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Cosmology Collection

Background imageCosmology Collection: Johannes Keplers model of the universe

Johannes Keplers model of the universe
KEPLERs UNIVERSE, 1596. Johannes Keplers model of the universe. Line engraving from his Mysterium Cosmographicum, 1596

Background imageCosmology Collection: Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012

Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) infrared image of distant galaxies in a region of the sky in the constellation of Fornax

Background imageCosmology Collection: Hubble Space Telescope view of nebula NGC 604

Hubble Space Telescope view of nebula NGC 604
Nebula in galaxy M33. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image showing clouds of gas in the nebula NGC 604. This nebula is a region of intensive star formation

Background imageCosmology Collection: The Plough asterism in Ursa Major

The Plough asterism in Ursa Major
The Plough. This asterism (group of stars) is part of the much larger constellation Ursa Major, most of which is out of frame

Background imageCosmology Collection: MAP microwave background

MAP microwave background
Cosmic microwave background. Whole sky image of the cosmic microwave background made by the MAP (Microwave Anisotropy Probe) spacecraft

Background imageCosmology Collection: Celestial mechanics, medieval artwork

Celestial mechanics, medieval artwork
Celestial mechanics. Coloured historical artwork depicting a medieval pilgrim looking out from the sky (blue) to see the mechanics of the heavens (upper left)

Background imageCosmology Collection: The edge of the firmament (Flammarion engraving) From L atmosphere

The edge of the firmament (Flammarion engraving) From L atmosphere. Meteorologie populaire by Camille Flammarion, 16th-17th centuries. Found in the collection of Zentralbibliothek Zurich

Background imageCosmology Collection: Hubble Ultra Deep Field galaxies

Hubble Ultra Deep Field galaxies
Ultra Deep Field galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope Ultra Deep Field, the deepest view ever taken of the universe in 2004. Each dot of light is a separate galaxy

Background imageCosmology Collection: Orions belt

Orions belt. Optical image of the line of three bright stars making up the belt in the constellation of Orion

Background imageCosmology Collection: 1919 solar eclipse

1919 solar eclipse. Image 2 of 3. This set of images, taken by the British astronomer Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), confirmed Einsteins theory of general relativity

Background imageCosmology Collection: Pillars of Creation

Pillars of Creation, combined Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope image. These towering columns are formed of interstellar hydrogen gas and dust

Background imageCosmology Collection: M16, The Eagle Nebula in Serpens

M16, The Eagle Nebula in Serpens

Background imageCosmology Collection: Gas pillars in the Eagle Nebula

Gas pillars in the Eagle Nebula. Hubble Space Telescope image showing dark pillars of dense molecular hydrogen and dust in the Eagle Nebula (M16)

Background imageCosmology Collection: 1919 solar eclipse

1919 solar eclipse
^B1919 solar eclipse. Image 1 of 3.^b This set of images, taken by the British astronomer Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), confirmed Einsteins theory of general relativity

Background imageCosmology Collection: Cosmic microwave background

Cosmic microwave background. Spherical projection of the cosmic microwave background, using all-sky data from the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe)

Background imageCosmology Collection: CMS detector, CERN

CMS detector, CERN
CMS detector. Part of the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageCosmology Collection: Proton collision C014 / 1797

Proton collision C014 / 1797
Particle tracks from a proton-proton collision seen by the CMS (compact muon solenoid) detector at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageCosmology Collection: Optical image of the star Sirius

Optical image of the star Sirius
Sirius. Optical image of the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, with the exception of the Sun. North is at top

Background imageCosmology Collection: Voyager I composite of Saturn & six of its moons

Voyager I composite of Saturn & six of its moons
Voyager 1 composite image of Saturn & six of its moons superimposed on a painted starry sky background

Background imageCosmology Collection: Solar prominence

Solar prominence. Ultraviolet SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) satellite image of a solar prominence (bottom left)

Background imageCosmology Collection: A galactic light show in spiral galaxy NGC 4258

A galactic light show in spiral galaxy NGC 4258, also known as M106, about 23 million light years away

Background imageCosmology Collection: Jupiter

Jupiter. True colour optical image of Jupiter, taken from a mosaic of shots by the Cassini spacecraft on 29 December 2000

Background imageCosmology Collection: M51 whirlpool galaxy

M51 whirlpool galaxy

Background imageCosmology Collection: Higgs boson, conceptual artwork

Higgs boson, conceptual artwork
Higgs boson, conceptual computer artwork. The Higgs boson is a proposed fundamental particle that is thought to give other particles mass

