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Founder Collection

Background imageFounder Collection: The Orchestra of the Opera, 1868-1869, oil on canvas. French artist Edgar Degas

The Orchestra of the Opera, 1868-1869, oil on canvas. French artist Edgar Degas (1834-1917) a founder of Impressionism

Background imageFounder Collection: Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, lst Viscount Baden-Powell, English soldier

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, lst Viscount Baden-Powell, English soldier. Baden-Powell (1857-1941) became famous as the defender of Mafeking in the Boer War (1899-1902)

Background imageFounder Collection: St Hildegard Von Bingen

St Hildegard Von Bingen
SAINT HILDEGARD VON BINGEN German religious Founder and abbess of convent of Rupertsberg

Background imageFounder Collection: Madame Helena Blavatsky

Madame Helena Blavatsky
Undated cutting of head and shoulders photograph of Madame Helena Blavatsky - founder of Theosophy and the Theosophical Society. HPG/1/13/1 (ii)

Background imageFounder Collection: Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi (Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone 1182-1226) - Catholic deacon and preacher and founder of the Order of Friars Minor, more commonly known as the Franciscans

Background imageFounder Collection: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938)

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881 - 1938) a Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, and founder of the Republic of Turkey as well as its first President. A very rare image

Background imageFounder Collection: Ataturk Mustapha Kemal

Ataturk Mustapha Kemal
(MUSTAPHA) KEMAL ATATURK Soldier, reformer, and Founder of the Turkish State

Background imageFounder Collection: Man with Ear Trumpet C18

Man with Ear Trumpet C18
Man with ear trumpet. (James Hutton, founder of the Moravian Church in Britain)

Background imageFounder Collection: Statue of St Peter, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano

Statue of St Peter, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
Statue of St Peter in the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano (Basilica of St John Lateran) in Rome, Italy. This cathedral is the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome, ie the Pope

Background imageFounder Collection: Keir Hardie giving a speech

Keir Hardie giving a speech
Keir Hardie (1856-1915), founder of the Labour party, addressing suffragettes at a free speech meeting

Background imageFounder Collection: IRAN. Pasagarda. Tomb of Cyrus II the Great, founder

IRAN. Pasagarda. Tomb of Cyrus II the Great, founder of Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. Persian art. Achaemenid period. Architecture

Background imageFounder Collection: Charles Wesley, 18th century English preacher and hymn writer

Charles Wesley, 18th century English preacher and hymn writer. Charles (1707-1788) was the brother of John Wesley (1703-1791) with whom he founded Methodism

Background imageFounder Collection: Arpad - King of Hungary

Arpad - King of Hungary
ARPAD First ruler of Hungary. Probable leader of the Magyar tribe and founder of the Arpad Dynasty

Background imageFounder Collection: Cartoon, Rev Stewart Headlam

Cartoon, Rev Stewart Headlam, The Church and Stage Guild. The Guild was formed in May 1879 with a view to breaking down prejudice against the theatre and its performers

Background imageFounder Collection: Saint John of the Cross, (1542-1591). Spanish mystic. The A

Saint John of the Cross, (1542-1591). Spanish mystic. The Ascent of Mount Carmel. It was composed between 1581-1585. Engraving. Edition of 1694, Madrid

Background imageFounder Collection: Screaming Lord Sutch

Screaming Lord Sutch
DAVID SCREAMING LORD SUTCH British politician, musician and maverick, founder of the Official Monster Raving Looney Party (1983). Sadly, a manic depressive, committed suicide. Date: 1940 - 1999

Background imageFounder Collection: John D Rockefeller, American industrialist, late 19th century (1956)

John D Rockefeller, American industrialist, late 19th century (1956). Rockefeller (1839-1937) made his fortune in the petroleum industry

Background imageFounder Collection: John Knox (1514-1572). Engraving. Colored

John Knox (1514-1572). Engraving. Colored
John Knox (1514-1572). Scottish priest, leader of the Protestant Reformation in Scotland. Engraving by H. Hondins The Young. The Universal History, 1885. Colored

