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Angela Rossi Bottione Collection

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Northern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum)

Northern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XL, Plate 30 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Northern Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum), Polypodiaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba), Liliaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1802-1806

Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba), Liliaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1802-1806
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XXXVII, Plate 108 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba), Liliaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Solanaceae, Green Cestrum or Green Poison Berry (Cestrum parqui l'Her)

Solanaceae, Green Cestrum or Green Poison Berry (Cestrum parqui l'Her)
DGA1260819 Solanaceae, Green Cestrum or Green Poison Berry (Cestrum parqui l'Her), Temperate greenhouse shrub with persistent leaves, native to tropical America, by Angela Rossi Bottione

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Asclepiadaceae, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

Asclepiadaceae, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)
DGA1260797 Asclepiadaceae, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa), Warm greenhouse plant with persistent leaves native to tropical Asia and Australia, by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolour

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Fabaceae

Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Fabaceae
DGA1260705 Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Fabaceae, shrub native to tropical Asia and Australia, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Nepal Cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis Hook)

Nepal Cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis Hook)
DGA1260695 Nepal Cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis Hook), Rosaceae, herbaceous perennial plant cultivated for flower beds and borders native to Himalayan regions, watercolour

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Asclepiadaceae, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

Asclepiadaceae, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLI, Plate 34 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Asclepiadaceae, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Tropical Hydrangea or Pink-Ball (Dombeya wallichii)

Tropical Hydrangea or Pink-Ball (Dombeya wallichii)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LIV Plate 24 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Tropical Hydrangea or Pink-Ball (Dombeya wallichii Daydon Jackson), Sterculiaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Convolvulaceae, Giant Potato (Ipomea insignis)

Convolvulaceae, Giant Potato (Ipomea insignis)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLV, Plate 14 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Convolvulaceae, Giant Potato (Ipomea insignis). Perennial plant native to tropical regions

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Winged-stem Passion Flower (Passiflora alata)

Winged-stem Passion Flower (Passiflora alata)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIX, Plate 32 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Passifloraceae, Winged-stem Passion Flower (Passiflora alata)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Golden Flax (Linum flavum), Linaceae

Golden Flax (Linum flavum), Linaceae
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XXXVIII, Plate 55 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Golden Flax (Linum flavum), Linaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Heteropteris chrysophylla (Malpighiaceae)

Heteropteris chrysophylla (Malpighiaceae)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIX, Plate 22 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Heteropteris chrysophylla (Malpighiaceae)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Cotyledon coccinea (Crassulaceae) by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837

Cotyledon coccinea (Crassulaceae) by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIII, Plate 18 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Cotyledon coccinea (Crassulaceae)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Scrophulariaceae, Canary Island Foxglove (Isoplexis canariensis)

Scrophulariaceae, Canary Island Foxglove (Isoplexis canariensis)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIII, Plate 69 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Scrophulariaceae, Canary Island Foxglove (Isoplexis canariensis)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Papaya (Carica papaya), Caricaceae

Papaya (Carica papaya), Caricaceae
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLII, Plate 59 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Papaya (Carica papaya), Caricaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia (Magnolia obovata Thunb)

Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia (Magnolia obovata Thunb)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLV, Plate 92 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia (Magnolia obovata Thunb), Magnoliaceae. Deciduous tree native to Japan

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Solanaceae, Green Cestrum or Green Poison Berry (Cestrum parqui l Her)

Solanaceae, Green Cestrum or Green Poison Berry (Cestrum parqui l Her)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLII, Plate 81 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Solanaceae, Green Cestrum or Green Poison Berry (Cestrum parqui l Her)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Mallow (Sphaeralcea umbellata Don)

Mallow (Sphaeralcea umbellata Don)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLV Plate 97 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Mallow (Sphaeralcea umbellata Don), Malvaceae. Tree or shrub for hedges native to Mexico

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: American hazelnut (Corylus americana Marsh)

American hazelnut (Corylus americana Marsh)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XL, Plate 34 by Angela Rossi Bottione, American hazelnut (Corylus americana Marsh), Betulaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Crane Flower or Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae Banks)

Crane Flower or Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae Banks)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LIV, Plate 80 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Crane Flower or Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae Banks), Strelitziaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Acanthaceae, Philippine violet (Barleria cristata)

Acanthaceae, Philippine violet (Barleria cristata)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LII, Plate 34 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Acanthaceae, Philippine violet (Barleria cristata)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Caprifoliaceae, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb)

Caprifoliaceae, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLV, Plate 82 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Caprifoliaceae, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb). Shrub native to Himalayan regions

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Asteraceae or Compositae, Pinnate Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)

Asteraceae or Compositae, Pinnate Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIV, Plate 20 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Asteraceae or Compositae, Pinnate Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Corncob Plant (Euphorbia mammillaris)

