Andries Collection
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"Andries: A Multifaceted Artist and Historian" Step into the vibrant streets of Leadenhall Market, London in 1865 through the eyes Scheerboom. This talented artist captures the essence of bustling city life with his intricate brushstrokes. Transport yourself to a grand banquet held by the Amsterdam Civic Guard, where celebration fills the air. Andries immortalizes this momentous event, showcasing his ability to capture both opulence and camaraderie. In a black and white photograph titled "The Bechuana Rising, " Andries sheds light on rebellion led by Chief Galishwe. His lens reveals not only the rebel chief but also some of his loyal followers, providing a glimpse into their struggle for freedom. Andreas Vesalius takes center stage in two captivating artworks - one rendered as a chromolitho and another as an engraving. These masterpieces pay homage to Vesalius' groundbreaking contributions in anatomy, reminding us of our ever-evolving understanding of the human body. Delve into dark folklore with "Witches Preparing for Sabbath" by Andries Stock. The artist's vivid imagination brings forth an eerie scene that transports viewers back to ca. 1610 when witchcraft was shrouded in mystery and fear. Uncover historical truths with "COLONIALISM / DURBAN 1837. " Through this thought-provoking piece, Andries sheds light on colonialism's impact on Durban during that era – a reminder of past injustices we must confront today. Marvel at an exquisite harpsichord crafted by none other than Andries Ruckers himself. Adorned with Vernis Martin from the 18th century, this musical masterpiece showcases Ruckers' exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail. Gerard de Lairesse's painting "Dus deerlyk fneuvelde Kartagoos koningin?" captivates with its tragic depiction of Carthage's queen.