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Ciliate Collection

Ciliates, a fascinating group of unicellular eukaryotic organisms, are the stars of these captivating micrographs and illustrations

Background imageCiliate Collection: Light Micrograph (LM): Protozoans: Kidney shaped ciliate surrounded by Euglena sp

Light Micrograph (LM): Protozoans: Kidney shaped ciliate surrounded by Euglena sp
LRDS-316 Light Micrograph (LM): Protozoans: Kidney shaped ciliate surrounded by Euglena sp. Magnification x 900 (when printed A4, 29.7 cm wide) Tillina sp

Background imageCiliate Collection: Oxytricha ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0253

Oxytricha ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0253
Oxytricha sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Oxytricha is a tiny single-celled aquatic organism

Background imageCiliate Collection: Picture No. 11014599

Picture No. 11014599
Freshwater Ciliates common in pools and ponds consisting of a single cell and feed by ingesting other tiny organisms such as bacteria and other protozoa Date:

Background imageCiliate Collection: Trumpet animalcules (Stentor polymorphus) with algal symbionts (Chlorella), Europe

Trumpet animalcules (Stentor polymorphus) with algal symbionts (Chlorella), Europe, controlled conditions

Background imageCiliate Collection: Unicellular eukaryotic organisms

Unicellular eukaryotic organisms
Microscopic Organisms Antique Print, Vintage Lithograph, Urtiere Protozoen, Protozoa Old Zoology Illustration Unicellular Microbiology

Background imageCiliate Collection: Microscopic view of protozoa

Microscopic view of protozoa. Leishmaniasis and dysentery are examples of diseases involving protozoa, often transmitted to humans by the bite of a parasite-carrying insect

Background imageCiliate Collection: LM of Vorticella ciliates on a green alga

LM of Vorticella ciliates on a green alga
Light micrograph of a group of Vorticella (small tethered balloons) adhering to the freshwater green alga Hydrodictyon (large green cells)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium sp. protozoan, SEM

Paramecium sp. protozoan, SEM
Paramecium protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Paramecium sp. protozoan. This single-celled organism is aquatic, living in freshwater habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Didinium ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0235

Didinium ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0235
Didinium sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). This tiny single-celled organism is found in freshwater and marine habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium bursaria protozoan, micrograph

Paramecium bursaria protozoan, micrograph
Paramecium bursaria protozoan, light micrograph. This ciliate protozoan inhabits freshwater, where it feeds mainly on bacteria

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium protozoa, light micrograph

Paramecium protozoa, light micrograph
Paramecium bursaria protozoa, light micrograph. These ciliate protozoa inhabit freshwater, where they feed mainly on bacteria

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium protozoan, light micrograph

Paramecium protozoan, light micrograph
Paramecium protozoan. Differential interference contrast micrograph of a Paramecium sp. protozoan. This ciliate protozoan inhabits freshwater, where it feeds mainly on bacteria

Background imageCiliate Collection: Trichodina parasite, light micrograph

Trichodina parasite, light micrograph
Trichodina parasite. Differential interference contrast micrograph of Trichodina pediculus. This ciliate parasite lives on the skin, gills and mucous membranes of many aquatic animals

Background imageCiliate Collection: Trumpet animalcules (Stentor polymorphus) with algal symbionts (Chlorella) Europe

Trumpet animalcules (Stentor polymorphus) with algal symbionts (Chlorella) Europe, controlled conditions

Background imageCiliate Collection: Digital cross section illustration of ciliate cell showing rhinovirus and antobodies in nasal cavity

Digital cross section illustration of ciliate cell showing rhinovirus and antobodies in nasal cavity

Background imageCiliate Collection: Picture No. 11675491

Picture No. 11675491
Light Micrograph: Ciliate. Date:

Background imageCiliate Collection: Picture No. 11675490

Picture No. 11675490
Light Micrograph (LM): Elongate Ciliate and Paramecium bursaria. Date:

Background imageCiliate Collection: Microscopic view of Paramecium bursaria

Microscopic view of Paramecium bursaria, a species of ciliate protozoan that has a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with green algae called Zoochlorella

Background imageCiliate Collection: LM of the protozoan Paramecium sp

LM of the protozoan Paramecium sp
Light micrograph of the ciliate protozoan, Paramecium sp. They are one of the most highly- evolved of all unicellular animals, and are plentiful in fresh water ponds

