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Fancy Collection

Background imageFancy Collection: Vintage Art Deco Negroni Poster Of A Fancy Seagull

Vintage Art Deco Negroni Poster Of A Fancy Seagull
The Whiskey Ginger

Background imageFancy Collection: Fancy Pigeon Breeds

Fancy Pigeon Breeds
Fancy pigeon breeds (Columbidae species)

Background imageFancy Collection: Sobranie cigarettes advertisement, 1963

Sobranie cigarettes advertisement, 1963
Advertisement for Sobranie Cocktail cigarettes, available in a variety of fancy rainbow colours with gold tips - like all the best parties well bred, well dressed and perfectly packed. Date: 1963

Background imageFancy Collection: Racing pigeon release

Racing pigeon release
Racing pigeons released from their traps from transport lorries at the start of a race from Worcestershire to Tipton in The Black Country in the English Midlands Date: 1992

Background imageFancy Collection: Regatta and Carnival Week, Fowey, Cornwall. August 1993

Regatta and Carnival Week, Fowey, Cornwall. August 1993
The giant pasty, which is baked in Polruan, ready to be taken by harbour tug across Fowey harbour. Members of the town band escort it, who this year are dressed as Chelsea pensioners

Background imageFancy Collection: On with the dance by Lewis Baumer

On with the dance by Lewis Baumer
A fancy dress ball in full swing in the early 1920s with couples on the dance floor in costume and balloons and streamers filling the air. Date: 1921

Background imageFancy Collection: The Sites of London, by William Heath Robinson

The Sites of London, by William Heath Robinson
Humorous designs for London fancy dress parties by William Heath Robinson. Please note: Credit must appear as Courtesy of the estate of Mrs J.C.Robinson/Pollinger Ltd/ILN/Mary Evans

Background imageFancy Collection: The Bright Young People - mock Rayner-Ponsonby wedding

The Bright Young People - mock Rayner-Ponsonby wedding
A group of Bright Young Things indulging in one of their many silly pranks, in this case a mock wedding where Elizabeth Ponsonby married John Rayner. The best man was Robert Byron

Background imageFancy Collection: The carnival in the port of Spain, Trinidad

The carnival in the port of Spain, Trinidad, 1888. People cavort in fancy dress through the street, some playing banjos, others brandishing what looks like bladders on sticks

Background imageFancy Collection: The Carson Mansion in Eureka, California

The Carson Mansion in Eureka, California

Background imageFancy Collection: Antique map of Victoria or Port Phillip in Australia with vignettes

Antique map of Victoria or Port Phillip in Australia with vignettes

Background imageFancy Collection: The Chelsea Arts Club Dazzle Ball

The Chelsea Arts Club Dazzle Ball
A flamboyant fancy-dress ball given by the Chelsea Arts Club at the Albert Hall

Background imageFancy Collection: The fancy fair, Princes Park, Liverpool, August, 1849

The fancy fair, Princes Park, Liverpool, August, 1849

Background imageFancy Collection: New Years Eve Party, Chelsea Arts Ball, 1923

New Years Eve Party, Chelsea Arts Ball, 1923
Photograph showing the revellers at the Chelsea Arts Ball, on New Years Eve, 1923. A monumental John Bull figure looks down on the party goers in their fancy dress costumes

Background imageFancy Collection: DREADNOUGHT HOAX

VIRGINIA WOOLF as a young woman, with Duncan Grant, Adrian Stephen, Anthony Buxton, Guy Ridley and Horace Cole as " The Emperor of Abyssinia and His Suite"

Background imageFancy Collection: Picture No. 10900268

Picture No. 10900268
CAT - Black Cat Date:

Background imageFancy Collection: Carnival in Venice by C. H. Shepard

Carnival in Venice by C. H. Shepard
Glowing and colourful scene showing various masked revellers enjoying the Carnival in Venice

Background imageFancy Collection: Stephen Tennant as Prince Charming

Stephen Tennant as Prince Charming
Stephen Tennant in fancy dress at the Pageant of Romantic Historical Lovers

