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Anthropology Collection

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Sensory homunculus

Sensory homunculus
This model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its sensory perception

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France

Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France
Stone-age cave paintings. Artwork depicting various animals painted on the wall of a cave

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Lascaux II cave painting replica C013 / 7378

Lascaux II cave painting replica C013 / 7378
Lascaux II replica of a Lascaux cave painting. These are deer and auroch figures in the Great Hall of the Bulls. The original Lascaux cave was closed to the public in 1963

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Miyajima Island Park, Japan

Miyajima Island Park, Japan Japan Miyajima isle. Date of Photograph:1866-1890

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France

Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France
Stone-age cave paintings. Artwork depicting various animals painted on the wall of a cave

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Cave of the hands, Argentina

Cave of the hands, Argentina
Olympus Digital Camera

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France

Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France
Stone-age cave paintings. Artwork of horses painted on the wall of a cave

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Motor homunculus

Motor homunculus
This model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its movement

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Hominid crania

Hominid crania
L to R: Australopithecus africanus; Homo rudolfensis; H.erectus; H. heildebergensis; H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stages in human evolution

Stages in human evolution
Human evolution. Illustration showing stages in the evolution of humans

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France

Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France
Stone-age cave paintings. Artwork depicting various animals painted on the wall of a cave

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Zanjueelah, the boatman of the rapids, pub. 1865. Creator: Thomas Baines (1820-75)

Zanjueelah, the boatman of the rapids, pub. 1865. Creator: Thomas Baines (1820-75)
Zanjueelah, the boatman of the rapids, from The Victoria Falls, Zambezi River, pub. 1865 (colour lithographgraph)

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Portrait of a young Chinese man eating rice

Portrait of a young Chinese man eating rice China Shanghai. Date of Photograph:1900 ca

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France

Stone-age cave paintings, Chauvet, France
Stone-age cave paintings. Artwork of fighting rhinoceroses painted on the wall of a cave

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Lascaux II cave painting replica C013 / 7382

Lascaux II cave painting replica C013 / 7382
Lascaux II replica of a Lascaux cave painting. These are horse and cow figures in the central gallery. The original Lascaux cave was closed to the public in 1963

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)

Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)
A cast of the partial skeleton (nicknamed Lucy) of Australopithecus afarensis found at the Hadar, North East Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Laetoli fossil footprints

Laetoli fossil footprints. Artwork showing the Laetoli footprints that were preserved in volcanic ash deposits around 3.5 million years ago. They were discovered in 1976 in Laetoli, Tanzania

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Venus of Willendorf, Stone Age figurine

Venus of Willendorf, Stone Age figurine, rear view. Discovered in 1908 near Willendorf, Austria, this 11-centimetre-tall limestone figurine dates from around 23, 000 years ago

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Mursi tribe

Mursi tribe
Africa, Ethiopia, Debub Omo Zone, woman of the Mursi tribe. A nomadic cattle herder ethnic group located in Southern Ethiopia, close to the Sudanese border. Two Mursi men with bodypaint

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Trail of Laetoli footprints

Trail of Laetoli footprints
Trail of hominid footprints fossilized in volcanic ash. This 70 metre trail was found by Mary Leakeys expedition at Laetoli, Tanzania in 1978

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)

Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1) (Lucy)
A partial skeleton (nicknamed Lucy) of Australopithecus afarensis found at the Hadar, North East Ethiopia in 1974 by Donald Johanson

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Prehistoric spear-thrower

Prehistoric spear-thrower. Artwork of how a spear-thrower (or atlatl) is used to throw a feathered dart. At top and centre, the dart is loaded. At bottom, it is being thrown

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Trundholm Sun Chariot

Trundholm Sun Chariot
The Trundholm Sun Chariot is a late Nordic branze Age artifact discovered in Denmark that has been interpreted as a dispiction of the sun being pulled by a mare that may have relation to later Norse

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Venus of Brassempouy

Venus of Brassempouy
The Venus of Brassempouy carved out of ivory some 18, 000 years ago and discovered in Brassempouy, France

Background imageAnthropology Collection: The Makapansgat Pebble

The Makapansgat Pebble
Three-million-year-old Makapansgat Pebble from South Africa. Perhaps the most ancient art object in the world. It is said to have been carried over a distance of four kilometers by Australopithecus

