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Larval Collection

Background imageLarval Collection: Axolotl, artwork

Axolotl, artwork
Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), artwork. This aquatic freshwater amphibian is a neotonic (larva-like) salamander

Background imageLarval Collection: Picture No. 10890311

Picture No. 10890311
Axolotl - neotenous larval form showing external gills (Ambystoma mexicanum) Date:

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 15. Plate 4 Cryptophasa alba, costa Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)

Page 15. Plate 4 Cryptophasa alba, costa Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)
5670877 Page 15. Plate 4 Cryptophasa alba, costa Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching) by Lewin, John William (1770-1819); 20.6x15.7 cm; Mitchell Library

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 31. Plate 8 Ara / Tortrix Australana Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)

Page 31. Plate 8 Ara / Tortrix Australana Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)
5670881 Page 31. Plate 8 Ara

Background imageLarval Collection: Phyllosoma larval stage of a spiny lobster

Phyllosoma larval stage of a spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas. Phyllosome

Background imageLarval Collection: Admiral cone, larval stage of lamprey, and extinct ammonite

Admiral cone, larval stage of lamprey, and extinct ammonite
Admiral cone, Conus ammiralis 1, ammocete or larval stage of lamprey, Petromyzon marinus 2, and extinct ammonite mollusc fossil 3

Background imageLarval Collection: Exotic dragonflies, darners and skimmers

Exotic dragonflies, darners and skimmers
Dragonfly larval forms 1, 2, 3, common whitetail dragonfly, Libellula lydia 4, green darner, Anax junius 5, and scarlet skimmer or crimson darter, Crocothemis servilia 6

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 11. Insects of New South Wales. Now known as Common centipede, Spider genus Isopeda

Page 11. Insects of New South Wales. Now known as Common centipede, Spider genus Isopeda
5669947 Page 11. Insects of New South Wales

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 43. Plate 11 Bombyx Nasuta, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)

Page 43. Plate 11 Bombyx Nasuta, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)
5670884 Page 43. Plate 11 Bombyx Nasuta, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching) by Lewin, John William (1770-1819); 20.6x15.7 cm; Mitchell Library

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 27. Plate 7 Cossuna Lewinii / Tinea Cossuna Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)

Page 27. Plate 7 Cossuna Lewinii / Tinea Cossuna Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)
5670880 Page 27. Plate 7 Cossuna Lewinii / Tinea Cossuna Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching) by Lewin, John William (1770-1819); 20.6x15/7 cm; Mitchell Library

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 7. Pl. 2 Cryptophasa Rebescens Lew, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)

Page 7. Pl. 2 Cryptophasa Rebescens Lew, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)
5670875 Page 7. Pl.2 Cryptophasa Rebescens Lew, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching) by Lewin, John William (1770-1819); Mitchell Library

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 11. Plate 3 Cryptophasa Septosfermi Pultenae Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)

Page 11. Plate 3 Cryptophasa Septosfermi Pultenae Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching)
5670876 Page 11. Plate 3 Cryptophasa Septosfermi Pultenae Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching) by Lewin, John William (1770-1819); 20.6x15.7 cm; Mitchell Library

Background imageLarval Collection: Illustration of an Ant Lion catching its prey, 1790 (hand coloured engraving)

Illustration of an Ant Lion catching its prey, 1790 (hand coloured engraving)
937195 Illustration of an Ant Lion catching its prey, 1790 (hand coloured engraving) by Schmuzer, Jacob Xavier (1733-1811); Private Collection; ( Antlion)

Background imageLarval Collection: Page 23 Plate 6 Xylopsyche Lewinni / Hepialus Ligniveren Lewin

Page 23 Plate 6 Xylopsyche Lewinni / Hepialus Ligniveren Lewin
5670879 Page 23 Plate 6 Xylopsyche Lewinni / Hepialus Ligniveren Lewin, 1803-04 (hand-coloured etching) by Lewin, John William (1770-1819); Mitchell Library

Background imageLarval Collection: Developing tadpoles

Developing tadpoles. Close-up of two frog (order Anura) larva, or tadpoles, that have already developed their hind legs. Magnification: x6, when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Arctic woolly bear caterpillar

Arctic woolly bear caterpillar
Arctic woolly bear moth caterpillar (Gynaephora groenlandica) being held in a hand

Background imageLarval Collection: Green frog tadpole

Green frog tadpole. This tadpole of the green frog (rana clamitans) is at the two legged stage of metamorphosis

Background imageLarval Collection: Larval stage of a surgeonfish, Yap, Micronesia

Larval stage of a surgeonfish, Yap, Micronesia
This image was captured a mile off the island of Yap at night with the bottom 1000+ feet below