Background imageFancy Collection: Our Fancy Rabbits

Our Fancy Rabbits
An illustration of various breeds of rabbit drawn for The Boys Own Paper by F. A. Lydon

Background imageFancy Collection: PIrate knitting pattern

PIrate knitting pattern
A gay, swashbuckling three-piece to knit for teenagers! The 1950s were a more innocent time

Background imageFancy Collection: X-X-X-X-Xmas by J. Gordge

X-X-X-X-Xmas by J. Gordge
Two lovers dressed as Columbine and Harlequin prepare for a romantic kiss at what looks to be a deserted party

Background imageFancy Collection: Mrs McCorquodale (Barbara Cartland) dressed as champagne

Mrs McCorquodale (Barbara Cartland) dressed as champagne
Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland (1901-2000), married name Mrs Barbara McCorquodale, British novelist

Background imageFancy Collection: Antique map of South Australia with vignettes

Antique map of South Australia with vignettes

Background imageFancy Collection: Captain Henry Avery, pirate

Captain Henry Avery, pirate
Captain Avery and his crew taking one of the Great Moguls ships

Background imageFancy Collection: The Diving Belles music hall divers and aquatic acrobats

The Diving Belles music hall divers and aquatic acrobats
The Diving Belles led by Daphne ?appearing in an elaborate sea cave scena Mermaids in Shells with clever and original tricks and fancy diving?

Background imageFancy Collection: The Bright Young People at a party

The Bright Young People at a party
A group of Bright Young Things at Captain Macheacans fancy dress party where guests were instructed to come as a living celebrity

Background imageFancy Collection: King George V and Queen Mary at Devonshire House Ball

King George V and Queen Mary at Devonshire House Ball
A photograph taken at Devonshire House Historical Costume Ball held during the Diamond Jubilee festivities of 1897, of King George V (then Duke of York), dressed as George Clifford

Background imageFancy Collection: Gardens and village, Chateau de Villandry, Villandry, Loire Valley, France

Gardens and village, Chateau de Villandry, Villandry, Loire Valley, France

Background imageFancy Collection: Picture No. 10947032

Picture No. 10947032
English Setter Dog - wearing antlers in Christmas scene. Digital Manipulation Date:

Background imageFancy Collection: People wearing masks and costumes at the Venice Carnival

People wearing masks and costumes at the Venice Carnival
Carnival goers take to the streets dressed in their finest costumes and masks to parade around St. Marks Square, celebrating the Venice Carnival in Italy. The theme for 2013 is Live in Colour

Background imageFancy Collection: Pierrot clown

Pierrot clown
Man in fancy dress wearing a pierrot clown outfit with white face soft pointed hat, green neck ruff and pom-poms to the feet

Background imageFancy Collection: Mrs Charles Sweeny as Astrae the Star-Maiden

Mrs Charles Sweeny as Astrae the Star-Maiden
Mrs Charles Sweeny, formerly Miss Margaret Whigham and later the Duchess of Argyll (1912 - 1993), pictured as Astrae

Background imageFancy Collection: Craven Lodge Fancy Ball

Craven Lodge Fancy Ball
A page from The Tatler, featuring photographs and a report on the Craven Lodge Fancy Ball in Melton, Leicestershire, a New Year party with a prehistoric fancy dress theme

Background imageFancy Collection: Raoul Shoe Company 1912

Raoul Shoe Company 1912
Chic Parisian footwear offered for sale in Regent St featuring a brogue shoe, fancy top boot, seaside shoe, French shoes and court shoe

Background imageFancy Collection: Mediaeval Headdresses

Mediaeval Headdresses
Medieval ladies in their fancy headdress

Background imageFancy Collection: Chelsea Arts Club Ball, 1954

Chelsea Arts Club Ball, 1954
Scene at the Chelsea Arts Club Ball at the Royal Albert Hall at midnight with balloons drifting down from the ceiling and revellers in fancy dress costume singing Auld Lang Syne. 1954

