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Charles Perrault Collection

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Illustration from Charles Perrault fairy tale by Gustave Dore

Illustration from Charles Perrault fairy tale by Gustave Dore, Woodcut, 1862, 1832-1883, Private Collection

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Bluebeard looking for a wife, 19th century (Epinal print)

Bluebeard looking for a wife, 19th century (Epinal print)
ELD4839742 Bluebeard looking for a wife, 19th century (Epinal print); ( Bluebeard)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Hop o My Thumb, c.1910-20 (illustration)

Hop o My Thumb, c.1910-20 (illustration)
CCI9033030 Hop o My Thumb, c.1910-20 (illustration) by Thiriet, Henri (1873-1946); Private Collection; ( Literature. Fairy Tales. The ogre looking for Hop-o'-my-Thumb and his brothers)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Cinderella, 1900 (colour litho)

Cinderella, 1900 (colour litho)
DGA512547 Cinderella, 1900 (colour litho) by Hassall, John (1868-1948); Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France; G. Dagli Orti /© NPL - DeA Picture Library

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Briar Rose Series - The Rose Bower/ The Sleeping Beauty (III)

The Briar Rose Series - The Rose Bower/ The Sleeping Beauty (III), c1870s, (1900)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Briar Rose Series - The Council Chamber (II), c1870s, (1900). Creator: Unknown

The Briar Rose Series - The Council Chamber (II), c1870s, (1900). Creator: Unknown
The Briar Rose Series - The Council Chamber (II), c1870s, (1900)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Briar Rose Series - The Knight Enters the Briar wood (I)

The Briar Rose Series - The Knight Enters the Briar wood (I), c1870s, (1900)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Briar Rose Series - Study of a Sleeping Maiden for The Garden Court

The Briar Rose Series - Study of a Sleeping Maiden for The Garden Court, c1880s, (20th Century)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Et l'ogre l'a mangé! (And the Ogre Ate Him Up!)

Et l'ogre l'a mangé! (And the Ogre Ate Him Up!)
Et l'ogre l'a mange! (And the Ogre Ate Him Up!), 1824. Private Collection

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Castrorum Praefectus Americanus, from Courses de Testes et de Bagues Faittes par Roy

Castrorum Praefectus Americanus, from Courses de Testes et de Bagues Faittes par Roy et par les Princes et Signeurs de sa Cour, en l annee 1662 (Grand Carrousel), 1662-70

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Donkey skin, illustration for Complete Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

Donkey skin, illustration for Complete Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (1628-1703)
DGA766533 Donkey skin, illustration for Complete Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (1628-1703), by Gustave Dore (1832-1883) by Dore, Gustave (1832-83); Photo © NPL - DeA Picture Library

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Bluebeard, illustration for fairy tale by Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

Bluebeard, illustration for fairy tale by Charles Perrault (1628-1703)
DGA766493 Bluebeard, illustration for fairy tale by Charles Perrault (1628-1703), engraving by Grandville (1803-1847) by Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard) (1803-47); Musee de la Ville de Paris

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Chat Botte' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619280 "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Cinderella' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618978 "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Peau d'Ane' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619295 "Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The wolf lying dead in the house of the little red riding hood sitting at the table with his mother

The wolf lying dead in the house of the little red riding hood sitting at the table with his mother
ELD4844862 The wolf lying dead in the house of the little red riding hood sitting at the table with his mother

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Finette or the sly princess, tale by Charles Perrault

Finette or the sly princess, tale by Charles Perrault
JAB5037021 Finette or the sly princess, tale by Charles Perrault. Chromolithography of the late 19th century; ( Finette or the sly princess, tale by Charles Perrault)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Peau d'Ane' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619303 "Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Chat Botte' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619274 "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Chat Botte' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619269 "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Riquet a la Houppe' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619007 "Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Riquet a la Houppe' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618995 "Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Cinderella' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618972 "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Cat Boot. circa 1910 (engraving)

The Cat Boot. circa 1910 (engraving)
6437819 The Cat Boot. circa 1910 (engraving); Private Collection; ( Litterature. Tales of fees. The cat boots and the king)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The godmother and Cinderella: illustration for the tale Cinderella by Charles Perrault

The godmother and Cinderella: illustration for the tale Cinderella by Charles Perrault
JAB5036986 The godmother and Cinderella: illustration for the tale Cinderella by Charles Perrault

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Chat Botte' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619296 "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Petit Poucet' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619267 "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Petit Poucet' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619254 "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Riquet a la Houppe' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618982 "Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Riquet a la Houppe' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618996 "Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Chat Botte' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619276 "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Petit Poucet' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619263 "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Petit Poucet' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619257 "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Le Petit Poucet' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619249 "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Cinderella' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618971 "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Cinderella' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618970 "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Cinderella' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618969 "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Little Pouket, illustration for Charles Perrault's tale

The Little Pouket, illustration for Charles Perrault's tale
JAB5037040 The Little Pouket, illustration for Charles Perrault's tale. Chromolithography of the late 19th century; ( The Little Pouket, illustration for Charles Perrault's tale)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Peau d'Ane' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5619317 "Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: 'Cinderella' illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920

"Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920
ELD5618981 "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920 by Neziere

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: Fairy tales of Charles Perrault, c.1880 (print)

Fairy tales of Charles Perrault, c.1880 (print)
7293354 Fairy tales of Charles Perrault, c.1880 (print); ( Literature. Fairy Tales. The characters of the fairy tales: little red riding hood, puss in boots, the wolf, the ogre)

Background imageCharles Perrault Collection: The Little Red Riding Hood, 1917 (postcard)

The Little Red Riding Hood, 1917 (postcard)
ICA4840013 The Little Red Riding Hood, 1917 (postcard); ( Postcard, Satirical in Colours, 1917_6: The Little Red Riding Hood - War of 14 -18, Germany Prussia, Childhood)

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Charles Perrault was a French writer known for his collection of fairy tales. His stories have captivated readers for centuries and continue to be beloved today. In 1938, two of his famous tales, "Little Tom Thumb" and "The Booty Cat, " were brought to life in stunning prints. One of Perrault's most iconic stories is "Little Red Riding Hood. " The tale has been illustrated by many artists throughout history, including Gustave Dore and Vimar. These illustrations beautifully depict the encounter between the innocent girl and the cunning wolf. Another popular story by Perrault is "Cinderella. " In an illustration by Henry Gerbault, we see Cinderella arriving at the Illustration Ball in her enchanting gown. This timeless tale has captured hearts worldwide with its message of hope and transformation. Perrault's creativity extended beyond well-known stories like Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. He also wrote lesser-known tales such as "Riquet with the Tuft" and "Sleeping Beauty. " These stories have their own unique charm that continues to inspire readers young and old. In Jean Geoffroy's illustration for "Le petit poucet, " we witness the cleverness of Little Tom Thumb as he steals boots from an ogre seven leagues tall. This adventurous tale showcases Perrault's ability to create imaginative worlds filled with excitement. Perrault's repertoire also includes darker narratives like "Donkeyskin" and "Bluebeard. " Gustave Fraipont's illustration captures the haunting atmosphere of Donkeyskin while Edouard Francois Zier depicts Bluebeard holding his infamous knife. These cautionary tales serve as reminders that not all fairy tales end happily ever after. Through his vivid storytelling, Charles Perrault left a lasting legacy in children's literature. His imaginative characters, moral lessons, and enchanting worlds continue to captivate generations around the world.

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