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Agricola Collection

Background imageAgricola Collection: SOCIEDAD. EDAD MEDIA. CAMPESINA haciendo un alto en el camino tras la recolección de las hortalizas

SOCIEDAD. EDAD MEDIA. CAMPESINA haciendo un alto en el camino tras la recolección de las hortalizas. Grabado coloreado s. XIX.

Background imageAgricola Collection: Infographic on the cocoa plant and the origin

Infographic on the cocoa plant and the origin, production and making of chocolate. [Adobe Illustrator (.ai); 2480x3248]

Background imageAgricola Collection: Olive tree, Olea europaea, olivier

Olive tree, Olea europaea, olivier. Handcoloured steel engraving by Debray after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageAgricola Collection: Engraving from De re metallica (On nature of metals)

Engraving from De re metallica (On nature of metals)
DGA1257578 Engraving from De re metallica (On nature of metals), by Georg Pawer or Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), published in Basel, 1556 by Agricola

Background imageAgricola Collection: Janis Valters (Johann Walter) (1869-1932)

Janis Valters (Johann Walter) (1869-1932). Baltic German artist. Peasant Girl, ca. 1904. Oil on canvas, 83, 8 x 98 cm. Latvian National Museum of Art. Riga. Latvia

Background imageAgricola Collection: Casa los tiros

Casa los tiros
Gustavo Ribes

Background imageAgricola Collection: Argonauts finding the Golden Fleece

Argonauts finding the Golden Fleece
536121 Argonauts finding the Golden Fleece, a fleece placed in a spring by the Colchians to collect alluvial gold dust

Background imageAgricola Collection: Mine being drained by a rag-and-chain pump powered by overshot water wheel

Mine being drained by a rag-and-chain pump powered by overshot water wheel
531489 Mine being drained by a rag-and-chain pump powered by overshot water wheel. At right is detail of section of pipe K. From Agricola De re metallica, Basle, 1556.; Universal History Archive/UIG

Background imageAgricola Collection: Statue of Alexander the Great. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Statue of Alexander the Great. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L
FLO4997360 Statue of Alexander the Great. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Background imageAgricola Collection: Young hero in a diadem, commonly known as Ptolemy of Epirus

Young hero in a diadem, commonly known as Ptolemy of Epirus
FLO4997358 Young hero in a diadem, commonly known as Ptolemy of Epirus. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Background imageAgricola Collection: Putto or cherub with goose. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Putto or cherub with goose. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L
FLO4997165 Putto or cherub with goose. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Background imageAgricola Collection: Portrait of General Bernhard Graf von Caboga-Cerva (1785-1855)

Portrait of General Bernhard Graf von Caboga-Cerva (1785-1855). Private Collection

Background imageAgricola Collection: Auster B. 8 Agricola ZK-CCV

Auster B. 8 Agricola ZK-CCV
Auster B.8 Agricola ZK-CCV (msn B.105), of Air Contracts Ltd. at Masterton, NZ, in February 1963. (Rebuilt from the fuselage of ZK-BMM with parts from c-ns B.103, B.104 and B.118) Date: 1963

Background imageAgricola Collection: Josephs coat moth, Agarista agricola

Josephs coat moth, Agarista agricola (Painted agarista, Agarista picta)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Young hero in a diadem, commonly known as Ptolemy of Epirus

Young hero in a diadem, commonly known as Ptolemy of Epirus. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Background imageAgricola Collection: Statue of Alexander the Great

Statue of Alexander the Great. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L. Agricola from Pietro Paolo Montagnani-Mirabilis Il Museo Capitolino (The Capitoline Museum), Rome, 1820

Background imageAgricola Collection: Statue of Pudicitia in veiled robes

Statue of Pudicitia in veiled robes
Statue of Pudicitia, goddess of modesty, in veiled robes. In the Belvedere Courtyard in the Vatican. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L

Background imageAgricola Collection: Putto or cherub with goose

Putto or cherub with goose. Copperplate engraving after an illustration by L. Agricola from Pietro Paolo Montagnani-Mirabilis Il Museo Capitolino (The Capitoline Museum), Rome, 1820

Background imageAgricola Collection: Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals)

Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals)
1257546 Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals), by Georg Pawer or Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), published in Basel, 1556 by German School

Background imageAgricola Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 586

Curtis British Entomology Plate 586
Coleoptera: Bolitophagus agricola = Eledona agricola [Plant: Scilla autumnalis (Autumn Squill)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageAgricola Collection: Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals)

Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals)
1257549 Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals), by Georg Pawer or Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), published in Basel, 1556 by German School