Background imageCiliate Collection: SEM of Paramecium

SEM of Paramecium
Paramecium. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the single-celled protozoan, Paramecium caudatum. This ciliate animal has cilia on its cell membrane surface enabling it to swim with an

Background imageCiliate Collection: Chilodonella ciliate protozoan, SEM

Chilodonella ciliate protozoan, SEM
Chilodonella ciliate protozoa, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These tiny single- celled organisms are found in fresh water

Background imageCiliate Collection: LM of of a single Paramecium sp

LM of of a single Paramecium sp
Light micrograph of the ciliate protozoan Paramecium sp. The internal structure of the organism is particularly clear. The large dark area toward the top of the frame is the meganucleus

Background imageCiliate Collection: LM of paramecium sp

LM of paramecium sp
Light micrograph in phase contrast illumination of the ciliate protozoan, Paramecium sp. The internal structure of Paramecium is visible here with many food and water vacuoles seen as bright spots

Background imageCiliate Collection: Protozoan sexual reproduction, SEM Z105 / 0240

Protozoan sexual reproduction, SEM Z105 / 0240
Protozoan sexual reproduction. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of two Paramecium caudatum protozoa reproducing sexually by a method called conjugation

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium protozoa, SEM Z105 / 0239

Paramecium protozoa, SEM Z105 / 0239
Paramecium protozoa. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of two Paramecium caudatum protozoa on filaments (green) of Oscillatoria sp. blue-green algae. P

Background imageCiliate Collection: Chilodonella ciliate protozoa, LM

Chilodonella ciliate protozoa, LM
Chilodonella protozoa. Light micrograph of several Chilodonella sp. ciliate protozoa. Chilodonella is a single-celled animal that is found in freshwater

Background imageCiliate Collection: Holosticha ciliate protozoan, SEM

Holosticha ciliate protozoan, SEM
Holosticha ciliate protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Holosticha sp. ciliate protozoan ingesting diatoms (blue). Holosticha is a tiny single-celled aquatic organism

Background imageCiliate Collection: Euplotes protozoa, SEM C016 / 9040

Euplotes protozoa, SEM C016 / 9040
Euplotes protozoa. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the upperside (bottom) and underside (top) of two Euplotes sp. hypotrich ciliate protozoa

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9063

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9063
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, centre)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9121

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9121
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, centre)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9061

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9061
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, upper right)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9120

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9120
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, centre)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9065

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9065
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, upper right)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9064

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9064
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, centre)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9122

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9122
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, centre)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Euplotes protozoa, SEM C016 / 9041

Euplotes protozoa, SEM C016 / 9041
Euplotes protozoa. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the upperside (bottom) and underside (top) of two Euplotes sp. hypotrich ciliate protozoa

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9062

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C016 / 9062
Climacostomum protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Climacostomum sp. unicellular ciliate protozoan, showing the cells large oral apparatus (round, upper right)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Tetrahymena protozoan, SEM

Tetrahymena protozoan, SEM
Tetrahymena protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Tetrahymena sp. ciliate protozoan. Tetrahymena are free-living freshwater unicellular organisms found in ponds

Background imageCiliate Collection: Spirostomum ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0308

Spirostomum ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0308
Spirostomum sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These tiny single-celled organisms are found in freshwater and marine habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Blepharisma ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0228

Blepharisma ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0228
Blepharisma ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These tiny single-celled organisms are found in freshwater and marine habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Didinium ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0237

Didinium ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0237
Didinium sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). This tiny single-celled organism is found in freshwater and marine habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Spirostomum ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0307

Spirostomum ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0307
Spirostomum sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These tiny single-celled organisms are found in freshwater and marine habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C019 / 0243

Climacostomum protozoan, SEM C019 / 0243
Climacostomum sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These tiny single-celled organisms are found in freshwater and marine habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium sp. protozoa (SEM) C014 / 2148

Paramecium sp. protozoa (SEM) C014 / 2148
Paramecium protozoa. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Paramecium sp. protozoa. These single-celled organisms are aquatic, being found in freshwater habitats

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C014 / 4676

Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C014 / 4676
Ciliate protozoan. Differential interference contrast micrograph of a ciliate protozoan, showing the symbiotic green algae (Zoochlorellae, green) contained in vacuoles within

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C014 / 4667

Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C014 / 4667
Ciliate protozoan. Differential interference contrast micrograph of a ciliate protozoan, showing the symbiotic green algae (Zoochlorellae, green) contained in vacuoles within

