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Alas Collection

"Alas, the mysteries of the universe unfold as Ufos hover over Yorkshire, England, leaving locals in awe and wonder

Background imageAlas Collection: Ufos / Yorkshire, England

Ufos / Yorkshire, England
Three flying saucers are photographed as they fly in formation over Yorkshire. Alas, the photo has since been proved to be a fake

Background imageAlas Collection: Studdy - Three newborn puppies slowly open their eyes

Studdy - Three newborn puppies slowly open their eyes
" Alas My Brothers! Tis a queer world to look upon." Three newborn puppies slowly open their eyes for the first time

Background imageAlas Collection: RICHARD BEAU NASH

RICHARD BEAU NASH The dandy in his younger days when Beau was an appropriate sobriquet : later, alas, he put on weight, despite the health-giving waters of Bath

Background imageAlas Collection: Saint Michael

Saint Michael
SAINT MICHAEL, the warrior angel, has weighed the devil in his scales and found him wanting; so now he raises his sword to slay him. Alas, Satan will not stay dead

Background imageAlas Collection: Glasgow Docks

Glasgow Docks
The new (in 1858) graving dock at Meadowside, Glasgow. The open country beyond is, alas, only a memory

Background imageAlas Collection: London / Queen Square

London / Queen Square
Queen Square, Bloomsbury, during its fashionable period - none of the original buildings now remain, alas

Background imageAlas Collection: Hedgehog (Bewick)

Hedgehog (Bewick)
erinaceus europeus also known as the Urchin This is the common hedgehog, much loved though, alas, too often the victim of motorists

Background imageAlas Collection: Rudolph Valentino

Rudolph Valentino in the role of a faun for a film version of L Apres-midi d un Faune which - alas ! - was never made 1923

Background imageAlas Collection: Ballet Dancer Robert Helpmann as Hamlet

Ballet Dancer Robert Helpmann as Hamlet
Ballet Dancer Robert Helpmann (1909-1986) as Hamlet - London, New Theatre - Old Vic Production. Date: circa 1942

Background imageAlas Collection: Maps Wrens London

Maps Wrens London
Christopher Wren seizes the opportunity of the Great Fire to draw up plans for a brave new London - which alas will be only partially realised. Date: 1666

Background imageAlas Collection: Lady Emily Foley

Lady Emily Foley
LADY EMILY FOLEY Alas, less well known to history than Emily Dickinson, Emily Faithfull or Dickenss Little Em ly

Background imageAlas Collection: Louis XVI does his Best

Louis XVI does his Best
Allegorical depiction of Louis XVI doing his best for his country, conferring with Justice, Economy, Truth and Religion : alas, they cannot save him from the guillotine. Date: 4 May 1789

Background imageAlas Collection: The Foreigner

The Foreigner
A sketch of a woman standing beside a stout man, was accompanied with a caption translated from French, You're hiding something from me, Zephyrin! Alas

Background imageAlas Collection: RODOLPHE SALIS PHOTO

RODOLPHE SALIS - French singer and artist, legendary Paris impresario of the Chat Noir cabaret, known for his fine posters : photographed in, alas, the year of his death. Date: 1851 - 1897

Background imageAlas Collection: CONJURING BACK BUFFALO

A Native American seeks to conjure back the buffalo. Alas, it's too late - they've been hunted to death, and there's nothing that magic can do about it. Date: 1892

Background imageAlas Collection: SEVERO & MECHANIC DIE

Brazilian Severo sinks his fortune in what he believes to be a foolproof dirigible : alas, it isn't, and he and his mechanic die when it crashes in the avenue de Maine, Paris. Date: May 1902

Background imageAlas Collection: SINGER GOES OUT SINGING

The last great, true note died away - a singer goes out singing (fiction, alas !) Date: 1895

Background imageAlas Collection: UZZIAH CONTRACTS LEPROSY

Uzziah, king of Judah, contracts leprosy, from which, alas, he will ultimately die in 783 BC Date: circa 790 BC

Background imageAlas Collection: Comic postcard, Teddy bear soldier with bearskin, Alas, my poor brother

Comic postcard, Teddy bear soldier with bearskin, Alas, my poor brother! Date: 20th century

Background imageAlas Collection: Alas, my poor little bride that was to be

Alas, my poor little bride that was to be - The Story of the Mikado by Ws Gilbert. 1921

Background imageAlas Collection: Hamlet and the Gravedigger (gravure)

Hamlet and the Gravedigger (gravure)
671904 Hamlet and the Gravedigger (gravure) by Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean (1852-1929); Private Collection; ( Hamlet and the Gravedigger)

Background imageAlas Collection: Hamlet. Act V, Scene I (gravure)

Hamlet. Act V, Scene I (gravure)
672014 Hamlet. Act V, Scene I (gravure) by Darley, Felix Octavius Carr (1822-88) (after); Private Collection; ( Hamlet. Act V, Scene I)

Background imageAlas Collection: 'Alas!'said she, 'Do not work so hard'(litho)

