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Performed Collection

Background imagePerformed Collection: Commedia dell arte Italian. 16th century. Engraving, 19th ce

Commedia dell arte Italian. 16th century. Engraving, 19th century. Colored

Background imagePerformed Collection: Lohengrin Arrives

Lohengrin Arrives
Lohengrin arrives in a boat drawn by Elsas brother Godfrey, who has been transformed by Ortruds witchcraft into a swan

Background imagePerformed Collection: Scene from Mozarts opera The Marriage of Figaro. (Le Nozze di Figaro), comic opera

Scene from Mozarts opera The Marriage of Figaro. (Le Nozze di Figaro), comic opera
Scene from Mozarts opera The Marriage of Figaro

Background imagePerformed Collection: Tristan & Isolde (Price)

Tristan & Isolde (Price)
The lovers in the forest

Background imagePerformed Collection: Pinafore / Programme 1

Pinafore / Programme 1
Cover of the programme for the original production, incorporating portraits of Mr Gilbert and Mr Sullivan, also Mr D Oyly Carte

Background imagePerformed Collection: Atlas and Vulcana music hall strongman, strongwoman

Atlas and Vulcana music hall strongman, strongwoman
(Atlas) Hedley Roberts (1864-1946) and Vulcana (Miriam Kate Roberts (nee Williams) (1874-1946) - performed shows of strength and classic poses

Background imagePerformed Collection: Scene from Mozarts opera Don Giovanni 1787 (c1914). Opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Scene from Mozarts opera Don Giovanni 1787 (c1914). Opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Austrian composer, first performed in Prague in 1787

Background imagePerformed Collection: Sophie Blanchard in balloon ascent, Milan

Sophie Blanchard in balloon ascent, Milan
Sophie Blanchard (1778-1819), famous French aeronaut, in a night-time balloon ascent performed in Milan, Italy, in the presence of Napoleon, to mark his 42nd birthday. 15 August 1811

Background imagePerformed Collection: Indian Dancing Girl / 1840

Indian Dancing Girl / 1840
A Bayadere. Indian dancers performed for entertainment and for religious purposes. Some were attached to temples

Background imagePerformed Collection: Verdi / Rigoletto / Liebig

Verdi / Rigoletto / Liebig
The celebrated quartet from the last act

Background imagePerformed Collection: Massenet / Thais / First

Massenet / Thais / First
Sybil Sanderson and Charles Delmas in the first production of this opera which tells of an Egyptian courtesan who converts to religion and dies as a desert hermit

Background imagePerformed Collection: Walter Passmore / Iolanthe

Walter Passmore / Iolanthe
WALTER PASSMORE Comic actor and singer, best known for his Gilbert & Sullivan roles, seen here in Iolanthe

Background imagePerformed Collection: Magic Flute Liebig 6

Magic Flute Liebig 6
(The Magic Flute) Act 2 scene 27 : the old hag is transformed into Papagena, who immediately captivates Papageno, and they, too, live happily ever after

Background imagePerformed Collection: Wagner / Dutchmans Ship

Wagner / Dutchmans Ship
The red-sailed ship of the Flying Dutchman

Background imagePerformed Collection: Chekhovs three Sisters

Chekhovs three Sisters
A scene from the 1940 production of Chekhovs classic play, THREE SISTERS performed by the Moscow Arts Theatre

Background imagePerformed Collection: LEVY, mile (1826-1890)

LEVY, mile (1826-1890). Germinal. Poster advertising the theatre performance of Emile Zolas novel Germinal, performed at the

Background imagePerformed Collection: Triumph Southern Cross

Triumph Southern Cross
The Triumph-Gloria Southern Cross : earlier models performed well in the Monte Carlo and Alpine trials. Date: 1936

Background imagePerformed Collection: Monk Wine Cellar 14 Cent

Monk Wine Cellar 14 Cent
A conscientious monk tastes the monastery wine to make sure it is ageing well and keeping in good condition, a duty which must be performed from time to time

Background imagePerformed Collection: Turandot Liebig 2

Turandot Liebig 2
Ping, Pang and Pong, three courtiers

Background imagePerformed Collection: Mozart / Nozze / Buchel

Mozart / Nozze / Buchel
(The Marriage of Figaro) Susanna helps Cherubino escape

Background imagePerformed Collection: Play / Capek / R. u. R

Play / Capek / R. u. R
Programme for the first English production of the play, also known as R.U.R. and written by Karel Capek, when it was performed at St. Martins Theatre in London

Background imagePerformed Collection: Parsifal - Liebig 6

Parsifal - Liebig 6
Act three : Parsifal heals Amfortas with the sacred Spear

Background imagePerformed Collection: Saint Clare and Sisters

Saint Clare and Sisters
CLARA (Clare) of ASSISI Italian friend and follower of Francesco d Assisi, she founded the order of Poor Clares : she performed several useful miracles

