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Longitudinal Collection

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Dicotyledon plant stem, light micrograph

Dicotyledon plant stem, light micrograph
Dicotyledon plant stem. Light micrograph of a longitudinal radial section through a typical dicotyledon stem

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Jelly fish, artwork

Jelly fish, artwork
Jelly fish (Leonura terminalis). Historical artwork of a deep sea jelly fish observed by Ernst Haeckel during an expedition on HMS Challenger (1873-1876)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Tendon, SEM

Tendon, SEM
Tendon, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM), showing bundles of collagen fibres. Magnification: x5000 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Childs brain, MRI scan

Childs brain, MRI scan
Childs brain. Coloured magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of an coronal (vertical) section through the head and brain of a healthy 3-year-old child, passing through the ears

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Section of Great Eastern

Section of Great Eastern
Longitudinal sections of Brunels Leviathan steamship, otherwise known as the Great Eastern

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Parthenon of Athens and Custom House, New York

Parthenon of Athens and Custom House, New York
Parthenon of Athens, - Longitudinal Section.; B. Custom House, New York. Longitudinal Section. Date: ca. 1835

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section of the Theatre of Palais Garnier

Longitudinal section of the Theatre of Palais Garnier, Opera House. Paris, France. Designed by French architect Charles Garnier (1825-1898) and inaugurated in January 5, 1875. Engraving

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: English Channel - Longitudinal section of submarine tunnel

English Channel - Longitudinal section of submarine tunnel
The English Channel. Longitudinal section of the submarine tunnel between France and England (Dover side). 1- Artificial dike, with vertical inlet leading to the tunnel. 2- Permeable slate layer

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Atmospheric railway, elevation and longitudinal section

Atmospheric railway, elevation and longitudinal section. Date: 1913

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section of the Great Eastern Steam Ship designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Longitudinal section of the Great Eastern Steam Ship designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. To be launched on 3 November 1857 but there was major logistical issues. Date: 1857

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Diagram showing the longitudinal and cross section of the HMS Duke of Wellington

Diagram showing the longitudinal and cross section of the HMS Duke of Wellington. Date: 1852

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Pigeons: Mr Wallaces Pigeon Loft (engraving)

Pigeons: Mr Wallaces Pigeon Loft (engraving)
7183915 Pigeons: Mr Wallaces Pigeon Loft (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Mr Wallaces Pigeon Loft)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Tranverse and longitudinal sections of Somerset House (coloured engraving)

Tranverse and longitudinal sections of Somerset House (coloured engraving)
585325 Tranverse and longitudinal sections of Somerset House (coloured engraving) by English School

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Occipital bone, inner surface (engraving)

Occipital bone, inner surface (engraving)
3634210 Occipital bone, inner surface (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Occipital bone, inner surface)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section of Thames Tunnel 1825

Longitudinal section of Thames Tunnel 1825
First of the construction took part in 1825, hundred and fifty feet under the River Thames. Date: 1825

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: The Electric Exhibition at the Crystal Palace (engraving)

The Electric Exhibition at the Crystal Palace (engraving)
1623896 The Electric Exhibition at the Crystal Palace (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( The Electric Exhibition at the Crystal Palace)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section through the middle of the right knee-joint (engraving)

Longitudinal section through the middle of the right knee-joint (engraving)
3634204 Longitudinal section through the middle of the right knee-joint (engraving) by English School

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: St. Peters / Vatican / Rome

St. Peters / Vatican / Rome
A longitudinal cut-through view of the Basilica di San Pietro in the Vatican, Rome. Date: 1855

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Bladder epithelium, light micrograph

Bladder epithelium, light micrograph
Bladder epithelium. Light micrograph of a vertical section through the wall of the urinary bladder. The inner surface is at top

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Ross / Somerset House / 1

Ross / Somerset House / 1
John Rosss arctic expedition: Transverse section (top) and Longitudinal section of Somerset House at Fury Beach, North Somerset. Date: 1829 - 33

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Earthworm, longitudinal section

Earthworm, longitudinal section
Earthworm. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through the body of a round segmented earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris), showing the first 14 anterior segments

