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Editor Collection

Background imageEditor Collection: Gloria Steinem, Geraldine Ferraro, and Cyndi Lauper

Gloria Steinem, Geraldine Ferraro, and Cyndi Lauper
Ms. Magazine honors Vice Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro and rock star Cyndi Lauper as Women of the Year for 1984. The honorees stand with Ms. president Gloria Steinem

Background imageEditor Collection: Bonzos Latest: This Weeks Studdy

Bonzos Latest: This Weeks Studdy
Famous dog, just after he had finally been christened with the name Bonzo. He appears with a swollen eye after fighting with a wasp

Background imageEditor Collection: D. B. Wyndham-Lewis

D. B. Wyndham-Lewis
Dominic Bevan Wyndham-Lewis (1891 - 1969), British writer, editor and biographer. Contributor to the Daily Express, The Bystander and the News Chronicle

Background imageEditor Collection: Alexander Herzen

Alexander Herzen
ALEXANDER HERZEN Russian revolutionary, editor and writer, son of nobleman, exiled in the west, espoused socialist principles

Background imageEditor Collection: James Gordon Bennett Jr

James Gordon Bennett Jr
JAMES GORDON BENNETT (JUNIOR) American editor : established New York Evening Telegram, sent Stanley to find Livingstone and financed various other expeditions

Background imageEditor Collection: Matilda Serao, Italian journalist and novelist

Matilda Serao, Italian journalist and novelist
Matilda (or Matilde) Serao (1856-1927), Greek-born Italian journalist and novelist, founder and editor of Il Giorno

Background imageEditor Collection: Dorothy Violet Wellesley, Duchess of Wellington

Dorothy Violet Wellesley, Duchess of Wellington (1889-1956), styled Lady Gerald Wellesley between 1914 and 1943, born Dorothy Violet Ashton, socialite, author, poet and literary editor

Background imageEditor Collection: Sketches of Cricket in India, 1890

Sketches of Cricket in India, 1890
A series of sketches by an English Cavalry Officer of a game of cricket played between an Indian College and British Officers, in India, 1890

Background imageEditor Collection: Caricature of Nellie Farren and Edward Ledger

Caricature of Nellie Farren and Edward Ledger
Caricature of Nellie Farren (1848-1904), English actress and singer, and Edward Ledger (18??-1921), editor of The Era theatrical newspaper

Background imageEditor Collection: HELEN GURLEY BROWN (1922-2012)

HELEN GURLEY BROWN (1922-2012). American author and magazine editor. Photograph by John Bottega, 1964

Background imageEditor Collection: William Rust, British communist and newspaper editor

William Rust, British communist and newspaper editor
William Charles Rust (1903-1949), British communist activist, member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, and editor of the Daily Worker newspaper, seen here at his desk

Background imageEditor Collection: Caricature of John Corlett of The Sporting Times

Caricature of John Corlett of The Sporting Times
Caricature of John Corlett (1841-1915), founder, proprietor and editor of The Sporting Times

Background imageEditor Collection: John Doran, Writer

John Doran, Writer
JOHN DORAN British writer, journalist, editor of he Athenaeum. Date: 1807 - 1878

Background imageEditor Collection: Sir Sam Fay by Lieut. Percival Anderson

Sir Sam Fay by Lieut. Percival Anderson
Sir Samuel (Sam) Fay (1856-1953), railway administrator

Background imageEditor Collection: American pugilist. Photograph, n. d

American pugilist. Photograph, n. d
JOHN L. SULLIVAN (1858-1918). American pugilist. Photograph, n.d

Background imageEditor Collection: NEWSPAPER EDITOR, 1880. Wood engraving, English, 1880

NEWSPAPER EDITOR, 1880. Wood engraving, English, 1880

Background imageEditor Collection: Luigi Groto, Italian poet

Luigi Groto, Italian poet
Luigi Groto (1541-1585), Italian poet

Background imageEditor Collection: Ezra Pound / Morgan

Ezra Pound / Morgan
EZRA LOOMIS POUND American poet, critic and editor

Background imageEditor Collection: F C Burnand / Vanity Fair

F C Burnand / Vanity Fair
SIR FRANCIS COWLEY BURNAND journalist, editor of Punch Date: 1836 - 1917

Background imageEditor Collection: Alfred Austin (1835-1913) British poet laureate from 1896

Alfred Austin (1835-1913) British poet laureate from 1896

Background imageEditor Collection: Flora Klickmann

Flora Klickmann (1867-1958), journalist, author and editor of The Girls Own Paper

