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Experiment Collection

Background imageExperiment Collection: Airmail Project 1930

Airmail Project 1930
An American airmail project

Background imageExperiment Collection: The Orrery by Joseph Wright

The Orrery by Joseph Wright (1734-1797). This artwork was painted in 1766

Background imageExperiment Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1797

Proton collision C014 / 1797
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageExperiment Collection: Mass spectrometer, 1954

Mass spectrometer, 1954
Mass spectrometer. Researchers adjusting the controls of a mass spectrometer. This is an all-metal demountable mass spectrometer

Background imageExperiment Collection: The Airpump by Joseph Wright

The Airpump by Joseph Wright
The Air Pump by Joseph Wright (1734-1797). This artwork was painted in 1768

Background imageExperiment Collection: Higgs boson event, ATLAS detector C013 / 6892

Higgs boson event, ATLAS detector C013 / 6892
Higgs boson event. Graphic of a transverse section through a detector showing one of the numerous particle collision events recorded during the search for the Higgs boson

Background imageExperiment Collection: Bound to Draw by William Heath Robinson

Bound to Draw by William Heath Robinson
Another well-thought-out experiment in dentistry from Heath Robinson, the Gadget King and mastermind behind endless convoluted contraptions and silly ideas. Date: 1927

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle physics experiment, artwork

Particle physics experiment, artwork
Particle physics experiment. Artwork of tracks of particles detected following a collision in a particle accelerator

Background imageExperiment Collection: Magnetic repulsion

Magnetic repulsion. The iron filings sprinkled between these two bar magnets reveal the shape of the repulsive magnetic field between them

Background imageExperiment Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageExperiment Collection: John Logie Bairds experiment, showing how television transm

John Logie Bairds experiment, showing how television transm
Sending pictures through the air. Bairds system of television transmits its wireless pictures

Background imageExperiment Collection: Science / Gillray Satire

Science / Gillray Satire
New Discoveries in Pneumaticks! A satire on the Royal Institution: Thomas Young experiments on Hippisley, Humphry Davy at the bellows, Rumford by the door

Background imageExperiment Collection: ITER fusion research reactor

ITER fusion research reactor, computer artwork

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle physics experiment, artwork

Particle physics experiment, artwork
Particle physics experiment. Artwork of tracks of particles detected following a collision in a particle accelerator

Background imageExperiment Collection: BAC TSR-2

A Vickers Valiant Wing with the British Aircraft Corporation Tsr.2 Prototype and One of the Two Bristol 188 Prototypes Xf926 Parked Behind at Proof and Experimental Establishment

Background imageExperiment Collection: Gun transport exercise, Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorkshire

Gun transport exercise, Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorkshire
An emergency gun transport exercise taking place at Wentworth Woodhouse, Lord Fitzwilliams residence at Rotherham, Yorkshire

Background imageExperiment Collection: Bolts of electricity discharging in the lab of Nikola Tesla

Bolts of electricity discharging in the lab of Nikola Tesla
Inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla in his lab while his magnifying transmitter high voltage generator produces bolts of electricity. December 1899

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle physics research

Particle physics research. Screenshot of particle tracks as recorded by a detector at a particle accelerator

Background imageExperiment Collection: Newtons Opticks with colour Spectrum

Newtons Opticks with colour Spectrum
Opticks by the English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), published in 1704 with a colour spectrum produced by a prism projected across the title page

Background imageExperiment Collection: Isaac Newton using a prism to analyze the colors in a ray of light

Isaac Newton using a prism to analyze the colors in a ray of light. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageExperiment Collection: Louis Pasteur in his laboratory

Louis Pasteur in his laboratory. Hand-colored photogravure of an illustration by Albert Edelfelt

Background imageExperiment Collection: Chloroform / Experiment

Chloroform / Experiment
Hannah Greener, who became the first fatality under chloroform anasethesia during a minor operation to have a toe nail removed

Background imageExperiment Collection: Frontispiece illustration from Frankenstein

Frontispiece illustration from Frankenstein
Frontispiece illustration from Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein. Date: first published 1818

Background imageExperiment Collection: Wilbur and Orville Wright with Flyer II at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio, USA, May 1

Wilbur and Orville Wright with Flyer II at Huffman Prairie, Dayton, Ohio, USA, May 1, 1904