Background imageAgricola Collection: Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals)

Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals)
1257556 Engraving from De re metallica (On the nature of metals), by Georg Pawer or Georgius Agricola (1494-1555) by German School

Background imageAgricola Collection: Georgius Agricola. From: La ciencia y sus hombres, 1879

Georgius Agricola. From: La ciencia y sus hombres, 1879. Private Collection

Background imageAgricola Collection: A bacchante seen in profile facing left, with outstretched left arm holding h... ca

A bacchante seen in profile facing left, with outstretched left arm holding h... ca
A bacchante seen in profile facing left, with outstretched left arm holding her drapery, set against a black background inside a rectangular frame, ca. 1795-ca. 1820

Background imageAgricola Collection: A bacchante wearing a hooded shawl and holding a box in her left hand, set ag... ca

A bacchante wearing a hooded shawl and holding a box in her left hand, set ag... ca
A bacchante wearing a hooded shawl and holding a box in her left hand, set against a black background inside a rectangular frame, ca. 1795-ca. 1820

Background imageAgricola Collection: A bacchante carrying a large basket on her head and holding a staff in her le... ca

A bacchante carrying a large basket on her head and holding a staff in her le... ca
A bacchante carrying a large basket on her head and holding a staff in her left hand, set against a black background inside a rectangular frame, ca. 1795-ca. 1820

Background imageAgricola Collection: A bacchante wearing flowing drapery, looking down, right arm bent and left arm... ca

A bacchante wearing flowing drapery, looking down, right arm bent and left arm... ca
A bacchante wearing flowing drapery, looking down, right arm bent and left arm outstretched, set against a black background inside a rectangular frame, ca. 1795-1847

Background imageAgricola Collection: A partly naked bacchante seen from behind, facing right and holding an oval d... ca

A partly naked bacchante seen from behind, facing right and holding an oval d... ca
A partly naked bacchante seen from behind, facing right and holding an oval dish in her left hand, her drapery in her right, set against a black background inside a rectangular frame, ca. 1795-ca

Background imageAgricola Collection: Psyche Asleep in a Landscape, 1837. Creator: Karl Joseph Aloys Agricola

Psyche Asleep in a Landscape, 1837. Creator: Karl Joseph Aloys Agricola
Psyche Asleep in a Landscape, 1837

Background imageAgricola Collection: Georgius Agricola (1494-1555). German scientist

Georgius Agricola (1494-1555). German scientist. Known as the father of mineralogy. Engraving belonging to his work De Re Metallica. Basel 1564. Colored

Background imageAgricola Collection: AGRICOLA: WATERWHEEL, 1556. A woodcut from Georgius Agricolas De Re Metallica

AGRICOLA: WATERWHEEL, 1556. A woodcut from Georgius Agricolas De Re Metallica, Basel, Switzerland, 1556, depicting a reversible waterwheel

Background imageAgricola Collection: Rag-and-chain pump for draining a mine operated by men in treadmill. From Agricola

Rag-and-chain pump for draining a mine operated by men in treadmill. From Agricola (George Bauer) De re metallica, Basle, 1556

Background imageAgricola Collection: Georg Andreas Agricola, 1672 To 1738

Georg Andreas Agricola, 1672 To 1738. German Physician And Botanist. From Crabbs Historical Dictionary Published 1825

Background imageAgricola Collection: Portrait of Rudolphus Agricola, ca 1532

Portrait of Rudolphus Agricola, ca 1532. Found in the collection of Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Background imageAgricola Collection: Illustration from De re metallica libri XII by Georgius Agricola, 1556. Artist: Anonymous

Illustration from De re metallica libri XII by Georgius Agricola, 1556. Artist: Anonymous
Illustration from De re metallica libri XII by Georgius Agricola, 1556. Private Collection

Background imageAgricola Collection: Portrait of Julius Agricola, c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech

Portrait of Julius Agricola, c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech
Portrait of Julius Agricola, c1860, (c1860)

Background imageAgricola Collection: A Silver Refinery, 1556, (1917)

A Silver Refinery, 1556, (1917)
A Silver Refinery, 1556. From De re metallica by Georg Bauer (1494-1555) (Latinized: Georgius Agricola), is a book cataloguing the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals, published in 1556

Background imageAgricola Collection: Prospecting for metals, 1556 (1956)

Prospecting for metals, 1556 (1956). From Georgius Agricolas De re Metallica

Background imageAgricola Collection: Making and using elm tree pumps to drain mines before the days of the steam engine

Making and using elm tree pumps to drain mines before the days of the steam engine, 1556 (1956). From De re Metallica by Georgius Agricola

