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Dore Collection

"Dore: A Journey Through Heavenly Realms and Dark Tales" Step into the enchanting world of Gustave Doré

Background imageDore Collection: PARADISO: DORE. Beatrice leads Dante into the Empyrean

PARADISO: DORE. Beatrice leads Dante into the Empyrean, or highest level of Heaven

Background imageDore Collection: DANTEs PARADISE: EMPYREAN. Beatrice leads Dante into the Empyrean

DANTEs PARADISE: EMPYREAN. Beatrice leads Dante into the Empyrean

Background imageDore Collection: DANTE: PARADISE. The Saintly Throng in the Form of a Rose (Canto 31)

DANTE: PARADISE. The Saintly Throng in the Form of a Rose (Canto 31)
DANTE: PARADISE. The Saintly Throng in the Form of a Rose (Canto 31, lines 1-3). Wood engraving by Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Satan and his rebellious angels are cast out of Heaven (Book I)

MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Satan and his rebellious angels are cast out of Heaven (Book I)
MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Satan and his rebellious angels are cast out of Heaven (Book I, lines 44-45). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: DORE: THE RAVEN, 1882. Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before

DORE: THE RAVEN, 1882. Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before
DOR: THE RAVEN, 1882. Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before... Engraving by Gustave Dor, 1882, for an 1884 edition of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

Background imageDore Collection: DEBORAH. Deborah the prophetess singing her song of praise and triumph (Judges 5)

DEBORAH. Deborah the prophetess singing her song of praise and triumph (Judges 5). Engraving after Gustave Dore (1833-1883)

Background imageDore Collection: MILTON: PARADISE LOST

MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Satan bids the rebellious angels who had fallen with him into the fiery abyss to take courage and rise again together (Book 1, lines 344-5)

Background imageDore Collection: The New Zealander, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré

The New Zealander, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré
The New Zealander, 1872. A figure sits on the banks of the River Thames contemplating the downfall of the city. From, " LONDON. A Pilgrimage" by Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold

Background imageDore Collection: Richard I of England, known as Richard the Lionheart (1157-1

Richard I of England, known as Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199). King of England (1189-1199). Crusader forces praying before going into battle. Gustave Dore engraving

Background imageDore Collection: DORE: LONDON: 1872. Newgate - Exercise Yard. Wood engraving after Gustave Dore from London

DORE: LONDON: 1872. Newgate - Exercise Yard. Wood engraving after Gustave Dore from London: A Pilgrimage, 1872

Background imageDore Collection: SATAN VANQUISHED, BY GUSTAVE DORE

SATAN VANQUISHED, BY GUSTAVE DORE. Dore, 1832 - 1883, French. Engraving for Paradise Lost by Milton. 1870, Art, Artist, romanticism, colour, color engraving

Background imageDore Collection: THE DEATH OF SAMSON, BY GUSTAVE DORE

THE DEATH OF SAMSON, BY GUSTAVE DORE. Gustave Dore, 1832 - 1883, French. Engraving for the Bible

Background imageDore Collection: Little Red Riding Hood encounters the wolf in the woods on the way to visit her grandmother

Little Red Riding Hood encounters the wolf in the woods on the way to visit her grandmother
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Little Red Riding Hood encounters the wolf in the woods on the way to visit her grandmother. Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Dore, Paul Gustave (1832-1883). Paradise Lost

Dore, Paul Gustave (1832-1883). Paradise Lost. 1886-. Illustration for John Miltons work. Etching

Background imageDore Collection: (Luke 10: 41, 42); wood engraving after Gustave Dor

(Luke 10: 41, 42); wood engraving after Gustave Dor
JESUS WITH MARTHA & MARY. (Luke 10: 41, 42); wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY. Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery

WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY. Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery. Color line engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: ELISHA: SHE-BEARS. Two she-bears destroying the children who mocked Elisha (II Kings 2: 23)