Corncob Plant (Euphorbia mammillaris)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIII, Plate 120 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Corncob Plant (Euphorbia mammillaris), Euphorbiaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Canadian white violet (Viola canadensis)

Canadian white violet (Viola canadensis)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LIII, Plate 8 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Violaceae, Canadian white violet (Viola canadensis)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Red Horse Chestnut (Aesculus carnea Hayne)

Red Horse Chestnut (Aesculus carnea Hayne)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LII, Plate 33 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Red Horse Chestnut (Aesculus carnea Hayne), Hippocastanaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Fuchsia-flowered Gooseberry (Ribes speciosum Pursh)

Fuchsia-flowered Gooseberry (Ribes speciosum Pursh)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LII, Plate 29 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Fuchsia-flowered Gooseberry (Ribes speciosum Pursh), Grossulariaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Gesnouinia arborea Gaudich (Urticaceae) by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837

Gesnouinia arborea Gaudich (Urticaceae) by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XL, Plate 34 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Gesnouinia arborea Gaudich (Urticaceae). Warm greenhouse evergreen shrub, native to Canary Islands

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Jacobs Rod (Asphodeline liburnica Reichb)

Jacobs Rod (Asphodeline liburnica Reichb)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XVI, Plate 44 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Jacobs Rod (Asphodeline liburnica Reichb), Liliaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Bigleaf or French Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

Bigleaf or French Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XXXVIII, Plate 44 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Bigleaf or French Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), Hydrangeaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Wild Laburnum (Calpurnia lasiogyne E)

Wild Laburnum (Calpurnia lasiogyne E)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLVII, Plate 27 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Wild Laburnum (Calpurnia lasiogyne E. Meyr.), Fabaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum anagyroides Medic)

Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum anagyroides Medic)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LII, Plate 68 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum anagyroides Medic.), Fabaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Mexican day flower or Blue spiderwort (Commelina coelestis)

Mexican day flower or Blue spiderwort (Commelina coelestis)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIII, Plate 4 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Mexican day flower or Blue spiderwort (Commelina coelestis), Commelinaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Lobeliaceae, Cardinal Flower (Lobelia fulgens Willd)

Lobeliaceae, Cardinal Flower (Lobelia fulgens Willd)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LI, Plate 114 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Lobeliaceae, Cardinal Flower (Lobelia fulgens Willd)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Cactus Geranium or Prickly Stemmed Pelargonium (Pelargonium echinatum)

Cactus Geranium or Prickly Stemmed Pelargonium (Pelargonium echinatum)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLVI, Plate 101 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Cactus Geranium or Prickly Stemmed Pelargonium (Pelargonium echinatum), Geraniaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Asteraceae or Compositae, Dense Blazing Star (Liatris spicata Willd)

Asteraceae or Compositae, Dense Blazing Star (Liatris spicata Willd)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LII, Plate 74 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Asteraceae or Compositae, Dense Blazing Star (Liatris spicata Willd)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Nepal Cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis Hook)

Nepal Cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis Hook)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LI, Plate 90 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Nepal Cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis Hook), Rosaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Asteraceae or Compositae, Incense Plant (Olearia moscata Hook)

Asteraceae or Compositae, Incense Plant (Olearia moscata Hook)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLI, Plate 49 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Asteraceae or Compositae, Incense Plant (Olearia moscata Hook)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Pitcairnia bromeliaefolia l Herit (Bromeliaceae) by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers

Pitcairnia bromeliaefolia l Herit (Bromeliaceae) by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LI, Plate 85 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Pitcairnia bromeliaefolia l Herit (Bromeliaceae)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Dutchmans Pipe (Aristolochia trilobata)

Dutchmans Pipe (Aristolochia trilobata)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLI, Plate 23 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Dutchmans Pipe (Aristolochia trilobata), Aristolochiaceae. Deciduous perennial plant

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Sweetshrub, Sweet Betsy (Calycanthus floridus)

Sweetshrub, Sweet Betsy (Calycanthus floridus)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XXXVIII, Plate 13 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Sweetshrub, Sweet Betsy (Calycanthus floridus), Calycanthaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Scrophulariaceae, Foxglove (Digitalis laevigata)

Scrophulariaceae, Foxglove (Digitalis laevigata)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIII, Plate 68 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Scrophulariaceae, Foxglove (Digitalis laevigata)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoides)

Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoides)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIII, Plate 57 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoides), Caryophyllaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Fabaceae

Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Fabaceae
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XX, Plate 10 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea), Fabaceae. Shrub native to tropical Asia and Australia

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm)

Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XXXIX Plate 44 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm.), Sapindaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Pineapple (Ananas comosus), Bromeliaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837

Pineapple (Ananas comosus), Bromeliaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIX, Plate 18 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Pineapple (Ananas comosus), Bromeliaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Oleaceae, Yellow Jasmine (Jasminum humile variety revolutum Kobuski)