Background imagePerformed Collection: ACT 3 AT BAYREUTH 1938

Act three - as performed at Bayreuth in 1938 Date: 1938

Background imagePerformed Collection: Wedding at Cana Date: 1562

Wedding at Cana Date: 1562

Background imagePerformed Collection: Kirk and Saraski music hall aquatic acrobats

Kirk and Saraski music hall aquatic acrobats. Sisters known as ?the aquatic marvels?. Performed dives, acrobatics and endurance feats in a tank of heated water

Background imagePerformed Collection: Strauss / Elektra / Bischoff

Strauss / Elektra / Bischoff
Johannes Bischoff as Orestes

Background imagePerformed Collection: Tamino and Pamina

Tamino and Pamina
Guided and protected by the magic flute, Tamino and Pamina emerge unscathed from the ordeal of fire and water, and all will now be well for them

Background imagePerformed Collection: CARMEN LIEBIG

Scenes from the opera, based on a story by Prosper Merimee

Background imagePerformed Collection: Lucia - the Sextet

Lucia - the Sextet
The sextet in Act Two, considered by some (including me) to be one of the finest moments in opera

Background imagePerformed Collection: Moliere / Malade Imagin

Moliere / Malade Imagin
LE MALADE IMAGINAIRE The imaginary invalid, his doctors and his maidservant

Background imagePerformed Collection: U Monk in Wine Cellar

U Monk in Wine Cellar
U A conscientious monk tastes the monastery wine to make sure it is ageing well and keeping in good condition, a duty which must be performed

Background imagePerformed Collection: Richard Tauber / 1928

Richard Tauber / 1928
RICHARD TAUBER Austrian opera singer in the role of Don Ottavio in Mozarts Don Giovanni, performed at Berlin and Vienna

Background imagePerformed Collection: Verdi / Otello / Liebig Card

Verdi / Otello / Liebig Card
Otello arrives in Cyprus, a triumphant hero

Background imagePerformed Collection: Strauss / Salome / At NY Met

Strauss / Salome / At NY Met
Salome performs her dance of the seven veils during a production at the Metropolitan Opera, New York, in 1907

Background imagePerformed Collection: G&s / Patience (Photo)

G&s / Patience (Photo)
Winifred Lawson as Patience, the country girl who appeals to the aesthetes

Background imagePerformed Collection: Flotow Martha Quartet

Flotow Martha Quartet
The delightful spinning quartet from Act Two, as the two posh ladies, disguised as country girls, reveal their inability to perform mundane household tasks

Background imagePerformed Collection: Magic Flute Liebig 2

Magic Flute Liebig 2
(The Magic Flute) Act 1, Scene 6 : Tamino is presented to the Queen of the Night by his three rescuers; he vows to rescue her daughter Pamina, kidnapped by Sarastro

Background imagePerformed Collection: Berlioz Faust Liebig 5

Berlioz Faust Liebig 5
The damnation of Faust : he falls into Hell, while Mephistopheles and his demons celebrate another victory

Background imagePerformed Collection: Faust - Liebig - 4

Faust - Liebig - 4
FAUST Faust fights Marguerites brother Valentin, and Mephistopheles directs a fatal stroke

Background imagePerformed Collection: Strong Man at a Fair

Strong Man at a Fair
A man plays a fanfare on a cornet to herald the great feat of strength being performed by a strong man at a fair, while a few people stand looking on

Background imagePerformed Collection: Music Scores / Berlioz

Music Scores / Berlioz
part of the score of Berliozs La Damnation de Faust, first performed in December 1846, and later turned into an opera

Background imagePerformed Collection: Lourdes / Miracle / Spanish

Lourdes / Miracle / Spanish
Berndatte Soubirous vision, and some of the miracles performed by the Virgin Mary at Lourdes

Background imagePerformed Collection: 12th Night / 1864 Perform

12th Night / 1864 Perform
Performed in the course of the 1864 Shakespeare Festival at Stratford-on-Avon

Background imagePerformed Collection: G&s / Pirates, India 3

G&s / Pirates, India 3
Young Frederic is reminded of his duty at pistol-point by the Pirate King and Ruth in an amateur production by the British community at Simla, India

Background imagePerformed Collection: Jack in the Green 1872

Jack in the Green 1872
Jack-in-the-Green is performed outside Montagu House, Portman Square, London. The house was originally built in 1782 for Elizabeth Montagu, a noted social figure

Background imagePerformed Collection: Rimsky, Snow Maiden 3

Rimsky, Snow Maiden 3
( Snegurochka ) Bobilicka, a peasant woman with whom the Snow Maiden goes to live