Background imageFounder Collection: Portrait of Zoroaster (6th century BC)

Portrait of Zoroaster (6th century BC)
Zoroaster (6th century BC). Founder of the Zoroastrianism. Portrait at the Atashkadeh Fire Temple. Yazd. Iran

Background imageFounder Collection: Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). Priest since 1537. Founded t

Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). Priest since 1537. Founded t
Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556). Spanish knight, priest since 1537. Founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Was Superior General. Saint Ignatius levitating. Engraving, 1693. Episcopal Library

Background imageFounder Collection: Portrait of Andrew Carnegie seated in a library

Portrait of Andrew Carnegie seated in a library
Vintage American history photo of Andrew Carnegie seated in a library. By Frances Benjamin Johnston, April 1905

Background imageFounder Collection: GEORGIA TRUSTEES, 1734. The founders of the colony of Georgia, the Georgia Trustees

GEORGIA TRUSTEES, 1734. The founders of the colony of Georgia, the Georgia Trustees, and a delegation of Georgia Native Americans. Oil painting by William Verelst, 1734

Background imageFounder Collection: THEODOR HERZL (1860-1904). Hungarian-born Austrian journalist and founder of Zionism

THEODOR HERZL (1860-1904). Hungarian-born Austrian journalist and founder of Zionism

Background imageFounder Collection: Bolton Wanderers Fc

Bolton Wanderers Fc
BOLTON WANDERERS FC. One of the Founder members of the Football League, a truly great and revered club

Background imageFounder Collection: Mayo College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India

Mayo College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India, a boys independent boarding school founded in 1875. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageFounder Collection: Dr. Elsie Inglis Scottish Womens Hospitals

Dr. Elsie Inglis Scottish Womens Hospitals
Portrait of Dr Elsie Inglis (1864-1917), founder of the Scottish Womens Hospitals for Foreign Service, funded largely by the N.U.W.S.S. Date: circa 1915

Background imageFounder Collection: Mary Baker Eddy / Earliest

Mary Baker Eddy / Earliest
MARY BAKER EDDY Founder of Christian Science: the earliest known picture of her, as a young woman Date: 1821 - 1910

Background imageFounder Collection: Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild (1868-1937)

Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild (1868-1937)
Carriage drawn by three zebra and a horse, driven by Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild (1868-1937), founder of the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London since 1937

Background imageFounder Collection: JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791). English theologian and founder of Methodism

JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791). English theologian and founder of Methodism

Background imageFounder Collection: Rowena Cade - Minack Theatre

Rowena Cade - Minack Theatre
Rowena Cade (1893 - 1983) - inspirational founder and driving force behind the creation and construction of the remarkable clifftop Minack Theatre at Porthcurno near Lands End, Cornwall

Background imageFounder Collection: John Lewis, founder of the department store

John Lewis, founder of the department store
John Lewis (1836 - 1928), founder of John Lewis department store on Oxford Street, London

Background imageFounder Collection: Aston Villa F. C in 1894

Aston Villa F. C in 1894
Team photograph of Aston Villa in First Division champions in 1894

Background imageFounder Collection: German Shepherd Horand

German Shepherd Horand
Hektor Linksrhein, known as Horand von Grafrath, founder of a notable German Shepherd strain

Background imageFounder Collection: August Ferdinand Mobius

August Ferdinand Mobius
AUGUST FERDINAND MOBIUS German scientist, professor of astronomy at Leipzig university, discoverer of the mobius strip; regarded as the founder of topology

Background imageFounder Collection: Guru Nanek / Govind Singh

Guru Nanek / Govind Singh
GURU NANEK DEV (right) Founder of the Sikh religion, pictured here with GOVIND SINGH (1666 - 1708), the tenth and last of the Ten Gurus of Sikhism

