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Operations Collection

Background imageOperations Collection: Military Badge

Military Badge
Ulster impressions.Photolithograph after Joan Wanklyn, 1976.Published by Headquarters Northern Ireland, 1976.Shows 18 vignettes of the British Army on operations in Northern Ireland

Background imageOperations Collection: WW2 poster, activities of 52 (Lowland) Division

WW2 poster, activities of 52 (Lowland) Division
Screen-print poster, published circa 1950, showing the activities of the 52nd Lowland Division during the Second World War, with a map of Northern Europe, and unit badges along the top and bottom

Background imageOperations Collection: Dry Stone Walling

Dry Stone Walling
Two working class men in flat caps build a dry stone wall together at Galashiel, Selkirkshire, Scotland

Background imageOperations Collection: Air Traffic Control flight information strips

Air Traffic Control flight information strips

Background imageOperations Collection: Bricklayers 1827

Bricklayers 1827
A bricklayer standing on a rather precarious looking scaffold. His assistant mixes mortar behind him; his hod for carrying bricks etc is nearby

Background imageOperations Collection: Dry Stone Walling

Dry Stone Walling
Building a dry-stone wall in Yorkshire. The stones are sorted and graded for foundations, ties and courses which all fit together like a jigsaw

Background imageOperations Collection: The Stuka Advertised

The Stuka Advertised
Junkers JU-87 Stuka dive- bombers featured in an advertisement exploiting their sinister shape and fearsome reputation Date: February 1941

Background imageOperations Collection: Building and masonry tools

Building and masonry tools
Various building and masonry tools, including a saw, a mallet, chisels, hatchets, a trowel and a hammer

Background imageOperations Collection: Coal / Durham Pit Pony

Coal / Durham Pit Pony
Pitmen hewing the coal, South Durham : a pit pony waits to haul the coal away

Background imageOperations Collection: Avro 683 Lancaster I of No 467 Squadron bombing-up-beca

Avro 683 Lancaster I of No 467 Squadron bombing-up-became the mainstay of RAF Bomber Command, the type entering operations in February 1942

Background imageOperations Collection: Compass Rose

Compass Rose
A compass rose

Background imageOperations Collection: Building Emp State Buil

Building Emp State Buil
A dizzy perch 350 yards above street level: A New York workman (Carl Russell) engaged on the worlds tallest bulding (at the time), the Empire State Building

Background imageOperations Collection: Sailors Knots

Sailors Knots
A variety of knots used by sailors for a variety of purposes. Some run, some slip, others stay put... Date: 1926

Background imageOperations Collection: COAL MINE / PENITENT

A penitent, so named because his clothing resembled that of religious orders, rids the air of explosive gas by setting fire to it. A dangerous task, that often ended unhappily

Background imageOperations Collection: Miners in a Lift Shaft

Miners in a Lift Shaft
Miners about to descend for their shift underground at Lynemouth Colliery

Background imageOperations Collection: Safety Lamps / 1826

Safety Lamps / 1826
Diagrams showing the workings of Stephensons Lamp (1 - 4), and Davys Lamp (5, on the right)

Background imageOperations Collection: PIT PONIES / 1853

Working with horses in the Bradley Mine, near Bilston, Staffordshire [England]

Background imageOperations Collection: Hawker Sea Hawks

Hawker Sea Hawks parked adjoining the angled deck area on board HMS Ark Royal during operations in the Mediterranean. March 1957. Date: 1957

Background imageOperations Collection: LFB and London Salvage Corps at a serious fire

LFB and London Salvage Corps at a serious fire
With 25 pumps attending a serious fire at Eversholt House, 163 Eversholt Street, NW1, the London Salvage Corps bring in reinforcements to deal with the effects of firefighting operations

Background imageOperations Collection: Bricklayers / Workmen / 1856

Bricklayers / Workmen / 1856
A pair of bricklayers building a wall Date: 1856

Background imageOperations Collection: Captain Charles Upham

Captain Charles Upham
Portrait of double VC winner, Captain Charles Upham (). Born in New Zealand, Upham was a sheep farmer who distinguished himself during World War Two on two occasions