Background imageEditor Collection: Alexander Russel - 2

Alexander Russel - 2
ALEXANDER RUSSEL editor of the Scotsman newspaper. Date: 1814 - 1876

Background imageEditor Collection: William Ernest Henley / Vf

William Ernest Henley / Vf
WILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY English man of letters, editor of the Magazine of Art and other journals

Background imageEditor Collection: Pierre About with Maurice Trintignant

Pierre About with Maurice Trintignant. Pierre About (on the left) was the chief editor of the French daily sports newspaper l'Equippe

Background imageEditor Collection: Margarita Morozova, 1906

Margarita Morozova, 1906
UIG1579689 Margarita Morozova, 1906; ( Photograph of Margarita Morozova (1873-1958) Russian philanthropist, patron of arts, publisher, editor, author and memoirist

Background imageEditor Collection: France. Death of Paul Beurtheret, editor of

France. Death of Paul Beurtheret, editor of the Union Liberale, hit by a Prussian projectile at the rue Royale in Tours, 1870. Engraving

Background imageEditor Collection: Horace Greeley 1811 to 1872, American newspaper editor

Horace Greeley 1811 to 1872, American newspaper editor, politician and founder of the Liberal Republican Party, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageEditor Collection: Friedrich Witthauer (born 25 May 1793 in Berlin)

Friedrich Witthauer (born 25 May 1793 in Berlin)
Friedrich Witthauer (born 25 May 1793 in Berlin, died 30 September 1846 in Merano) was a German-Austrian journalist, editor and publisher of the Wiener Zeitschrift fuer Kunst, Literatur

Background imageEditor Collection: Jenny Deer, 1829, 1902, a German translator

Jenny Deer, 1829, 1902, a German translator, writer, editor and woman's rights activist, c

Background imageEditor Collection: Washington Irving (3 April 1783-28 November 1859) and his literary friends in Sunnyside

Washington Irving (3 April 1783-28 November 1859) and his literary friends in Sunnyside

Background imageEditor Collection: Johann Heinrich Merck, 11 April 1741

Johann Heinrich Merck, 11 April 1741, 27 June 1791, was a Darmstadt publisher, editor and naturalist, digital reproduction of a 19th century original, original date not known

Background imageEditor Collection: Johann Ludwig Tieck, 31 May 1773

Johann Ludwig Tieck, 31 May 1773, 28 red shiner (1853), often just Ludwig Tieck, was a German Romantic poet, writer, editor and translator

Background imageEditor Collection: Paul Adolphe Marie Prosper Granier de Cassagnac

Paul Adolphe Marie Prosper Granier de Cassagnac, 1843-1904, journalist, editor of the conservative newspaper Le Pays, woodcut, historical engraving, 1880

Background imageEditor Collection: Horace Greeley (1811-1872) was an American newspaper editor

Horace Greeley (1811-1872) was an American newspaper editor, a founder of the Liberal Republican Party, a reformer, and a politician

Background imageEditor Collection: William Cullen Bryant (November 3) (1794 ? June 12) (1878) was an American romantic poet

William Cullen Bryant (November 3) (1794 ? June 12) (1878) was an American romantic poet, journalist, and long-time editor of the New York Evening Post. Old engraving from a magazine printed in 1873

Background imageEditor Collection: Edmond Quincy (1808?1877), author and reformer was the second son of Josiah Quincy III and Eliza Susan Morton Quincy

Edmond Quincy (1808?1877), author and reformer was the second son of Josiah Quincy III and Eliza Susan Morton Quincy

Background imageEditor Collection: Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert

Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert, 1717-1783, a French mathematician, mechanician, physicist, philosopher, and music theorist

Background imageEditor Collection: Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert

Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert, 1717-1783, a French mathematician, mechanician, physicist, philosopher, and music theorist

Background imageEditor Collection: Jean-Baptiste le Rond, or D'Alembert

Jean-Baptiste le Rond, or D'Alembert, 1717 - 1783, a mathematician, physicist, philosopher of the Enlightenment, and editor, Portrait von Jean-Baptiste le Rond, oder D'Alembert, 1717 - 1783

Background imageEditor Collection: Portrait of Christoph Martin Wieland

Portrait of Christoph Martin Wieland, 1733 - 1813, a German poet, translator and editor of the Age of Enlightenment, Portrait von Christoph Martin Wieland, 1733 - 1813, ein deutscher Dichter

