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Astronomer Collection

"A Journey Through Time and Space: Exploring the World of an Astronomer" Step into the captivating world of astronomy

Background imageAstronomer Collection: The Orrery by Joseph Wright

The Orrery by Joseph Wright (1734-1797). This artwork was painted in 1766. Its full title is A Philospher giving a Lecture on the Orrery in which a Lamp is put in place of the Sun

Background imageAstronomer Collection: The Airpump by Joseph Wright

The Airpump by Joseph Wright
The Air Pump by Joseph Wright (1734-1797). This artwork was painted in 1768. Its full title is An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Celestial mechanics, medieval artwork

Celestial mechanics, medieval artwork
Celestial mechanics. Coloured historical artwork depicting a medieval pilgrim looking out from the sky (blue) to see the mechanics of the heavens (upper left)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Carl Sagan, US astronomer

Carl Sagan, US astronomer
Carl Edward Sagan (1934-1996), US astronomer and astrochemist. Sagan was a consultant and adviser to NASA, and worked on the Apollo mission, as well as the Mariner, Viking, Voyager

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician

Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and occultist

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Immanuel Kant, caricature

Immanuel Kant, caricature
Immanuel Kant. Caricature of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). Kant published various influential philosophical works on the natural sciences, particularly geophysics and astronomy

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Meteor shower over the Mississippi River, 1833

Meteor shower over the Mississippi River, 1833
Remarkable meteor shower over the Mississippi River, 1833. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician

Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, theologian and occultist

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Two Men Contemplating the Moon, ca. 1825-30. Creator: Caspar David Friedrich

Two Men Contemplating the Moon, ca. 1825-30. Creator: Caspar David Friedrich
Two Men Contemplating the Moon, ca. 1825-30

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Edwin Hubble, US astronomer C008 / 8831

Edwin Hubble, US astronomer C008 / 8831
Edwin Hubble. Caricature of the US astronomer, cosmologist, athlete and boxer Edwin Powell Hubble (1889-1953) smoking a pipe

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PTOLEMY, Claudius Ptolemaeus ( c. AD 100 - c

PTOLEMY, Claudius Ptolemaeus ( c. AD 100 - c
" PTOLEMY, Claudius Ptolemaeus ( c. AD 100 - c. AD 170). Egyptian astronomer, mathematician and geographer. Map of the Ancient World. From the work " Ptolomeus Geographicorum Libri"

Background imageAstronomer Collection: JOHN FLAMSTEED, c. 1700. Royal astronomer John Flamsteed, his one paid assistant, and friend, Marsh

JOHN FLAMSTEED, c. 1700. Royal astronomer John Flamsteed, his one paid assistant, and friend, Marsh, in the old observing room at the Greenwich Observatory, England. English color engraving, c. 1700

Background imageAstronomer Collection: James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish physicist

James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish physicist
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Scottish physicist. Maxwells works cover a wide area of science, and he is regarded as one of the finest minds of the 19th century

Background imageAstronomer Collection: John Dee and Edward Kelly

John Dee and Edward Kelly
John Dee, English alchemist, mathematician and astrologer, with his assistant Edward Kelly, medium, alchemist and sorcerer

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PSCI2A-00011

Isaac Newton using a prism to analyze the colors in a ray of light. Hand-colored engraving of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, astronomer and physicist, (19th century). Artist: Freeman

Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, astronomer and physicist, (19th century). Artist: Freeman
Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician, astronomer and physicist, (19th century). Newtons (1643-1727) discoveries were prolific and exerted a huge influence on science and thought

Background imageAstronomer Collection: GAUSS, Karl Friedrich (1777-1855)

GAUSS, Karl Friedrich (1777-1855). German mathematician, physicist and astronomer. Portrait of Carl Friederich Gauss. Engraving

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Christmas star as planetary conjunction

Christmas star as planetary conjunction. Artwork of a possible Christmas Star in the night sky of the year 7 BC. Traces of the planetary conjunction of Jupiter