Background imageOperations Collection: JACOBs STAFF

A sailor uses a Jacobs Staff to calculate the angle between a star and the horizon

Background imageOperations Collection: Plimsoll Line

Plimsoll Line
The Mark indicates the degree to which a ship may be loaded - if it is below water level, the ship is dangerously over- loaded. (We have Plimsolls original prospectus)

Background imageOperations Collection: At the Coal Face / 1869

At the Coal Face / 1869
Two men mining for coal

Background imageOperations Collection: Work in a Coal Mine

Work in a Coal Mine
Various workings of a coal mine in Northumberland, England

Background imageOperations Collection: Girl Picks Flowers C1887

Girl Picks Flowers C1887
A girl picks some rather wild flowers growing in a country garden

Background imageOperations Collection: Builders at work

Builders at work in the foreground, with partially completed buildings in the background

Background imageOperations Collection: Cartoon Re Finland War

Cartoon Re Finland War
Finland defends itself valiantly against the Soviet invasion

Background imageOperations Collection: German Tanks Advance

German Tanks Advance
A German tank column, accompanied by infantry, advances into Russia

Background imageOperations Collection: Soviet Air Attack

Soviet Air Attack
Finland : Soviet aircraft attack a Finnish supply train of elk-drawn sledges : the Finnish troops themselves are on skis

Background imageOperations Collection: German Uses Binoculars

German Uses Binoculars
German soldier on observation duty using binoculars

Background imageOperations Collection: Germans in Russian Town

Germans in Russian Town
German infantry clear a Russian town street by street

Background imageOperations Collection: Rail Operations Centre

Rail Operations Centre
A British Rail operations and track maintenance centre

Background imageOperations Collection: German Air Spotters Book

German Air Spotters Book
A handbook issued to German forces, enabling them to distinguish aircraft types so, if possible, not to shoot down their own aircraft

Background imageOperations Collection: German Diver Goes Down

German Diver Goes Down
A German diver goes down to the wreck of an Allied vessel, hoping to salvage useful items and materials

Background imageOperations Collection: Manuscript, handwritten sheet music

Manuscript, handwritten sheet music, D 328, Op. 1, The Erlking, portrait of Franz Peter Schubert, 1797-1828, Austrian composer

Background imageOperations Collection: Tornado GR4s armed with Stormshadow missiles

Tornado GR4s armed with Stormshadow missiles
Image of a Tornado GR4 from 903 Expeditionary Air Wing (EAW), based out of Royal Air Force Akrotiri, Cyprus

Background imageOperations Collection: HMS Monmouth with HMS Trenchant

HMS Monmouth with HMS Trenchant
Type 23 frigate HMS Monmouth is pictured in the Middle East on operations with submarine HMS Trenchant astern of her, and the ships Lynx helicopter from 815 Naval Air Squadron close by

Background imageOperations Collection: Type 45 Destroyer HMS Daring Leaves Portsmouth for First Operational Deployment

Type 45 Destroyer HMS Daring Leaves Portsmouth for First Operational Deployment
Type 45 destroyer HMS Daring leaves from Portsmouth for the Middle East, on the first ever operational deployment for the Royal Navys newest class of vessel

Background imageOperations Collection: Coal Mining Operations

Coal Mining Operations
Mining operations, drilling and boring, showing equipment and cross-section of mine. Date: 19th century

Background imageOperations Collection: LCC-LFB Change from brass to cork fire helmets

LCC-LFB Change from brass to cork fire helmets
A significant landmark when on 14 July 1934 the LFB started to replace its traditional brass helmet with a new compressed cork design. It would be four years before the changeover was completed

Background imageOperations Collection: Woman Cooking 1960S

Woman Cooking 1960S
A woman in an apron holds a saucepan ready over the hob as she turns it on

Background imageOperations Collection: Italians in Somalia

Italians in Somalia
East Africa : the Italians rout the British in Somalia

Background imageOperations Collection: Dunkirk Evacuation

Dunkirk Evacuation
FRANCE : Beaten back by the German advance, the British evacuate mainland Europe via the beaches of DUNKIRK, under heavy attacks from the enemy