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8593

Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8593
Ciliate protozoan. Differential interference contrast (DIC) light micrograph of a ciliate protozoan. Magnification: x280 when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageCiliate Collection: Hypotrich protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8592

Hypotrich protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8592
Hypotrich protozoan. Differential interference contrast (DIC) light micrograph of a Euplotes sp. hypotrich ciliate protozoan. Magnification: x280 when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageCiliate Collection: Hypotrich protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8590

Hypotrich protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8590
Hypotrich protozoan. Differential interference contrast (DIC) light micrograph of a Euplotes sp. hypotrich ciliate protozoan. Magnification: x280 when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8582

Ciliate protozoan, light micrograph C016 / 8582
Ciliate protozoan. Differential interference contrast (DIC) light micrograph of a ciliate protozoan. Magnification: x280 when printed 10 centimetres wide

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium bursaria protozoan C016 / 8579

Paramecium bursaria protozoan C016 / 8579
Paramecium bursaria protozoan, phase-contrast light micrograph. This ciliate protozoan inhabits freshwater, where it feeds mainly on bacteria

Background imageCiliate Collection: Spirostomum protozoa C017 / 8347

Spirostomum protozoa C017 / 8347
Spirostomum protozoa. This large, elongated, single-celled creature has tiny, hair-like structures (cilia) along the length of its body

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium bursaria protozoan, light micr

Paramecium bursaria protozoan, light micr
Paramecium bursaria protozoan, differential interference contrast light micrograph. This ciliate protozoan inhabits freshwater, where it feeds mainly on bacteria

Background imageCiliate Collection: Blepharisma protozoan, light micrograph

Blepharisma protozoan, light micrograph
Blepharisma protozoan. Differential interference contrast micrograph of a Blepharisma japonicum protozoan. These ciliate protozoa move by beating their cilia

Background imageCiliate Collection: Blepharisma protozoa, light micrograph

Blepharisma protozoa, light micrograph
Blepharisma protozoa. Differential interference contrast micrograph of Blepharisma japonicum protozoa. These ciliate protozoa move by beating their cilia

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate plankton

Ciliate plankton
Scanning electron microscope image of a ciliate showing clearly the microscopic hairs or cilia that they use for movement and feeding (x 700)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Light Micrograph: Ciliate - Magnification x 750 (when printed A4, 29. 7 cm wide)

Light Micrograph: Ciliate - Magnification x 750 (when printed A4, 29. 7 cm wide)
LRDS-315 Light Micrograph: Ciliate Magnification x 750 (when printed A4, 29.7 cm wide) Frontonia sp. David Spears (Last Refuge) / Last Refuge contact details: tel

Background imageCiliate Collection: Metopus protozoan

Metopus protozoan

Background imageCiliate Collection: Lembadion protozoan

Lembadion protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Lembadion bullinum protozoan (single-celled animal)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoa, light micrograph

Ciliate protozoa, light micrograph
Ciliate protozoa. Light micrograph of a mixed population of freshwater ciliate protozoa and algae. The algae are the green filaments crossing the field

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoa dividing

Ciliate protozoa dividing
Ciliate protozoa. Light micrograph of unidentified ciliate protozoa (class Ciliata) undergoing asexual reproduction. These unicellular micro-organisms can multiply by either of two methods

Background imageCiliate Collection: Euplotes ciliate protozoan, SEM

Euplotes ciliate protozoan, SEM
Euplotes ciliate protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a ciliate protozoan (Euplotes sp.). This single-celled organism is found in fresh and marine water

Background imageCiliate Collection: Spirochona protozoa

Spirochona protozoa

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoans, SEM

Ciliate protozoans, SEM
Ciliate protozoans. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of sessile (anchored) ciliate protozoan (subclass Peritrichia)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Ciliate protozoa, SEM

Ciliate protozoa, SEM
Ciliate protozoa. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of cilliate protozoa (unicellular animals). The ciliates are so named because of the hair-like cilia surrounding their bodies which are

Background imageCiliate Collection: Alga-covered protozoan, SEM

Alga-covered protozoan, SEM
Alga-covered protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Algae (blue) are seen on the body of the protozoan, and cilia (green) are used to waft the algae to the protozoans feeding area

Background imageCiliate Collection: Paramecium protozoa, SEM

Paramecium protozoa, SEM
Paramecium protozoa (Paramecium sp.), coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These protozoa (two seen) are described as ciliate because many cilia (hair-like structures) cover them