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Kidney anatomy, artwork

Kidney anatomy, artwork
Kidney anatomy. Cutaway artwork showing the internal structure of a kidney. The kidney, one of a pair of such organs, is part of the human excretory system

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Triticum aestivum, Wheat

Triticum aestivum, Wheat, - Watercolour by Franz Bauer, c.1805. Longitudinal section of basal portion of juvenile plants. Paper, watercolour, signed

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Tour of the Colonies - Winnipeg - School Children

Tour of the Colonies - Winnipeg - School Children - Royal Party watching school children. Part of Box 246 Boswell collection - Tour of the Colonies

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Plan of Suburban Villa

Plan of Suburban Villa
Longitudinal section and ground plan of a suburban villa Date: 1857

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Cross section of cylinder to transport Cleopatras needle

Cross section of cylinder to transport Cleopatras needle
A proposed scheme showing the longitudinal section of a cylinder encasing Cleopatras needle to transport it to London. Date: 1877

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Sections human body anatomy engraving 1857

Sections human body anatomy engraving 1857
Rank, johannes - The human being. 1 - 1894

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section of Anglo-Irish engineer Sir Charles Parsons (1854-1931) marine

Longitudinal section of Anglo-Irish engineer Sir Charles Parsons (1854-1931) marine turbine fitted in the Dover packet boat Queen c1904. Engraving

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section of: 1. Parsons marine turbine. 2. Rateaus marine turbine

Longitudinal section of: 1. Parsons marine turbine. 2. Rateaus marine turbine

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal section of a typical British passenger steam locomotive, 1888. The firebox

Longitudinal section of a typical British passenger steam locomotive, 1888. The firebox heated the boiler tubes, producing steam to drive the locomotive. From The Popular Encyclopaedia. (London, 1888)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Tomato slices C016 / 9658

Tomato slices C016 / 9658
Tomato slices. Longitudinal (right) and transverse (left) slices through a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Tomato slices C016 / 9664

Tomato slices C016 / 9664
Tomato slices. Longitudinal slices through a tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Atherosclerosis in artery, artwork C016 / 6571

Atherosclerosis in artery, artwork C016 / 6571
Atherosclerosis in artery. Artwork of a longitudinal section through an artery that has been narrowed by atherosclerosis. Narrowing is referred to as stenosis

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Kiwi slices C016 / 9649

Kiwi slices C016 / 9649
Kiwi slices. Longitudinal slices through a kiwi fruit (Actinidia Chinensis)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Broken shoulder, artwork C016 / 6568

Broken shoulder, artwork C016 / 6568
Broken shoulder. Artwork of a vertical (coronal) section through the bones of the shoulder, showing a fracture (centre right) of the upper part of the humerus (upper arm bone)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Nerve fibre node, TEM C014 / 1458

Nerve fibre node, TEM C014 / 1458
Nerve fibre node. Transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a longitudinal section through a nerve fibre at a node of Ranvier, showing the nerve tissue (red) and the myelin sheath (dark blue)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Buttercup stem, SEM

Buttercup stem, SEM
Buttercup stem. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a section through the stem of a buttercup (Ranunculus sp.) plant

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Sheep horn, SEM

Sheep horn, SEM
Sheep horn. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a longitudinal section through the horn of a sheep (Ovis sp.)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Balsa wood structure, SEM

Balsa wood structure, SEM
Balsa wood structure, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). This wood is from the balsa tree (Ochroma pyramidale)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Iroko wood, SEM

Iroko wood, SEM
Iroko wood. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a longitudinal section through Iroko (Chlorophora excelsa) wood

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Mitosis in root tip of Broad Bean, LM

Mitosis in root tip of Broad Bean, LM
Light micrograph (longitudinal section) of the cells in the root tip of a broad bean plant Vicia faba. The dark spot in the centre of each cell is the nucleus

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Crayfish compound eye, light micrograph

Crayfish compound eye, light micrograph
Crayfish compound eye

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Oesophagus wall, light micrograph

Oesophagus wall, light micrograph
Oesophagus wall. Coloured light micrograph of a section through the human oesophagus, which passes food from the mouth to the stomach

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Trachea epithelium, light micrograph