Background imageOperations Collection: Stoking a Steamship

Stoking a Steamship
Stokers at work in the hold of a coal-burning steamship

Background imageOperations Collection: Mining Safety Lamps

Mining Safety Lamps
Safety lamps, invented by Davy in England and modified by Mueseler, in use in a French coal-mine

Background imageOperations Collection: 'Appleton - either the Admiral routes the convoys further south

"Appleton - either the Admiral routes the convoys further south
" Appleton - either the Admiral routes the convoys further south

Background imageOperations Collection: Suvla Bay, Gallipoli, WW1

Suvla Bay, Gallipoli, WW1
Suvla Bay, Gallipoli: close quarters at the seas edge. Showing landing conditions on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Date: 1915

Background imageOperations Collection: German Foot Soldier

German Foot Soldier
A German foot-soldier on the attack

Background imageOperations Collection: German Tanks in Russia

German Tanks in Russia
A German tank, accompanied by infantry, advances across the Russian steppes

Background imageOperations Collection: Coal / Pit Ponies / 1907

Coal / Pit Ponies / 1907
Ponies hauling coal trucks along the gallery of an English colliery

Background imageOperations Collection: Raf Vs Soviet Airforce

Raf Vs Soviet Airforce
Anglo-Soviet soccer match, Murmansk, RAF and Soviet Airforce. The RAF provided air-cover for convoys in their Hawker Hurricanes (background)

Background imageOperations Collection: Soviet Tank Parade

Soviet Tank Parade
Tanks leave Moscow after a parade, going straight to the front-line. This is a view of Gorky Street

Background imageOperations Collection: Russian Soldiers Oath

Russian Soldiers Oath
A Soviet soldier makes the Soldiers Oath, kissing his rifle

Background imageOperations Collection: First Photo of a Diver

First Photo of a Diver
Illustration based on the first underwater photograph of a diver

Background imageOperations Collection: Me 109 Versus Spitfire

Me 109 Versus Spitfire
A Messerschmitt 109 in pursuit of a Spitfire. The caption says the German plane will shoot the British one down - but who knows, perhaps it will be the other way about ?

Background imageOperations Collection: Me 110 over Greece

Me 110 over Greece
Italy; a German twin-engined Messerschmitt 110 fighter over the mountains of Sicily : german aircraft came to help the Italians eject the Allies from the Mediterranean

Background imageOperations Collection: Tanks Near Tobruk

Tanks Near Tobruk
North Africa : a German tank destroys a British tank in Marmarica, during the fiercely contested battle for Tobruk, Libya

Background imageOperations Collection: Soviet ships attempt to land in Estonia

Soviet ships attempt to land in Estonia
German tanks thwart the Russians landing attempt in Estonia

Background imageOperations Collection: New Tower Blocks Go Up

New Tower Blocks Go Up
A striking impression of modern flats being constructed on a slum clearance site, the Woodside Development Plan, in Sheffield

Background imageOperations Collection: COAL GOING UP / 1910

Tubs of coal arrive at the bottom of the lift shaft, ready to be hauled up to the surface, at the Clay Cross mine at Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England

Background imageOperations Collection: At the Coal Face / 1842

At the Coal Face / 1842
By the light of a Davy safety lamp, two miners work at the coal face

Background imageOperations Collection: 1837 / COAL MINE

1837 / COAL MINE
A cross-section of a coal mine showing all the underground chambers and tunnels

Background imageOperations Collection: Concrete Transporter

Concrete Transporter
A builder climbing into a ready-mix concrete transporter lorry

Background imageOperations Collection: German Pilots Briefed

German Pilots Briefed
German pilots attend last briefing before a mission - aircraft in background is a Stuka

Background imageOperations Collection: German Paras Norway

German Paras Norway
German paratroopers landing during invasion (near Narvik)

Background imageOperations Collection: Miners / Lift Shaft / 1855

Miners / Lift Shaft / 1855
Landing at the bottom of the shaft in a mine in Northumberland, England

Background imageOperations Collection: American submarine chasers, WW1

American submarine chasers, WW1
Six American submarine chasers during the First World War. They served in minesweeping operations in the North Sea. Date: 1917-1918

