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Albert Morance Collection

"Exploring the Riches of Pompeii: The Captivating World of Albert Morance" Step into the Museum of Naples and be mesmerized by the vibrant colored stucco from Pompeii

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples

Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples. Stuc colorie, Musee de Naples

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii

Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Serpent under two household gods Lars either side of a guardian Genius loci. Fourth Pompeian Style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Lararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules, Pompeii

Lararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules, Pompeii
Lararium niche painting dedicated to Hercules in an annex (Casa del Cenacolo, V.2.h) to the.House of the Silver Wedding, Region V.2.i. Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Decorative railing (below)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Decorative candlelabrae and column of enamel mosaic, Pompeii

Decorative candlelabrae and column of enamel mosaic, Pompeii
Decorative candlelabrae in the Fourth Pompeian Style (1, 3) and column of enamel mosaic (2), Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Pompeii

Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Pompeii
Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Casa degli Scienziati, Pompeii. Fontaine de mosaique d'email du Vico dei Scienzati, Region VI.14.43

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, Pompeii

Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, Pompeii
Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, or Casa dell Orso Ferito, Pompeii. Fontaine de mosaique d'email de la maison de l'Ours, Region IV.2.45

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii

Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Oecus voute d'une maison de la rue de Stabies. Quatrieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii

Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Casa dei Vettii or Casa del Domus Vettiorum. Exedra de la maison de Vettii, Region VI.15.1. Quatrieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii

Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style. Casa del Centenario, Exedra de la maison du Centenaire, Region III.7.6. Quatrieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Frieze in a room in the Fourth Pompeian Style

Frieze in a room in the Fourth Pompeian Style, Pompeii. Wall panel below after Francois Mazois. Frise d'une chambre du quatrieme style, Region I.2.25

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: House of Tullius Faustus (left) and Popidius Priscus (right), Po

House of Tullius Faustus (left) and Popidius Priscus (right), Po
House of Tullius Faustus on the Strada della Fortuna (left), and house of Popidius Priscus (right), Pompeii, Chambre d'une maison situee rue de la Fortune, Region IV.4.62

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Exedra in the atrium, House of Siricus, Pompeii

Exedra in the atrium, House of Siricus, Pompeii
Exedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii. With paintings of Erato and other muses. Fourth Pompeian Style. Maison de Siricus, Region IV.I.47. Quatrieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian

Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style. From a specimen in French architect's Francois Mazois Les Ruines de Pompei. Debut du quatrieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii

Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style. Panneau provenant d'une maison situee dans la region III, ilot 7. Variete du troisieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Oecus or parlour in the House of M. Spurius Mesor. Pompeii

Oecus or parlour in the House of M. Spurius Mesor. Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples. Oecus de la maison de Spurius Mesor, Region VII.3.29. Au musee de Naples

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panels in the House of M. Epidi Sabini, Pompeii

Panels in the House of M. Epidi Sabini, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style. Panneaux d'une salle de la maison d'Epidius Sabinus, Region IX.1.22. Variete du troisieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii

Panel the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Details de l'un des panneaux de la maison de Jucundus. Troisieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Decorative motifs on wall paintings in Herculaneum

Decorative motifs on wall paintings in Herculaneum, Third Pompeian Style. Destroyed at the same time as Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon, Po

Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon, Pompeii, Third Pompeian Style. Panneau d'une salle de la maison de Laocoon, Region VI.14.30. Troisieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Tablinum in the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii

Tablinum in the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de Jucundus. Troisieme style. Region V.1.26

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii

Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Casa di Marco Lucrezio Frontone. Tablinum de la maison de Fronto, Region V.4. Troisieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii

Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Triclinium de la maison de l'Orphee ou de Vesonius Primus, Region VI.14.20. Style egyptisant

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style

Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Panneaux de l'edifice d'Eumachie. Style egyptisant

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana

Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana Piccola, Pompeii. End of the Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de la Petite Fontaine, Region VI.8.23. Fin du troisieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples

Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples. Second Pompeian Style. Panneau decoratif, conserve au musee de Naples. Deuxieme style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth. Casa del Labirin

Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth. Casa del Labirinto, Pompeii. Second Pompeian Style. Oecus, a murs creux, ayant probablement servi de salle chaude

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle

Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle Nozze d'Argento, Pompeii. Peristylium rhodien de la maison dite des Noces d'argent Region V.2

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio

Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio, Pompeii. With wall painting of Diana and Actaeon at right. First Pompeian Style. Peristylium de la maison de Salluste. Premier style

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples

Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples
6340182 Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Colored stucco from Pompeii in the Museum of Naples. Stuc colorie, Musee de Naples)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Oecus or parlour in the House of M

Oecus or parlour in the House of M
6340139 Oecus or parlour in the House of M by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Oecus or parlour in the House of M. Spurius Mesor. Pompeii. In the Museum of Naples)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth

Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth
6340098 Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Oecus or parlour in the House of the Labyrinth. Casa del Labirinto, Pompeii. Second Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle Nozze d Argento, Pompeii

Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle Nozze d Argento, Pompeii
6340095 Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding, Casa delle Nozze d Argento, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Rhodian peristyle of the House of the Silver Wedding)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Casa degli Scienziati, Pompeii

Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Casa degli Scienziati, Pompeii
6340172 Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists, Casa degli Scienziati, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Scientists)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii

Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii
6340163 Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Vaulted parlour in a house on the road to Stabiae, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: House of Tullius Faustus on the Strada della Fortuna (left)

House of Tullius Faustus on the Strada della Fortuna (left)
6340146 House of Tullius Faustus on the Strada della Fortuna (left), and house of Popidius Priscus (right), Pompeii, Chambre d une maison situee rue de la Fortune, Region IV by Gusman

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel the House of L

Panel the House of L
6340125 Panel the House of L by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Panel the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Details de l un des panneaux de la maison de Jucundus)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Tablinum in the House of L

Tablinum in the House of L
6340121 Tablinum in the House of L by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Tablinum in the House of L. Caecilius Jucundus, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style. Tablinum de la maison de Jucundus)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon

Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon
6340118 Panel in a room of the Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon, Pompeii, Third Pompeian Style by Gusman

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii

Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii
6340108 Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Panels in the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii. Egyptian style. Panneaux de l edifice d Eumachie)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii

Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii
6340180 Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Household lararium in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii

Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii
6340160 Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Exedra in the House of the Vetti, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii

Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii
6340153 Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Exedra in the House of the Centenary, Pompeii. Fourth Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style

Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style
6340143 Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Panel with unique dark blue from Pompeii, early Fourth Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Exedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii

Exedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii
6340150 Exedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Exedra in the atrium in the House of Siricus, Pompeii)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii

Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii
6340136 Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Panel from a house in Region III, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Panels in the House of M

Panels in the House of M
6340133 Panels in the House of M by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Panels in the House of M. Epidi Sabini, Pompeii. Variant of the Third Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii

Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii
6340113 Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Dining room in the Casa di Orfeo or House of Orpheus, Pompeii. Egyptian style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio, Pompeii (lithograph)

Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio, Pompeii (lithograph)
6340092 Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio, Pompeii (lithograph) by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Peristyle colonnade of the House of Sallust, Casa di Sallustio)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, or Casa dell Orso Ferito, Pompeii

Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, or Casa dell Orso Ferito, Pompeii
6340169 Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear, or Casa dell Orso Ferito, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Enamel mosaic fountain in the House of the Bear)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Decorative candlelabrae in the Fourth Pompeian Style (1)

Decorative candlelabrae in the Fourth Pompeian Style (1)
6340166 Decorative candlelabrae in the Fourth Pompeian Style (1, 3) and column of enamel mosaic (2), Pompeii by Gusman

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii

Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii
6340115 Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Tablinum in the House of Marcus Lucretius Fronto, Pompeii. Third Pompeian Style)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana Piccola, Pompeii

Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana Piccola, Pompeii
6340105 Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain, Casa della Fontana Piccola, Pompeii by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Tablinum of the House of the Small Fountain)

Background imageAlbert Morance Collection: Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples

Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples
6340103 Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples by Gusman, Pierre (1862-1941); ( Deocrative panel from Pompeii, conserved at the Museum of Naples)

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"Exploring the Riches of Pompeii: The Captivating World of Albert Morance" Step into the Museum of Naples and be mesmerized by the vibrant colored stucco from Pompeii. Each piece tells a story, transporting you back in time. Discover the opulence of Oecus or parlour in the House of M. Marvel at its intricate designs and imagine the gatherings that took place within these walls. Continue your journey to the House of the Labyrinth, where another exquisite Oecus awaits. Let yourself get lost in its beauty as you admire every detail carefully preserved through centuries. The Rhodian peristyle of Casa delle Nozze d'Argento, also known as the House of Silver Wedding, will leave you breathless. Its enchanting charm is enhanced by nature's touch, creating an oasis amidst ancient ruins. Witness true craftsmanship at its finest with an enamel mosaic fountain in Casa degli Scienziati, known as the House of Scientists. This masterpiece showcases both artistry and functionality. Immerse yourself in history as you step into a vaulted parlour on the road to Stabiae. Feel a sense of awe wash over you as you contemplate life during those times. Marvel at contrasting architectural styles when visiting houses like Tullius Faustus and Popidius Priscus on Strada della Fortuna. These neighboring homes offer glimpses into different eras side by side. Be captivated by panels adorning various structures throughout Pompeii - from Tablinum in House L to rooms within Casa di Laocoonte or House of Laocoon showcasing Third Pompeian Style artistry. Visit Building Eumachia to witness stunning panels that epitomize grandeur and elegance prevalent during ancient times – a testament to human creativity across generations. Finally, explore household larariums found within Vetti's house - offering insights into daily rituals and spiritual beliefs cherished by Pompeii's inhabitants.

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