Background imageFancy Collection: Lingering music sheet cover

Lingering music sheet cover
Music sheet for Lingering, performed at The Palais de Danse, London. The music was written by T. W. Thurban and the words by John P. Harrington

Background imageFancy Collection: Young women in fancy dress costumes

Young women in fancy dress costumes
A group of young women dressed in fancy dress costumes preserve the moment for posterity with a photograph in studio

Background imageFancy Collection: Two women in fancy dress with tankards

Two women in fancy dress with tankards
Two women in fancy dress costumes comprising of knickerbockers, shirts and waistcoats, raise a tankard of beer each - presumably they re meant to be some kind of 17th century roisterers? c.1928

Background imageFancy Collection: Mary Henniker-Heaton in fancy dress as Egypt

Mary Henniker-Heaton in fancy dress as Egypt
Mary Henniker-Heaton, debutante daughter of Sir John and Lady Henniker-Heaton, photographed in a fancy dress costume that won her first prize at one of the Monte Carlo fancy dress balls

Background imageFancy Collection: Viola Tree

Viola Tree (17 July 1884 15 November 1938) English actress, singer, playwright and author

Background imageFancy Collection: A new dog-fancy: the Basset Hounds by Louis Wain

A new dog-fancy: the Basset Hounds by Louis Wain
Engraving by Louis Wain showing four naughty basset hounds teasing two scared black and white cats. A fifth basset hound enters the room looking coy but unrepentant with a whip in its mouth

Background imageFancy Collection: Christmas crackers box label

Christmas crackers box label
Label for a box of Batgers Carnival crackers featuring a couple in fancy dress, he dressed as Harlequin, playing a ukelele and a banjo

Background imageFancy Collection: Pan Cover 1920

Pan Cover 1920
Illustration by Pizer on the front cover of Pan magazine, showing a couple in costume, the man dressed as harlequin and the woman wearing butterfly wings and headdress

Background imageFancy Collection: Fancy dress

Fancy dress
Leachs Fancy Dress for Children front cover. Artist: M Banuval Date: 1920s

Background imageFancy Collection: Scenes from the fancy dress Chelsea Arts Ball held at the Al

Scenes from the fancy dress Chelsea Arts Ball held at the Albert Hall, London, 1923 Date: 1923

Background imageFancy Collection: Antique map of Van Diemen Island off Australia with vignettes

Antique map of Van Diemen Island off Australia with vignettes

Background imageFancy Collection: Poster for Candian Pacific Mont Cruises

Poster for Candian Pacific Mont Cruises - a glamorous lady in a green dress leans back against the rail of the liner, holding a black witches hat by its lengthy bowstrings

Background imageFancy Collection: Boys Club, fancy dress, February 1931

Boys Club, fancy dress, February 1931
Seven boys from a Boys Club in wonderful fancy dress costume

Background imageFancy Collection: Clown on Bicycle Photo

Clown on Bicycle Photo
Harry, a guest of the Mayors Fancy Dress Ball poses in his costume, (that of a clown), on a bicycle in his back garden

Background imageFancy Collection: C18TH COSTUME / 1913

C18TH COSTUME / 1913
C18th costume for a masked ball: gold dress with panniers & echelles, white petticoat ornamented with a garland of roses, black lace engageantes, a high white wig with roses

Background imageFancy Collection: Yevonde Cumbers Middleton (1893-1975)

Yevonde Cumbers Middleton (1893-1975), also known professionally as Madame Yevonde, posing as Harlequin in a 1923 self-portrait. Date: 1923

Background imageFancy Collection: An Interval in Motley by S. S. Longley

An Interval in Motley by S. S. Longley
Colour illustration by S.S. Longley showing Harlequin and Columbine with balloons. 1922

Background imageFancy Collection: Group of revellers at the Princess Mary Hospital Ball

Group of revellers at the Princess Mary Hospital Ball. This group were all dressed as figures from 1820 with the ball organiser, Lady Terrington (centre), dressed as Princess Charlotte. Date: 1922

