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Diagrams Collection

"Unveiling the Secrets: Exploring the World Through Diagrams" Witness the marvel of engineering as G. H

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Building of Sydney Harbour Bridge by G. H. Davis

Building of Sydney Harbour Bridge by G. H. Davis
Series of diagrams depicting the construction of Sydney Harbour Bridge by ILN special artist, G. H. Davis

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Plan of ship SS Great Britain

Plan of ship SS Great Britain
Illustrations showing a side cutaway view and an overhead view of Brunel's steamship SS Great Britain, launched in 1843. Date: 1845

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Ebenezer Howard - Three Magnets diagram

Ebenezer Howard - Three Magnets diagram
The Three Magnets - Ebenezer Howards diagram illustrating the advantages of the garden city

Background imageDiagrams Collection: New Reptile House at London Zoo by G H Davis

New Reptile House at London Zoo by G H Davis
A map of the newly opened reptile house in London Zoo, detailing the layout of the exhibits

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Epicycles of Mercury and Venus, 1823 C017 / 8061

Epicycles of Mercury and Venus, 1823 C017 / 8061
Epicycles of Mercury and Venus, 19th-century diagram. This geocentric (Earth-centred) model shows the orbits of Mercury and Venus as a series of epicycles (loops)

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Machine gun diagrams

Machine gun diagrams
Full page diagrams and illustration showing the workings of the Hotchkiss and Lewis machine-guns, used widely by the British army during World War I

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Hawker Hurricane Fighter, 1939

Hawker Hurricane Fighter, 1939
Diagram illustration of a British Hawker Hurricane Fighter, able to fly at a height of 35, 000 feet, with a 600 mile range and eight fixed Browning guns, firing 250 rounds in 10 seconds

Background imageDiagrams Collection: DNA molecule

DNA molecule. Computer artwork of a molecule of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) with the chemical formulas of its components

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Safety Lamps / 1826

Safety Lamps / 1826
Diagrams showing the workings of Stephensons Lamp (1 - 4), and Davys Lamp (5, on the right)

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Victorian inventions in The Engineer

Victorian inventions in The Engineer
A page of patented engineering and industrial inventions from The Engineer magazine, 1856. Date: 1856

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Mechanics of respiration, diagram

Mechanics of respiration, diagram
Mechanics of respiration. Cutaway diagrams showing the mechanics of breathing in (left) and breathing out (right)

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Newtons telescope, historical artwork

Newtons telescope, historical artwork
Newtons telescope. Historical reproduction of a sketch by Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) of a reflecting telescope and its components

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Puffing Devil locomotive, artwork

Puffing Devil locomotive, artwork
Puffing Devil locomotive. Diagrams and text explaining Richard Trevithicks (1771-1833) Puffing Devil steam locomotive

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Anatomy / Various Parts

Anatomy / Various Parts
Diagrams of various organs, the skull and human body

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Blodgetts Hearing Aid

Blodgetts Hearing Aid
Diagrams to show Blodgetts micro-audiphone hearing aid and how it is inserted into the ear

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Diagrams of the bones of hand and arm

Diagrams of the bones of hand and arm
Diagrams of the bones of the left arm and hand, showing the position of the radius and ulna when the thumb is turned inwards. The shoulder blade and part of the collar bone can also be seen

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Digestive Organs

Digestive Organs
Various diagrams depicting the digestive organs

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Ebenezer Howard - plan of garden city

Ebenezer Howard - plan of garden city
Ebenezer Howards plan of a garden city. Date: 1898

Background imageDiagrams Collection: RMS Transvaal Castle by G. H. Davis

RMS Transvaal Castle by G. H. Davis
Detailed cross-section drawing of the new mailship for the Union-Castle fleet, R.M.S. Transvaal Castle, which made her maiden voyage from Southampton to South Africa on 18 January 1962

Background imageDiagrams Collection: 18th Century astronomical diagrams

18th Century astronomical diagrams. Historical diagrams describing various 18th Century theoretical systems used to describe the motion of the planets in our solar system

Background imageDiagrams Collection: German WWII ramjet engine blueprint

German WWII ramjet engine blueprint. This design, for the propulsor ramjet engine to be mounted on top of a Dornier Do 217 E-2 heavy bomber, dates from 1942

Background imageDiagrams Collection: A flying hotel: passenger quarters in airship R101

A flying hotel: passenger quarters in airship R101
A flying " hotel" : the remarkable passenger quarters in Britains new giant airship, R101

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Model of the Queen Mary by G. H. Davis

Model of the Queen Mary by G. H. Davis
Advertisement for the unique take to pieces coloured model of the luxury passenger liner, RMS Queen Mary designed by Illustrated London News artist, G. H. Davis

Background imageDiagrams Collection: How submarines fire torpedoes, 1939

How submarines fire torpedoes, 1939
Drawing to explain how a British submarines twelve torpedoes are fired

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Tsiolkovskys works on space conquest