Background imageCosmology Collection: Catalan Atlas, 14th century

Catalan Atlas, 14th century. The 6-page Catalan Atlas (1375) was produced on vellum by the Jewish cartographer Abraham Cresques

Background imageCosmology Collection: ATLAS detector, CERN

ATLAS detector, CERN
ATLAS detector. Composite image of the ATLAS (a torodial LHC apparatus) detector (circular) at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageCosmology Collection: Abundance, Astronomy, Black Background, Blue, Color Image, Concepts, Cosmology

Abundance, Astronomy, Black Background, Blue, Color Image, Concepts, Cosmology, Discovery, Exploration, Galaxy, Horizontal, Mystery, Night, No People, Photography, Planetary Science, Polar Climate

Background imageCosmology Collection: Solar system

Solar system. Composite computer artwork of the nine planets of the solar system that orbit the Sun (far right)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Diamond ring effect

Diamond ring effect seen during the total solar eclipse of 11th August 1999

Background imageCosmology Collection: Optical photo of the star Sirius using star filter

Optical photo of the star Sirius using star filter
The two bright stars just below centre are Alpha Centauri (left) & Beta Centauri. To their right are the four stars forming the constellation of the Southern Cross, or Crux Australis

Background imageCosmology Collection: Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon. Composite image showing the Moon at each stage of its 28 day cycle (a lunar month)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Egyptian creation myth

Egyptian creation myth. 19th-century artwork of a story from the Egyptian creation myths from the third and second millennia BC

Background imageCosmology Collection: Higgs boson, conceptual artwork

Higgs boson, conceptual artwork
Higgs boson, conceptual computer artwork. The Higgs boson is a proposed fundamental particle that is thought to give other particles mass

Background imageCosmology Collection: ATLAS detector, CERN

ATLAS detector, CERN
ATLAS detector. Engineer standing on a platform in front of the ATLAS (a torodial LHC apparatus) detector (circular) at CERN (the European particle physics laboratory) near Geneva, Switzerland

Background imageCosmology Collection: Eagle Nebula

Eagle Nebula. Optical image of the Eagle Nebula (M16, NGC 6611)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Star formation in the Tarantula Nebula

Star formation in the Tarantula Nebula
This Hubble Space Telescope mosaic, spanning a width of 600 light-years, shows a star factory of more the 800, 000 stars being born

Background imageCosmology Collection: Venera 13 photos of surface of Venus

Venera 13 photos of surface of Venus

Background imageCosmology Collection: Total solar eclipse with corona

Total solar eclipse with corona
Total solar eclipse. Digitally enhanced composite of 22 images of the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999. The solar corona (white) has been enhanced, highlighting outlying waves and filaments

Background imageCosmology Collection: Horsehead Nebula

Horsehead Nebula. Optical image of Barnard 33 (the Horsehead Nebula), 1600 light years away in the constellation of Orion. North is at left

Background imageCosmology Collection: Waning crescent Moon

Waning crescent Moon. Image 27 of 27. Optical image of a waning (decreasing in apparent size) crescent Moon 27 days into its 28-day cycle

Background imageCosmology Collection: Lead ion collisions

Lead ion collisions

Background imageCosmology Collection: Jupiter

Jupiter. Artwork of the gas giant planet Jupiter and two of its moons. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System, with a diameter over 11 times that of Earth

Background imageCosmology Collection: 1919 solar eclipse

1919 solar eclipse
^B1919 solar eclipse. Image 3 of 3.^b This set of images, taken by the British astronomer Arthur Eddington (1882-1944), confirmed Einsteins theory of general relativity

Background imageCosmology Collection: The majestic Sombrero Galaxy (Messier 104)

The majestic Sombrero Galaxy (Messier 104)

Background imageCosmology Collection: The Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976) is a diffuse nebula situated south of Orions Belt

Background imageCosmology Collection: MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION. God as the great Architect of the Universe

MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION. God as the great Architect of the Universe. Illumination from the 13th century French Bible

Background imageCosmology Collection: Optical image of a waxing gibbous moon

Optical image of a waxing gibbous moon
Waxing gibbous Moon. Optical image of a waxing gibbous Moon. A gibbous Moon is one showing over half the surface. The Moon is said to wax when it is increasing in apparent size

Background imageCosmology Collection: Pleiades star cluster

Pleiades star cluster
Pleiades. Optical image of the Pleiades star cluster (M45) in the constellation Taurus, the bull. North is at top. This is a cluster of young stars thought to be around 50 million years old