ELISHA: SHE-BEARS. Two she-bears destroying the children who mocked Elisha (II Kings 2: 23)
ELISHA: SHE-BEARS. Two she-bears destroying the children who mocked Elisha (II Kings 2:23, 24). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: DANTE: PARADISE. The Heavenly Choir. Wood engraving after Gustave Dore

DANTE: PARADISE. The Heavenly Choir. Wood engraving after Gustave Dore

Background imageDore Collection: VISION OF DEATH. Vision of Death (on a pale horse)

VISION OF DEATH. Vision of Death (on a pale horse), Revelation 6:8. Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: JUDGEMENT OF SOLOMON. (1 Kings 3: 24-27). Wood engraving, 19th century, after Gustave Dor

JUDGEMENT OF SOLOMON. (1 Kings 3: 24-27). Wood engraving, 19th century, after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Old London Bridge Dore

Old London Bridge Dore
Old London Bridge at the end of the 17th century

Background imageDore Collection: The Devils Acre - Westminster, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré

The Devils Acre - Westminster, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré
The Devils Acre-Westminster, 1872. Devils Acre, a Victorian slum near Westminster Abbey had a high rate of mortality from diseases such as typhoid. From, " LONDON

Background imageDore Collection: Poe / Raven Flies In / Dore

Poe / Raven Flies In / Dore
A stately Raven of the saintly days of yore flies in through an open window

Background imageDore Collection: Portrait of King Solomon (c. 1011-c. 928 BC). Engraving by Gus

Portrait of King Solomon (c. 1011-c. 928 BC). Engraving by Gus
Solomon (c.1011-c.928 BC). King of Israel. Book of Kings, Chapter 3. Engraving by Gustave Dore (1832-1883). Colored

Background imageDore Collection: A map of the township of Dore, by W. and J. Fairbank, c. 1810-1820

A map of the township of Dore, by W. and J. Fairbank, c. 1810-1820
No scale stated. Shows Wilmer Edge, Reeve Edge, Burbage Rocks, Sheep hill, Hound Kirk Bage, Stony Ridge, Brawn Side, Strawberry Lee, Hall Field, White Lowe, Hound Kirk Hill, paper mill

Background imageDore Collection: The Last Judgement, 1865-1866. Artist: Gustave Dore

The Last Judgement, 1865-1866. Artist: Gustave Dore
The Last Judgement, 1865-1866. From the Bible (Book of Revelation 20:11)

Background imageDore Collection: The Archangel Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, 1865-1866. Artist: Gustave Dore

The Archangel Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, 1865-1866. Artist: Gustave Dore
The Archangel Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, 1865-1866. The Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus in her arms looks down from Heaven. From Gustave Dores Bible (Revelation 12:1)

Background imageDore Collection: Dore early 1900s

Dore early 1900s

Background imageDore Collection: Shipwreck at low tide on Magheraclogher beach. An Bun Beag, Bunbeg, County Donegal

Shipwreck at low tide on Magheraclogher beach. An Bun Beag, Bunbeg, County Donegal, Ulster region, Ireland

Background imageDore Collection: Yet in the abyss, that Lucifer with Judas low ingulfs, lightly he placed us, c1890

Yet in the abyss, that Lucifer with Judas low ingulfs, lightly he placed us, c1890. Antaeus the giant lowers Dante and the Roman poet Virgil to the final level of Hell

Background imageDore Collection: Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the tablets of the law (Ten Commandments)

Moses descending from Mount Sinai with the tablets of the law (Ten Commandments), 1866. From The Bible (Exodus 5.35)

Background imageDore Collection: Christ healing the man sick of the palsy, 1866. Artist: Gustave Dore

Christ healing the man sick of the palsy, 1866. Artist: Gustave Dore
Christ healing the man sick of the palsy, 1866. In the New Testament gospels chronicling the life of Jesus Christ, there are a number of accounts of miracles of healing

Background imageDore Collection: Jeremiah (650-585 BC) dictating his prophecies to Baruch. En

