Hexapoda Collection
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Discover the mesmerizing world of Hexapoda, where beauty and diversity intertwine. From the majestic Ornithoptera alexandrae, also known as Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly, to the haunting Acherontia atropos, or death's-head hawk-moth, these entomology specimens captivate with their intricate details. Witness nature's artistry as a Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) gracefully sunbathes on a vibrant plant. In the morning light at Vealand Farm in Devon, UK, Common blue butterflies (Polyommatus icarus) bask in all their glory. Marvel at the shimmering Chrysina limbata, a silver chafer beetle that seems like it belongs in a fairy tale. The Inachis io peacock butterfly displays its resplendent colors while Phoebis sennae flaunts its cloudless sulphur wings. Plate 17 from Libellulinae Europaeae by de Charpentier transports us into an enchanting realm of dragonflies. Leaf cutter ants (Atta sp) diligently carry plant matter through Costa Rica's lush forests. The delicate Ophrys apifera bee orchid showcases nature's ingenuity with its remarkable resemblance to a buzzing bee. And who can forget Xanthopan morganii praedicta? This sphinx moth is famous for its co-evolutionary relationship with Madagascar's Angraecum sesquipedale orchid. Hexapoda invites us into an extraordinary universe where insects reign supreme – each species telling its own fascinating story.