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Hercules Collection

"Hercules: A Mythical Legend and Modern Marvel" Soldiers from 3 Para Parachute from a Hercules Aircraft: Witness the bravery as soldiers descend from the skies

Background imageHercules Collection: Soldiers from 3 Para Parachute from a Hercules Aircraft

Soldiers from 3 Para Parachute from a Hercules Aircraft
Paratroopers descend to earth from a Royal Air Force Hercules aircraft during a demonstration of their skills

Background imageHercules Collection: C-130 Mk3 Hercules Transport Aircraft landing at Saunton Sands air strip

C-130 Mk3 Hercules Transport Aircraft landing at Saunton Sands air strip
Test landing by a C-130 Mk3 Hercules Transport Aircraft, at Saunton Sands air strip, based in North Devon

Background imageHercules Collection: Roman statue of a drunken Hercules

Roman statue of a drunken Hercules. The mythical Greek hero Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules C130 Transport Aircraft waits on the tarmac

Hercules C130 Transport Aircraft waits on the tarmac
A Hercules C130 Transport Aircraft waits on the tarmac at a Middle Eastern airfield prior to taking off

Background imageHercules Collection: A Hercules Transporter Aircraft of 30 Squadron is shown in flight

A Hercules Transporter Aircraft of 30 Squadron is shown in flight
A Hercules C130-J Transporter Aircraft of 30 Squadron based at RAF Lyneham, is shown in flight

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules C130K

Hercules C130K
A Royal Air Force C130K Hercules takes off from the Californian desert during Exercise Crown Pinnacle in the USA

Background imageHercules Collection: Flight simulator in use, RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire

Flight simulator in use, RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire
A flight simulator in use at RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire. Before computers, flight simulators used actual models of different airfields in order to train pilots

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules Brings Cerberus to Eurystheus, with Hermes and Athena, c6th century BC

Hercules Brings Cerberus to Eurystheus, with Hermes and Athena, c6th century BC. Greek Vase from an Etruscan Tomb

Background imageHercules Collection: Zeus / Jupiter

Zeus / Jupiter
Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Juno) sit with his eagle, visited by Poseidon (Neptune) Hermes (Mercury) and his son (by Alkmene, not Hera, hence her gesture) Herakles

Background imageHercules Collection: Silhouette of Hercules Tower at orange sunset

Silhouette of Hercules Tower at orange sunset
An Unesco World Heritage site, Hercules Tower at night in A Coruna, a lighthouse in the north of Spain

Background imageHercules Collection: A statue of Hercules and Cerberus

A statue of Hercules and Cerberus
Hercules is capturing Cerberus and completeing his twelfth labour. This is from the portal of the Michaelertrakt, Hofburg, Vienna

Background imageHercules Collection: The drunken Hercules, House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy

The drunken Hercules, House of the Stags, Herculaneum, Italy

Background imageHercules Collection: The Farnese Hercules, 18th century

The Farnese Hercules, 18th century. Found in the collection of The Hermitage, St Petersburg

Background imageHercules Collection: Pillars of Hercules and Baileys restaurant

Pillars of Hercules and Baileys restaurant
Soho, London - Greek Street W1 - view of Manette Street (formerly Rose Street) with the Pillars of Hercules public house on the right and Baileys restaurant to the left. Date: 1970

Background imageHercules Collection: Tower of Hercules, CoruAna, Galicia, Spain

Tower of Hercules, CoruAna, Galicia, Spain
The Tower of Hercules (Torre de Hercules) is an ancient Roman lighthouse. Since June 27, 2009, has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Background imageHercules Collection: Antique illustration of Heracles driving the Sun chariot

Antique illustration of Heracles driving the Sun chariot (from a painting by Nicolas Poussin, 17th century French painter), a chariot with four horses

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules honoured by the Hesperides

Hercules honoured by the Hesperides.. Engraving by Johann Friedrich Greuter, from Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Hesperides: sive, De malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quator. Frontispiece. Date: 1646

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules Vanquishing Diomedes

Hercules Vanquishing Diomedes
Artist: Le Brun, Charles - Title: Hercules Vanquishing Diomedes - Date: 1638-1642 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 276.9 x 179

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules Beetle Etc

Hercules Beetle Etc
The HERCULES beetle, SCARABAEUS TITYUS and others, depicted in their natural habitat