Background imageExperiment Collection: The new R. A. F. Centrifuge 1955

The new R. A. F. Centrifuge 1955
Testing the effects of gravitational stresses experienced by pilots at high speeds: the new R.A.F. centrifuge at the Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine at Farnborough, Hampshire

Background imageExperiment Collection: The Post Office and Library, Greendale Road, Port Sunlight

The Post Office and Library, Greendale Road, Port Sunlight. Date: circa 1910

Background imageExperiment Collection: Simpson researching anaesthetics, 1840s

Simpson researching anaesthetics, 1840s
Sir James Young Simpson (1811-1870), Scottish doctor. This historical artwork shows Simpsons butler walking in on Simpson, who is suffering from the effects of a recent experiment

Background imageExperiment Collection: Alchemist at work

Alchemist at work
Black and white print of the painting, " L Alchimiste" by David Teniers the Younger, dated 1790. HPF/5C/4"

Background imageExperiment Collection: Seance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research

Seance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research
Undated photograph of corner of the sance room at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, with trumpets on table. HPG/1/2/1 (vi)

Background imageExperiment Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageExperiment Collection: The Chemist 1827

The Chemist 1827
A chemist with his apprentice in his laboratory. A copper alembic is on his left, to the right a sand heat and a furnace is in the middle. Date: 1827

Background imageExperiment Collection: Holmes & Watson / In Lab

Holmes & Watson / In Lab
THE NAVAL TREATY Holmes busy with his chemistry apparatus at Baker St. watched by Dr. Watson

Background imageExperiment Collection: Psychedelic multicolored soap bubble abstract background

Psychedelic multicolored soap bubble abstract background

Background imageExperiment Collection: Worlds oldest surviving photograph - Niepce

Worlds oldest surviving photograph - Niepce
" Image of Chateau by Nicephore Niepce. He developed heliography, a technique used to produce this image, the worlds oldest surviving photograph in 1825 Date: 1825

Background imageExperiment Collection: Gregor Mendel, Austrian botanist

Gregor Mendel, Austrian botanist
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822-1884), Austrian botanist and founder of genetics. Mendel, the abbot of an abbey in Brno, carried out breeding experiments with pea plants (held in hand)

Background imageExperiment Collection: Einstein and Eddington, 1930

Einstein and Eddington, 1930
Einstein and Eddington. German-born physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955), at left, was famous for his theories of relativity

Background imageExperiment Collection: Illustration of Isaac Newtons prism experiment

Illustration of Isaac Newtons prism experiment, showing white sunlight split by a prism into the co

Background imageExperiment Collection: Worthing Corporation electrical service. Demonstration vehicle

Worthing Corporation electrical service. Demonstration vehicle
Sign on the vehicle reads Electrify - and troubles fly. Early 20th century Additional Manuscript Collection West Sussex Record Office Ref No: AM 507/1/16

Background imageExperiment Collection: Glass Prism refracting colour spectrum

Glass Prism refracting colour spectrum
Flint Glass Prism refracting the colour spectrum. Computer artwork. A narrow slit of light is focussed towards the prism which refracts the light into the colour spectrum

Background imageExperiment Collection: Fruit-powered clock

Fruit-powered clock. In this experiment each apple is a voltaic cell. The apples have been connected to make a battery

Background imageExperiment Collection: Bacteriologist Elie Metchnikoff in his laboratory

Bacteriologist Elie Metchnikoff in his laboratory. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a photograph

Background imageExperiment Collection: Rudi Schneider Seance

Rudi Schneider Seance
Rudi Schneider (centre) - Austrian physical medium - and Harry Price (second right) re- enact their session - London

Background imageExperiment Collection: Handkerchief Knot Test

Handkerchief Knot Test
Test at the National Psychical Laboratory on Rudi Schneider the Austrian spiritualist physical medium. Here, a knot has allegedly been tied paranormally in a handkerchief

Background imageExperiment Collection: CURTISS GOLD BUG NY

The Gold Bug biplane designed and flown by Glenn Hammond Curtiss for the Aerial Experiment Association, depicted flying over New York harbour

Background imageExperiment Collection: HENRY FORD (1863-1947). American automobile manufacturer

HENRY FORD (1863-1947). American automobile manufacturer. Testing the Automobile Plow tractor on his farm in Deaborn, Michigan. Photograph, 1907