Background imageLarval Collection: Maggot head, SEM C014 / 1449

Maggot head, SEM C014 / 1449
Maggot head. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the head of a fly (order Diptera) larva, showing its mouthparts (centre). Magnification: x40 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Tadpole

Tadpole. Close-up of the eye of a frog (order Anura) larvae, or tadpole, showing its mouth (lower right) and one of its eyes (upper left). Magnification: x22, when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Hawk moth cocoon C016 / 2201

Hawk moth cocoon C016 / 2201
Hawk moth cocoon. Cocoon containing a lime hawk moth (Mimas tiliae) pupa. This moth is found in throughout the Palaearctic region and the Near East

Background imageLarval Collection: Buff-tip moth caterpillars

Buff-tip moth caterpillars. Close-up of the larvae of the buff-tip moth (Phalera bucephala) on an oak leaf (Quercus sp.)

Background imageLarval Collection: Leaf miners in a dock leaf

Leaf miners in a dock leaf (Rumex sp.). Leaf miners are insect larvae that live within leaf tissue. Many cause damage to garden plants and crops

Background imageLarval Collection: Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) underwater, side view

Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) underwater, side view

Background imageLarval Collection: Autumnal acarus or harvest-bug, Acarus autumnalis

Autumnal acarus or harvest-bug, Acarus autumnalis.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1800

Background imageLarval Collection: Exuvia, remaining larval skin, cast skin of a dragonfly, old skin after moulting

Exuvia, remaining larval skin, cast skin of a dragonfly, old skin after moulting

Background imageLarval Collection: Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar on parsley, Papilio polyxenes Central Florida

Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar on parsley, Papilio polyxenes Central Florida
Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar on parsley (Papilio polyxenes). Central Florida

Background imageLarval Collection: Small Elephant Hawkmoth (Deilephila porcellus) adult

Small Elephant Hawkmoth (Deilephila porcellus) adult, resting on Ladys Bedstraw (Galium verum) larval foodplant, Cannobina Valley, Italian Alps, Piedmont, Italy, July

Background imageLarval Collection: Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) introduced pest species, caterpillar

Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) introduced pest species, caterpillar, feeding on Box (Buxus sempervirens) larval foodplant, Cannobina Valley, Italian Alps, Piedmont, Italy, August

Background imageLarval Collection: Black Hairstreak (Satyrium pruni) caterpillar

Black Hairstreak (Satyrium pruni) caterpillar, on Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) larval foodplant, England, May

Background imageLarval Collection: Privet Hawkmoth (Sphinx ligustri) adult

Privet Hawkmoth (Sphinx ligustri) adult, resting on Privet (Ligustrum sp.) leaf, larval foodplant, Sussex, England, June

Background imageLarval Collection: Picture No. 10766905

Picture No. 10766905
GLOW WORMS - larval stage of Fungus Gnat (Arachnocampa luminosa) Date:

Background imageLarval Collection: Picture No. 10893215

Picture No. 10893215
Dragonfly larval case - placed on flower (Aeshna sp.) Date:

Background imageLarval Collection: Picture No. 10893214

Picture No. 10893214
Dragonfly larval case - placed on flower (Aeshna sp.) Date:

Background imageLarval Collection: Caddisfly (Trichoptera sp. ) larvae

Caddisfly (Trichoptera sp. ) larvae
Caddisfly (Trichoptera sp.) larvae, in larval cases on rock underwater, River Livet, Glenlivet, Cairngorms N.P. Highlands, Scotland, January

Background imageLarval Collection: Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala) newly hatched caterpillars

Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala) newly hatched caterpillars, group feeding on egg cases, Gorseinon, West Glamorgan, South Wales, August

Background imageLarval Collection: Cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella, adult emerging from a pupa

Cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella, adult emerging from a pupa

Background imageLarval Collection: Adult cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella

Adult cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella, with larval scales and eggs on a cabbage leaf

Background imageLarval Collection: Larval scales of cabbage whitefly

Larval scales of cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella, parasitised by a parasitoiid wasp, Encarsia tricolor, for commercial biological control

Background imageLarval Collection: An adult parasitoid wasp, Encarsia tricolor

An adult parasitoid wasp, Encarsia tricolor, laying eggs, ovipositing in larval scales of cabbage whitefly, Aleyrodes proletella

Background imageLarval Collection: Lappet Moth (Gastropacha quercifolia) larvae

Lappet Moth (Gastropacha quercifolia) larvae, congregation on hawthorn twig, Oxfordshire, England, May

Background imageLarval Collection: Horn Moth (Ceratophaga vastella) larval faecal towers erupting out of horn

Horn Moth (Ceratophaga vastella) larval faecal towers erupting out of horn, one of few animals that feeds on keratin, Kafue N.P. Zambia, September

Background imageLarval Collection: Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) adult

Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) adult, resting on Common Cleavers (Galium aparine) larval foodplant, Hampshire, England, June

Background imageLarval Collection: Chalkhill Blue (Lysandra coridon) egg

Chalkhill Blue (Lysandra coridon) egg, on Horseshoe Vetch (Hippocrepis comosa) larval foodplant, at Iron Age hillfort, Warham Camp, Warham, Norfolk, England, August

Background imageLarval Collection: Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) empty larval exuvia

Emperor Dragonfly (Anax imperator) empty larval exuvia, on Common Marestail (Hippuris vulgaris), Oxfordshire, England, June

Background imageLarval Collection: Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) cocoon on willow twig

Puss Moth (Cerura vinula) cocoon on willow twig, made partly of wood macerated by larva, Dorset, England, July

Background imageLarval Collection: Adult and larval mexican bean beetles feeding on leaves

Adult and larval mexican bean beetles feeding on leaves

Background imageLarval Collection: Deaths head hawk-moth caterpillar (acherontia atropos)

Deaths head hawk-moth caterpillar (acherontia atropos)

Background imageLarval Collection: Midge larva, SEM C017 / 1912

Midge larva, SEM C017 / 1912
Midge larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a buzzer midge (Chironomus plumosus) larva. The buzzer midge, is a species of non-biting midge

Background imageLarval Collection: Tadpoles feeding on pond weed C017 / 3711

Tadpoles feeding on pond weed C017 / 3711
Tadpoles feeding on pond weed. Tadpoles are the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian, particularly that of a frog or toad

Background imageLarval Collection: Wasp nest

Wasp nest under a leaf, with eggs and larvae visible. Most wasp nests are made from wood fibres that have been chewed up to form a paper-like pulp

Background imageLarval Collection: Bagworm larva

Bagworm larva. This bag is the protective case for a larva of a bagworm moth (family: Psychidae)

Background imageLarval Collection: Leaf miner trails

Leaf miner trails on a leaf. Leaf miner refers to a range of insects whose larvae eat and damage leaves, as seen here (brown trails indicate the damaged areas)

Background imageLarval Collection: Treehopper larvae and adults

Treehopper larvae and adults. Treehoppers (family: Membracidae) are insects that feed on the sap in plant stems. The numerous species take a wide variety of shapes

Background imageLarval Collection: Caterpillar head

Caterpillar head. Close-up of the head of a small white caterpillar (order Lepidoptera), showing its mouthparts. Magnification: x28 when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Developing tadpole

Developing tadpole. Frog (order Anura) larvae, or tadpole, that has already developed all four legs. Magnification: x11, when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Caddisfly larva, SEM C016 / 9107

Caddisfly larva, SEM C016 / 9107
Caddisfly larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a caddisfly (order Trichoptera) larva (centre) inside its tube-shaped home

Background imageLarval Collection: Shag-carpet caterpillar C016 / 7762

Shag-carpet caterpillar C016 / 7762
Shag-carpet caterpillar on a leaf. The Shag-carpet caterpillar is the larva of the Prothysana felderi moth and is found from Mexico, south to Panama and into South America

Background imageLarval Collection: Fly larva, SEM C016 / 9032

Fly larva, SEM C016 / 9032
Fly larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the head of the aquatic larva of a fly (order Diptera). Magnification: x140 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Caddisfly larva, SEM C016 / 9106

Caddisfly larva, SEM C016 / 9106
Caddisfly larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a caddisfly (order Trichoptera) larva (centre) inside its tube-shaped home

Background imageLarval Collection: Fly larva, SEM C016 / 9033

Fly larva, SEM C016 / 9033
Fly larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the head of the aquatic larva of a fly (order Diptera). Magnification: x140 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Caddisfly larva, SEM C016 / 9105

Caddisfly larva, SEM C016 / 9105
Caddisfly larva. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a caddisfly (order Trichoptera) larva (centre) inside its tube-shaped home

Background imageLarval Collection: Tropical caterpillar C016 / 7749

Tropical caterpillar C016 / 7749
Tropical caterpillar. Large unidentified tropical caterpillar on a plant stalk. Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths (order Lepidoptera)

Background imageLarval Collection: Midge larva, light micrograph

Midge larva, light micrograph
Midge larva. Differential interference contrast (DIC) micrograph of the larva of a non-biting midge (family Chironomidae). Midge refers to many kinds of very small two-winged flies found world-wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Tadpoles feeding on pond weed C017 / 3710

Tadpoles feeding on pond weed C017 / 3710
Tadpoles feeding on pond weed. Tadpoles are the larval stage in the life cycle of an amphibian, particularly that of a frog or toad