Background imageAnthropology Collection: 1775 Captain James Cook explorer

1775 Captain James Cook explorer
James Cook, Captain of HMS Barc Endeavour (b. 7th November 1728 - d. 14th February 1779). Steel engraving by E. Scriven 1833 with later hand colouring, after the painting by N

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecus and the Rhodesian Man

Australopithecus and the Rhodesian Man
Reconstructed: Australopithecus and the Rhodesian Man

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Neanderthal spear point

Neanderthal spear point
A spear point once belonging to that of Neanderthal Man (Homo neanderthalensis). This specimen was discovered in Gorhams Cave, Gibraltar

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Paranthropus boisei (Zinjanthropus) cranium (OH5)

Paranthropus boisei (Zinjanthropus) cranium (OH5)
Cast of the cranium of a young male of Paranthropus boisei discovered by Mary Leakey in 1959 at Olduvai Gorge

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Homo neanderthalensis in action at Swanscombe, UK

Homo neanderthalensis in action at Swanscombe, UK
An illustration by Angus McBride showing a group of Homo neanderthalensis on the ancient banks of the river Thames in modern day Swanscombe, Kent

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Standing stones

Standing stones. This is Castlerigg Stone Circle, Cumbria, England. It is on the level top of a hill in the Lake District

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Avebury ring

Avebury ring, aerial photograph. The circles of standing stones and the henge (ditch) at Avebury date from about 2500 BC

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Callanish stone circle

Callanish stone circle. This neolithic stone circle is situated near Callanish, on Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides. The site dates from around between 2900 and 2600 BC

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Female Australopithecus africanus

Female Australopithecus africanus, artists impression. A. Africanus was a bipedal hominid that lived between 3.5 and 2 million years ago

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Footprints and skeleton of Lucy

Footprints and skeleton of Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis). The fossilised bones of the A. afarensis specimen known as Lucy are superimposed over footprints made by the same species. A

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Homo heidelbergensis

Homo heidelbergensis. Artists impression of two male H. heidelbergensis hominids which lived between 600, 000 and 250, 000 years ago in the Pleistocene era

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Scimitar cat attacking a hominid

Scimitar cat attacking a hominid, artists impression

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Sahelanthropus tchadensis skull

Sahelanthropus tchadensis skull. Artwork of a reconstruction of the Toumai skull, one of only a small number of fossils of the hominin Sahelanthropus tchadensis

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Artwork of the stages in human evolution

Artwork of the stages in human evolution
Human evolution. Illustration showing stages in the evolution of humans

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Richard Dawkins, British science writer

Richard Dawkins, British science writer
Richard Dawkins. Caricature of the British ethnologist, evolutionary biologist and controversial author Richard Dawkins (born 1941) holding one of his books

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Cave painting of a mammoth, artwork

Cave painting of a mammoth, artwork
Cave painting of a mammoth. Artwork of a prehistoric cave drawing from the cave of Font-de Gaume, in the Dordogne region of France. It shows a mammoth (Elephas primigenius)

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Modern Neanderthal, conceptual image

Modern Neanderthal, conceptual image. Computer artwork representing what a Neanderthal might have looked like today had the species survived

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecus afarensis, artwork

Australopithecus afarensis, artwork
Australopithecus afarensis. Artwork of a female Australopithecus afarensis hominid with her child. This hominid lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Hall of Man sculptures by Malvina Hoffman

Hall of Man sculptures by Malvina Hoffman
Double page spread from The Illustrated London News featuring editorial and photographs relating to the range of sculptures by the American female sculptor, Malvina Hoffman

Background imageAnthropology Collection: 1894 Haeckel Pithecanthropus ape man crop

1894 Haeckel Pithecanthropus ape man crop
Pithecanthropus europeaus alalus (european speechless ape-man) by Gabriel Max, 1894

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Men-an-tol standing stones

Men-an-tol standing stones. This formation of standing stones is thought to be the remains of a Neolithic burial chamber, with the circular shaped stone forming the entrance

Background imageAnthropology Collection: The Falls by Sunrise with the spray cloud rising 1, 200 feet, pub. 1865. Creator

The Falls by Sunrise with the spray cloud rising 1, 200 feet, pub. 1865. Creator
The Falls by Sunrise with the spray cloud rising 1, 200 feet, from The Victoria Falls, Zambezi River, pub. 1865 (colour lithographgraph). T. Baines delt_T. Picken, lith