Background imagePerformed Collection: Pinafore / Programme 2

Pinafore / Programme 2
Inside pages of the programme for the original production, naming George Grossmith as Sir Joseph Porter

Background imagePerformed Collection: Traviata - Liebig - 5

Traviata - Liebig - 5
Act two, scene 19 : at Floras ball, Alfredos father rebukes his behaviour, and the Baron, Violettas former protector, challenges him to a duel

Background imagePerformed Collection: Berlioz Faust Liebig 4

Berlioz Faust Liebig 4
Mephistopheles and Faust ride towards the abyss - demons line the route

Background imagePerformed Collection: Parsifal - Liebig 1

Parsifal - Liebig 1
Act one : Amfortas and his Holy Knights

Background imagePerformed Collection: Act 2 at Bayreuth 1908

Act 2 at Bayreuth 1908
Act two - as performed at Bayreuth in 1908

Background imagePerformed Collection: Rossini Balestrieri

Rossini Balestrieri
GIOACCHINO ROSSINI composing his opera Il Barbieri di Seviglia, first performed on 20 February 1816

Background imagePerformed Collection: Stephan Bibrowski (1890 - 1932), know as Lionel the Lion-faced Man

Stephan Bibrowski (1890 - 1932), know as Lionel the Lion-faced Man. Lionel traveled to the United States and started appearing with the Barnum and Bailey Circus

Background imagePerformed Collection: Sheet Music Cover Paper Doll performed by Geraldo

Sheet Music Cover Paper Doll performed by Geraldo
Sheet Music Cover - Paper Doll performed by Geraldo 1942 Date: 1942

Background imagePerformed Collection: Sheet Music Cover, Paper Doll, performed by Geraldo

Sheet Music Cover, Paper Doll, performed by Geraldo
Sheet Music Cover, Paper Doll by Johnny Black, words by Dardanella, music by the Mills Bros on Brunswick record, featured and broadcast in the distinctive Geraldo style. Date: 1942

Background imagePerformed Collection: Prospero, holding his daughter Miranda

Prospero, holding his daughter Miranda
UIG532739 Prospero, holding his daughter Miranda, regards Caliban, a savage, deformed, sub-human creature, whom he has enslaved

Background imagePerformed Collection: Souvenir of David Garrick performed by Charles Wyndham

Souvenir of David Garrick performed by Charles Wyndham at the Criterion Theatre, London 1888 front page of programme. Date: 1888

Background imagePerformed Collection: Souvenir of David Garrick performed by Charles Wyndham

Souvenir of David Garrick performed by Charles Wyndham at the Criterion Theatre, London 1888 centre page of programme. Date: 1888

Background imagePerformed Collection: Alonso, King of Naples, The Tempest Act III, Scene 3 (Chromolithograph)

Alonso, King of Naples, The Tempest Act III, Scene 3 (Chromolithograph)
UIG532742 Alonso, King of Naples, The Tempest Act III, Scene 3 (Chromolithograph); ( shipwrecked with his court on Prospero's enchanted island, amazed by the fairies)

Background imagePerformed Collection: Pierre Grandval, French actor, as the Misanthrope

Pierre Grandval, French actor, as the Misanthrope
Pierre Racot de Grandval, French comic actor who debuted at the Comedie-Francais in 1729, performed in plays by Moliere, Voltaire, and others, 1711-1784. Pierre Grandval. Theatre Francais

Background imagePerformed Collection: Miss Jane Pope of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane

Miss Jane Pope of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane (1744-1818). English actress who performed for over 52 years on the London stage

Background imagePerformed Collection: Francis Aickin as Bolingbroke in Richard II

Francis Aickin as Bolingbroke in Richard II
Mr F. Aickin in the character of Bolingbroke in William Shakespeare's Richard II. Aickin did not play the role

Background imagePerformed Collection: Gioacchino Rossini (1792- 1868) - Italian composer

Gioacchino Rossini (1792- 1868) - Italian composer
Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868). Italian composer. Sheet music of William Tell. French-language opera in four acts. It was first performed by the Paris Opera at the Salle Le Peletier on 3 August 1829

Background imagePerformed Collection: The Knight of the Swan (Lohengrin) defeats the wicked Friedrich of Telramund in single combat

The Knight of the Swan (Lohengrin) defeats the wicked Friedrich of Telramund in single combat, therefore salvaging Elsa's reputation and winning her love Date: first performed 1850

Background imagePerformed Collection: Tea tribe Playing Drum while Performing Traditional Jumur Dance at Namdapha Eco Cultural Festival

Tea tribe Playing Drum while Performing Traditional Jumur Dance at Namdapha Eco Cultural Festival, Miao, Arunachal Pradesh