Oleaceae, Yellow Jasmine (Jasminum humile variety revolutum Kobuski)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLV, Plate 2 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Oleaceae, Yellow Jasmine (Jasminum humile variety revolutum Kobuski)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Bristly Locust (Robinia hispida)

Bristly Locust (Robinia hispida)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LI, Plate 99 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Bristly Locust (Robinia hispida), Fabaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Spider Aloe (Aloe humilis), Liliaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837

Spider Aloe (Aloe humilis), Liliaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1812-1837
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XL, Plate 59 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Spider Aloe (Aloe humilis), Liliaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Sago palm (Cycas revoluta Thunb), Cycadaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1837

Sago palm (Cycas revoluta Thunb), Cycadaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolor, 1837
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LIV, Plate 14 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Sago palm (Cycas revoluta Thunb), Cycadaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis) Arecaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione

European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis) Arecaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLII, Plate 82 by Angela Rossi Bottione, European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis) Arecaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: African Lily (Agapanthus africanus Hoffmgg)

African Lily (Agapanthus africanus Hoffmgg)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XL, Plate 34 by Angela Rossi Bottione, African Lily (Agapanthus africanus Hoffmgg), Amaryllidaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Rattle Box or Rattle Bush (Daubentonia punicea)

Rattle Box or Rattle Bush (Daubentonia punicea)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIX, Plate 65 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Rattle Box or Rattle Bush (Daubentonia punicea), Fabaceae

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Scarlet Leadwort (Plumbago indica)

Scarlet Leadwort (Plumbago indica)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume LI, Plate 83 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Plumbaginaceae, Scarlet Leadwort (Plumbago indica). Shrub for flower beds

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Primrose (Primula cortusoides)

Primrose (Primula cortusoides)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLVII, Plate 48 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Primulaceae, Primrose (Primula cortusoides)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Spotted Laurel (Aucuba japonica)

Spotted Laurel (Aucuba japonica)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLI, Plate 61 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Cornaceae, Spotted Laurel (Aucuba japonica). Deciduous shrub for hedges, native to Japan

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Alpine Sea Holly (Eryngium alpinum)

Alpine Sea Holly (Eryngium alpinum)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Hillock Bush (Melaleuca hypericifolia)

Hillock Bush (Melaleuca hypericifolia)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLVI, Plate 21 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Myrtaceae, Hillock Bush (Melaleuca hypericifolia)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Crimson Bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus Stapf)

Crimson Bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus Stapf)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLVI, Plate 21 by Angela Rossi Bottione, Myrtaceae, Crimson Bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus Stapf)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera or Zygocactus truncatus Schum)

Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera or Zygocactus truncatus Schum)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLIX, Plate 10 by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers: Cactaceae, Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera or Zygocactus truncatus Schum)

Background imageAngela Rossi Bottione Collection: Hardy Begonia (Begonia evansiana)

Hardy Begonia (Begonia evansiana)
Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis. Volume XLI, Plate 72 by Angela Rossi Bottione: Begoniaceae, Hardy Begonia (Begonia evansiana)

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Angela Rossi Bottione was a talented artist known for her exquisite watercolor paintings of various plant species. Her attention to detail and vibrant use of colors brought these botanical specimens to life on paper. One of her notable works is the Northern Maidenhair Fern, a delicate fern belonging to the Polypodiaceae family. Angela captured its intricate fronds with precision, showcasing its graceful beauty. This particular piece was created between 1812-1837, demonstrating her dedication and patience in capturing nature's wonders. Another stunning creation by Angela is the Flame Lily, a member of the Liliaceae family. With its fiery red petals and unique shape, this flower exudes elegance and charm. Angela's watercolor rendition from 1802-1806 showcases her ability to capture the essence of this striking bloom. The Winged-stem Passion Flower is another masterpiece by Angela Rossi Bottione. Native to Peru, this climbing shrub boasts intricate blooms that are truly captivating. Through her brushstrokes in 1837, she immortalized its beauty on paper for all to admire. Angela also depicted the Golden Flax, an herbaceous perennial plant found in rocky gardens across Italy. Its bright yellow flowers add a splash of color amidst rugged landscapes. In her work from 1802-1806, she skillfully portrayed this resilient plant's allure through delicate strokes. Heteropteris chrysophylla is yet another botanical wonder that caught Angela's eye. This warm greenhouse evergreen shrub hails from Southern America and features vibrant foliage that adds interest to any garden setting. In 1837, she expertly captured its distinct characteristics using watercolors as her medium. Cotyledon coccinea is one more example of Angela Rossi Bottione's talent for portraying plants' intricacies through artistry. The Crassulaceae family member displays vivid red flowers against succulent leaves, creating a visually striking composition.

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