Tsiolkovskys works on space conquest
Konstantin Tsiolkovskys early works on space conquest. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) was a Russian rocket pioneer

Background imageDiagrams Collection: German WWII ramjet bomber blueprint

German WWII ramjet bomber blueprint. This design, for a propulsor ramjet engine mounted on top of a Dornier Do 217 E-2 heavy bomber, dates from 1942

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Power and control in R101

Power and control in R101
The first diesel-engined airship: power and control in R101. Illustrations of some of the features of R101: a power car, the chart room, and mooring arrangements

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Solar eclipse, 18th century artwork

Solar eclipse, 18th century artwork
Solar eclipse. 18th century diagram showing the principles behind solar eclipses. Figure I shows difference in appearance between total (B) and annular (A) eclipses

Background imageDiagrams Collection: The Magnetron Valve by G. H. Davis

The Magnetron Valve by G. H. Davis
A set of diagrams demonstrating what a magnetron valve is, and why it is of such importance to radar

Background imageDiagrams Collection: SURVEYING LEVELS

A whole selection of different surveying instruments, and diagrams relating to their specific uses. Date: 1810

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Perspective diagrams, 17th century

Perspective diagrams, 17th century. These diagrams demonstrate how perspective changes the view of object. This concept is known in art theory as anamorphosis

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Forceps and Bandages

Forceps and Bandages
A selection of medical appliances, including forceps and a hook to extract bullets (fig 8). Also bandage application diagrams

Background imageDiagrams Collection: How a big ship steers: the necessity for a large amount of elbow room

How a big ship steers: the necessity for a large amount of elbow room. The swing of a great liner - shown by two positions of a vessel

Background imageDiagrams Collection: The fatal oblong into which the Titanic steamed

The fatal oblong into which the Titanic steamed

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Why the Mauretania would probably have withstood the blow which sank the Titanic

Why the Mauretania would probably have withstood the blow which sank the Titanic

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Anti-airbomb architecture: Safety building and town planning

Anti-airbomb architecture: Safety building and town planning
Building to meet the air menace, protective construction for future wars. Date: 1933

Background imageDiagrams Collection: John Partridge (1644-1715) English astrologer and almanac maker

John Partridge (1644-1715) English astrologer and almanac maker, natal chart or nativity, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Record date not stated

Background imageDiagrams Collection: George Parker (1651-1743) English almanac maker

George Parker (1651-1743) English almanac maker, astrologer and quack, Parker's natal chart or Nativity, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Selling rice at a bazaar. A trader weighs rice at an outdoor market

Selling rice at a bazaar. A trader weighs rice at an outdoor market. Rice is the staple food in India and symbolises prosperity, wealth and fertility

Background imageDiagrams Collection: International Hygiene Exhibition

International Hygiene Exhibition, Dresden, 1911, the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, exhibition with laboratory samples and diagrams

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Leonhard Euler, 1707 - 1783, a Swiss mathematician and physicist

Leonhard Euler, 1707 - 1783, a Swiss mathematician and physicist, Leonhard Euler, 1707 - 1783, ein Schweizer Mathematiker

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Leonhard Euler, 1707 - 1783, a Swiss mathematician and physicist

Leonhard Euler, 1707 - 1783, a Swiss mathematician and physicist, Leonhard Euler, 1707 - 1783, ein Schweizer Mathematiker

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Horoskop, das Geburtshoroskop fuer Ludwig XIV

Horoskop, das Geburtshoroskop fuer Ludwig XIV. Koenig von Frankreich, 1638

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Victor Marie Hugo

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Victor Marie Hugo, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Charles Philipon, 1800 - 1861, French lithographer

Charles Philipon, 1800 - 1861, French lithographer, caricaturist and journalist

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Henry-Bonaventure Monnier, 1799-1877

Henry-Bonaventure Monnier, 1799-1877, French playwright, caricaturist and actor, caricature by Etienne Carjat

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Honore-Victorin Daumier, French caricaturist

Honore-Victorin Daumier, French caricaturist, caricature by Etienne Carjat

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Paul Gavarni, Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier

Paul Gavarni, Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier, 1804 - 1866, French illustrator

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Fanny Elssler, 1810 - 1884

Caricature on Fanny Elssler, 1810 - 1884, Austrian ballerina, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: The Death of Dido a burlesque by Simon Fokke after Cornelis Troost

The Death of Dido a burlesque by Simon Fokke after Cornelis Troost

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Karl Ferdinand Gutzkow, German writer, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Christian Friedrich Hebbel

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Christian Friedrich Hebbel, German playwright, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Alexandre Dumas the Younger

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on Alexandre Dumas the Younger, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on surgery, 19th century

Caricature on surgery, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Alexander von Humboldt

Caricature on Alexander von Humboldt

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on art criticism

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on art criticism

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Plagiarism by Edme Jean Pigal

