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Filefish Collection

Background imageFilefish Collection: Natural History - Fish - Plectognathi

Natural History - Fish - Plectognathi
Vintage engraving of a Filefish, Coffer Fish, Hedgehog fish (Porcupinefish) and Oblong Sun-fish

Background imageFilefish Collection: Mauritius triggerfish, unicorn leatherjacket

Mauritius triggerfish, unicorn leatherjacket
Mauritius triggerfish, Rhinecanthus cinereus, unicorn leatherjacket, Aluterus monoceros, and planehead filefish, Stephanolepis hispidus

Background imageFilefish Collection: Yellow tropical reef fish composite image on black background

Yellow tropical reef fish composite image on black background, Falcula butterflyfish (Chaetodon falcula), Yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus), Golden butterflyfish (Chaetodon semilarvatus)

Background imageFilefish Collection: Unicorn leatherjacket filefish (Aluterus monoceros) at night, The Bahamas. February

Unicorn leatherjacket filefish (Aluterus monoceros) at night, The Bahamas. February

Background imageFilefish Collection: Taylors pygmy leatherjacket (Brachaluteres taylori). Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi

Taylors pygmy leatherjacket (Brachaluteres taylori). Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Planehead filfish (Stephanolepis hispidus) hunting in a sea meadow (Cymodosea nodosa)

Planehead filfish (Stephanolepis hispidus) hunting in a sea meadow (Cymodosea nodosa). Tenerife, Canary Islands

Background imageFilefish Collection: Mimic leatherjacket / Blacksaddle mimic filefish (Paraluteres prionurus) adult and juvenile

Mimic leatherjacket / Blacksaddle mimic filefish (Paraluteres prionurus) adult and juvenile, composite image on black background, Bali, Indonesia, Indo-Pacific

Background imageFilefish Collection: Minute / Dwarf filefish (Rudarius minutus) just over an inch long as an adult

Minute / Dwarf filefish (Rudarius minutus) just over an inch long as an adult, Celebes Sea, Mabul Island, Malaysia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Matted filefish, queen triggerfish and white

Matted filefish, queen triggerfish and white
Matted filefish, Acreichthys tomentosus 36, queen triggerfish, Balistes vetula 37, and white-banded triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus 38

Background imageFilefish Collection: Unusual marine creatures

Unusual marine creatures
Sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, planehead filefish, Stephanolepis hispidus, elephantfish, Callorhinchus callorynchus, spotted wobbegong, Orectolobus maculatus, and seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus

Background imageFilefish Collection: Slender filefish (Monacanthus tuckeri) hiding in the branches of a porous sea rod

Slender filefish (Monacanthus tuckeri) hiding in the branches of a porous sea rod (Pseudoplexaura sp.) on a coral reef. Jardines de la Reina, Gardens of the Queen National Park, Cuba. Caribbean Sea

Background imageFilefish Collection: A school of filefifsh take shelter and feed on invertebrates (bottom of frame

A school of filefifsh take shelter and feed on invertebrates (bottom of frame) found on sargassum in the Sargasso Sea

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 12479198

Picture No. 12479198
Leafy Filefish - Secret Place dive site, Amed, Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Balistes capriscus, or Grey Triggerfish

Balistes capriscus, or Grey Triggerfish (described here as a Filefish). Date: 1865

Background imageFilefish Collection: Longnose filefish, Yap, Micronesia

Longnose filefish, Yap, Micronesia
The longnose filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris) reaches nearly four inches in length on a reef off the island of Yap; Yap, Federated States of Micronesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Northern Bahamas, Caribbean. Filefish

Northern Bahamas, Caribbean. Filefish

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 12019791

Picture No. 12019791
Strapweed Filefish - on coral - TK2 dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 12019782

Picture No. 12019782
Scrawled Filefish - Night dive, TK1 dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 11676363

Picture No. 11676363
Planehead Filefish young fish hiding under floating plastic garbage (composite image) Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 11675139

Picture No. 11675139
Strapweed Filefish. Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Strap-weed filefish Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

Strap-weed filefish Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia
Strap-weed filefish (Pseudomonacanthus macrurus), Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Mimic filefish Beqa Lagoon, Fiji