Background imageEditor Collection: Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853

Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853, a German poet, writer, editor and translator of the Romantic era, Portrait von Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853, ein deutscher Dichter, Schriftsteller

Background imageEditor Collection: Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853

Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853, a German poet, writer, editor and translator of the Romantic era, Portrait von Johann Ludwig Tieck, 1773 - 1853, ein deutscher Dichter, Schriftsteller

Background imageEditor Collection: Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert

Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert, 1717-1783, a French mathematician, mechanician, physicist, philosopher

Background imageEditor Collection: Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert

Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert, 1717-1783, a French mathematician, mechanician, physicist, philosopher

Background imageEditor Collection: Alexander Russel, 1814-1876, a Scottish newspaper editor

Alexander Russel, 1814-1876, a Scottish newspaper editor

Background imageEditor Collection: Robert Chambers, 1802 - 1871, a Scottish publisher and author

Robert Chambers, 1802 - 1871, a Scottish publisher and author

Background imageEditor Collection: Charles Philipon, 1800 - 1861, French lithographer

Charles Philipon, 1800 - 1861, French lithographer, caricaturist and journalist

Background imageEditor Collection: Front page with the verdict against an editor in pear shape

Front page with the verdict against an editor in pear shape, the magazine Le Charivari, 1834

Background imageEditor Collection: Celio Secondo Curione, 1503 - 1569

Celio Secondo Curione, 1503 - 1569, Italian humanist and historian

Background imageEditor Collection: Celio Secondo Curione, 1503 - 1569

Celio Secondo Curione, 1503 - 1569, Italian humanist and historian

Background imageEditor Collection: Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus, 1772 - 1823

Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus, 1772 - 1823, German encyclopedia publisher and editor, digitally altered

Background imageEditor Collection: Historic chromolithography from the 19th century

Historic chromolithography from the 19th century, portrait of Henry Allon, 1818 - 1892, an English journalist and editor

Background imageEditor Collection: Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz)

Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz) on 9 November 1972 in Dortmund, Germany, Europe

Background imageEditor Collection: Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz)

Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz) on 9 November 1972 in Dortmund, Germany, Europe

Background imageEditor Collection: Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz)

Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz) on 9 November 1972 in Dortmund, Germany, Europe

Background imageEditor Collection: James Russell Lowell (February 22) (1819 ? August 12) (1891) was an American Romantic poet

James Russell Lowell (February 22) (1819 ? August 12) (1891) was an American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat

Background imageEditor Collection: James Russell Lowell at 36. James Russell Lowell (February 22) (1819 ? August 12) (1891) was an American Romantic poet

James Russell Lowell at 36. James Russell Lowell (February 22) (1819 ? August 12) (1891) was an American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat

Background imageEditor Collection: Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz)

Christian Semler (leader of the Maoist KPD and editor-in-chief of the Rote Fahne) (later editor of the Taz) on 9 November 1972 in Dortmund, Germany, Europe

Background imageEditor Collection: Johann Heinrich Merck, 11 April 1741

Johann Heinrich Merck, 11 April 1741, 27 June 1791, was a Darmstadt publisher, editor and naturalist, digital reproduction of an original from the 19th century, original date unknown

Background imageEditor Collection: Johann Ludwig Tieck, 31 May 1773

Johann Ludwig Tieck, 31 May 1773, 28 April 1853, often just Ludwig Tieck, was a German poet, writer, editor and translator of the Romantic period

Background imageEditor Collection: Wilhelm Ernst Dohm, born Elias Levy

Wilhelm Ernst Dohm, born Elias Levy, 1819, 1883, a German editor, writer and translator, c

Background imageEditor Collection: John Graham Chambers, British sportsman

John Graham Chambers, British sportsman, late editor of "Land and Water", historic image, 1883

Background imageEditor Collection: Historic print, copper engraving

Historic print, copper engraving, 1775, portrait of Johann Heinrich Merck, 1741 - 1791, an editor, writer and naturalist, from Bildatlas zur Geschichte der Deutschen Nationalliteratur

Background imageEditor Collection: Mary Shelton, Lady Heveningham

Mary Shelton, Lady Heveningham, circa 1510-1563, wife of Sir Anthony Heveningham of Ketteringham, mistress of King Henry VIII. Editor of The Devonshire Manuscript. In gable hood headdress