Caricature on Plagiarism by Edme Jean Pigal, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature, Pastor and coachman talking about the first steam locomotive

Caricature, Pastor and coachman talking about the first steam locomotive

Background imageDiagrams Collection: The unjust judges, Constitutio Criminalis Bambergensis

The unjust judges, Constitutio Criminalis Bambergensis, 1510

Background imageDiagrams Collection: A leaflet on the Tipper and See-saw or Kipper und Wipper

A leaflet on the Tipper and See-saw or Kipper und Wipper, German Financial Meltdown of 1621-23

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on the expulsion of the ultramontanes from Switzerland

Caricature on the expulsion of the ultramontanes from Switzerland, 1847

Background imageDiagrams Collection: The devil vies with his grandmother

The devil vies with his grandmother, who caused the greatest misfortune in the world, Jesuits, diplomats, Jacobins or Communists

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Die Generalpumpe, German caricature on Amschel Mayer Rothschild

Die Generalpumpe, German caricature on Amschel Mayer Rothschild, German banker, the global lender

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on the Industrial Revolution in Europe

Caricature on the Industrial Revolution in Europe, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature showing Frederick William IV

Caricature showing Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, imitating Frederick II, 1842

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Russian supremacy in Europe

Caricature on Russian supremacy in Europe

Background imageDiagrams Collection: German caricature on the relationship between religion and science

German caricature on the relationship between religion and science, 1845

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on the Blue Stockings Society

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on the Blue Stockings Society, female emancipation

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on female emancipation by J

Caricature on female emancipation by J. J. Grandville, 1845

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Front page with the verdict against an editor in pear shape

Front page with the verdict against an editor in pear shape, the magazine Le Charivari, 1834

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier, Moderne Galilee, Et pourtant elle marche, 1835

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature, Resurrection de la Censure

Caricature, Resurrection de la Censure, resurrection of censorship, by J. J. Grandville

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on government censorship against the magazine Le Charivari

Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier on government censorship against the magazine Le Charivari

Background imageDiagrams Collection: The ghost of Marshal Ney, Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier

The ghost of Marshal Ney, Caricature by Honore-Victorin Daumier, 1834

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Louis Philippe I

Caricature on Louis Philippe I, King of the French, by Honore-Victorin Daumier, 1833

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Marshal Soult by Honore-Victorin Daumier

Caricature on Marshal Soult by Honore-Victorin Daumier

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Louis Philippe I

Caricature on Louis Philippe I, King of the French, as victorious Hercules by Travies, 1834

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Advertisement for La Caricature

Advertisement for La Caricature, Illustration by JJ Grandville, 1830

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Louis Philippe I, King of the French

Louis Philippe I, King of the French, transformed into pear, by Charles Philipon

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on Dupin the Elder, after the French Revolution of 1830

Caricature on Dupin the Elder, after the French Revolution of 1830

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Caricature on the French Revolution of 1830

Caricature on the French Revolution of 1830

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Arsenal Ecclesiastique, Caricature on the participation of the Jesuits in the counter-revolution

Arsenal Ecclesiastique, Caricature on the participation of the Jesuits in the counter-revolution, 19th century

Background imageDiagrams Collection: Devota profesion, Devotional Creed by Francisco de Goya

Devota profesion, Devotional Creed by Francisco de Goya, 1746-1828

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"Unveiling the Secrets: Exploring the World Through Diagrams" Witness the marvel of engineering as G. H. Davis's diagrams showcase the building process of Sydney Harbour Bridge, a testament to human ingenuity. Step into the wild with G. H. Davis's detailed diagram of the New Reptile House at London Zoo, offering a glimpse into nature's fascinating creatures. Navigate through history aboard SS Great Britain with its meticulously crafted plan diagram, revealing how this majestic ship conquered vast oceans. Discover Ebenezer Howard's visionary Three Magnets diagram, an innovative urban planning concept that aimed to harmonize town and country living. Travel back in time and explore 1823 C017 / 8061 diagrams depicting intricate epicycles of Mercury and Venus, unraveling celestial mysteries. Soar through skies with awe-inspiring Hawker Hurricane Fighter diagrams from 1939, showcasing cutting-edge aviation technology during wartime. Unlock the secrets of life itself as DNA molecule diagrams reveal the blueprint behind our existence – a remarkable feat of scientific discovery. Immerse yourself in artistry with captivating depictions of Puffing Devil locomotive; witness how steam revolutionized transportation forever. Shed light on industrial progress with Safety Lamps' historical diagrams from 1826 – illuminating pathways for miners while ensuring their safety underground. Travel alongside Sir Isaac Newton as his telescope takes center stage in historical artwork; peer into space through his lens and behold cosmic wonders like never before. Experience innovation firsthand with Blodgett's Hearing Aid depicted in intricate detail - a Victorian invention that transformed lives by restoring sound perception. Delve into The Engineer magazine’s Victorian inventions illustrated by captivating diagrams.

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