Trachea epithelium, light micrograph
Trachea epithelium

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Longitudinal sections, artwork, 1891

Longitudinal sections, artwork, 1891
Longitudinal sections. Historical artwork of a human being (bottom) and other organisms. Illustration by Ernst Haeckel, published in the 1891 edition of his Anthropogenie

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Blood vessel types, artwork

Blood vessel types, artwork
Blood vessel types. Artworks of the three types of blood vessels, from left: arteries, veins, and capillaries

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Ovarian blood vessel, SEM

Ovarian blood vessel, SEM
Ovarian blood vessel. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a section through a blood vessel in an ovary. Red blood cells are seen in the lumen, which is lined with endothelial cells (brown)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Micromechanical accelerometer

Micromechanical accelerometer. This tiny acceleration sensor is used in automatic car stability control systems

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Optic nerve, light micrograph

Optic nerve, light micrograph
Optic nerve. Coloured light micrograph of a section through the optic nerve. The optic nerve (bright pink) collects impulses from the light sensitive cells of the retina and relays them to the brain

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Eye structure, light micrograph

Eye structure, light micrograph
Eye structure. Coloured light micrograph of a section through the inner surface of a human eye

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Brain

Brain, historical artwork. The top drawing shows the brain cut in-between its hemispheres. The front of the brain is on the left

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Intestine wall, artwork

Intestine wall, artwork
Intestine wall. Computer artwork of a section through the wall of a human intestine, showing its structure. For the labelled diagram see image: C009/1711

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Small intestine section, light micrograph

Small intestine section, light micrograph
Small intestine section. Light micrograph of a vertical section through the illeum, part of the small intestine

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Kidney, light micrograph

Kidney, light micrograph
Kidney. Light micrograph of a vertical section through a whole kidney

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Developing frog egg, light micrograph

Developing frog egg, light micrograph
Developing frog egg. Light micrograph of a vertical section through a developing egg laid by a common frog (Rana temporaria temporaria). The egg has reached the blastula stage

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Stomach section, light micrograph

Stomach section, light micrograph
Stomach section. Light micrograph of a vertical section through a stomach

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Skin section, light micrograph

Skin section, light micrograph
Skin section. Semi-polarised light micrograph of a vertical section through human skin. The outer epidermis is the thin layer across top, with the dermis layer beneath it

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Tongue section, light micrograph

Tongue section, light micrograph
Tongue section. Light micrograph of a vertical section through a mammalian tongue. At top, the surface is covered with circumvallate papillae

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Kidney cortex, light micrograph

Kidney cortex, light micrograph
Kidney cortex. Light micrograph of a vertical section through the cortex (outer layer) of a kidney

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Eukaryotic flagellum structure, artwork

Eukaryotic flagellum structure, artwork
Eukaryotic flagellum structure. Cutaway artwork showing the internal structure of the flagellum in eukaryotic cells

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Intestinal villi anatomy, artwork

Intestinal villi anatomy, artwork
Intestinal villi anatomy. Artwork showing six types of cell found on the surface of villi in the small intestine

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Slug turning the right way up

Slug turning the right way up. Composite image of a slug righting itself after it was turned on its back (top left)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Clubmoss cone, light micrograph

Clubmoss cone, light micrograph. Longitudinal section through the cone (strobilus) of the clubmoss Lycopodium clavatum. The strobilus consists of a central axis (purple)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Fern plant reproduction, light micrograph

Fern plant reproduction, light micrograph. At bottom, the double kidney-shaped gametophyte (prothallus) plant has anchored itself with root-like rhizoids (central black area)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Horsetail cone, light micrograph

Horsetail cone, light micrograph. Longitudinal section through a young cone (strobilus) of the rough horsetail (Equisetum hyemale)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Liverwort spore capsule, light micrograph

Liverwort spore capsule, light micrograph

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Moss reproductive parts, light micrograph

Moss reproductive parts, light micrograph. Longitudinal section through the antheridial cup (male reproductive parts) of a cord moss (Polytrichum commure)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Moss spore capsule, light micrograph

Moss spore capsule, light micrograph
Moss spore capsule, polarised light micrograph. Longitudinal section through a spore capsule from a fire moss (Funaria hygrometrica)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Pear fruit tissue, light micrograph