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer

Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) observing a lunar eclipse in Rome, Italy, in 1500. Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who studied in both Poland and Italy

Background imageAstronomer Collection: William A. Doberck, Danish astronomer

William A. Doberck, Danish astronomer
William A. Doberck (1852-1941), Danish astronomer. Doberck became the first director of the Hong Kong Observatory from its foundation in 1883 until 1907

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Schiaparellis two hemispheres of the planet Mars

Schiaparellis two hemispheres of the planet Mars
The two hemispheres of the planet Mars as drawn by the Italian astronomer and historian of science, Giovanni Schiaparelli

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Portrait of Dr Jesse Greenstein

Portrait of Dr Jesse Greenstein
Portrait of Dr. Jesse Greenstein, an astronomer at Caltech and Mt. Palomar Observatory. The photograph was taken in June 1981

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Kepler with Rudolf II

Kepler with Rudolf II
JOHANNES KEPLER German astronomer with Rudolf II

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PHASES OF THE MOON, 1534. Woodcut designed by Hans Holbein the Younger from Sebastian

PHASES OF THE MOON, 1534. Woodcut designed by Hans Holbein the Younger from Sebastian Munsters Canones super novum instrumentum luminarium, Basel, Switzerland, 1534

Background imageAstronomer Collection: HYNEK, 1966

HYNEK, 1966
J ALLEN HYNEK American astronomer and UFO investigator, at a press conference regarding the 1966 Hillsdale sightings which he attributes to marsh gas

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Einstein and Eddington, 1930

Einstein and Eddington, 1930
Einstein and Eddington. German-born physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955), at left, was famous for his theories of relativity

Background imageAstronomer Collection: World map by Claudius Ptolemy (90-168). Engraving, 16th cent

World map by Claudius Ptolemy (90-168). Engraving, 16th cent
Claudius Ptolemy (90-168) Greco-Egyptian geographer. World map. Engraving, 16th century

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543) Astronomer. Orbes Celeste

Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543) Astronomer. Orbes Celeste
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated an heliocentric model of the universe which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center

Background imageAstronomer Collection: George Calver, English instrument maker

George Calver, English instrument maker
George Calver (1834-1927) English scientific instrument maker. Calvers interest in astronomy began in childhood when his local clergyman showed him a reflecting telescope

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Andrew Ainslie Common, British Astronomer

Andrew Ainslie Common, British Astronomer
Andrew Ainslie Common (1841-1903) British astronomer. Common used photographic techniques to make observations, and his photograph of the Orion Nebula, taken in 1883

Background imageAstronomer Collection: GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642). Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist. Under house arrest

GALILEO GALILEI (1564-1642). Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist. Under house arrest. Mezzotint, 19th century, after a painting, c1820, by Jean Antoine Laurent

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer C017 / 7118

Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer C017 / 7118
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Johannes Kepler, German astronomer C017 / 7113

Johannes Kepler, German astronomer C017 / 7113
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), German astronomer, holding a divider used to plot distances. Kepler devised three fundamental laws of planetary motion

Background imageAstronomer Collection: HIPPARCHUS (146-127 BC). Greek astronomer. Hipparchus observing the stars

HIPPARCHUS (146-127 BC). Greek astronomer. Hipparchus observing the stars. 19th century line engraving

Background imageAstronomer Collection: EARTH / UNIVERSE ALLEGORY. An allegorical representation of the microcosm, or Earth

EARTH / UNIVERSE ALLEGORY. An allegorical representation of the microcosm, or Earth, and the macrocosm
EARTH/UNIVERSE ALLEGORY. An allegorical representation of the microcosm, or Earth, and the macrocosm, or the universe: German engraving, 1618

Background imageAstronomer Collection: MILTON VISITING GALILEO. John Milton visiting Galileo Galilei during Miltons Italian tour of

MILTON VISITING GALILEO. John Milton visiting Galileo Galilei during Miltons Italian tour of 1638-1639. Line engraving after a painting by Annibale Gatti