Background imageCosmology Collection: Hale-Bopp comet

Hale-Bopp comet
Hale-Bopp. Artwork of the comet Hale-Bopp above an ocean shore. Hale-Bopp was one of the brightest comets of the 20th century, and was seen for much of early 1997. A comet is a lump of ice and rock

Background imageCosmology Collection: Supernova in galaxy

Supernova in galaxy
Supernova SN1994D. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of supernova SN1994D (lower left) in the galaxy NGC 4526. A supernova is the explosive death of a star

Background imageCosmology Collection: Far side of the Moon

Far side of the Moon
The Moon, showing part of its far side, photographed from the Apollo 16 spacecraft after its landing on the Moon in April 1972

Background imageCosmology Collection: Earth view of the planet Venus with the Moon

Earth view of the planet Venus with the Moon
Venus. Venus (at upper right) with the Moon (at lower right) as seen from Earth. The constellation of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters is at top centre

Background imageCosmology Collection: Durers Celestial Globe, 1515

Durers Celestial Globe, 1515. This shows the northern hemisphere, and was prepared in conjunction with the astronomer Stabius

Background imageCosmology Collection: Voyager 1 photo of Jupiter

Voyager 1 photo of Jupiter
Jupiter. Voyager 1 spacecraft photograph of the planet Jupiter. The picture was taken on 17 January 1979 from a distance of 47 million kilometres (29 million miles)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Image of Jupiter taken with the Hubble Telescope

Image of Jupiter taken with the Hubble Telescope
Jupiter as seen from the Hubble Space Telescopes planetary camera on May 28th 1991

Background imageCosmology Collection: Voyager 1 image of Saturn & three of its moons

Voyager 1 image of Saturn & three of its moons
Photograph of Saturn and its satellites Tethys (outer top left), Enceladus (inner top left) and Mimas (bottom right)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Optical photo of the star Sirius using star filter

Optical photo of the star Sirius using star filter
The two bright stars just below centre are Alpha Centauri (left) & Beta Centauri. To their right are the four stars forming the constellation of the Southern Cross, or Crux Australis

Background imageCosmology Collection: HST deep-view of several very distant galaxies

HST deep-view of several very distant galaxies
Distant galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) deep-view image of several thousand never-before seen extremely distant galaxies. This is the deepest view yet into the universe

Background imageCosmology Collection: Torus universe, artwork

Torus universe, artwork
Torus universe. Computer artwork of a universe shaped like a torus (doughnut-shaped). Some cosmologists believe that the universe could be this shape due to gravity warping spacetime

Background imageCosmology Collection: Planetary nebula

Planetary nebula NGC 6751. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the planetary nebula NGC 6751. A planetary nebula is formed when a Sun-like star ejects its outer layers at the end of its life

Background imageCosmology Collection: Andromeda galaxy

Andromeda galaxy. Optical image of the Andromeda spiral galaxy (M31). North is at top

Background imageCosmology Collection: Jupiter from Europa, artwork

Jupiter from Europa, artwork
Jupiter from Europa. Computer artwork of a view towards Jupiter and its moons, across the surface of Europa as it might have looked four billion years ago

Background imageCosmology Collection: Universe timeline, artwork

Universe timeline, artwork
Big Bang and Evolution of Galaxies - The observable Universe is about 84 billion light years across

Background imageCosmology Collection: An asteroid belt around the bright star Vega

An asteroid belt around the bright star Vega
This artists concept illustrates an asteroid belt around the bright star Vega

Background imageCosmology Collection: Neptune seen from its tiny, distant moon, Nereid

Neptune seen from its tiny, distant moon, Nereid

Background imageCosmology Collection: A total eclipse of the Sun as seen from being in Earths orbit

A total eclipse of the Sun as seen from being in Earths orbit

Background imageCosmology Collection: Observing the Universe, conceptual image

Observing the Universe, conceptual image
Observing the Universe, conceptual computer illustration

Background imageCosmology Collection: With the sun at the center; Copernicus appears at lower right and Ptolemy at lower left

With the sun at the center; Copernicus appears at lower right and Ptolemy at lower left
COPERNICAN UNIVERSE, 1660. With the sun at the center; Copernicus appears at lower right and Ptolemy at lower left

Background imageCosmology Collection: Voyager mosaic of Jupiter & its 4 Galilean moons R370 / 0003