Background imageHercules Collection: Religion / Egypt / Heryshaf

Religion / Egypt / Heryshaf
Ram-God of Middle Egypt, the Lord of Suten-Henen : he is the Egyptian equivalent of the Greek Herakles (Budge names him Heru-Shefit)

Background imageHercules Collection: Prometheus relaeased from his chains by Hercules (chromolitho)

Prometheus relaeased from his chains by Hercules (chromolitho)
968390 Prometheus relaeased from his chains by Hercules (chromolitho) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Prometheus relaeased from his chains by Hercules)

Background imageHercules Collection: Airborne#4 In The Air

Airborne#4 In The Air
Martin Van Hoecke

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules C130J

Hercules C130J
A C130J Hercules transport aircraft operated by the Royal Air Force is pictured flying over the Norwegian countryside. The RAF has a total of 25 C-130J C4/C5 aircraft

Background imageHercules Collection: Relief from mausoleum of Hercules chaining Cerberus, c2nd century

Relief from mausoleum of Hercules chaining Cerberus, c2nd century. Trier Museum

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic pelike depicting Heracles killing king Busiris and Egyptian priests

Attic pelike depicting Heracles killing king Busiris and Egyptian priests
Greek civilization, 5th century b.C. Red-figure pottery. Attic pelike attributed to the Pan Painter. Recto: Heracles killing the king Busiris and the Egyptian priests. Detail

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules Fighting with the Nemean Lion

Hercules Fighting with the Nemean Lion by ZURBARAN, Francisco de (1598-1664). Scene from a series of the labours of Hercules

Background imageHercules Collection: Heracles fighting the Nemean lion, Attic black-figure amphora from Vulci

Heracles fighting the Nemean lion, Attic black-figure amphora from Vulci

Background imageHercules Collection: The bright star Altair in the constellation Aquila

The bright star Altair in the constellation Aquila
Messier 13, also known as the Hercules Globular cluster. At its distance of 25, 100 light years, its angular diameter of 20 degrees corresponds to a linear 145 light years

Background imageHercules Collection: Bristol Hercules 736 14-cylinder radial Front port view

Bristol Hercules 736 14-cylinder radial Front port view
Bristol Hercules 736 14-cylinder radial. Front port view

Background imageHercules Collection: CONSTELLATION HERCULES. Detail of fresco, 1575, from Villa Farnese, Caprarola, Italy

CONSTELLATION HERCULES. Detail of fresco, 1575, from Villa Farnese, Caprarola, Italy

Background imageHercules Collection: Herakles and the Amazons

Herakles and the Amazons
The ninth labour : In order to obtain the Girdle of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, he must first vanquish the Amazons themselves

Background imageHercules Collection: Cerberus & Herakles

Cerberus & Herakles
The last Labour of Herakles is to descend to the Underworld and capture the three-headed dog Cerberus; he does this, but returns the dog to Hades who needs him as a watchdog

Background imageHercules Collection: The Republican Hercules defending his Country, pub. 1797 (hand coloured engraving)

The Republican Hercules defending his Country, pub. 1797 (hand coloured engraving)
2966814 The Republican Hercules defending his Country, pub

Background imageHercules Collection: Dropsy Courting Consumption, October 25, 1810. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson

Dropsy Courting Consumption, October 25, 1810. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson
Dropsy Courting Consumption, October 25, 1810

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules and Omphale, c. 1640. Artist: Cavallino, Bernardo (1616-1656)

Hercules and Omphale, c. 1640. Artist: Cavallino, Bernardo (1616-1656)
Hercules and Omphale, c. 1640. Found in the collection of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo

Background imageHercules Collection: Detail of Attic pottery depicting Hercules, Triton and Maenads dancing, 550 / 530 B. C

Detail of Attic pottery depicting Hercules, Triton and Maenads dancing, 550 / 530 B. C
Detail of Attic pottery depicting Hercules, Triton and Maenads dancing, 550/530 B.C. 6th Century B.C. Italy, Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale (Archaeological Museum), Greek art

Background imageHercules Collection: A representation of the constellations of Cygnus

A representation of the constellations of Cygnus, Lyra (here called Vultur and Lyra, for the bird carrying the lyre) and Hercules, from Johann Bode's 'Uranographia', engraved by Berolini

