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Ethiopian Collection

EDITORS COMMENTSEthiopian history is rich and diverse, spanning centuries of cultural heritage and significant figures

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Haile Selassie / Ilz 1930

Haile Selassie / Ilz 1930
HAILE SELASSIE Emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74)

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Haile Selassie / Ils 1936

Haile Selassie / Ils 1936
HAILE SELASSIE Emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74) on his horse

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Haile Selassie

Haile Selassie
HAILE SELASSIE (1892 - 1975) Emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74)

Background imageEthiopian Collection: The famous painting on the ceiling of the winged heads of 80 Ethiopian cherubs

The famous painting on the ceiling of the winged heads of 80 Ethiopian cherubs, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gonder, Debre Berhan Selassie Church, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Emperor Haile Selassie I of Abyssinia is enjoying a seaside holiday at Eastbourne

Emperor Haile Selassie I of Abyssinia is enjoying a seaside holiday at Eastbourne, Sussex. The Emperor of Abyssinia keeping in touch with the news of the day at Eastbourne. 18 July 1938

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Battle of Adowa

Battle of Adowa
The Battle of Adowa in which Meneliks Ethiopian forces defeated the Italians; Brigadier General Dabormidas troops encounter fierce resistance

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Haile Selassie / Nachkrieg

Haile Selassie / Nachkrieg
HAILE SELASSIE Emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74) in 1928, the year he assumed the title of King

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Early 12th Century Frescoes in Bet Maryam, St. Marys Church, Lalibela

Early 12th Century Frescoes in Bet Maryam, St. Marys Church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Mursi tribe

Mursi tribe
Africa, Ethiopia, Debub Omo Zone, woman of the Mursi tribe. A nomadic cattle herder ethnic group located in Southern Ethiopia, close to the Sudanese border. Two Mursi men with bodypaint

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ethiopian Coptic icon at the Holy Sepulchre Church, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Ethiopian Coptic icon at the Holy Sepulchre Church, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ethiopian Coptic icon at the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Ethiopian Coptic icon at the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Othodox Christian Priest in Ethiopia, possibly in Axum

Othodox Christian Priest in Ethiopia, possibly in Axum
Ethiopian Orthodox Priest, possibly in Axum (Aksum)

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Injera basket (Sifet), Ethiopian Highlands, Ethiopia

Injera basket (Sifet), Ethiopian Highlands, Ethiopia Africa, Ethiopia, The Ethiopian Highlands, Colourful woven Injera basket, called a Sifet

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Procession for Christian festival of Rameaux, Axoum (Axum) (Aksum), Tigre region

Procession for Christian festival of Rameaux, Axoum (Axum) (Aksum), Tigre region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Menelik Ii / Ethiopia

Menelik Ii / Ethiopia
MENELIK II Emperor of Ethiopia (1889-1913)

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ethiopia - Abbysinian Clergy

Ethiopia - Abbysinian Clergy Date: circa 1930s

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ras Tafari at the Tower of London. The Regent of Abyssinia paid a visit of inspection

Ras Tafari at the Tower of London. The Regent of Abyssinia paid a visit of inspection to the Tower of London. Ras Tafari photographed during his visit. 8 July 1924

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Weekly market in Bati, the largest outside Addis Ababa, Northern Highlands

Weekly market in Bati, the largest outside Addis Ababa, Northern Highlands, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Pouring coffee during a coffee ceremony, Ethiopia, Africa

Pouring coffee during a coffee ceremony, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Murals in the beautifully painted Inner Sanctuary of the Christian Church of Ura Kedane Meheriet

Murals in the beautifully painted Inner Sanctuary of the Christian Church of Ura Kedane Meheriet, Zege Peninsula, Lake Tana, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Lush green hills and yellow Meskel flowers, Simien Mountains National Park

Lush green hills and yellow Meskel flowers, Simien Mountains National Park, The north, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Blue Nile Falls, near Lake Tana, Gondar region, Ethiopia, Africa

Blue Nile Falls, near Lake Tana, Gondar region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: St. Giorgis (St. George s) rock cut church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

St. Giorgis (St. George s) rock cut church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: aRDVARK. The Ethiopian aardvark. Wood engraving, 1876

aRDVARK. The Ethiopian aardvark. Wood engraving, 1876

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Portrait of a blacksmith at work, town of Axoum (Axum) (Aksum), Tigre region

Portrait of a blacksmith at work, town of Axoum (Axum) (Aksum), Tigre region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: People on a dirt road, Terari Wenz region, Wollo Province, Ethiopia, Africa

People on a dirt road, Terari Wenz region, Wollo Province, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Village of Adua (Adwa) (Adowa)

Village of Adua (Adwa) (Adowa), historic place where Menelik defeated the Italians in battle, Tigre region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Interior, Bieta Ghiorghis (St. George s), Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Interior, Bieta Ghiorghis (St. George s), Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Wollo region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Bet Giorgis church, Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ethiopia, Africa

Bet Giorgis church, Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Aerial view of the town taken from Goha Hotel, Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa

