbour harbor seal, a member of the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) family common in all north temperate seas, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Harbor seal, a seal from the family of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina)

Harbor seal, a seal from the family of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), common seal, harbour seal, historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Boat being attacked by walruses

Boat being attacked by walruses, 1880, Greenland, Historic, digitally retouched reproduction of a 19th century original, North America

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Hunting walruses (Odobenus rosmarus)

Hunting walruses (Odobenus rosmarus), walrus, walrus hunting in the Arctic Ocean from a boat, 1869, Greenland, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original 19th century artwork

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Hunting walruses (Odobenus rosmarus)

Hunting walruses (Odobenus rosmarus), walrus, walrus hunting in the Arctic Ocean from a boat, 1869, Greenland, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original 19th century artwork

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester

Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester, c. 1550-1628, an English aristocrat and an important advisor to King James I

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: John Sheffield, 1648-1721, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby or Lord Mulgrave

John Sheffield, 1648-1721, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby or Lord Mulgrave, was an English poet and Tory politician

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: John Sheffield, 1648-1721, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby or Lord Mulgrave

John Sheffield, 1648-1721, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby or Lord Mulgrave, was an English poet and Tory politician

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: The coat of arms of the Canongate

The coat of arms of the Canongate, Edinburgh, Scotland, 18th century

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Old collegiate seals, Trinity College Kirk

Old collegiate seals, Trinity College Kirk, a royal collegiate church demolished in 1848, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common Seal of the city of Edinburgh

Common Seal of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland, 16th Century

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Old Babylonian cylinder seals, Mesopotamia

Old Babylonian cylinder seals, Mesopotamia

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Old Babylonian cylinder seals, Mesopotamia

Old Babylonian cylinder seals, Mesopotamia

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Woodcut, Eared seal (Otaria)

Woodcut, Eared seal (Otaria)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Woodcut, Eared seal (Otaria)

Woodcut, Eared seal (Otaria)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Woodcut, Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)

Woodcut, Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Woodcut, Eared seal (Otaria), top

Woodcut, Eared seal (Otaria), top, Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), bottom

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Seal embraces a boy, England, Great Britain

Seal embraces a boy, England, Great Britain

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Boat being attacked by walruses

Boat being attacked by walruses, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact date unknown

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Hunting seals in the Wadden Sea

Hunting seals in the Wadden Sea, North Sea, Germany, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Californian california sea lion (Zalophus californianus)

Californian california sea lion (Zalophus californianus), digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Walrus, Trichechus rosmarus, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Walrus, Trichechus rosmarus, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Polar bear fighting a walrus, Historical

Polar bear fighting a walrus, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, c. 1890, Record date not stated

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)

Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris), Portrait, located on the beach of San Simeon, Piedras Blancas Colony, California, USA, North America

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)

Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris), calling, Portrait, Beach of San Simeon, Piedras Blancas Colony, California, USA, North America

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Gray Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Gray Seal (Halichoerus grypus), male and female, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus), yawning, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus), pup "waving" with fin, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata)

Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata), folding hooded seal or hooded seal, an Arctic seal, hooded seal, a large phocid found only in the central and western North Atlantic, Historic

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Harbour seal or common seal (Phoca vitulina) swimming under water

Harbour seal or common seal (Phoca vitulina) swimming under water, captive, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common seal crawling onto the beach

Common seal crawling onto the beach

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common seal crawling onto the beach

Common seal crawling onto the beach

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common seal crawling onto the beach

Common seal crawling onto the beach

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common seal approaching the beach

Common seal approaching the beach

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Yawning horsehaed seal

Yawning horsehaed seal

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Yawning horsehaed seal

Yawning horsehaed seal

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: South African Fur Seals (Arctocephalus pusillus)

South African Fur Seals (Arctocephalus pusillus), Cape Cross, Namibia, Africa

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Young Gray Seal (Halichoerus grypus) cub

Young Gray Seal (Halichoerus grypus) cub, Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) and Blackish Cinclodes

Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) and Blackish Cinclodes, also (Cinclodes antarcticus), Carcass Island, Falkland Islands, United Kingdom, South America

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) and Blackish Cinclodes

Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) and Blackish Cinclodes, also (Cinclodes antarcticus), Carcass Island, Falkland Islands, United Kingdom, South America

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) underwater

Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) underwater, animal portrait, female, North Sea, Duene, Heligoland, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common seal, Helgoland dune, Schleswig-Holstein

Common seal, Helgoland dune, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Galapagos Fur Seal (arctocephalus galapagoensis)

Galapagos Fur Seal (arctocephalus galapagoensis), Adult standing on Beach, Galapagos Islands

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: AUSTRALIAN SEA LION (neophoca cinerea)


Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Young gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) on the beach

Young gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) on the beach, Duene island, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Young gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) on the beach

Young gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) on the beach, Duene island, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus), howler or pup, Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Fat common seal yawning

Fat common seal yawning

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Fat common seal crawling onto the beach

Fat common seal crawling onto the beach

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Common Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Common Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Common Seal (Phoca vitulina)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)

California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), female catching herring

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Young Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina)

Young Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina), Fortuna Bay, South Georgia Island

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey seal, Dune Island Helgoland

Grey seal, Dune Island Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Northern Elephant-seal (Mirounga angustirostris)

Northern Elephant-seal (Mirounga angustirostris), adult female, calling, portrait, San Benitos Island, Baja California, Mexico, America, Central America

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus), pup, after first moult, basking on sandy beach, Horsey, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus), pup moulting out of white coat, in sand dunes, Donna Nook, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Two Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) fighting in shallow water

Two Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) fighting in shallow water, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) waves at the beach

Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) waves at the beach, island Duene, Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina), pup

Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina), pup, Duene, Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)

Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus), baby with dam at the beach, Island of Dune, Helgoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

Background imagePinnipedia Collection: Newborn gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) lying on the beach

Newborn gray seal (Halichoerus grypus) lying on the beach, Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, Europe

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"Pinnipedia: A Captivating World of Marine Mammals" In the enchanting world of Pinnipedia, where marine mammals reign supreme, fascinating encounters unfold. Join us as we dive into their captivating lives and discover the wonders they hold. The Walrus and the Carpenter, a timeless tale that echoes through generations, reminds us of the charm these creatures possess. With their impressive tusks and lumbering grace, walruses captivate our hearts. But it's not just peaceful tales that define this realm. Witness Mel, a male killer whale named Orcinus orca, as he unleashes his power upon a young South American sea lion. Nature's raw beauty unfolds before our eyes in this epic battle for survival. Travel to Orkney, Scotland, UK in August and be mesmerized by the sight of a majestic Grey seal swimming towards your camera lens. Its sleek body gliding effortlessly through the water is a testament to its adaptability in these coastal waters. Venturing further west to Galapagos Islands brings us face-to-face with adorable young Galapagos Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki). These playful pups steal our hearts as they frolic on sandy beaches under their watchful mothers' care. Santa Barbara Island unveils another spectacle - California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) playfully navigating through kelp forests. Their agility amidst this underwater maze showcases their natural prowess in hunting and survival. High above Santa Barbara Island's crystal-clear waters lies an astonishing sight - a California sea lion resting peacefully within the canopy of giant kelp forests (Macrocystis pyrifera). This harmonious blend between mammal and nature leaves us awestruck at their ability to find solace even amidst turbulent oceans. Journeying northward to Magdalen Islands in Quebec, Canada reveals an endearing scene.

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