Background imageHercules Collection: Italy, Latium Region, Rome Province

Italy, Latium Region, Rome Province
DGA511843 Italy, Latium Region, Rome Province, Tivoli, Villa d'Este, State Apartments, Hall of Labors of Herakles, mythological scenes; Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Rome, Lazio

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules adorns a capital that decorated the Baths of Caracalla spa

Hercules adorns a capital that decorated the Baths of Caracalla spa
JSF8723653 Hercules adorns a capital that decorated the Baths of Caracalla spa

Background imageHercules Collection: Eagle between the columns of Hercules

Eagle between the columns of Hercules
DGA3956090 Eagle between the columns of Hercules, Emblem and motto of Charles V

Background imageHercules Collection: Duel between Ajax and Hercules to recover Patroclus' body, 19th century (print)

Duel between Ajax and Hercules to recover Patroclus' body, 19th century (print)
DGA924158 Duel between Ajax and Hercules to recover Patroclus' body, 19th century (print); Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris

Background imageHercules Collection: Relief depicting Hercules, detail of Viergoetterstein (four-god stone) of Jupiter Column

Relief depicting Hercules, detail of Viergoetterstein (four-god stone) of Jupiter Column
DGA5649856 Relief depicting Hercules, detail of Viergoetterstein (four-god stone) of Jupiter Column, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Roman civilization, 2nd-3rd century AD; Rheinisches Landesmuseum

Background imageHercules Collection: Black-figure pottery. Hydria depicting Heracles arriving in Hades leading Cerberus

Black-figure pottery. Hydria depicting Heracles arriving in Hades leading Cerberus
DGA501169 Black-figure pottery

Background imageHercules Collection: Gold Ring with Herakles Pouring a Libation, about 400 BC. Creator: Unknown

Gold Ring with Herakles Pouring a Libation, about 400 BC. Creator: Unknown
Gold Ring with Herakles Pouring a Libation, about 400 BC

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Black-Figure Amphora, about 510 BC. Creator: Leagros Group

Attic Black-Figure Amphora, about 510 BC. Creator: Leagros Group
Attic Black-Figure Amphora, about 510 BC. Storage Jar with Herakles Carrying the Erymanthean Boar. Additional Info: The vase is reconstructed from fragments

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 530 BC. Creator: The Affecter

Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 530 BC. Creator: The Affecter
Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 530 BC. Storage Jar

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Black-Figure Neck-Amphora, 530-520 BC. Creators: Bareiss Painter, Medea Group

Attic Black-Figure Neck-Amphora, 530-520 BC. Creators: Bareiss Painter, Medea Group
Attic Black-Figure Neck-Amphora, 530-520 BC. Storage Jar with Athena Bringing Herakles to Mount Olympus;Storage Jar with a Fight between Thracians and a Greek;

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 480-470 or 460 BC. Creator: Group of Wurzburg 221

Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 480-470 or 460 BC. Creator: Group of Wurzburg 221
Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 480-470 or 460 BC. Storage Jar with Herakles Threatening the Centaur Pholos. Additional Info: A: Herakles and the centaur Pholos

Background imageHercules Collection: Statue of Herakles, 2nd-1st century B.C. Creator: Unknown

Statue of Herakles, 2nd-1st century B.C. Creator: Unknown
Statue of Herakles, 2nd-1st century B.C. Additional Info: This Cypriot statuette depicts a mature, though beardless, Herakles

Background imageHercules Collection: Cameo;Cameo with a Ptolemaic King and Zeus Ammon, 2nd century B.C. Creator: Unknown

Cameo;Cameo with a Ptolemaic King and Zeus Ammon, 2nd century B.C. Creator: Unknown
Cameo;Cameo with a Ptolemaic King and Zeus Ammon, 2nd century B.C. Additional Info: Carved in cameo technique is a double portrait of two heads facing left

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Black-Figure Eye Cup, about 530 BC. Creators: Villa Giulia Painter, Nikosthenes

Attic Black-Figure Eye Cup, about 530 BC. Creators: Villa Giulia Painter, Nikosthenes
Wine Cup with Herakles and Athena. Additional Info: A pair of large eyes frames busts of the hero Herakles and his patron goddess Athena on one side of this black-figure cup

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Red-Figure Volute Krater, 500-480 BC. Creator: Kleophrades Painter