Aerial view of the town taken from Goha Hotel, Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Frescoes on the ceiling of the Debre Berham (Debre Birhan Selassie) church

Frescoes on the ceiling of the Debre Berham (Debre Birhan Selassie) church, Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Bet Medhane Alem (Saviour of the World), Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Bet Medhane Alem (Saviour of the World), Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Ethiopian Embassy

The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Ethiopian Embassy
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, arriving at the Ethiopian Embassy for a private dinner party given by the Emperor of Ethiopia (Haile Selassie) during a visit to Britain

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ethiopian Woman - Braided Hair - Nose Ring

Ethiopian Woman - Braided Hair - Nose Ring
A beautiful Ethiopian Woman in profile, with long braided hair, jewellery and a very large nose ring. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Lij Jessou, Lij Iyasu - ex Emperor Designate of Abyssinia. 25 October 1935

Lij Jessou, Lij Iyasu - ex Emperor Designate of Abyssinia. 25 October 1935

Background imageEthiopian Collection: A Tigray woman has a cross of the Ethiopian Orthodox

A Tigray woman has a cross of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church tattooed on her forehead while two silver crosses hang round her neck

Background imageEthiopian Collection: The Entry into Jerusalem (right-hand page). Addis Ababa manuscript. Ethiopia. Before 1350

The Entry into Jerusalem (right-hand page). Addis Ababa manuscript. Ethiopia. Before 1350
ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. The Entry into Jerusalem (right-hand page). Addis Ababa manuscript. Ethiopia. Before 1350

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Traditional beehive house of the Dorze people made entirely from organic materials

Traditional beehive house of the Dorze people made entirely from organic materials, Chencha mountains, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: View over Gonder and the Royal Enclosure from the top of Fasiladas Palace

View over Gonder and the Royal Enclosure from the top of Fasiladas Palace, Gonder, Gonder region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ethiopian Family 1805

Ethiopian Family 1805
Family scene; man, woman and child of Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: View of Dessie (Dese, Dessye, Dixan), Ethiopia

View of Dessie (Dese, Dessye, Dixan), Ethiopia
A view of Dessie (Dese, Dessye, Dixan), in Amhara region, north central Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Prince Alamayu, son of Emperor Theodor II of Abyssinia, Ryde, England

Prince Alamayu, son of Emperor Theodor II of Abyssinia, Ryde, England
622821 Prince Alamayu, son of Emperor Theodor II of Abyssinia, Ryde, England, 1868 (albumen print) by Hughes

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Abyssinian Warriors - Ethiopia

Abyssinian Warriors - Ethiopia Date: circa 1930s

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ethiopia / Cartoon / Italy

Ethiopia / Cartoon / Italy
French comment on Ethiopian defeat of Italy - Italy receives a poke in the eye from a long split bread or " pain fendu

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Menelik Ii / Ethiopia / Rire

Menelik Ii / Ethiopia / Rire
MENELIK II Emperor of Ethiopia (1889-1913) - a satirical view

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ardipithecus ramidus landscape

Ardipithecus ramidus landscape. Artwork of Ardipithecus ramidus male and female hominids (right) climbing a fallen branch and standing in an African forest during the Pliocene. A

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Rough road between Nekemte and Goulisoo, Oromo area, Welega state, Ethiopia, Africa

Rough road between Nekemte and Goulisoo, Oromo area, Welega state, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Coffee ceremony, Lalibela, Wollo region, Ethiopia, Africa

Coffee ceremony, Lalibela, Wollo region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Rock-hewn Christian church of Bieta Ghiorghis (St. George s), Lalibela

Rock-hewn Christian church of Bieta Ghiorghis (St. George s), Lalibela, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Wollo region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: St. Giorgis (St. George s) rock hewn church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

St. Giorgis (St. George s) rock hewn church, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Children tending goats near Sankaber, Simien Mountain National Park, Ethiopia, Africa

Children tending goats near Sankaber, Simien Mountain National Park, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Stained glass window in Holy Trinity Cathedral, the largest Orthodox church in the country

Stained glass window in Holy Trinity Cathedral, the largest Orthodox church in the country, built between 1935 and 1942, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Colourful Ethiopian souvenirs for sales in Lalibela, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Colourful Ethiopian souvenirs for sales in Lalibela, Lalibela, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Portait of local girl carrying a large bundle of wheat and yellow Meskel flowers

Portait of local girl carrying a large bundle of wheat and yellow Meskel flowers, Simien Mountains, The Ethiopian Highlands, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: King Fasiudas Castle, Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa

King Fasiudas Castle, Gondar, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Italians Take Adwa

Italians Take Adwa
The Italians invade and capture Adua, against a poorly equipped and ill-prepared Ethiopian army

Background imageEthiopian Collection: The Negus Menelik at the battle of Adwa (colour litho)

The Negus Menelik at the battle of Adwa (colour litho)
2818920 The Negus Menelik at the battle of Adwa (colour litho) by Buffet, Paul (1864-1941); Private Collection; ( The Negus Menelik at the battle of Adwa. Painting by Paul Buffet)