Background imageFounder Collection: Mehmed Ii / Ottoman / Thevet

Mehmed Ii / Ottoman / Thevet
MEHMED II called FATIH (The Conqueror) Ottoman Sultan (1444-46, 1451-81) - considered the true founder of the Ottoman Empire

Background imageFounder Collection: ATATURK (1881 - 1938)

ATATURK (1881 - 1938)
(Mustapha) KEMAL ATATURK military, reformer, founder of Turkish State, with officials at the headquarters of nationalist government of Turkey in Angora

Background imageFounder Collection: August Hermann Francke

August Hermann Francke
AUGUST HERMANN FRANCKE German Lutheran divine, founder of an orphanage Date: 1663 - 1727

Background imageFounder Collection: Tokugawa Ieyasu

Tokugawa Ieyasu
TOKUGAWA IEYASU Japanese shogun, lawgiver and founder of the Tokugawa dynasty

Background imageFounder Collection: BAKUNIN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1814-1876)

BAKUNIN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1814-1876). Russian revolutionary, founder of the international anarchism. Portrait of Bakunin, Russian

Background imageFounder Collection: Sir John George Shaw-Lefevre

Sir John George Shaw-Lefevre
Caricature portrait of Sir John George Shaw-Lefevre KCB (1797-1879). Shaw-Lefevre was a British barrister, Whig politician, and civil servant

Background imageFounder Collection: Mary Baker Eddy / Boston

Mary Baker Eddy / Boston
MARY BAKER EDDY Founder of Christian Science: a picture of her from her early days at Boston

Background imageFounder Collection: James Napper Tandy

James Napper Tandy
JAMES NAPPER TANDY Irish Revolutionary. Co-founder of the United Irishmen (1791) with Wolfe Tone and Thomas Russell

Background imageFounder Collection: Buddy, Seeing Eye

Buddy, Seeing Eye
Buddy, guide dog of Morris Frank of Tennessee, the first dog trained in Switzerland by Mrs Dorothy Eustis, founder with Morris Frank, in 1927, of The Seeing Eye organisation

Background imageFounder Collection: Grave of Hahnemann

Grave of Hahnemann
SAMUEL HAHNEMANN Founder of homeopathy Close up of the bust which sits upon his grave in the Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise, Paris

Background imageFounder Collection: PASQUALLY

MARTINEZ PASQUALLY French founder of Martinist esoteric sect

Background imageFounder Collection: William Paterson

William Paterson
WILLIAM PATERSON Scottish economist, founder of the Bank of England

Background imageFounder Collection: Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist

Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), Dutch jurist and founder of international law. Grotius was born at Delft and at just 11 years of age went to university at Leiden. He became an advocate in 1599

Background imageFounder Collection: John Colet (Holbein)

John Colet (Holbein)
JOHN COLET Dean of St Paul s, founder of St Pauls School

Background imageFounder Collection: FOX ( 1624 - 1690 )

FOX ( 1624 - 1690 )
GEORGE FOX - Founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers) - wearing his hat in church to show disagreement with the preacher

Background imageFounder Collection: Matilda Serao, Italian journalist and novelist

Matilda Serao, Italian journalist and novelist
Matilda (or Matilde) Serao (1856-1927), Greek-born Italian journalist and novelist, founder and editor of Il Giorno

Background imageFounder Collection: Concert of the Nigerian musician Fela Kuti and his band Egypt 80 at the Hamburg Fabrik

Concert of the Nigerian musician Fela Kuti and his band Egypt 80 at the Hamburg Fabrik

Background imageFounder Collection: Illustration depicting the conference hall of Mildmay Memorial Hospital

Illustration depicting the conference hall of Mildmay Memorial Hospital. Founded by Reverend William Pennefather and his wife Catherine. Dated 19th Century

Background imageFounder Collection: Photo portrait of Vladimir Lenin

Photo portrait of Vladimir Lenin

Background imageFounder Collection: Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Nettles

Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Nettles
Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Trusdale Nettles are arrested by local police on August 28, 1974

Background imageFounder Collection: The Landing at Savannah

The Landing at Savannah
James Edward Oglethorpe landed in Georgia in 1733 after peacefully negotiating land from the Mico of the Yamacraws Tomo-chi-chi, and is the principal founder of Savannah

Background imageFounder Collection: Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (1903-1936), Spanish politician founder of the Falange

Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (1903-1936), Spanish politician founder of the Falange

Background imageFounder Collection: Richard Cadbury of Cadburys chocolate company

Richard Cadbury of Cadburys chocolate company
Richard Barrow Cadbury (1835-1899), second son of John Cadbury, founder of Cadburys chocolate company. circa 1890s

Background imageFounder Collection: GENGIS KHAN (1162-1227). Emperor founder of the

GENGIS KHAN (1162-1227). Emperor founder of the first Mongol Empire in 1206. Fol. 44v. Mongols tributing to Genghis Khan. Illustration of the first section with the history of the Mongols

Background imageFounder Collection: JUNG, Carl Gustav (1875-1961). Swiss psychiatrist

JUNG, Carl Gustav (1875-1961). Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist. Founder of analytical psychology. Oil

Background imageFounder Collection: Sir Andrew Judde, Lord Mayor of London

Sir Andrew Judde, Lord Mayor of London
Sir Andrew Judd (or Judde, c.1492-1558), merchant, six times Master of the Skinners Company, Mayor of Calais and Lord Mayor of London. He founded a school in Tonbridge, Kent. Date: circa 1600

Background imageFounder Collection: WILLIAM PENN (1644-1718). Founder of colony of Pennsylvania

WILLIAM PENN (1644-1718). Founder of colony of Pennsylvania. Penn and his company of colonists sailing for the New World from England aboard the Welcome, August 1682

Background imageFounder Collection: Gregor Mendel, Austrian botanist

Gregor Mendel, Austrian botanist
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884), Austrian botanist and founder of genetics. Mendel, the abbot of an abbey in Brno, carried out breeding experiments with pea plants (held in hand)

Background imageFounder Collection: Sir Robert Baden-Powell playing the Kudu Horn, Birkenhead, 1

Sir Robert Baden-Powell playing the Kudu Horn, Birkenhead, 1
Photograph showing Sir Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941) (centre), the English soldier and founder of the Boy Scouts, playing the Kudu horn at a Scouts World Jamboree, Birkenhead, July 1929

Background imageFounder Collection: Lord Baden-Powell, 1911, (1944). Creator: Ape Junior

Lord Baden-Powell, 1911, (1944). Creator: Ape Junior
Lord Baden-Powell, 1911, (1944). Portrait of Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941), British soldier and founder of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides

Background imageFounder Collection: Walter Rothschild driving his team of zebras at Tring Park

Walter Rothschild driving his team of zebras at Tring Park
Carriage drawn by a zebra driven by Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, founder of the Natural History Museum at Tring (where this photograph was taken), now part of the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageFounder Collection: John Of God, Saint (1495-1550). Portuguese religious

John Of God, Saint (1495-1550). Portuguese religious man, founder of the ador de la Order of Charity or of Hospitallers (Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God)

Background imageFounder Collection: Mr Aneurin Bevan

Mr Aneurin Bevan
Mr Bevan was a Welsh Labour politician and was appointed as Minister of Health after Labour won the election in 1945

Background imageFounder Collection: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938) Turkish army officer and revolutionary. Founder

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938) Turkish army officer and revolutionary. Founder and first President of the Turkish Republic 1923-1938. Served in the Ottoman until his resignation in July 1919

Background imageFounder Collection: MASSASOIT & CARVER, 1620. Wampanoag Native American chief Massasoit meeting with John Carver