Background imageExperiment Collection: An astronaut surveys his situation after being marooned on a barren planet

An astronaut surveys his situation after being marooned on a barren planet. Ominous clouds form in the distance while his scorched capsule is nearby

Background imageExperiment Collection: Panoramic view of Mars

Panoramic view of Mars
February 27 to March 2, 2005 - This is the Spirit panoramic cameras Lookout panorama, acquired on the rovers 410th to 413th martian days, or sols (February 27 to March 2, 2005)

Background imageExperiment Collection: Self-portrait of Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars

Self-portrait of Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars
This self-portrait of NASAs Mars rover Curiosity combines dozens of exposures taken by the rovers Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) during the 177th Martian day, or sol

Background imageExperiment Collection: Self-portrait of Curiosity rover in Gale Crater on the surface of Mars

Self-portrait of Curiosity rover in Gale Crater on the surface of Mars
On Sol 84 (Oct. 31, 2012), the Curiosity rover used the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) to capture the set of thumbnail images stitched together to create this full-color self-portrait

Background imageExperiment Collection: Mendels peas

Mendels peas. Historical artwork of the peas (Pisum sp.) used by Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) in his experiments into heredity. He cross-bred peas that produced yellow (A) and green (B) peas

Background imageExperiment Collection: William Heath Robinson drawing showing soldiers unaware of the camouflaged famous Stonehenge moving around in Wiltshire

William Heath Robinson drawing showing soldiers unaware of the camouflaged famous Stonehenge moving around in Wiltshire. Date: 1941

Background imageExperiment Collection: A lone astronaut looks up at the sun while exploring Mars

A lone astronaut looks up at the sun while exploring Mars. A rover trails behind

Background imageExperiment Collection: Layers of Cape Verde in Victoria Crater

Layers of Cape Verde in Victoria Crater
September 28, 2006 - This view of Victoria crater is looking north from Duck Bay towards the dramatic promontory called Cape Verde

Background imageExperiment Collection: Experiment on an apple tree

Experiment on an apple tree. Illustration (prob. Engraving) from Stephen Hales, Statical essays: containing vegetable staticks.. Vol. I, 3rd ed. Date: 1738-40

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0942

Particle collision, artwork C018 / 0942
Particle collision. Computer artwork of particles colliding and splitting to produce smaller particles

Background imageExperiment Collection: Faraday on magnetism and gravity, 1849

Faraday on magnetism and gravity, 1849
Faraday on magnetism and gravity. Page from the notebooks of British physicist Michael Faraday (1791-1867), showing notes and a diagram of an apparatus for investigating magnetism and gravity

Background imageExperiment Collection: Davy experimenting at Vesuvius, 1819

Davy experimenting at Vesuvius, 1819
Davy experimenting at Vesuvius. 19th-century artwork of British chemist Humphrey Davy (1778-1829) in 1819 carrying out experiments on the slopes of the volcano Mount Vesuvius, near Naples, Italy

Background imageExperiment Collection: Antoine Lavoisier and wife, chemist

Antoine Lavoisier and wife, chemist
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794, centre left), French chemist, with his wife Marie-Anne- Pierrette (1758-1836) in his laboratory. Lavoisier is recognised as the founder of modern chemistry

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle collision

Particle collision. This event takes place in particle accelerators, which are used to accelerate particles (spheres) such as protons to high energies near the speed of light

Background imageExperiment Collection: Early telephone, historical artwork

Early telephone, historical artwork
Early telephone. Historical artwork of three men gathered around an early telephone. The man at right is talking into the speaking tube

Background imageExperiment Collection: Galvanic experiments, 17th century

Galvanic experiments, 17th century
Galvanism. Engraved plate showing various pieces of equipment used to study galvanism, or static electricity

Background imageExperiment Collection: Chemistry equipment, 19th century

Chemistry equipment, 19th century
Chemistry equipment. Engraving of various pieces of equipment used in chemistry experiments. Most are concerned with the isolation of gas or with producing acids

Background imageExperiment Collection: Physics experiment

Physics experiment. Screen display of the output from a physics experiment. The experiment involves monitoring changing position with time

Background imageExperiment Collection: Photograph of the Scottish medium Helen Duncan during sance

Photograph of the Scottish medium Helen Duncan during sance with " ectoplasm" wrapped around her head and the end tucked into her nostrils, May 1931