Background imageAgricola Collection: Producing salt by evaporating natural brine by pouring it into a pit of burning charcoal

Producing salt by evaporating natural brine by pouring it into a pit of burning charcoal, 1556. A rather impure product resulted. From De re metallica by Agricola (Georg Bauer). (Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Georgius Agricola, 16th century German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist

Georgius Agricola, 16th century German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist

Background imageAgricola Collection: Smelting of ores (gold, silver, copper and lead), 1556

Smelting of ores (gold, silver, copper and lead), 1556. A workman beats clay to make lute to line a furnace. On the floor are various tools needed during the smelting process

Background imageAgricola Collection: Lead smelting, 1556

Lead smelting, 1556. From De re metallica by Agricola (Georg Bauer). (Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Separating lead from silver or gold in a cupellation furnace, 1556

Separating lead from silver or gold in a cupellation furnace, 1556. The Foreman consumed quantities of butter to avoid being poisoned (to prevent absorption of lead in the stomach)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Blast furnace for smelting iron ore, 1556

Blast furnace for smelting iron ore, 1556. From De re Metallica by Georgius Agricola. Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Stamp for breaking copper cupellation cakes for further refining, 1556

Stamp for breaking copper cupellation cakes for further refining, 1556. Powered by a water wheel through a drive shaft. From De re metallica by Georgius Agricola. (Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Stamping and roasting ore to extract metal, 1556

Stamping and roasting ore to extract metal, 1556. This technique was used to extract lead, copper, silver and gold

Background imageAgricola Collection: Sectional view of a German mine, 1556

Sectional view of a German mine, 1556
Sectional view of a German mine showing the method of sinking shafts and driving horizontal galleries, 1556. A windlass is used to raise and lower men, materials and spoil

Background imageAgricola Collection: Draining a mine using a series of suction pumps powered by a water wheel, 1556

Draining a mine using a series of suction pumps powered by a water wheel, 1556. From De re metallica by Georgius Agricola. (Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: The Argonauts finding the Golden Fleece, 1556

The Argonauts finding the Golden Fleece, 1556
The Argonauts finding the Golden Fleece, a fleece placed in a spring by the Colchians to collect alluvial gold dust, 1556

Background imageAgricola Collection: Bellows supplying draught to a smelting furnace, 1556

Bellows supplying draught to a smelting furnace, 1556. The bellows are operated by a camshaft powered by a water wheel (just visible at extreme right)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Sectional view of a mine showing shafts and galleries, 1556

Sectional view of a mine showing shafts and galleries, 1556. At the surface of each shaft is a winch or windlass for raising and lowering loads

Background imageAgricola Collection: Smelting iron and hammering bars with a mechanical hammer, 1556

Smelting iron and hammering bars with a mechanical hammer, 1556. From De re metallica by Georgius Agricola. (Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Refining copper: removing cakes of copper from the crucible and quenching in a tub of water

Refining copper: removing cakes of copper from the crucible and quenching in a tub of water, 1556. From De re metallica by Georgius Agricola. (Basel, 1556)

Background imageAgricola Collection: Reversible hoist for raising leather buckets from a mine shaft, 1556

Reversible hoist for raising leather buckets from a mine shaft, 1556
Reversible hoist for raising leather buckets from a mine shaft powered by an overshot water wheel, 1556. A man in a hut at O opens and shuts water races to stop and start a double row of buckets

Background imageAgricola Collection: Crushing gold bearing ores in mills similar in principle to flour mills, 1556

Crushing gold bearing ores in mills similar in principle to flour mills, 1556

Background imageAgricola Collection: Washing for tin, 1556

Washing for tin, 1556. After digging out a substantial amount, miners would alter the course of the stream, washing away light material and leaving tin-bearing ore

Background imageAgricola Collection: Steel production: a forge with bellows to produce draught, 1556

Steel production: a forge with bellows to produce draught, 1556. In the foreground bars are being hammered with a mechanical hammer

Background imageAgricola Collection: A mine being drained by a rag-and-chain pump powered by an overshot water wheel, 1556

A mine being drained by a rag-and-chain pump powered by an overshot water wheel, 1556. At the right of the image is a detail of section of pipe K. From De re metallica by Georgius Agricola

Background imageAgricola Collection: Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist, 1881

Georgius Agricola (1494-1555), German physician, mineralogist and metallurgist, 1881

Background imageAgricola Collection: Pump powered by men in a treadmill, 1556

Pump powered by men in a treadmill, 1556. Woodcut showing a rag-and-chain pump for draining a mine, powered by men walking a treadmill