Background imageCiliate Collection: Protozoan cilia, SEM

Protozoan cilia, SEM
Protozoan cilia. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of cilia (microscopic hairs) from a ciliate protozoan. Ciliate protozoans are single-celled aquatic organisms

Background imageCiliate Collection: LM of Paramecium bursaris

LM of Paramecium bursaris
Light micrograph of Paramecium bursaris, a member of the species of green paramecia. The green colouration is due to the presence of unicellulate green algae which form organic substances & produce

Background imageCiliate Collection: Breslauides ciliate protozoan, SEM

Breslauides ciliate protozoan, SEM
Breslauides ciliate protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a ciliate protozoan (Breslauides sp.). This tiny single-celled organism is found in water

Background imageCiliate Collection: Tetrahymena protozoa

Tetrahymena protozoa. Immunofluorescent light micrograph of two Tetrahymena thermophila protozoa (single-celled animals). Nuclei are green, cell walls red and cilia (hairs) blue. T

Background imageCiliate Collection: Dendrocometes protozoan

Dendrocometes protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Dendrocometes paradoxus protozoan (single-celled animal)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Protozoan cilia, SEM

Protozoan cilia, SEM
Protozoan cilia. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of cilia (microscopic hairs) from a ciliate protozoan. Ciliate protozoans are single-celled aquatic organisms

Background imageCiliate Collection: Blepharisma ciliate protozoan, SEM

Blepharisma ciliate protozoan, SEM
Blepharisma ciliate protozoan. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a ciliate protozoan (Blepharisma sp.). This tiny single- celled organism is found in freshwater

Background imageCiliate Collection: Frontonia protozoa, light micrograph

Frontonia protozoa, light micrograph
Frontonia protozoa. Light micrograph of a group of Frontonia sp. ciliate protozoa

Background imageCiliate Collection: Frontonia protozoan, light micrograph

Frontonia protozoan, light micrograph
Frontonia protozoan. Light micrograph of a Frontonia sp. ciliate protozoan

Background imageCiliate Collection: Stentor coeruleus protozoan, micrograph

Stentor coeruleus protozoan, micrograph
Stentor coeruleus protozoan. Light micrograph of Stentor coeruleus amongst green algae. This large single-celled protist measures 0.5 to 2 millimetres when fully extended

Background imageCiliate Collection: Epistylis protozoan colony on algae

Epistylis protozoan colony on algae. Light micrograph of a colony of Epistylis sp. protozoa (centre right) attached to a green algae filament (lower left)

Background imageCiliate Collection: Stentor ciliate protozoan, micrograph

Stentor ciliate protozoan, micrograph
Stentor ciliate protozoan. Light micrograph of a Stentor polymorphus ciliate protozoan. This ciliate protozoan inhabits freshwater, where it feeds mainly on bacteria

Background imageCiliate Collection: Stentor ciliate protozoa light micrograph

Stentor ciliate protozoa light micrograph

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Ciliates, a fascinating group of unicellular eukaryotic organisms, are the stars of these captivating micrographs and illustrations. In one LM image, we can observe a kidney-shaped ciliate surrounded by Euglena sp. , magnified 900 times to reveal intricate details that would otherwise go unnoticed. Another SEM image showcases Oxytricha ciliate protozoan, providing us with a closer look at its unique structure. Moving on to the trumpet animalcules (Stentor polymorphus), we discover their symbiotic relationship with algal partners called Chlorella. These microscopic creatures can be found in Europe and form an intriguing alliance that benefits both parties involved. Vorticella ciliates take center stage in another LM picture as they gracefully attach themselves to a green alga. Their elegant appearance is truly mesmerizing under the lens of a microscope. Paramecium sp. , another type of protozoan, also makes an appearance in this collection through both SEM and micrograph images showcasing their distinct features. Not only do these images showcase the beauty and diversity of ciliates but they also shed light on their interactions within ecosystems. For instance, Trichodina parasite is captured in a light micrograph highlighting its parasitic nature. Lastly, an illustration provides us with a digital cross-section view of a ciliate cell residing in the nasal cavity alongside rhinovirus particles and antibodies—an artistic representation that merges science and creativity seamlessly. These glimpses into the world of ciliates remind us how much there still is to explore within our own microscopic backyard—a realm teeming with life waiting for curious minds to uncover its secrets.

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