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PTOLEMY (2nd CENTURY A. D. ). Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician and geographer

PTOLEMY (2nd CENTURY A. D. ). Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician and geographer: colored line engraving, French
PTOLEMY (2nd CENTURY A.D.). Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician and geographer: colored line engraving, French, 1584

Background imageAstronomer Collection: ALLEGORY OF MERCURY, 1496. Personification of Mercury, the planet of science

ALLEGORY OF MERCURY, 1496. Personification of Mercury, the planet of science and the arts. Woodcut from Nicolas Le Rouges Le grand kalendrier des bergieres, Troyes, 1496

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Galileo and his daughter Maria Celeste

Galileo and his daughter Maria Celeste
Galilei Galileo (1564-1642), Italian physicist and astronomer, being guided by his daughter Maria Celeste (1600-1634), a nun

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Carl Friedrich Gauss

Carl Friedrich Gauss
Mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Digitally colored woodcut of a 19th-century portrait

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Royal Society endorsement of a lens-grinder, 1600s

Royal Society endorsement of a lens-grinder, 1600s
Opticians advertisement illustrated with Archimedes at a telescope, London, 1694. Hand-colored woodcut of a 17th-century illustration

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PSCI2A-00073

Greek astronomer Hipparchus mapping the stars over Alexandria, ancient Egypt. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Johannes Kepler

Johannes Kepler
JOHANNES KEPLER German astronomer

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Francis Baily

Francis Baily
FRANCIS BAILY - Eminent astronomer whose remarkable career opened with travels in wildest America, then a highly successful business career, before taking up astronomy. Date: 1774 - 1844

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson

Orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson.. Orrery built by British astronomer William Pearson. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry after a drawing by J. Farey Jr

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Issac Newton, English physicist

Issac Newton, English physicist
Isaac Newton. Engraving of the English physicist, mathematician and alchemist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). As a mathematician Newton discovered the binomial theorem and developed differential

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Tycho Brahe - Astronomer

Tycho Brahe - Astronomer

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Isaac Newton - English physicist, astronomer, mathematician

Isaac Newton - English physicist, astronomer, mathematician
Isaac Newton (1642-1727). English physicist, astronomer and mathematician. Opuscula Mathematica, Philosophica et Philologica. Volume I: Mathematica

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Portrait of Joseph Norman Lockyer

Portrait of Joseph Norman Lockyer
864684 Portrait of Joseph Norman Lockyer by Sambourne, Edward Linley (1844-1910); ( Joseph Norman Lockyer (1836-1920) English astronomer and spectroscopist born at Rugby, Warwickshire

Background imageAstronomer Collection: The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho)

The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho)
2798364 The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho) by Beltrame, Achille (1871-1945); Private Collection; (

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Portrait of Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace (La Place) (1745-1827

Portrait of Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace (La Place) (1745-1827
JLJ4647172 Portrait of Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace (La Place) (1745-1827) Astronomer Painting by Paulin Guerin (1783-1855) 19th century Sun

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Amateur astronomy, computer artwork

Amateur astronomy, computer artwork
Amateur astronomy. Computer artwork of a silhouetted amateur astronomer using a telescope to view the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a band of stars in the night sky that is a view of our own spiral

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Marcus Manilius, Roman astronomer

Marcus Manilius, Roman astronomer. This woodcut was made by Albrecht Durer in 1515. Manilius was a Roman author. He wrote a book called Astronomica around the year AD15

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Eratosthenes


Background imageAstronomer Collection: Thomas Wright, British astronomer

Thomas Wright, British astronomer
Thomas Wright (1711-86), British astronomer. Wright was born at Byers Green in northern England. In 1730 he set up a school at which he taught mathematics and navigation

Background imageAstronomer Collection: TURKISH ASTRONOMERS. Astronomers in the Istanbul observatory

TURKISH ASTRONOMERS. Astronomers in the Istanbul observatory. Ottoman manuscript illumination, late 16th century