Background imageAgricola Collection: Roasting copper ore in a furnace at C, 1556

Roasting copper ore in a furnace at C, 1556.. A are cakes of smelted copper, B wooden faggots for heating the furnace. On right a man is using wooden wheelbarrow. From De re metallica by Agricola

Background imageAgricola Collection: Mikael Agricolan Church, Helsinki, Finland

Mikael Agricolan Church, Helsinki, Finland
Mikael Agricolan Church in Helsinki, Finland. The Lutheran church is named after Bishop Mikael Agricola, who created the basis for the literary Finnish language. Date: circa 1935

Background imageAgricola Collection: Rudolph Agricola

Rudolph Agricola
RUDOLPH AGRICOLA German humanist, professor at Heidelberg. Date: 1491 - 1521

Background imageAgricola Collection: General view, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America

General view, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America
General rooftop view looking inland, with buildings including the Avenida Palace Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Date: circa 1925

Background imageAgricola Collection: Overalls for Women Workers, WW1

Overalls for Women Workers, WW1
The Agricola outfit - strong, serviceable, well cut and becoming - idea for women workers on the land and available from the Cleveland Manufacturing Company. Date: 1918

Background imageAgricola Collection: MINING, 16th CENTURY. Mining in 16th century Europe; one worker is trying his luck

MINING, 16th CENTURY. Mining in 16th century Europe; one worker is trying his luck with a divining rod

Background imageAgricola Collection: WATER PUMP & WHEEL. Operation of a water-powered pump in an old mine

WATER PUMP & WHEEL. Operation of a water-powered pump in an old mine

Background imageAgricola Collection: AGRICOLAs TREATISE, 1556. Title-page of the first edition of Georgius Agricola s

AGRICOLAs TREATISE, 1556. Title-page of the first edition of Georgius Agricola s
AGRICOLAs TREATISE, 1556. Title-page of the first edition of Georgius Agricolas treatise on mining and metallurgy, De Re Metallica, 1556

Background imageAgricola Collection: AGRICOLA: TITLE-PAGE, 1546. Title-page of the first edition of Georgius Agricola s

AGRICOLA: TITLE-PAGE, 1546. Title-page of the first edition of Georgius Agricola s
AGRICOLA: TITLE-PAGE, 1546. Title-page of the first edition of Georgius Agricolas De Ortu et Causius Subterraneorum, the first handbook of modern systematic mineralogy. Basel, 1546

Background imageAgricola Collection: AGRICOLA: WATER PUMP, 1556. The operation of a water-powered pump in an old mine

AGRICOLA: WATER PUMP, 1556. The operation of a water-powered pump in an old mine

Background imageAgricola Collection: AGRICOLA: MINE, 1556. Cross-section of a mine showing shafts and tunnels

AGRICOLA: MINE, 1556. Cross-section of a mine showing shafts and tunnels. Woodcut from Georgius Agricolas De Re Metallica

Background imageAgricola Collection: SALT MINING, 1556. The production of salt in a salt marsh

SALT MINING, 1556. The production of salt in a salt marsh. Woodcut from Georgius Agricolas De Re Metallica, Basle, 1556

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"Agricola: A Journey through History, Nature, and Art" Step into the world of Agricola, a name that resonates across various realms. From the Auster B. 8 Agricola ZK-CCV aircraft soaring through the skies to Rudolph Agricola's intellectual legacy, this caption takes you on an intriguing ride. As we delve deeper, we encounter the Josephs coat moth, Agarista agricola - a stunning creature adorned with vibrant hues. Just like this moth captivates with its beauty, so did Rudolph Agricola mesmerize minds with his scholarly pursuits. Moving further along our journey, we stumble upon a young hero in a diadem known as Ptolemy of Epirus. His courage and regal presence echo throughout history. In our exploration of artistry and culture, statues come to life before our eyes. The majestic figure of Alexander the Great stands tall in all his glory while Pudicitia veiled in robes exudes grace and modesty. And who can resist the charm of a putto or cherub accompanied by a goose? The wonders continue as we uncover engravings from "De re metallica, " revealing insights into the nature of metals. These intricate illustrations transport us back to an era where craftsmanship thrived. Lastly, we witness a dramatic scene unfold - "A Roman Attack on the Britons in Mona. " This lithograph captures both conflict and historical significance within its frames. Join us on this captivating journey through time as we unravel tales intertwined with aviation marvels, intellectual prowess, natural wonders like moths and heroes donning diadems. Let art guide us towards understanding ancient metallurgy while witnessing pivotal moments etched forever in history's annals.

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