"Alas!"said she, "Do not work so hard"(litho)
2794929 " Alas!" said she, " Do not work so hard" (litho) by Copping, Harold (1863-1932); Private Collection; ( " Alas)

Background imageAlas Collection: 'Alas, how fiery, and how sharp he looks!'Comedy of Errors

"Alas, how fiery, and how sharp he looks!"Comedy of Errors
969860 " Alas, how fiery, and how sharp he looks

Background imageAlas Collection: Louis IX of France sets sail for the Holy Land which he hopes to reconquer; alas

Louis IX of France sets sail for the Holy Land which he hopes to reconquer; alas, he himself gets captured by the Saracens and has to be ransomed at great expense Date: 1248

Background imageAlas Collection: LUMLEYS ALMSHOUSES

A beautiful copperplate of the almshouses erected by Elizabeth, viscountess Lumley, in the pest house field at Shoreditch in 1672 but - alas - pulled down in 1822. Date: 1672 - 1822

Background imageAlas Collection: ANTI-BOER WAR DEMO

Demonstration against the Boer War in Trafalgar Square, London - but alas, the public and the government are not convinced Date: October 1899

Background imageAlas Collection: BOY CROP-MINDER

This boy is supposed to keep animals away from the crops by blowing his horn, but alas, he has allowed the cow to go into the meadow and the sheep into the cornfield ! Date: circa 1860

Background imageAlas Collection: Spill on a Rural Road

Spill on a Rural Road
The uneven surfaces of rural roads, interacting with the inherent instability of the bicycle, are, alas, apt to cause occasional regrettable mishaps such as this

Background imageAlas Collection: Ufos / Marquand

Ufos / Marquand
UFO photographed in broad daylight near Bakersfield, California; alas, the photographer subsequently confessed it was a hub-cap tossed into the air

Background imageAlas Collection: Gossip about Fairies 36

Gossip about Fairies 36
Children should be warned not to accept rides from strange magic horses - these unhappy kids are riding, alas, to a home neath the waves whence they are unlikely to return

Background imageAlas Collection: Alas, poor Yorick I knew him, Horatio Hamlet in the graveyard with Horatio and the clown

Alas, poor Yorick I knew him, Horatio Hamlet in the graveyard with Horatio and the clown, examines Yoricks skull. William Shakespeares Hamlet: Act V Sc I. Engraving published London c1850

Background imageAlas Collection: C J M Barbaroux

C J M Barbaroux
Charles Jean Marie BARBAROUX (1767-1794) French scientific writer and revolutionary who joined the Girondins and alas, paid the price on the guillotine at Bordeaux. Date: circa 1790

Background imageAlas Collection: Alas! Poor Herr von Yorick!, by Bairnsfather

Alas! Poor Herr von Yorick!, by Bairnsfather
Alas! Poor Herr von Yorick! Fricourt - July 1916 A cartoon by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather on the cover of The Bystander 1916

Background imageAlas Collection: Holywell Street

Holywell Street
Known as Booksellers Row, but alas, long since destroyed... Date: 1901

Background imageAlas Collection: Blackheath Page House

Blackheath Page House
The seat of sir Gregory Page Turner, once the finest house in Blackheath but alas, long gone... Date: late 18th century

Background imageAlas Collection: Dorning Rasbotham

Dorning Rasbotham
DORNING RASBOTHAM Writer and Shakespeare look- alike (but alas, not write- alike !). Date: 1730 - 1791

Background imageAlas Collection: Edward Progers

Edward Progers
EDWARD PROGERS Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles II : his memoir, I emptied the Merry Monarchs Chamber-Pot remains, alas, unpublished. Date: 1621 - 1717

Background imageAlas Collection: SPAIN. Oviedo. Statue of La Regenta

SPAIN. Oviedo. Statue of La Regenta
" SPAIN. Oviedo. Statue of " La Regenta"."

Background imageAlas Collection: CLARIN, Leopoldo Alas y Ure񡬠also called (1852-1901)

CLARIN, Leopoldo Alas y Ure񡬠also called (1852-1901)
CLARIN, Leopoldo Alas y Ure񡬠 also called (1852-1901). Spanish writer

Background imageAlas Collection: Peace with Spain ?

Peace with Spain ?
An allegorical print showing the people of France celebrating peace with Spain - but alas, their joy is premature, the two countries will soon be at it again. Date: 1633

Background imageAlas Collection: French and Dutch

French and Dutch
Now that the French have discarded their monarchy, the Dutch and French republics can celebrate their alliance at Amsterdam - but alas, its a short-lived love affair

Background imageAlas Collection: Gregorius I & Parents

Gregorius I & Parents
POPE GREGORIUS I Unusually - perhaps uniquely - a pope is depicted with his parents; his mother is a saint, his father, alas, is merely a senator

Background imageAlas Collection: Mahogany, Guatemala

Mahogany, Guatemala
Felling mahogany trees in Guatemala : the enormous demand for this hard furnishing wood leads, alas, to extensive deforestation for it re-grows slowly

Background imageAlas Collection: Mahogany, West Indies

Mahogany, West Indies
Mahogany trees in the West Indies : the enormous demand for this hard furnishing wood leads, alas, to extensive deforestation for it takes many years to re-grow

Background imageAlas Collection: Edit De Peronne

Edit De Peronne
Allegorical print in praise of Louis XIII, whose edit de Peronne promises a settlement with Spain - alas, the hopes are premature

Background imageAlas Collection: Ufos / New Berlin, NY

Ufos / New Berlin, NY
A New Berlin housewife looks out of her window at night and sees beings working on a mysterious craft : alas, our artist has taken generous liberties with the facts !