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PSCI2A-00097

Ptolemys earth-centered cosmological system, explained by Muller, 1400s. Hand-colored 19th century woodcut reproduction of the 1543 edition

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PSCI2A-00005

William Herschel and his sister Caroline at their telescope, 1700s. Hand-colored halftone of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PSCI2A-00010

Galileo attempting to defend his belief in the heliocentric solar system before the Inquisition in Rome, 1633. Hand colored halftone of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Greenwich Observatory

Greenwich Observatory
Astronomers taking sightings from the old observing-room at Greenwich, England. Hand-colored engraving

Background imageAstronomer Collection: PBLA2R-00002

Benjamin Banneker. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier portrait, digitally retouched

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Astronomy / 16th Century

Astronomy / 16th Century
A German astronomer and cosmographer, at work on a globe with his compasses

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Alexandria Observatory

Alexandria Observatory
Alexandria observatory : an astronomer using a pre- telescopic sighting instrument

Background imageAstronomer Collection: The Royal Society (engraving)

The Royal Society (engraving)
1046913 The Royal Society (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( The Royal Society, a Portrait Group of some of the Most Distinguished Fellows)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Claude Ptolemy (ca. 100 - ca. 170), Greek scholar and astronomer

Claude Ptolemy (ca. 100 - ca. 170), Greek scholar and astronomer
XEE4403713 Claude Ptolemy (ca. 100 - ca. 170), Greek scholar and astronomer, in the Alexandria Observatory (Egypt). Barcelona 1877

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Urania, the Muse of Astronomy represented in front of Argus, holding a telescope

Urania, the Muse of Astronomy represented in front of Argus, holding a telescope
GIA4709988 Urania, the Muse of Astronomy represented in front of Argus, holding a telescope. They weigh and compare the system of Copernicus (left)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Sir Arthur Eddington, British astronomer, physicist and mathematician (b / w photo)

Sir Arthur Eddington, British astronomer, physicist and mathematician (b / w photo)
6014962 Sir Arthur Eddington, British astronomer, physicist and mathematician (b/w photo) by English Photographer, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Sir Arthur Eddington (1882-1944)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630). German mathematician

Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630). German mathematician and astronomer. Portrait. Litography. SPAIN. Madrid. National Library

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Issac Newton and the apple, artwork

Issac Newton and the apple, artwork
Issac Newton and the apple, computer artwork

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Soviet satellite monitoring, 1958

Soviet satellite monitoring, 1958
Soviet satellite monitoring. Telescopes being used, in 1958, by Soviet astronomers, to monitor a satellite as it passes overhead

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Galileo Galilei, Italian physicist and astronomer

Galileo Galilei, Italian physicist and astronomer
Galileo Galilei. Engraving of Galileo Galilei(1564-1642), Italian astronomer and physicist. In1610 he became the first person to use a telescopefor astronomical studies

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Jeremiah Horrocks

Jeremiah Horrocks
JEREMIAH HORROCKS English astronomer

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Lorgues / Marchena Works

Lorgues / Marchena Works
Antonio de Marchena, friar and astronomer, who advised Columbus

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Astronomy / Greenwich 1911

Astronomy / Greenwich 1911
GREENWICH OBSERVATORY The Astronomer Royal, Mr Frank Dyson, taking a reading with an altazimuth (a theodolite for determining the altitudes and azimuths of the heavens)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Astronomer-priests

Astronomer-priests of Chaldea observe stars from the Tower of Babylon (Babel)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Nicolas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543), Polish astronomer

Nicolas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543), Polish astronomer
XEE4405035 Nicolas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543), Polish astronomer, observing a moon eclipse in Rome.From " La Ciencia y sus Hombres by Louis Figuier"

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Science and Islam: 'description of the astronomical observatory of the Arab

Science and Islam: "description of the astronomical observatory of the Arab
LRI4661302 Science and Islam: " description of the astronomical observatory of the Arab scientist Taqi al-Din (Taqi al Din or Takiyuddin) (1526-1585) built under Murad III in Istanbul in 1577