Jeremiah (650-585 BC) dictating his prophecies to Baruch. En
Jeremiah (650-585 BC). Hebrew Prophet. Jeremiah dictating his prophecies to Baruch. Engraving by Pannemaker. The Bible in pictures by Gustave Dore. Colored

Background imageDore Collection: Over London by Rail From Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold London: A Pilgrimage London 1872

Over London by Rail From Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold London: A Pilgrimage London 1872

Background imageDore Collection: THE LAST JUDGMENT. (Revelation 20: 12). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

THE LAST JUDGMENT. (Revelation 20: 12). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor
THE LAST JUDGMENT. (Revelation 20:12). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: DANTE: INFERNO. Charon, ferryman of the river Styx

DANTE: INFERNO. Charon, ferryman of the river Styx. Wood engraving, 1861, after Gustave Dore

Background imageDore Collection: Ludgate Hill, London, 1872

Ludgate Hill, London, 1872. A scene of traffic congestion, with a railway viaduct (centre), and the dome of St Pauls visible in the distance

Background imageDore Collection: Deborah, Hebrew prophetess and judge, 1866. Artist: Gustave Dore

Deborah, Hebrew prophetess and judge, 1866. Artist: Gustave Dore
Deborah, Hebrew prophetess and judge. According to the Bible, Deborah delivered her people from Jabin, King of Canaan and his general Sisera. Here she is singing her song of triumph

Background imageDore Collection: DORE: THE RAVEN, 1882. Sorrow for the lost Lenore. Engraving by Gustave Dore

DORE: THE RAVEN, 1882. Sorrow for the lost Lenore. Engraving by Gustave Dore
DOR: THE RAVEN, 1882. Sorrow for the lost Lenore. Engraving by Gustave Dor, 1882, for an 1884 edition of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

Background imageDore Collection: Dore, Paul Gustave (1832-1883). Don Quixote reading

Dore, Paul Gustave (1832-1883). Don Quixote reading
" Dore, Paul Gustave (1832-1883). Don Quixote reading chivalresque novels. 1863. Illustration of " Don Quixote of La Mancha" (preface of the first part). Etching. SPAIN. Madrid

Background imageDore Collection: Jesus and the disciples going to Emmaus (Luke 24: 31). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Jesus and the disciples going to Emmaus (Luke 24: 31). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor
DORÉ: JESUS AT EMMAUS. Jesus and the disciples going to Emmaus (Luke 24:31). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Jesus blessing the little children (Mark 10: 14). Color engraving after Gustave Dor

Jesus blessing the little children (Mark 10: 14). Color engraving after Gustave Dor
DORÉ: JESUS & CHILDREN. Jesus blessing the little children (Mark 10:14). Color engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: KING DAVID (d. 973 B. C. ). King of Judah and Israel

KING DAVID (d. 973 B. C. ). King of Judah and Israel
KING DAVID (d. 973 B.C.). King of Judah and Israel. David and Goliath (I Samuel 17: 49, 51). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Alexander the Great discovering the body of Darius

Alexander the Great discovering the body of Darius, King of Persia. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration by Gustave Dore

Background imageDore Collection: Gustave Dore, French artist, engraver and illustrator, 1863

Gustave Dore, French artist, engraver and illustrator, 1863. A photograph from Album de Photographies dans L Intimite de Personnages Illustres, 1850-1900, 2nd album, Editions MD, Paris

Background imageDore Collection: COLERIDGE: ANCIENT MARINER. The Mariner sits with the albatross around his neck

COLERIDGE: ANCIENT MARINER. The Mariner sits with the albatross around his neck. Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: MILTON: PARADISE LOST. The archangel

MILTON: PARADISE LOST. The archangel, Michael, expelling Satan from Heaven (Book I of John Miltons Paradise Lost ): wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Having entered Paradise

MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Having entered Paradise, Satan, standing on the Tree of Life, looks out over the beautfiul landscape around him (Book 4, line 247). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Battistinis Ala d Ore

Battistinis Ala d Ore

Background imageDore Collection: Thence issuing we again beheld the stars, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