Background imageFancy Collection: Two people in fancy dress. The girl on the left is in a fanciful Pierrot type outfit

Two people in fancy dress. The girl on the left is in a fanciful Pierrot type outfit
Two people in fancy dress

Background imageFancy Collection: Rather wonderful pair (possibly father and son?) dressed as Tom, Tom the Pipers Son

Rather wonderful pair (possibly father and son?) dressed as Tom, Tom the Pipers Son. The boy on the right is Tom, while the man on the left, dressed as a yokel, holds the pig that Tom steals

Background imageFancy Collection: A sketch of a couple attending a carnival, Germany, 1924

A sketch of a couple attending a carnival, Germany, 1924
A sketch of a couple attending a carnival in fancy dress, Germany, 1924 Date: 1924

Background imageFancy Collection: Carnival Ball at the Royal Albert Hall

Carnival Ball at the Royal Albert Hall
Cover of brochure for the Carnival Ball at the Royal Albert Hall, 12th November 1925 with a Jazz Age illustration of two people in fancy dress Date: 1925

Background imageFancy Collection: Costumed group at Baroness D Erlangers costume ball, Venice

Costumed group at Baroness D Erlangers costume ball, Venice
A group on the theme of Neptunes Embassy at Baroness D Erlangers celebrated costume ball at the Fenice Theatre, Venice in 1926

Background imageFancy Collection: A scene of a fancy dress party (1920s) Date: 1920s

A scene of a fancy dress party (1920s) Date: 1920s

Background imageFancy Collection: Picture No. 12020135

Picture No. 12020135
Norwegian Forest Cat, kitten wearing pink rabbit ears. Date:

Background imageFancy Collection: Viscountess Castlerosse dressed as a fish course

Viscountess Castlerosse dressed as a fish course
Doris Delavigne, Viscountess Castlerosse

Background imageFancy Collection: Selfridges fancy dress advertisement

Selfridges fancy dress advertisement
Selfridges say that the secret of successful fancy dress is originality. Advertisement for fancy dress costumes from Selfridges department store

Background imageFancy Collection: Fancy Dress Optional

Fancy Dress Optional
Watercolour painting by D.W. Hawksley (1884-1970), " Fancy Dress Optional". 1928

Background imageFancy Collection: Cast of Chu Chin Chow catch bus to Night of the Stage Ball

Cast of Chu Chin Chow catch bus to Night of the Stage Ball
The cast of Chu Chin Chow at His Majestys Theatre board a bus and head for the Night of the Stage Ball at the Albert Hall held in aid of Sir Arthur Pearsons Fund for the children of blinded solders

Background imageFancy Collection: Advert for Happy New Year Costume Ball 31st December 1925

Advert for Happy New Year Costume Ball 31st December 1925
Black and white advertisement in the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News of 28th November 1925 for the Happy New Year Costume Ball at the Albert Hall on 21st December 1925

Background imageFancy Collection: The Key of England celebrates its pageant, 1908

The Key of England celebrates its pageant, 1908
The Key of England (Dover Castle) celebrates its pageant: Dovers history in living pictures, 1908

Background imageFancy Collection: Fancy dress

Fancy dress
Cover of Leach Fancy Dress catalogue. Date: 1928-9

Background imageFancy Collection: Comtesse A de Chabrillan at Persian ball, 1912

Comtesse A de Chabrillan at Persian ball, 1912
Comtesse A de Chabrillan, in an exotic costume, at the Thousand and One Nights Persian ball in Paris, May 1912. Date: May 1912

Background imageFancy Collection: GUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos鮠Masks

GUTIERREZ SOLANA, Jos頨 1886-1945). Masks. Expressionism. Oil on canvas. Private Collection

Background imageFancy Collection: Fancy dress party

Fancy dress party
Front cover of Pan magazine, featuring three adults in fancy dress, enjoying a glass of Vermouth. Date: 1920