Mimic filefish Beqa Lagoon, Fiji
Mimic filefish (Paraluteres prionurus), Beqa Lagoon, Fiji

Background imageFilefish Collection: Scribbled filefish, Ari and Male Atoll, Maldives

Scribbled filefish, Ari and Male Atoll, Maldives
Scribbled filefish (Aluterus scriptus), Ari and Male Atoll, Maldives

Background imageFilefish Collection: Mimic filefish, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Mimic filefish, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Mimic filefish (Paraluteres prionurus) mimics black-saddled toby with a red black coral bush behind, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Tiny white filefish with small black spots, North Sulawesi

Tiny white filefish with small black spots, North Sulawesi
Tiny white filefish with small black spots, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Beige juvenile filefish hiding against a greenish sea cucumber

Beige juvenile filefish hiding against a greenish sea cucumber
Beige juvenile filefish trying to hide against a greenish sea cucumber, Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 11072841

Picture No. 11072841
Scrawled Filefish Pangah Kecil dive site, Loh Buaya, Rinca Island, Komodo National Park, Indonesia. Scrawled Filefish

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 11072885

Picture No. 11072885
Shortsnout Filefish Pantai Parigi dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Shortsnout Filefish

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 11072868

Picture No. 11072868
Shortsnout Filefish inside tunicates Aer Bajo dive site, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Shortsnout Filefish

Background imageFilefish Collection: Strapweed Filefish (Pseudomonacanthus macrurus) adult

Strapweed Filefish (Pseudomonacanthus macrurus) adult, swimming over black sand at night, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Greater Sunda Islands, Indonesia, November

Background imageFilefish Collection: Puffer Filefish (Brachaluteres taylori) juvenile

Puffer Filefish (Brachaluteres taylori) juvenile, swimming, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Greater Sunda Islands, Indonesia, November

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 10890825

Picture No. 10890825
Scraweled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 10890826

Picture No. 10890826
Scraweled Filefish - close-up (Aluterus scriptus) Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 10890824

Picture No. 10890824
Scraweled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Picture No. 10890823

Picture No. 10890823
Scraweled Filefish - tail (Aluterus scriptus) Date:

Background imageFilefish Collection: Longnose Filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris) adult

Longnose Filefish (Oxymonacanthus longirostris) adult, Tanjung Nukae, Wetar Island, Barat Daya Islands, Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesia, October

Background imageFilefish Collection: Scrawled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) adult

Scrawled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) adult, close-up of head, at night, Lembeh Island, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Greater Sunda Islands, Indonesia, December

Background imageFilefish Collection: Seagrass Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) adult

Seagrass Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) adult, swimming, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Sunda Islands, Indonesia, January

Background imageFilefish Collection: Postcard of Balistapus Rectangularis Fish

Postcard of Balistapus Rectangularis Fish. ca. 1914, 250. Humuhumu Nukunuku Apua a, (Balistapus Rectangularis). FISHES OF HAWAII

Background imageFilefish Collection: Radial Filefish (Acreichthys radiatus) adult

Radial Filefish (Acreichthys radiatus) adult, camouflaged in xeniid soft coral, Reta Island, Alor Archipelago, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, November

Background imageFilefish Collection: Rhinoceros Filefish (Pseudalutarius nasicornis) adult female

Rhinoceros Filefish (Pseudalutarius nasicornis) adult female, swimming at night, Seraya, Bali, Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, April

Background imageFilefish Collection: Shortsnout Filefish (Paramonacanthus curtorhynchos) adult

Shortsnout Filefish (Paramonacanthus curtorhynchos) adult, swimming over black sand, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Sunda Islands, Indonesia, July

Background imageFilefish Collection: Strapweed Filefish (Pseudomonacanthus macrurus) adult

Strapweed Filefish (Pseudomonacanthus macrurus) adult, resting on sand, Lembeh Straits, Sulawesi, Sunda Islands, Indonesia, July

Background imageFilefish Collection: Parika scaber, leatherjacket

Parika scaber, leatherjacket
Ff. 247. Pencil sketch by George Forster made during Captain James Cooks second voyage to explore the southern continent (1772-75)