MASSASOIT & CARVER, 1620. Wampanoag Native American chief Massasoit meeting with John Carver, the first governor of Plymouth colony, in 1620. Steel engraving, American, 19th century

Background imageFounder Collection: Carl Jung, caricature

Carl Jung, caricature
Carl Jung (1875- 1961). Caricature of the Swiss psychiatrist and one of the founders of modern analytical psychotherapy Carl Gustav Jung

Background imageFounder Collection: Sir Robert Baden-Powell, 1911

Sir Robert Baden-Powell, 1911
Illustrated portrait of Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell (1857-1941), the English soldier and founder of the Boy Scouts, pictured in his Chief Scout uniform, 1911

Background imageFounder Collection: Arthur Phillip

Arthur Phillip (1738 - 1814), Naval commander and founder of New South Wales

Background imageFounder Collection: Portraits of Chinese emperors, empress and famous men

Portraits of Chinese emperors, empress and famous men
Portraits of Chinese emperors and famous men including ruler god Fo-hi 1, philosopher Confucius 2, the bookburner Qin Shi Huang 3, the writer Fo-chen 4, empress Wu Zetian 5 and emperor Taizong

Background imageFounder Collection: H J Heinz factory, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

H J Heinz factory, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
View from Troy Hill of the H J Heinz factory, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Date: 1911

Background imageFounder Collection: Mary Baker Eddy / June1903

Mary Baker Eddy / June1903
MARY BAKER EDDY Founder of Christian Science speaking to 10, 000 followers from the balcony of Pleasant View in June 1903 Date: 1821 - 1910

Background imageFounder Collection: Mrs Mabel St Clair Stobart

Mrs Mabel St Clair Stobart, pictured on horseback on the front cover of The Tatler

Background imageFounder Collection: Menno Simons

Menno Simons
MENNO SIMONS (Simonszoon) Dutch religious reformer, anabaptist, founder of Mennonites. Date: 1496 - 1561

Background imageFounder Collection: Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1815-1941) lst Viscount Baden-Powell

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1815-1941) lst Viscount Baden-Powell. English soldier: defender of Mafeking in 2nd Boer War (1899-1900)

Background imageFounder Collection: Mrs. Juliette Gordon Low (left) Mrs

Mrs. Juliette Gordon Low (left) Mrs. Arthur O. Choate (Anne Hyde Choate) (right), between c1915 and c1920

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"Trailblazers of Change: Celebrating the Visionary Founders" Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, lst Viscount Baden-Powell - A distinguished English soldier who founded the global scouting movement, inspiring millions of young minds to embrace adventure and self-reliance. Madame Helena Blavatsky - An enigmatic figure in the realm of spirituality, this Russian philosopher co-founded Theosophy, promoting universal brotherhood and exploring ancient wisdom from around the world. St Hildegard Von Bingen - A remarkable medieval mystic and polymath who founded monasteries and composed ethereal music while advocating for women's education and spiritual enlightenment. Saint Francis of Assisi - Renowned for his profound love for nature and all living beings, this Italian saint established the Franciscan Order based on simplicity, poverty, compassion, and harmony with creation. Ataturk Mustapha Kemal - The visionary leader who transformed Turkey into a modern secular state after World War I through sweeping reforms that emphasized education, gender equality, industrialization, and cultural revitalization. Man with Ear Trumpet C18 - Symbolizing advancements in hearing aid technology pioneered by inventors like Johann Nepomuk Maelzel during the 18th century to improve communication for individuals with hearing impairments. Statue of St Peter at Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano - Depicting one of Christianity's founding figures as a symbol of faith's enduring legacy throughout history across cultures worldwide. Keir Hardie giving a speech - As founder of Britain's Labour Party in 1900, he championed workers' rights while striving to create a fairer society through political representation for ordinary people. Saint Brigid of Ireland – This legendary Irish abbess founded several monastic communities during the early Christian era while promoting social justice initiatives such as caring for the poor and advocating for women's rights.

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