Background imagePerformed Collection: Theodore Kosloff and Vera Fredowa, the principal

Theodore Kosloff and Vera Fredowa, the principal characters in Scheherazade performed in 1927 in the Hollywood Bowl Date: 1928

Background imagePerformed Collection: The Demon Machine Dance performed by the Bodenwieser

The Demon Machine Dance performed by the Bodenwieser Ensemble during a summer season in London, 1929 Date: 1929

Background imagePerformed Collection: Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker 57-2589

Boeing KC-135A Stratotanker 57-2589
United States Air Force - Boeing KC-135A-BN Stratotanker 57-2589 (MSN 17725) 13 December 1958: First flight. 21 January 1959: 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Offutt AFB, NE

Background imagePerformed Collection: The first de Havilland DH. 112 Venom prototype - VV612

The first de Havilland DH. 112 Venom prototype - VV612
The de Havilland DH.112 Venom - a British post-war single-engined jet aircraft developed and manufactured by the de Havilland Aircraft Company

Background imagePerformed Collection: LeVier Cosmic Wind G-ARUL Ballerina

LeVier Cosmic Wind G-ARUL Ballerina
After failing to win races in the US, LeVier Cosmic Wind G-ARUL Ballerina, was exported to the UK, where it performed well, winning the 1964 Kings cup Air Race at Shoreham on 1 August 1964

Background imagePerformed Collection: The Youngest of Three, New Theatre, Cambridge

The Youngest of Three, New Theatre, Cambridge
The Youngest of Three, a play by H F Maltby, at the New Theatre, Cambridge, with a scene from Act 3. First performed in Jersey in 1905. circa 1911

Background imagePerformed Collection: June Brae and Robert Helpmann in Adam Zero at Sadlers Wells

June Brae and Robert Helpmann in Adam Zero at Sadlers Wells
June Brae (1917-2000) and Robert Helpmann (1909-1986) in Adam Zero, a ballet with music composed by Arthur Bliss and choreographed by Robert Helpmann in 1946 - performed at the Sadlers Wells Theatre

Background imagePerformed Collection: First Lady Jacqueline Kennedys (JBK) Musical Program for Youth

First Lady Jacqueline Kennedys (JBK) Musical Program for Youth

Background imagePerformed Collection: An Elizabethan Duel, under the Direction of Captain Hutton

An Elizabethan Duel, under the Direction of Captain Hutton
1040576 An Elizabethan Duel, under the Direction of Captain Hutton, performed at the Hippodrome (litho) by Salmon, Balliol (1868-1953) (after); Private Collection; ( An Elizabethan Duel)

Background imagePerformed Collection: A sketch of the dancer Derra De Moroda by G. Peres

A sketch of the dancer Derra De Moroda by G. Peres, December 1923 who recently performed at the Palladium Theatre Date: 1923

Background imagePerformed Collection: Transland Ag-2 N8330H and N8831H

Transland Ag-2 N8330H and N8831H
Transland Ag-2 N8830H and N8831H, 1st and 2nd prototypes

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"Captivating Performances: A Journey Through Time and Talent" Step into the enchanting world of performances as we explore a variety of captivating acts throughout history. From the lively Pinafore in Programme 1 to the awe-inspiring display of strength by Atlas and Vulcana, this collection showcases the diversity of talent that has graced stages worldwide. Feel the anticipation as Lohengrin arrives, bringing with him an air of mystery and grandeur. Join Sophie Blanchard on her breathtaking balloon ascent over Milan, where she defies gravity with grace and courage. Dive into the comedic brilliance of Mozart's opera The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro), where love triangles unravel amidst laughter and music. Witness Triumph Southern Cross, a spectacle that celebrates human triumph over adversity. Be mesmerized by Walter Passmore's performance in Iolanthe, transporting you to a magical realm filled with enchantment. Immerse yourself in the whimsical world created by Liebig's Magic Flute illustration - a feast for both eyes and imagination. Experience thought-provoking theater through Capek's play R. u. R. , which explores themes of humanity and artificial intelligence ahead of its time. Travel back to 1840s India as an Indian Dancing Girl captivates audiences with her graceful movements and vibrant costumes. Delve into history at Monk Wine Cellar from the 14th century, where monks crafted their liquid artistry amidst ancient stone walls. Finally, let Verdi's masterpiece Rigoletto take your breath away as Liebig brings this tragic tale to life through vivid imagery. Join us on this extraordinary journey through time as we celebrate performers who have left indelible marks on our hearts and minds. Their dedication, passion, and sheer talent continue to inspire generations after generations – reminding us why live performances are truly one-of-a-kind experiences that transcend time itself.

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