Background imageFilefish Collection: Brachaluteres jacksonianus, southern pygmy leatherjacket

Brachaluteres jacksonianus, southern pygmy leatherjacket
Plate 28 from Zoological drawings by Ferdinand Bauer. This is a small compressed fish with no pelvic fins and a prominent dorsal spine

Background imageFilefish Collection: Scraweled Filefish - eye - Indonesia

Scraweled Filefish - eye - Indonesia
LEE-174 Scraweled Filefish - eye Indonesia Aluterus scriptus Lea Lee Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageFilefish Collection: Smallspotted Leatherjacket / Strap-weed File-fish - Indonesia

Smallspotted Leatherjacket / Strap-weed File-fish - Indonesia
LEE-295 Smallspotted Leatherjacket / Strap-weed File-fish Indonesia Pseudomonacanthus macrurus Lea Lee contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageFilefish Collection: Scrawled Filefish - Red Sea

Scrawled Filefish - Red Sea
LEE-14 Scrawled Filefish Red Sea Aluterus scriptus Lea Lee contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageFilefish Collection: Scribbled Leatherjacket Filefish, tropical coasts worldwide

Scribbled Leatherjacket Filefish, tropical coasts worldwide
PM-10603 Scribbled Leatherjacket Filefish, tropical coasts worldwide

Background imageFilefish Collection: Shortsnout filefish - Found in protected habitats generally on open silty bottoms

Shortsnout filefish - Found in protected habitats generally on open silty bottoms
VT-8843 Shortsnout filefish - Found in protected habitats generally on open silty bottoms, this species comes in a varity of colours and patterns. Bali, Indonesia

Background imageFilefish Collection: Scrawled Leatherjacket - Coral Reef dweller

Scrawled Leatherjacket - Coral Reef dweller
VT-8471 Scrawled LEATHERJACKET / Filefish Aluterus scriptus Coral Reef dweller, territorial habitat. Not common

Background imageFilefish Collection: Planehead Filefish Bermuda to Brazil

Planehead Filefish Bermuda to Brazil
KEL-985 Planehead Filefish Bermuda to Brazil Monacanthus hispidus Ken Lucas Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageFilefish Collection: White-spotted Filefish Bermuda. Florida to Brazil

White-spotted Filefish Bermuda. Florida to Brazil
KEL-986 White-spotted Filefish Bermuda. Florida to Brazil Cantherhines macrocerus Ken Lucas Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

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The filefish, belonging to the Plectognathi family, is a fascinating creature in the natural history of fish. With its vibrant yellow coloration and unique features, it stands out amidst the tropical reef environment. In this composite image set against a black background, we can admire the beauty of various species such as the Falcula butterflyfish, Yellow boxfish, Golden butterflyfish, and Red Sea clownfish. Underneath the moonlit night in The Bahamas during February, we encounter the enchanting Unicorn leatherjacket filefish. Its presence adds an element of mystery to this underwater paradise. Moving on to North Sulawesi's Lembeh Strait, we are introduced to Taylors pygmy leatherjacket gracefully navigating through its surroundings. Balistes capriscus or Grey Triggerfish catches our attention with its distinctive appearance. Meanwhile, Bali's Indo-Pacific waters showcase both adult and juvenile Mimic leatherjackets or Blacksaddle mimic filefish in a captivating composite image. Intriguingly small yet full of character is the Minute or Dwarf filefish that reaches just over an inch long as an adult. It reminds us that even within tiny dimensions lies incredible diversity. A gathering of Matted filefish alongside queen triggerfish and white creates a visually stunning spectacle worth admiring. Mauritius triggerfish and unicorn leatherjacket further contribute to this display of marine marvels. As we explore deeper into their world, we encounter unusual marine creatures like Planehead filish hunting amidst sea meadows adorned with Cymodosea nodosa plants. Additionally, Slender filefsh finds solace hiding among porous sea rod branches - showcasing nature's perfect camouflage at work. From their striking colors to their ability to adapt seamlessly into their environments – these remarkable fish captivate our imagination and remind us of nature's endless wonders beneath the surface of our oceans.

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