Background imageAnthropology Collection: A Cannibal Feast, Charles E Gordon Frazer

A Cannibal Feast, Charles E Gordon Frazer
A Cannibal Feast on the island of Tanna in the New Hebrides, by Charles E Gordon Frazer (1863-1899)

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Homo habilis in action

Homo habilis in action
An illustration by Angus McBride showing Homo habilis using tools to kill an Antelope. Homo habilis lived in East Africa between 1.6 and 2 million years ago

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Cave painting, artwork

Cave painting, artwork
Cave painting. Artwork of human figures painted on the wall of a cave, including scenes of cooking, drinking, fighting, and social interaction

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Costumes de Différents Pays, Femme de l'Isle de Lemnos

Costumes de Différents Pays, Femme de l'Isle de Lemnos
Costumes de Differents Pays, Femme de l'Isle de Lemnos, c1797

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Samurai in front of the Satsuma palace in Edo, now Tokyo, Japan

Samurai in front of the Satsuma palace in Edo, now Tokyo, Japan Japan Tokyo. Date of Photograph:1863-1877

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Cleopatras obelisk or needle and the great sphinx of Giza

Cleopatras obelisk or needle and the great sphinx of Giza.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Homo heidelbergensis skull and face

Homo heidelbergensis skull and face of a male, artists impression. H. heidelbergensis lived between 600, 000 and 250, 000 years ago in the Pleistocene era

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Lyall Watson, South African scientist and author

Lyall Watson, South African scientist and author
Lyall Watson (1939-2008), South African botanist, zoologist, biologist, anthropologist, ethnologist and author

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stone Age carving, Magdalenian culture C014 / 2411

Stone Age carving, Magdalenian culture C014 / 2411
Stone Age carving, Magdalenian culture. This object, carved from reindeer antler, shows a bison turning its head, possibly to lick an insect bite

Background imageAnthropology Collection: South American cannibals, 16th century

South American cannibals, 16th century
South American cannibals. 16th-century artwork of indigenous people of South American dismembering and roasting their slain enemies

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecine or Homo habilis foot (OH8) cast

Australopithecine or Homo habilis foot (OH8) cast
Cast of a near complete foot (OH 8) from an Australopthecus or Homo habilis discovered at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania by Louis Leakey in 1960. It dates back to 1.75 million years ago

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Homo erectus, Java Man cranium (Sangiran 17) cast

Homo erectus, Java Man cranium (Sangiran 17) cast
Lateral view of partially reconstructed cranium of Homo erectus Java Man about 700, 000 years old known as Sangiran 17. Discovered by Towikromo in 1969

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Hylobates sp. Pongo pygmaeus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gori

Hylobates sp. Pongo pygmaeus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gori
Gibbon, orangutan, chimpanzee, gorilla and human. Evidence as to Mans Place in Nature. Illustration published in Mans Place in Nature, Vol. 7 from a collection of essays by Thomas Henry Huxley, 1863

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecus afarensis

Australopithecus afarensis
Illustration by Maurice Wilson of extinct African hominids (Australopithecus afarensis) living 3-4 million years ago. They walked upright, although they retained the ability to climb trees

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Homo heidelbergensis in action

Homo heidelbergensis in action
A reconstructed scene by Angus McBride showing Homo erectus killing an elephant. Homo heidelbergensis lived for about 1.5 million years and is believed to have used sophisticated tools

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Artwork of four apes, 1874

Artwork of four apes, 1874
Historical artwork of four great apes. These four apes are catarrhines, an infraorder which includes the apes and Old World monkeys

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Cave painting: Kondusi stick dance, Tanzania

Cave painting: Kondusi stick dance, Tanzania
Kondusi stick dance. Reproduction of an African painting depicting the Kondusi stick dance. The stylized figures wielding sticks wear bushy head- dresses or hair-styles

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Female Homo habilis

Female Homo habilis. Artists impression of a female Homo habilis holding her young and plucking fruit from a tree. H

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Model of Lucy

Model of Lucy, a young female Australopithecus afarensis hominid. The model was created from a cast of Lucys bones, and exhibited at the Kenya National Museum, Nairobi, Kenya

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Australopithecus boisei

Australopithecus boisei. Artists impression of the skull and head of an Australopithecus boisei, a hominid that lived in Africa between about 2.3 to 1.3 million years ago