Background imageEditor Collection: Hybrid dragon tree, Dracaena -- hibberdii

Hybrid dragon tree, Dracaena -- hibberdii. As Dracaena hibberdii

Background imageEditor Collection: Paul Carus

Paul Carus (1852-1919) was a German-American author. He was also an editor, student of comparative religion, and a philosopher

Background imageEditor Collection: Horace Greeley

Horace Greeley (1811-1872) was an American newspaper editor and founder of the New York Tribune in 1841

Background imageEditor Collection: W. E. B. Du Bois

W. E. B. Du Bois
Photograph of W. E. B. Du Bois (1868-1963) an American sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, writer and editor. Dated 20th Century

Background imageEditor Collection: Lino Ferrari Also known as Dan Ferrari Daily Mirror News Desk man - later

Lino Ferrari Also known as Dan Ferrari Daily Mirror News Desk man - later Editor November 1969 1960s

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Einer der Autoren beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg gibt Autogramme an seine Anhänger, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Eine Anhängerin der Lebensraum Theorien holt sich stolz ein Autogramm beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser ab, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Drei Autorenkollegen von Schriftsteller Hans Grimm beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser, Hessen, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Eine Anhängerin der Lebensraum Theorien holt sich stolz ein Autogramm beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser ab, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Der deutsche Schriftsteller Hans Grimm (rechts, mit Brille), umringt von Anhängern in Lippoldsberg beim Dichtertreffen, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Der deutsche Schriftsteller Rudolf G. Binding signiert seinen Gedichtband "Sieg des Herzens" beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser, 1930er Jahre. German author Rudolf G

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Die Hand eines Dichters schreibt eine Widmung und ein Autogramm beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Eine Anhängerin der Lebensraum Theorien holt sich stolz ein Autogramm beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser ab, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Eine Anhängein der Lebensraum Theorien holt sich stolz ein Autogramm beim Dichtertreffen in Lippoldsberg an der Weser ab, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Der deutsche Schriftsteller Hans Grimm (rechts) mit Börries von Münchhausen (? / Mitte) und August Winnig (? / links) in Lippoldberg beim Dichtertreffen, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Ein Schriftsteller (am Schreibtisch) wird beim Dichtertreffen im Klosterhof von Lippoldsberg an der Weser von Zuhörern umlagert, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Der Schriftsteller Hans Grimm (am Schreibtisch) wird beim Dichtertreffen im Klosterhof von Lippoldsberg an der Weser von Zuhörern umalgert, 1930er Jahre

Background imageEditor Collection: Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg

Dichtertreffen bei Hans Grimm, Lippoldsberg
Der Schriftsteller Hans Grimm (am Schreibtisch) wird beim Dichtertreffen im Klosterhof von Lippoldsberg an der Weser von Zuhörern umalgert, 1930er Jahre

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"Bonzos Latest: This Week's Studdy" - A glimpse into the world of an editor In the realm of words and ideas, editors hold a powerful pen. They shape narratives, challenge conventions, and bring stories to life. Diving into the annals of history, we encounter notable figures who have left their indelible mark on this craft. One such luminary is D. B. Wyndham-Lewis, whose editorial prowess transformed literature's landscape. With a keen eye for talent and innovation, he propelled writers like Alexander Herzen to prominence, forever altering the literary canon. James Gordon Bennett Jr. , another influential editor, revolutionized journalism with his audacious style and groundbreaking reporting. His fearless pursuit of truth paved the way for modern investigative journalism as we know it today. Matilda Serao emerged as a trailblazing force in Italian journalism and novel writing during her time. As an editor extraordinaire, she championed women's voices in literature while fearlessly tackling societal taboos. Dorothy Violet Wellesley embodied grace and intellect as Duchess of Wellington but also made her mark as an astute editor. Her discerning taste elevated publications to new heights while nurturing emerging talents within artistic circles. Caricatures often capture personalities vividly; Nellie Farren and Edward Ledger were no exception. Their partnership brought laughter to countless readers under F. C Burnand's editorial guidance at Vanity Fair – a testament to their comedic genius. Helen Gurley Brown stands tall among female pioneers in publishing history. As Cosmopolitan magazine's iconic editor-in-chief for over three decades, she empowered generations by challenging traditional gender roles through provocative content that sparked conversations worldwide. John Corlett was not only known for his wit but also his role as The Sporting Times' esteemed editor-in-chief—a man who breathed life into sports reporting with unparalleled flair. Sir Sam Fay commanded respect both on paper and in the boardroom.

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