Background imageOperations Collection: Thatcher, Sidney Chun, splitting a spar - Marlborough

Thatcher, Sidney Chun, splitting a spar - Marlborough
A thatcher, Sidney Chun (1903-1985), wears protective clothing, including a cricket shin pad, while splitting spars before thatching a roof at Marlborough - date: 1950s

Background imageOperations Collection: Construction of Blackfriars bridge, London

Construction of Blackfriars bridge, London
Builders involved in various tasks atop two huge arches under construction. One of the arches clearly shows the scaffolding required to form such a huge structure. Date: August 1764

Background imageOperations Collection: Tools of an Architect

Tools of an Architect
A plan for a neo-classical building is rested against the tools of the surveyors architects and builders who will construct this edifice

Background imageOperations Collection: Women Ground Crew

Women Ground Crew
Soviet female ground-crew re- arm a fighter bomber. Almost all the Soviet ground crew were female

Background imageOperations Collection: Sebastopol Liberated

Sebastopol Liberated
LIBERATION SCENES The liberation of Sebastopol

Background imageOperations Collection: Greeting Soviet Tank

Greeting Soviet Tank
Ukrainian farmer greets a Soviet Tank crew with traditional gifts - bread and salt

Background imageOperations Collection: Crossing Caucasus

Crossing Caucasus
Soviet soldiers cross the Caucasus Mountains on the way to the front

Background imageOperations Collection: Soviet Cavalryman

Soviet Cavalryman
A Soviet cavalryman shares a drink with his horse, at the Dneiper river

Background imageOperations Collection: Soviet Tank and Gun

Soviet Tank and Gun
A Soviet T-34 tank passing a 76.2mm field gun

Background imageOperations Collection: British Sub Rammed

British Sub Rammed
An Italian torpedo boat heroically rams and sinks a British submarine

Background imageOperations Collection: Stacking Reed for Thatch

Stacking Reed for Thatch
Stacking reeds to dry at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. Once they have dried, they will be used for thatching roofs

Background imageOperations Collection: Plastering Cottage Walls

Plastering Cottage Walls
Renovating the walls of a cottage at Chagford, a picturesque Devon village

Background imageOperations Collection: Shes Baked a Pie

Shes Baked a Pie
She has baked a pie in her Servall grate - 63, 000 sold since 1920 !

Background imageOperations Collection: M4 special forces assault rifle in tan color isolated on a white background

M4 special forces assault rifle in tan color isolated on a white background

Background imageOperations Collection: Military medal - Corporal Elspeth Henderson

Military medal - Corporal Elspeth Henderson
One of the first three women to gain the coveted military medal for gallant conduct, W.A.A.F member, Corporal Elspeth Henderson

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"Operations: A Tapestry of Skill, Strategy, and Legacy" From the military badge symbolizing honor and bravery to the artistry of dry stone walling, operations encompass a diverse range of activities that shape our world. In the depths of history, WW2 posters rallied support for the valiant efforts of 52 (Lowland) Division as they carried out their crucial missions. The menacing Stuka aircraft advertised its deadly capabilities while bricklayers in 1827 laid foundations for future generations. Amidst the darkness of coal mines, Durham Pit Ponies played an integral role in ensuring smooth operations underground. Building Emp State Buil showcased grand architectural endeavors that stood tall as symbols of progress. Skilled craftsmen wielded building and masonry tools with precision, shaping structures that would withstand the test of time. In a realm where safety is paramount, air traffic control flight information strips guided planes through skies teeming with life. The compass rose served as a steadfast companion to navigators on perilous journeys across uncharted waters. The Welrod pistol whispered tales from covert operations during times when silence was golden. These snippets from various realms highlight how operations intertwine throughout history - be it military campaigns or construction projects - leaving indelible marks on society's tapestry. As we reflect upon these hints about "operations, " let us appreciate those who have dedicated their lives to executing intricate plans with unwavering dedication and ingenuity, and is through their collective efforts that we witness progress unfold before our eyes – reminding us that behind every great achievement lies a story woven by countless individuals who ensure seamless operations in pursuit of greatness.

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