Voyager mosaic of Jupiter & its 4 Galilean moons R370 / 0003
Mosaic of Voyager spacecraft photographs of Jupiter & its four Galilean moons: Callisto (bottom right), Ganymede (bottom left), Europa (centre) & Io (top left)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Edwin Hubble, US astronomer C008 / 8831

Edwin Hubble, US astronomer C008 / 8831
Edwin Hubble. Caricature of the US astronomer, cosmologist, athlete and boxer Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) smoking a pipe

Background imageCosmology Collection: Solar system planets and sun

Solar system planets and sun
Solar system. Computer artwork showing the Sun and planets of the Solar System. The planets are arranged in order of distance from the massive Sun (at top)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Jupiter

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in the solar system. The planet has a rocky core but is mostly composed of liquid and gaseous hydrogen and helium

Background imageCosmology Collection: Dark matter map

Dark matter map. Computer model of a dark matter (red) map in part of the universe a billion light years long, the first time the invisible dark matter between visible objects has been mapped

Background imageCosmology Collection: Red dwarf star

Red dwarf star. Artwork representing the intense activity of a red dwarf star. These are among the least massive stars in the universe ranging from 0.1 to 0.7 solar masses

Background imageCosmology Collection: Interacting galaxies

Interacting galaxies. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) image of the interacting spiral galaxies NGC 2207 (left) and IC 2163 (right)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Milky Way

Milky Way. Mosaic of photographs of the Milky Way, the spiral galaxy in which our solar system lies. Our Sun is believed to be around two-thirds of the way out from the centre in a small spiral arm

Background imageCosmology Collection: Dark matter distribution

Dark matter distribution. Image 3 of 4. Supercomputer simulation, known as the Millennium Run, showing the distribution of dark matter in the local universe

Background imageCosmology Collection: Moon

The Moon, showing part of its far side, photographed from the departing Apollo 15 spacecraft in August 1971, after its Moon landing

Background imageCosmology Collection: Aristotle

Aristotle as depicted by Raphael in The School of Athens. Athenian philosopher and logician, he studied under Plato in Athens

Background imageCosmology Collection: Homeric cosmogony

Homeric cosmogony. Map of the Earth based on the myths and knowledge of the Ancient Greeks at the time of Homer (1st or 2nd millennium BC)

Background imageCosmology Collection: Particle physics research

Particle physics research. Screenshot of particle tracks as recorded by a detector at a particle accelerator

Background imageCosmology Collection: Universe timeline, artwork

Universe timeline, artwork
Big Bang and Evolution of Galaxies - The observable Universe is about 84 billion light years across

Background imageCosmology Collection: Halleys Comet, 1910

Halleys Comet, 1910
Halleys Comet. Halleys Comet orbits the Sun every 76 years. This periodicity was discovered by Edmund Halley (1654-1742), after whom the comet is named

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"Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe: A Journey through Cosmology" Step into the vastness of space and embark on a cosmic adventure as we delve into the captivating realm of cosmology. From iconic images like the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 2012, where thousands of galaxies shimmer in an awe-inspiring tapestry, to witnessing celestial events like the 1919 solar eclipse that revolutionized our understanding of gravity. The Hubble Space Telescope's view of nebula NGC 604 transports us to a mesmerizing world filled with swirling gases and stellar nurseries, reminding us that amidst this grandeur lies the birthplace of stars. The Flammarion engraving takes us even further back in time, capturing humanity's eternal fascination with reaching beyond our earthly confines. Gazing up at night sky wonders such as The Plough asterism in Ursa Major or Orions belt, we are reminded that these constellations have guided explorers for centuries. And it is through instruments like the Hubble Ultra Deep Field galaxies image or MAP microwave background data that we uncover secrets hidden within distant corners of our universe. Marvel at nature's artistic prowess showcased by phenomena such as Pillars of Creation and gas pillars in the Eagle Nebula – towering structures sculpted by cosmic forces over millennia. Even medieval artwork depicting celestial mechanics reveals how ancient minds sought to comprehend Earth's place among heavenly bodies. Cosmology invites us to ponder profound questions about existence itself – from unraveling mysteries surrounding dark matter and energy to exploring theories about parallel universes. It beckons both scientists and dreamers alike to push boundaries, expand knowledge, and embrace humanity's insatiable curiosity about what lies beyond L atmosphere. In this ever-evolving field, each discovery fuels our collective quest for understanding while igniting wonderment within ourselves. So let us journey together through this captivating cosmos; its beauty knows no bounds and its secrets are waiting to be unveiled.

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