Thence issuing we again beheld the stars, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
The beautiful lights of heav n dawn d through a circular opening in the cave: thus issuing we again beheld the stars, c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil emerge from Hell, and see the stars

Background imageDore Collection: Color engraving from an 1862 edition of the Perrault fairy tale illustrated after Gustave Dor

Color engraving from an 1862 edition of the Perrault fairy tale illustrated after Gustave Dor
PUSS IN BOOTS, 1862. Color engraving from an 1862 edition of the Perrault fairy tale illustrated after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: SAINT PAUL (d. 67 A. D. ). Apostle to the Gentiles

SAINT PAUL (d. 67 A. D. ). Apostle to the Gentiles
SAINT PAUL (d.67 A.D.). Apostle to the Gentiles. St Paul preaching to the Thessalonians (I Thessalonians 2:9). Wood engraving after Gustave Dore

Background imageDore Collection: GODFREY OF BOUILLON at the storming of Jerusalem on July 15

GODFREY OF BOUILLON at the storming of Jerusalem on July 15, 1099: colored engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: DORÉ: LONDON, 1872. Houndsditch. Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

DORÉ: LONDON, 1872. Houndsditch. Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Samson & Temple / Dore

Samson & Temple / Dore
Samson destroys the temple

Background imageDore Collection: Elephant Hunt (Dore)

Elephant Hunt (Dore)
An intrepid hunter takes on an entire herd of elephants and fires at one of them from point-blabk range. In a moment he will be trampled to death, and serve him right

Background imageDore Collection: Limehouse Dock, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré

Limehouse Dock, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré
Limehouse Dock, 1872. Limehouse Dock in Tower Hamlets used by seagoing vessels to offload cargo to canal barges, for onward transport along the Regents Canal. From, " LONDON

Background imageDore Collection: We to those beasts, that rapid strode along

We to those beasts, that rapid strode along, drew near, when Chiron took an arrow forth, c1890. Chiron, leader of the centaurs

Background imageDore Collection: DORÉ: PROPHETS OF BaL. Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal (I Kings 18: 40)

DORÉ: PROPHETS OF BaL. Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal (I Kings 18: 40)
DORÉ: PROPHETS OF BaL. Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal (I Kings 18:40). Wood engraving after Gustave Dor

Background imageDore Collection: Gustave Dore / Figaro Albu

Gustave Dore / Figaro Albu
GUSTAVE DORE French artist and engraver

Background imageDore Collection: Now was the day departing, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré

Now was the day departing, c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré
Now was the day departing, and the air, imbrown d with shadows, from their toils released, c1890. Dante and the Roman poet Virgil

Background imageDore Collection: Illustration by Gustave Dore from The Vision of Purgatory and Paradise by Dante Alighieri

Illustration by Gustave Dore from The Vision of Purgatory and Paradise by Dante Alighieri

Background imageDore Collection: The Battle of the Angels, by Gustave Doré

The Battle of the Angels, by Gustave Doré, 1832 - 1883, French. Engraving for Paradise Lost by Milton. 1870, Art reimagined The Battle of the Angels, by Gustave Doré, 1832 - 1883, French

Background imageDore Collection: Tower of Babel, Gustave Dore

Tower of Babel, Gustave Dore
The architects of the Tower are frustrated by communication problems

Background imageDore Collection: Jacob Wrestling With The Angel Gustave Dore (1832-1883 French)

Jacob Wrestling With The Angel Gustave Dore (1832-1883 French)

Background imageDore Collection: Adam & Eve-The Expulsion From The Garden by Dore

Adam & Eve-The Expulsion From The Garden by Dore
Adam & Eve-The Expulsion From The Garden (from Milton''s "Paradise Lost") Gustave Dore (1832-1883/French) Engraving

Background imageDore Collection: MILTON / REBEL ANGELS / DORE

The rebel angels are defeated Date: First published: 1667

Background imageDore Collection: The Angel and the Orphan, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré

The Angel and the Orphan, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré
The Angel and the Orphan, 1872. From, " LONDON. A Pilgrimage" by Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold. [Grant and Co. 72-78, Turnmill Street, E.C. 1872]

Background imageDore Collection: MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Satan and the snake

MILTON: PARADISE LOST. Satan and the snake. Engraving after Gustave Dore to a 19th century edition of John Miltons Paradise Lost (Book IX, lines 182-183)

Background imageDore Collection: Frankreich

Ein kleines Kurbad mit Thermalquellen ist Le Mont Dore in der Auvergne

Background imageDore Collection: Weihnachten

Christi Geburt, Illustration von Dore

Background imageDore Collection: Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Creator: Vetri, Paolo (1855-1937)

Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Creator: Vetri, Paolo (1855-1937)
Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Found in the Collection of the Galleria d'arte moderna, Palermo

Background imageDore Collection: Gypsy woman dancing the Zorongo, . Creator: Doré; Gustave (1832-1883)

Gypsy woman dancing the Zorongo, . Creator: Doré; Gustave (1832-1883)
Gypsy woman dancing the Zorongo, . Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageDore Collection: Episode of the siege of Paris in 1870, 1871. Creator: Doré; Gustave (1832-1883)

Episode of the siege of Paris in 1870, 1871. Creator: Doré; Gustave (1832-1883)
Episode of the siege of Paris in 1870, 1871. Found in the Collection of the Musee d'art moderne Andre Malraux Le Havre

Background imageDore Collection: The Crucifixion, 1875. Creator: Doré; Gustave (1832-1883)

The Crucifixion, 1875. Creator: Doré; Gustave (1832-1883)
The Crucifixion, 1875. Found in the Collection of the Museo de Arte de Ponce

Background imageDore Collection: King Louis XVI-style wall hanging, circa 1900

King Louis XVI-style wall hanging, circa 1900. Gilt wood pelmet, gourgouran lambrequin and curtains, plush drapes, chair and window. Planche 18. Croisee Loius XVi

Background imageDore Collection: Dudley Street, Seven Dials, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré

Dudley Street, Seven Dials, 1872. Creator: Gustave Doré
Dudley Street, Seven Dials, 1872. Busy street scene at the Seven Dials in Covent Garden. From, " LONDON. A Pilgrimage" by Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold. [Grant and Co

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"Dore: A Journey Through Heavenly Realms and Dark Tales" Step into the enchanting world of Gustave Doré, where his intricate wood engravings bring to life timeless stories and celestial realms. In Paradiso, Beatrice guides Dante through the Empyrean, revealing a breathtaking scene of angels and blessed souls forming a snow white rose in reverence to the Deity. The ethereal beauty captured by Doré's hand transports us to a place beyond imagination. But not all is heavenly bliss in Doré's works. In Milton's Paradise Lost, we witness Satan and his rebellious angels being cast out of Heaven, their fall depicted with striking intensity in lines 44-45. With masterful skill, Doré captures the immense power and despair that accompanies this momentous event. Doré's artistic prowess extends beyond divine narratives as well. Deborah the prophetess sings her triumphant song of praise in Judges 5 while Little Red Riding Hood encounters danger lurking within the woods on her way to visit her grandmother. These tales come alive through Doré's detailed engravings, captivating our senses with every stroke. From biblical scenes like Elisha summoning she-bears to punish those who mocked him (II Kings 2:23-24) to apocalyptic visions such as Death riding on a pale horse (Revelation 6:8), Gustave Doré fearlessly explores both light and darkness within human existence. In Dore's London illustrations from Newgate - Exercise Yard to The Devil’s Acre - Westminster, he delves into gritty realities of urban life during his time period. His keen eye for detail brings these scenes vividly before our eyes. Whether guiding us through heavenly realms or depicting darker tales, Gustave Doré leaves an indelible mark on art history with his unparalleled talent for storytelling through engraving. Step into his world and let your imagination soar alongside angelic beings and confront the depths of human nature.

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