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Lava lake, Africa

Lava lake, Africa
Lava lake. Molten lava inside a volcanic vent on the floor of a cinder cone. This is Erta Ale, a volcano in the Afar depression of Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: SAINT JOHN. Writing his gospel. Dabra Maryam manuscript. Ethiopia. c1360-80

SAINT JOHN. Writing his gospel. Dabra Maryam manuscript. Ethiopia. c1360-80

Background imageEthiopian Collection: AIDS sign in the village of Gimbii, Oromo country, Welega state, Ethiopia, Africa

AIDS sign in the village of Gimbii, Oromo country, Welega state, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Street scene, village of Abi-Adi, Tigre region, Ethiopia, Africa

Street scene, village of Abi-Adi, Tigre region, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Hamer (Hamar) people walking back from bull jumping ceremony

Hamer (Hamar) people walking back from bull jumping ceremony, Turmi, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Oromo village near Langano lake, Rift Valley, Ethiopia, Africa

Oromo village near Langano lake, Rift Valley, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: xxxx Ethiopia Africa

xxxx Ethiopia Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: xxxx Ethiopia Africa

xxxx Ethiopia Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Religious stained glass windows inside the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Religious stained glass windows inside the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Salt blocks extracted from salt flats, Dallol, Danakil Depression, Afar Region, Ethiopia

Salt blocks extracted from salt flats, Dallol, Danakil Depression, Afar Region, Ethiopia, Africa

Hamar woman at market. Her scars result from ritual whipping which she undergoes to prove her devotion. Omo Delta, Ethiopia, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Halle Selasse Ethiopian coin

Halle Selasse Ethiopian coin

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Young Hamar woman, Omo river valley, Southern Ethiopia

Young Hamar woman, Omo river valley, Southern Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
ethiopian, cities, construction, depictions, frescos, church tower, churches, church towers, ecclesiastical, church building, depicting, painting, christian, paintings, fresco paintings, drawings

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Palm Sunday Christian religious celebratiions, Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia

Palm Sunday Christian religious celebratiions, Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia Palm Sunday Christian religious celebratiions, Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Eritrea, Barentu, Water Supply At Adi Keshi Camp For People Displaced By War With Ethiopia

Eritrea, Barentu, Water Supply At Adi Keshi Camp For People Displaced By War With Ethiopia

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Bellini's opera La Sonnambula, 1847

Bellini's opera La Sonnambula, 1847
UIG1574439 Bellini's opera La Sonnambula

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Magdala Fortress, Abyssinia, burning after being set fire to by the British army after the Battle on Mount Fahla

Magdala Fortress, Abyssinia, burning after being set fire to by the British army after the Battle on Mount Fahla
KWE5242559 Magdala Fortress, Abyssinia, burning after being set fire to by the British army after the Battle on Mount Fahla, from El Mundo en la Mano pub. 1875

Background imageEthiopian Collection: The north side of the fortress of Gondar in Ethiopia

The north side of the fortress of Gondar in Ethiopia, in 1880, Historical, digital reproduction of an original 19th century artwork

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Harar, Harrar, in East Africa, Ethiopia

Harar, Harrar, in East Africa, Ethiopia, in 1880, Historical, digital reproduction of an original from the 19th century, Africa

Background imageEthiopian Collection: Interior of a cave church in Abyssinia

Interior of a cave church in Abyssinia, northern Ethiopia, in 1880, historical, digital reproduction of an original from the 19th century

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Ethiopian history is rich and diverse, spanning centuries of cultural heritage and significant figures. One such prominent figure is Haile Selassie, who ascended to the throne in 1930 as Emperor of Ethiopia. During his reign, he faced challenges like the Italian invasion in 1936 but managed to regain control over his country soon after. The historical significance of Ethiopia can be seen through its ancient art and architecture. For instance, the early 12th-century frescoes in Bet Maryam at St. Mary's Church in Lalibela showcase the artistic prowess craftsmen from that era. Another remarkable piece is a famous painting on the ceiling depicting winged heads of eighty Ethiopian cherubs. Ethiopia's religious influence extends beyond its borders as well. At the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem, Israel, you can find Ethiopian Coptic icons that reflect their unique spiritual traditions and beliefs. These icons serve as a testament to Ethiopia's deep-rooted Orthodox Christian faith. Emperor Haile Selassie I also enjoyed leisure time during his reign, including seaside holidays at Eastbourne. This glimpse into his personal life reveals a different side to this influential leader who dedicated himself to serving his people. Ethiopia's history isn't limited to emperors; it includes other notable individuals too. Menelik II was another revered emperor whose leadership brought modernization and progress to Ethiopia during challenging times. Beyond political figures, there are indigenous tribes like the Mursi tribe known for their distinctive customs and body modifications which have fascinated anthropologists for years. Even after World War II ended, Haile Selassie continued playing an essential role on both national and international stages—his contributions shaping not only Ethiopian history but also global affairs during that period. Finally, we cannot overlook the presence of Orthodox Christianity within Ethiopia—a religion deeply ingrained within its society for centuries.

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