Background imageFancy Collection: Stephanie Stephens with Bonzo

Stephanie Stephens with Bonzo
Actress Stephanie Stephens posed in one of her costumes from the musical comedy, Queen High at the Queens Theatre in 1926

Background imageFancy Collection: The Victory Ball by Pizer

The Victory Ball by Pizer
An impression of the great Victory Ball, held at the Albert Hall to celebrate the end of the First World War in aid of the Nations Fund for Nurses

Background imageFancy Collection: Alfred Austin (1835-1913) British poet laureate from 1896

Alfred Austin (1835-1913) British poet laureate from 1896

Background imageFancy Collection: George Granville William Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of Sutherland (1828-1882)

George Granville William Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 3rd Duke of Sutherland (1828-1882), British aristocrat, succeeded to his title in 1861. Sutherland finishing a marathon railway journey in America

Background imageFancy Collection: Anthony Armstrong Jones - portrait of the bridegroom

Anthony Armstrong Jones - portrait of the bridegroom
Anthony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones (born 1930), 1st Earl Snowdon, husband of Princess Margaret and photographer

Background imageFancy Collection: The Belle of the Ball

The Belle of the Ball - a young girl in a fantastic fancy dress frock dancing at the carnival. A Christmas postcard Date: circa 1910s

Background imageFancy Collection: The Graphic Christmas Number 1926 front cover

The Graphic Christmas Number 1926 front cover
Front cover of The Graphic Christmas Number 1926 featuring an illustration depicting party goers arriving at a fancy dress ball

Background imageFancy Collection: Ernst Dryden / Party / 314

Ernst Dryden / Party / 314
ERNST DRYDEN Poster artist, fashion pioneer and Hollywood costume designer. Fancy dress party in Vienna with Dryden pictured in the centre

Background imageFancy Collection: Fancy-Ball Polka, music sheet

Fancy-Ball Polka, music sheet
Cover design for a music sheet, The Fancy-Ball Polka, by E Reynolds. A late Victorian family is depicted, with adults and children dressed up for a party

Background imageFancy Collection: Mellins Food poster

Mellins Food poster
A group of small children in fancy dress line up to advertise Mellins food

Background imageFancy Collection: Advert / Fancy Confectione

Advert / Fancy Confectione
Hovells Christmas Crackers (and their fancy confectionery) advertised on the side of a horse bus

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Step into a world of elegance and sophistication with the captivating allure of "fancy". From the regal Fancy Pigeon Breeds, adorned in vibrant plumage, to the iconic Sobranie cigarettes advertisement that exuded timeless glamour in 1963. Transport yourself to the enchanting Regatta and Carnival Week in Fowey, Cornwall, where festivities filled the air with joyous melodies and colorful costumes during that memorable August of 1993. Witness the breathtaking sight of racing pigeons taking flight as they embark on their journey towards victory. Immerse yourself in an era gone by with The Bright Young People's mock Rayner-Ponsonby wedding. A whimsical celebration reminiscent of a bygone era filled with opulence and grandeur. Marvel at an antique map showcasing Victoria or Port Phillip in Australia, adorned with exquisite vignettes that tell tales from distant lands. Travel back to New Year's Eve Party at Chelsea Arts Ball in 1923, where revelers danced under shimmering lights while embracing the spirit of merriment and new beginnings. Experience the pulsating energy of The Carnival in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad - a kaleidoscope of colors and rhythms that ignite your senses. Unleash your creativity with a pirate knitting pattern - a delightful twist on traditional crafts for those seeking adventure even within their stitches. Discover hidden gems through William Heath Robinson's masterpiece "The Sites of London, " capturing both architectural marvels and charming nooks tucked away amidst bustling streets. Marvel at The Carson Mansion standing tall like a beacon of Victorian splendor amidst Eureka, California - its intricate details whispering stories from another time. Step into Princes Park during Liverpool's extravagant fancy fair held in August 1849; witness stalls brimming with treasures as laughter fills the air. "Fancy" encapsulates moments frozen in time - each hint offering glimpses into worlds steeped in beauty, imagination, and the pursuit of refined experiences.

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