Attic Red-Figure Volute Krater, 500-480 BC. Creator: Kleophrades Painter
Attic Red-Figure Volute Krater, 500-480 BC. Mixing Vessel with Amazons, Peleus, and Thetis. Additional Info: The krater (mixing vessel) has a plain black body and two friezes on the neck

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Red-Figure Volute Krater, 480-470 BC. Creator: Kleophrades Painter

Attic Red-Figure Volute Krater, 480-470 BC. Creator: Kleophrades Painter
Attic Red-Figure Volute Krater, 480-470 BC. Additional Info: Scenes from the labors of the Greek hero Herakles encircle the neck of this Athenian red-figure volute-krater

Background imageHercules Collection: Fragmentary Attic Red-Figure Calyx Krater, 480-470 BC. Creator: Syleus Painter

Fragmentary Attic Red-Figure Calyx Krater, 480-470 BC. Creator: Syleus Painter
Fragmentary Attic Red-Figure Calyx Krater, 480-470 BC. Additional Info: Reconstructed from fragments

Background imageHercules Collection: Attic Black-Figure Lip Cup, about 550 BC. Creator: Phrynos Painter

Attic Black-Figure Lip Cup, about 550 BC. Creator: Phrynos Painter
Attic Black-Figure Lip Cup, about 550 BC. Wine Cup with Herakles Fighting the Nemean Lion

Background imageHercules Collection: Minerva and Hercules Restraining Mars, c1620s. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens

Minerva and Hercules Restraining Mars, c1620s. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens
Minerva and Hercules Restraining Mars, c1620s

Background imageHercules Collection: Mixing-bowl (krater), Red-figure technique

Mixing-bowl (krater), Red-figure technique
UIG3520492 Mixing-bowl (krater), Red-figure technique; ( Mixing-bowl (krater), Red-figure technique from Athens, Greece. Dated 400 BC.); Universal History Archive/UIG

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules and Antaeus, from Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Hercules and Antaeus, from Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
KWE5242587 Hercules and Antaeus, from Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, pub

Background imageHercules Collection: Liberation of Prometheus by Hercules

Liberation of Prometheus by Hercules
KWE492370 Liberation of Prometheus by Hercules. After a work by Max Klinger. From Johannes Brahms by Heinrich Reimann published 1903. ; Private Collection

Background imageHercules Collection: Wine sales and the wine crisis in the early 20th century, 1907 (print)

Wine sales and the wine crisis in the early 20th century, 1907 (print)
PCT8970613 Wine sales and the wine crisis in the early 20th century, 1907 (print); ( Wine sales and the wine crisis at the beginning of the 20th century)

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules crushing Antaeus, 1559-1560 (sculpture)

Hercules crushing Antaeus, 1559-1560 (sculpture)
GRL9036349 Hercules crushing Antaeus, 1559-1560 (sculpture) by Ammannati, Bartolomeo (1511-92); Villa Medicea della Petraia, Florence, Tuscany

Background imageHercules Collection: Carnesian Hercules, demigod from Greece

Carnesian Hercules, demigod from Greece, after a statue from Naples, illustration from 1880, historical, digital reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imageHercules Collection: Aristomachus. Greek mythological figure

Aristomachus. Greek mythological figure. One of the Heraclides, great-grandson of Heracles

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules, woodcut by Albrecht Duerer

Hercules, woodcut by Albrecht Duerer, historical, digitally improved reproduction of an old woodcut, Hercules, woodcut by Albrecht Duerer, historical, digitally improved reproduction of an old woodcut

Background imageHercules Collection: The church of St. Peter, destroyed by Allied bombardment in 1944

The church of St. Peter, destroyed by Allied bombardment in 1944
The church of St

Background imageHercules Collection: The Overcoming of Achelous by Hercules

The Overcoming of Achelous by Hercules. The Origin of the Cornucopia, Allegory of Fertility, Painting by Jacob Jordaens, Historical, Digitally restored reproduction of a historical work of art

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules with Omphale, a figure from Greek mythology

Hercules with Omphale, a figure from Greek mythology, painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 4 October 1472, 16 October 1553, one of the most important German painters

Background imageHercules Collection: The Roman god Hercules, marble statue from ancient Rome

The Roman god Hercules, marble statue from ancient Rome, Italy, digital reproduction of an original from the 18th century, original date not known, Europe