Background imageAlas Collection: Newport Tower

Newport Tower
Newports Old stone mill has been identitied by some as constructed by Norsemen in pre-Columban times : alas, this identification is almost certainly incorrect

Background imageAlas Collection: Shady Lady at the Sea

Shady Lady at the Sea
A pretty, unchaperoned lady takes the air, ensuring her complexion doesn t suffer by employing a small parasol. Alas She has caught the attention of two dubious males

Background imageAlas Collection: Town Houses 1795

Town Houses 1795
Old houses lately standing at the south corner of Hosier Lane, Smithfield, London : examples of the plain gable style, but, alas, taken down in 1809

Background imageAlas Collection: Orpheus Rescues Eurydice

Orpheus Rescues Eurydice
Orpheus tries to rescue his wife Eurydice from the Underworld, but he mustn t look back as they go : at the last minute he turns to check shes still there... alas !

Background imageAlas Collection: Senta Meets Dutchman

Senta Meets Dutchman
The fateful meeting of the Dutchman with Senta, Dalands daughter - alas, all will end tragically

Background imageAlas Collection: R100 Mooring Tower

R100 Mooring Tower
THE R.100 : mooring tower erected at Howden, Yorkshire, for R.100s projected transatlantic service, which alas never came into being due to the R.101 crash

Background imageAlas Collection: Little Bo-Peep (Bell)

Little Bo-Peep (Bell)
Foolishly, Bo-Peep has fallen asleep while she is supposed to be minding the sheep : in her dreams she hears them bleating but this, alas, is an illusion; they are lost

Background imageAlas Collection: Bathed in Styx

Bathed in Styx
Achilles is made invulnerable when his mother dips him in the river Styx : alas, she holds him by the heel which doesn t get wet leaving him less than 100% protected

Background imageAlas Collection: Juillots LA Patrie

Juillots LA Patrie
Juillots military airship flies successfully in August, but in November, alas, it will crash

Background imageAlas Collection: 9th Duke Marlborough

9th Duke Marlborough
CHARLES SPENCER CHURCHILL, ninth duke of MARLBOROUGH, with his American bride Consuelo Vanderbilt : alas, their made-in-heaven marriage soon broke up

Background imageAlas Collection: Aerial Bombardment

Aerial Bombardment
Alas, there are sure to be ill-disposed persons who will exploit flight for their own evil purposes, dropping bombs, for example, onto the unfortunate earthbound folk

Background imageAlas Collection: Prize Winners Bookplate

Prize Winners Bookplate
A prizewinners bookplate issued by Wellington school to R Ls Mansel for winning the mathematics prize. Alas, we shall never which book it was once attached to

Background imageAlas Collection: Napoleon III Strasbourg

Napoleon III Strasbourg
Napoleon attempts a coup against Louis-Philippe at Strasbourg, counting on popular support for the Napoleonic idea, which alas fails to materialise

Background imageAlas Collection: Marriott Project 1869

Marriott Project 1869
Marriotts aerial steam carriage, Avitor, was successfully tested in model form, but alas, no full-size version was constructed, this is an imaginary scene

Background imageAlas Collection: Leturrs Birdman Project

Leturrs Birdman Project
Leturr cleverly solves the problem of getting airborne by releasing himself from a balloon : alas, his design is not so clever, and he plunges fatally to the ground

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"Alas, the mysteries of the universe unfold as Ufos hover over Yorkshire, England, leaving locals in awe and wonder. Meanwhile, in another corner of the world, Richard Beau Nash's charm captivates society in London's Queen Square. As Studdy captures a heartwarming moment of three newborn puppies slowly opening their eyes, Glasgow Docks bustle with activity and trade. The enchanting Saint Michael watches over all from his perch while a Bewick hedgehog scurries through the streets. In bustling London, Maps Wrens navigate the city's intricate maze of roads and alleys with precision. Rudolph Valentino dances his way into hearts on silver screens worldwide, while Lady Emily Foley graces high society events with her elegance and grace. Even amidst political turmoil, Louis XVI does his best to lead France towards progress and prosperity. And amidst it all stands "The Foreigner, " an enigmatic figure whose origins remain shrouded in mystery. From celestial sightings to historical figures etched into our collective memory - alas. Life is filled with captivating moments that leave us yearning for more.

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