Pear fruit tissue, light micrograph
Pear fruit tissue. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through tissue from the fruit of a pear tree (Pyrus sp.)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Shepherds purse seeds, light micrograph

Shepherds purse seeds, light micrograph
Shepherds purse seeds. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through a fruit of the shepherds purse (Capsell bursa-pastoris), showing eight seeds and embryos (red)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Phloem plant cells, light micrograph

Phloem plant cells, light micrograph
Phloem plant cells. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through phloem tissue in a Cucurbita plant. Most of this tissue is large phloem tubes (stained blue)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Leaf abscission layer, light micrograph

Leaf abscission layer, light micrograph
Leaf abscission layer. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through a dicotyledon stem that has undergone leaf-fall. Part of the abscission layer (orange) is at centre

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Dandelion flower head, light micrograph

Dandelion flower head, light micrograph
Dandelion flower head. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through the flower head (capitulum) of a dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Lilac leaf bud, light micrograph

Lilac leaf bud, light micrograph
Lilac leaf bud. Light micrograph of a cross-section of a bud from a lilac tree (Syringa vulgaris)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Female yew tree flower, light micrograph

Female yew tree flower, light micrograph
Female yew tree flower. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through a female flower of the yew tree (Taxus baccata)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Huckleberry shoot, light micrograph

Huckleberry shoot, light micrograph. Longitudinal section through the top of a terminal shoot from a huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Abscission layer, light micrograph

Abscission layer, light micrograph
Abscission layer. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through a stem from the flame nettle (Solenostemon scutellarioides), showing a developing abscission layer (purple, left)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Alexander flowers, light micrograph

Alexander flowers, light micrograph
Alexander flowers. Light micrograph of a section through a cluster of alexander flowers (Smyrnium olusatrum)

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Shepherds purse seed, light micrograph

Shepherds purse seed, light micrograph
Shepherds purse seed. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through a seed of the shepherds purse (Capsell bursa-pastoris), showing the embryo in the seed

Background imageLongitudinal Collection: Cucumber flower bud, light micrograph

Cucumber flower bud, light micrograph
Cucumber flower bud. Light micrograph of a longitudinal section through the flower bud of a cucumber (Cucurbita sp.)

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"Exploring the Intricacies of Longitudinal Structures: From Dicotyledon Plant Stems to Jellyfish Artwork" This captivating light micrograph showcases the intricate longitudinal structure of a dicotyledon plant stem, revealing its inner beauty and complexity. Intriguingly artistic, this jellyfish artwork captures the ethereal nature of these creatures with their long tentacles gracefully extending in a longitudinal fashion. A closer look at tendons through SEM reveals their remarkable longitudinal arrangement, highlighting their strength and flexibility in supporting our movements. Delving into the depths of neuroscience, an MRI scan unveils the fascinating longitudinal pathways within a child's brain, offering insights into cognitive development and neural connections. Transporting us back in time, we encounter historical marvels like the Great Eastern steamship. A section view provides a glimpse into its impressive size and design with a prominent longitudinal perspective. The majestic Parthenon of Athens stands as an enduring symbol of ancient Greece's grandeur. Its exquisite columns stretch longitudinally across its magnificent facade, leaving spectators awestruck by its timeless beauty. Across continents to New York City, we find another architectural gem - the Custom House. With its classical design featuring elegant columns arranged longitudinally along its exterior, it exudes both power and grace. Returning to childhood wonderment once more, an MRI scan unravels further mysteries within a child's brain. This mesmerizing image sheds light on how neurological processes unfold longitudinally during crucial developmental stages. Venturing into innovative transportation methods from yesteryears brings us to an atmospheric railway. An elevation view coupled with a detailed longitudinal section illustrates how this ambitious concept aimed to revolutionize travel using air pressure propulsion systems. Unveiling engineering triumphs from history takes us aboard Isambard Kingdom Brunel's visionary creation - The Great Eastern Steam Ship. Despite logistical challenges delaying her launch in 1857, her groundbreaking design showcased through this striking longitudinal section remains a testament to human ingenuity.

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