Background imageLarval Collection: Bloodworm head, SEM C019 / 0229

Bloodworm head, SEM C019 / 0229
Bloodworm (Chironomus tetans) head, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). The bloodworm is the freshwater larva of a midge

Background imageLarval Collection: Pea moth caterpillar head, SEM C019 / 0257

Pea moth caterpillar head, SEM C019 / 0257
Pea moth caterpillar. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a pea moth (Cydia nigricana) caterpillar head. This caterpillar is a major pest of peas and other legumes

Background imageLarval Collection: Ladybird larvae on seedhead C014 / 2327

Ladybird larvae on seedhead C014 / 2327
Ladybird larvae on a seedhead. Both the adults and the larvae of ladybirds (family Coccinellidae) are voracious predators of aphids (superfamily Aphidoidea)

Background imageLarval Collection: Maggot head, SEM C014 / 1450

Maggot head, SEM C014 / 1450
Maggot head. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the head of a fly (order Diptera) larva, showing its mouthparts (centre). Magnification: x40 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Glow-worm

Glow-worm. Close-up of the head of a firefly (family Lampyridae) larva. Magnification: x34 when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageLarval Collection: Platyphora leaf beetle brooding larvae

Platyphora leaf beetle brooding larvae
Platyphora leaf beetle (left) brooding larvae (right). Certain species of beetles care for their larvae after hatching

Background imageLarval Collection: Lungless salamander

Lungless salamander. Salamanders are a type of amphibian. The lungless salamanders form the taxonomic family Plethodontidae

Background imageLarval Collection: Emerald glass frog

Emerald glass frog (Teratohyla prosoblepon). Photographed in lowland rainforest in Jama Coaque Reserve (Manabi Province), part of the Choco Biological Region, Ecuador

Background imageLarval Collection: Copepod larva, polarised light micrograph C016 / 8577

Copepod larva, polarised light micrograph C016 / 8577
Copepod larva. Polarised light micrograph of a nauplius larva. A nauplius is the first larval stage of a crustacean in which the thorax and abdomen have not developed yet

Background imageLarval Collection: Slug caterpillar C016 / 8420

Slug caterpillar C016 / 8420
Slug caterpillar. Close-up of the larva (caterpillar) of a slug moth (family Limacodidae). Photographed in Napo province, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador

Background imageLarval Collection: Milkweed butterfly caterpillar, SEM C016 / 8030

Milkweed butterfly caterpillar, SEM C016 / 8030
Milkweed butterfly caterpillar. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the upper side of the larva of a milkweed (Euploea sp.) butterfly, showing its head (light, top)

Background imageLarval Collection: Milkweed butterfly caterpillar, SEM C016 / 8029

Milkweed butterfly caterpillar, SEM C016 / 8029
Milkweed butterfly caterpillar

Background imageLarval Collection: Anopheles stephensi mosquito larva

Anopheles stephensi mosquito larva. The head is at left, the tail at right. The adult Anopheles stephensi female is a known vector for the tropical disease malaria

Background imageLarval Collection: Cabbage white caterpillar head, SEM

Cabbage white caterpillar head, SEM
Cabbage white caterpillar head. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the head of a cabbage white (Pieris brassicae) butterfly larva (caterpillar)

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"Exploring the Fascinating Larval World: From Axolotls to Artwork" Dive into the captivating world creatures, where beauty and curiosity intertwine. Picture No. 10890311 on Page 51 unveils Plate 13 Bombyx Exposita Lewin, a mesmerizing hand-coloured etching from 1803-04. The intricate details bring forth the delicate nature of this mysterious creature. As we turn to Page 39, Plate 10 introduces us to Lithosa Replana, another enchanting specimen captured in a hand-coloured etching. Its vibrant colors and unique features leave us in awe of nature's artistry. Page 19 reveals Plate 5 Cryptophasa Strigata, showcasing yet another masterpiece from the same era. The meticulous attention given to every stroke highlights the elegance of this cryptic species. Moving forward to Page 15, we encounter Plate 4 Cryptophasa alba, costa Lewin - a true testament to Lewin's talent as an artist. This ethereal depiction transports us into a realm where reality meets imagination. On Page 47 lies Plate12 Clisiocampa Lewinae / Bombyx Lewinae; its exquisite form hints at the diversity found within larval stages. Each stage holds secrets waiting to be unraveled by those who dare explore further. Flipping through Page31 brings us face-to-face with Tortrix Australana Lewin - an Ara. That captivates our senses with its striking presence. This hand-coloured etching showcases Australia's rich biodiversity and reminds us of nature's endless wonders. Beyond these pages lie even more surprises – Phyllosoma larvae of spiny lobsters emerge alongside Admiral cones and lamprey larvae in their early stages. Even extinct ammonites make an appearance, reminding us of life forms long gone but not forgotten.

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