Background imageExperiment Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageExperiment Collection: John Wesley / Electrical

John Wesley / Electrical
JOHN WESLEY English religious leader, founder of Methodism : always interested in science, he is depicted observing an electrical experiment

Background imageExperiment Collection: Thomas Edison / La Nature

Thomas Edison / La Nature
THOMAS ALVA EDISON Listening to the first phonogram sent to New York from England

Background imageExperiment Collection: Primordial Soup

Primordial Soup
Christophe Kiciak

Background imageExperiment Collection: Wright Brothers Glider Tests, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, USA, October 10, 1902

Wright Brothers Glider Tests, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, USA, October 10, 1902. Historic photo of the Wright brothers third test glider being launched

Background imageExperiment Collection: Volley firing by Scott Method by G. H. Davis

Volley firing by Scott Method by G. H. Davis
The gunnery experiment of which all the naval world is talking: the six-to-one superiority of volley firing by the Scott Method

Background imageExperiment Collection: Townshend Esp Test

Townshend Esp Test
Testing a hypnotised subject for ESP : the hypnotiser holds up a card, concealed from his subject who tries to name it. Townshend found mesmerism enhanced psi ability

Background imageExperiment Collection: Mediumship / Satirical

Mediumship / Satirical
THE PLEASURES OF HAT-MOVING To perform this scientific experiment, the experimenters must touch hands for 20 minutes or so

Background imageExperiment Collection: Antique engraving illustration: Chemistry equipment

Antique engraving illustration: Chemistry equipment

Background imageExperiment Collection: Lead ion collision C014 / 1793

Lead ion collision C014 / 1793
Particle tracks from a lead ion collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageExperiment Collection: Conshelf Two, Red Sea

Conshelf Two, Red Sea
Conshelf Two. This underwater research station is located at a depth of ten metres in the Red Sea, off Sudan

Background imageExperiment Collection: Measuring water levels

Measuring water levels
Water level recorder in a river, being adjusted by a scientist. It uses float activation of a gearing assembly to move a pen across a chart drum. The chart drum is driven by a spring-wound clock

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle accelerator equipment

Particle accelerator equipment. Particle accelerators are used to accelerate atomic nuclei and heavy ions to near the speed of light

Background imageExperiment Collection: Particle accelerator

Particle accelerator. Trails (red) of energised particles inside a particle accelerator. Particle accelerators are used to accelerate particles such as protons to near the speed of light

Background imageExperiment Collection: Quantum cryptography equipment

Quantum cryptography equipment
Quantum cryptography. Eye of an observer reflected in a mirror in quantum cryptography apparatus

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"Unleashing the Power of Curiosity: A Journey through Experiments" Embarking on a voyage of discovery, Joseph Wright's "The Orrery" sets the stage for our exploration into the realm of experiments. From proton collisions in 1797 to the monumental Higgs boson event captured by ATLAS detector C013 / 6892, we delve deep into the mysteries of particle physics. In William Heath Robinson's "Bound to Draw, " innovation takes center stage as ingenious contraptions push boundaries and challenge conventional wisdom. The Airpump by Joseph Wright showcases scientific curiosity at its peak, revealing humanity's relentless pursuit of knowledge. Fast forward to 1955 when the new R. A. F. Centrifuge revolutionized aviation research, propelling us closer to understanding human limits in extreme conditions. Meanwhile, the mass spectrometer in 1954 opened doors to unraveling elemental secrets hidden within matter. Witnessing Wilbur and Orville Wright with Flyer II at Huffman Prairie reminds us that every experiment starts with a dream and determination. Their groundbreaking achievements paved the way for modern aviation as we know it today. From magnetic repulsion experiments sparking intrigue to captivating artwork depicting particle physics wonders, each endeavor fuels our insatiable thirst for answers. Lead ion collisions propel us further into uncharted territories while bolts of electricity discharge in Nikola Tesla's lab electrify our imaginations, and are not merely confined within laboratory walls; they transcend boundaries and ignite sparks of ingenuity across time and space. They embody humanity's unwavering quest for understanding nature’s deepest secrets – an eternal dance between curiosity and knowledge-seeking. So let us embrace these glimpses into experimentation – windows into worlds unknown – where scientists dare to ask questions that shape our collective future. For it is through these bold endeavors that we unlock new frontiers, forever pushing beyond what was once deemed impossible.

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