Background imageHercules Collection: Pictures on a Greek vase, one side shows gymnastic exercises and the other side scenes from the battles of Herakles

Pictures on a Greek vase, one side shows gymnastic exercises and the other side scenes from the battles of Herakles, painted by the vase painter Duris, 1880, illustration, Greece, Europe

Background imageHercules Collection: The defeated Hercules, brawl at a village parish fair

The defeated Hercules, brawl at a village parish fair, wood engraving, 1880

Background imageHercules Collection: Ratswaage building and Herkulesbrunnen fountain

Ratswaage building and Herkulesbrunnen fountain, Zittau, Saxony, Germany, Europe, historical photo about 1899, Europe

Background imageHercules Collection: Commodus or Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus

Commodus or Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, 161 - 192, Roman Emperor from 180 to 192, Commodus, Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus 161 - 192

Background imageHercules Collection: Apotheose des Herakles, eines goettlichen Helden der griechischen Mythologie

Apotheose des Herakles, eines goettlichen Helden der griechischen Mythologie

Background imageHercules Collection: Eine Parodie auf die Apotheose des Herakles

Eine Parodie auf die Apotheose des Herakles, eines goettlichen Helden der griechischen Mythologie

Background imageHercules Collection: Heracles, by Lysippos

Heracles, by Lysippos

Background imageHercules Collection: Amazonomachy, the mythical battle between the Ancient Greeks and the Amazons

Amazonomachy, the mythical battle between the Ancient Greeks and the Amazons

Background imageHercules Collection: Amazonomachy, the mythical battle between the Ancient Greeks and the Amazons

Amazonomachy, the mythical battle between the Ancient Greeks and the Amazons

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules capturing Cerberus, Greek mythology

Hercules capturing Cerberus, Greek mythology

Background imageHercules Collection: Heracles freeing Prometheus from his torment by the eagle

Heracles freeing Prometheus from his torment by the eagle, Greek mythology

Background imageHercules Collection: Heracles, by Lysippos, Greek mythology

Heracles, by Lysippos, Greek mythology

Background imageHercules Collection: Heraclius, Eastern Roman Emperor from 610 to 641

Heraclius, Eastern Roman Emperor from 610 to 641

Background imageHercules Collection: Caricature on Louis Philippe I

Caricature on Louis Philippe I, King of the French, as victorious Hercules by Travies, 1834

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules Slaying Envy, Christoffel Jegher after Rubens

Hercules Slaying Envy, Christoffel Jegher after Rubens, 17th century, digitally restored

Background imageHercules Collection: Hercules and Antaeus, by Gabriel Salmon

Hercules and Antaeus, by Gabriel Salmon, 16th century, digitally restored

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"Hercules: A Mythical Legend and Modern Marvel" Soldiers from 3 Para Parachute from a Hercules Aircraft: Witness the bravery as soldiers descend from the skies, guided by the mighty Hercules aircraft. Roman statue of a drunken Hercules: Unveiling the lesser-known side of this legendary hero, discover a captivating sculpture depicting Hercules in an unexpected state. C-130 Mk3 Hercules Transport Aircraft landing at Saunton Sands air strip: Feel the ground tremble as this colossal transporter gracefully touches down on Saunton Sands, ready to embark on its next mission. Hercules C130 Transport Aircraft waits on the tarmac: Behold the sheer power and strength exuded by this iconic aircraft as it patiently awaits its call to action. Hercules C130K: Explore the evolution of this airborne giant through time, marveling at its various iterations like the impressive C130K model. A Hercules Transporter Aircraft of 30 Squadron is shown in flight: Take to the skies alongside these aviators aboard a soaring Herculean machine, witnessing their aerial prowess firsthand. Flight simulator in use, RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire: Step into an immersive experience where aspiring pilots can test their skills within a realistic simulation environment inspired by none other than our beloved hero's legacy. Zeus/Jupiter connection with Hercules: Delve into mythology's rich tapestry as we uncover how Zeus' son became known as both Jupiter and our revered demigod -Hercules- leaving an indelible mark on history. "Hercules Brings Cerberus to Eurystheus" artwork depiction with Hermes and Athena (c6th century BC): Immerse yourself in ancient artistry that captures one of Herculean feats – his encounter with Cerberus – accompanied by divine allies Hermes and Athena themselves. Silhouette Tower at orange sunset.

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