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Stephen Gould, US palaeontologist

Stephen Gould, US palaeontologist
Stephen Gould. Caricature of the US palaeontologist, evolutionary biologist, science historian and author Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002) holding a collection of his essays called The Pandas Thumb

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Wild West covered wagons

Wild West covered wagons. Simulated old photograph of covered wagons on the Oregon trail. Covered wagons, or Prairie schooners, are icons of the American Old West

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Princess Nirgidma visits Citroen Central Asian Expedition

Princess Nirgidma visits Citroen Central Asian Expedition
Princess Palta (Nirgidma), Princess of the Torghuts, a nomadic people in Central Asia visits the Citroen Central Asian Anthropological Expedition (3rd Mission, led by Haardt) at Ouroumtsi

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Tableau synoptic des traits physionomiques: pour servir a l etude du '

Tableau synoptic des traits physionomiques: pour servir a l etude du " portrait parle", ca. 1909

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Georgian store, and Circassian and Ingush man

Georgian store, and Circassian and Ingush man.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Reconstruction of Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus) based on skull cap, thigh bone

Reconstruction of Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus) based on skull cap, thigh bone and 2 back teeth discovered in Pliocene fossil beds in Trinil, Central Java, by Dr Eugene Dubois in 1894

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Southern Africa - San Bushmen rock painting

Southern Africa - San Bushmen rock painting
Bushmen (San) paintings from South Afrca, depicting animals (mostly eland antelope) from Masitisi, Basutoland and a small doll representing a bushman. Date: circa 1910s

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Cave painting of a boar, artwork

Cave painting of a boar, artwork
Cave painting of a boar

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Costumes de Différents Pays, Pr

Costumes de Différents Pays, Pr
Costumes de Differents Pays, Pr. Ministre des Ydoles de Congo, c1797

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Costumes de Différents Pays, Guerrier du Senegal

Costumes de Différents Pays, Guerrier du Senegal
Costumes de Differents Pays, Guerrier du Senegal, c1797

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Crying to the spirits, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis

Crying to the spirits, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis
Crying to the spirits, c1908. Hidatsa Indian (Yellow Owl?) standing in field, full-length, wearing fur robe, facing right

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Eagle Elk (He Xa Wan ba li), c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis

Eagle Elk (He Xa Wan ba li), c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis
Eagle Elk (He Xa Wan ba li), c1907. Head-and-shoulders portrait of Oglala man

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Japanese dancers shoulders

Japanese dancers shoulders Japan. Date of Photograph:1860-1870 ca

Background imageAnthropology Collection: Full-length portrait of a young woman of Varallo (Italy)

Full-length portrait of a young woman of Varallo (Italy). The girl, leaning against a low wall, wears the traditional costume with embroidered bodice

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"Unveiling the Tapestry of Human History: Exploring Anthropology through Time and Space" Embark on a captivating journey into the depths of human existence as we delve into anthropology, the study of our species' origins, development, and cultural diversity. From ancient cave paintings to fossil footprints, each artifact serves as a portal connecting us to our ancestors and shedding light on their lives. Step back in time with the Lascaux II cave painting replica C013/7378. Marvel at the intricate details etched by Stone-Age artists in Chauvet, France, transporting you to an era long gone. These vivid depictions offer glimpses into early human societies and their connection to nature. Venture further across continents to Argentina's Cave of the Hands—a mesmerizing display of prehistoric artistry. The handprints adorning its walls serve as a testament to humanity's desire for self-expression throughout history. It also unveils our physical evolution through hominid crania like Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1), affectionately known as Lucy. These fossilized remains provide invaluable insights into our ancestral lineage and shed light on how we evolved over millions of years. Follow in the footsteps—quite literally—of early humans along the Trail of Laetoli footprints. Preserved for eternity in volcanic ash, these imprints offer tangible evidence of bipedal locomotion among our distant relatives. As we explore anthropology's intricacies, we encounter not only artistic expressions but also scientific discoveries such as motor homunculus—an illustration mapping sensory perception onto specific brain regions. This revelation deepens our understanding of how humans interact with their surroundings. Delving deeper still reveals stages in human evolution that shaped who we are today—the gradual progression from primitive tools like prehistoric spear-throwers to complex civilizations that have flourished throughout time.

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