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Portrait of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) (oil on canvas)

Portrait of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) (oil on canvas)
BAT237843 Portrait of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) (oil on canvas) by Sustermans, Justus (1597-1681) (school of); Galleria Palatina & Appartamenti Reali di Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Tuscany

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Ulugh Beg, also known as Mirzo Ulugbek, statue, at Ulugh Beg Observatory, Samarkand

Ulugh Beg, also known as Mirzo Ulugbek, statue, at Ulugh Beg Observatory, Samarkand
Uzbekistan, Samarkand, Ulugh Beg, also known as Mirzo Ulugbek, statue, at Ulugh Beg Observatory

Background imageAstronomer Collection: John Couch Adams (1819-1892), Artist Unknown

John Couch Adams (1819-1892), Artist Unknown
Oil on canvas, English School, 19th century. John Couch Adams was born in 1819 on a farm in Laneast, near Launceston. From an early age he was fascinated by astronomy

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Declaration of Universal Suffrage for every adult male in France by the Provisional French

Declaration of Universal Suffrage for every adult male in France by the Provisional French Government of 1848 (print)
CHT263026 Declaration of Universal Suffrage for every adult male in France by the Provisional French Government of 1848 (print) by French School

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Nikolaus Copernicus, 1930 (copper engraving)

Nikolaus Copernicus, 1930 (copper engraving)
8915372 Nikolaus Copernicus, 1930 (copper engraving) by Comerio, Agostino (1784-1834); Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria; ( Copernicus, Nikolaus)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Ptolemaeer-Kameo, 1820 (lithograph)

Ptolemaeer-Kameo, 1820 (lithograph)
8914783 Ptolemaeer-Kameo, 1820 (lithograph) by Fendi, Peter (1796-1842); Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria; ( Ptolemaeer-Kameo, lithograph in black and 3 colours (blue)

Background imageAstronomer Collection: Franz Anton Mesmer, 1930 (etching)

Franz Anton Mesmer, 1930 (etching)
8915809 Franz Anton Mesmer, 1930 (etching) by Desrais, Claude Louis (1746-1816); Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria; ( Mesmer, Franz Anton)

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"A Journey Through Time and Space: Exploring the World of an Astronomer" Step into the captivating world of astronomy, where celestial mechanics intertwine with medieval artwork. Just like Joseph Wright's masterpiece "The Orrery, " astronomers unravel the mysteries of the universe through meticulous observations and calculations. Carl Sagan, a renowned US astronomer, once said, "We are made of star stuff. " This sentiment echoes in Wright's painting "The Airpump, " as scientists tirelessly seek to understand our cosmic origins. In Caspar David Friedrich's enchanting artwork "Two Men Contemplating the Moon, " we witness astronomers immersed in deep thought, contemplating the vastness of space and their place within it. Such introspection has been shared by great minds throughout history. One such mind was John Flamsteed, England's royal astronomer in the 18th century. In his old observing room at Greenwich Observatory, Flamsteed collaborated with his trusted assistant Marsh to unlock astronomical secrets that would shape our understanding for centuries to come. Nature often surprises us with breathtaking displays like meteor showers over rivers. The awe-inspiring sight captured in "Meteor shower over the Mississippi River" reminds us why astronomers dedicate their lives to studying these celestial phenomena. No discussion on astronomy is complete without mentioning Sir Isaac Newton. This English mathematician revolutionized our understanding of gravity and planetary motion through his groundbreaking work on celestial mechanics. Looking further back in time, we encounter John Dee and Edward Kelly—an intriguing duo who explored both astrology and alchemy during Elizabethan England. Their pursuits laid some foundations for future astronomical discoveries. Freeman's artistic portrayal brings Sir Isaac Newton back to life—a figure whose contributions continue to inspire generations even today. His profound impact on mathematics, astronomy, and physics cannot be overstated. Lastly but certainly not least is Edwin Hubble—US astronomer extraordinaire—who forever changed our perception of the cosmos by proving that galaxies exist beyond our Milky Way.

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