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Agnes Mitchell Collection

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Liverleaf wintergreen, bog wintergreen or pink wintergreen

Liverleaf wintergreen, bog wintergreen or pink wintergreen
6339745 Liverleaf wintergreen, bog wintergreen or pink wintergreen, Pyrola asarifolia (Swamp winter-green, Pyrola uliginosa) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Liverleaf wintergreen)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Pale Indian plantain, Arnoglossum atriplicifolium (Orach-leaved cacalia)

Pale Indian plantain, Arnoglossum atriplicifolium (Orach-leaved cacalia)
6339741 Pale Indian plantain, Arnoglossum atriplicifolium (Orach-leaved cacalia, Cacalia atriplicifolia) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Pale Indian plantain)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Stone mint, frost mint, dittany, and American dittany, Cunila origanoides (Cunila mariana)

Stone mint, frost mint, dittany, and American dittany, Cunila origanoides (Cunila mariana)
6340393 Stone mint, frost mint, dittany, and American dittany, Cunila origanoides (Cunila mariana) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Stone mint, frost mint, dittany, and American dittany)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Silver maple, Acer saccharinum (Silver-leaved maple, Acer dasycarpum)

Silver maple, Acer saccharinum (Silver-leaved maple, Acer dasycarpum)
6340458 Silver maple, Acer saccharinum (Silver-leaved maple, Acer dasycarpum) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Silver maple, Acer saccharinum (Silver-leaved maple, Acer dasycarpum)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Prairie wedgescale, Sphenopholis obtusata

Prairie wedgescale, Sphenopholis obtusata
6340431 Prairie wedgescale, Sphenopholis obtusata, and Canadian reed-grass, Calamagrostis canadensis by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Prairie wedgescale, Sphenopholis obtusata)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Large aspen, large-tooth aspen

Large aspen, large-tooth aspen
6340423 Large aspen, large-tooth aspen, big-tooth aspen, American aspen, Canadian poplar or white poplar, Populus grandidentata by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Large aspen)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Purple milkweed or dark-flowered silk-weed, Asclepias purpurascens

Purple milkweed or dark-flowered silk-weed, Asclepias purpurascens
6340412 Purple milkweed or dark-flowered silk-weed, Asclepias purpurascens by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Purple milkweed or dark-flowered silk-weed, Asclepias purpurascens)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Awned phlox, Phlox aristata

Awned phlox, Phlox aristata
6340394 Awned phlox, Phlox aristata by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Awned phlox, Phlox aristata)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis

Cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis
6339742 Cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Striped cream violet, creamy violet or striated violet, Viola striata

Striped cream violet, creamy violet or striated violet, Viola striata
6340448 Striped cream violet, creamy violet or striated violet, Viola striata by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Striped cream violet, creamy violet or striated violet, Viola striata)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: American hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana (Hop-hornbeam, Ostrya virginica)

American hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana (Hop-hornbeam, Ostrya virginica)
6340424 American hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana (Hop-hornbeam, Ostrya virginica) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( American hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana (Hop-hornbeam, Ostrya virginica)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Whorled milkweed, eastern whorled milkweed

Whorled milkweed, eastern whorled milkweed
6340414 Whorled milkweed, eastern whorled milkweed, horsetail milkweed or whorl-leaved swallow-wort, Asclepias verticillata by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Whorled milkweed)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Long-styled sweet-cicely, longstyle sweetroot or sweet cicely, Osmorhiza longistylis

Long-styled sweet-cicely, longstyle sweetroot or sweet cicely, Osmorhiza longistylis
6340474 Long-styled sweet-cicely, longstyle sweetroot or sweet cicely, Osmorhiza longistylis by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Long-styled sweet-cicely)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Murbeckiella pinnatifida (Toothed wall cress, Arabis dentata)

Murbeckiella pinnatifida (Toothed wall cress, Arabis dentata)
6340447 Murbeckiella pinnatifida (Toothed wall cress, Arabis dentata) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Murbeckiella pinnatifida (Toothed wall cress, Arabis dentata)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: American globe flower or American spreading globeflower, Trollius laxus

American globe flower or American spreading globeflower, Trollius laxus
6340443 American globe flower or American spreading globeflower, Trollius laxus by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( American globe flower or American spreading globeflower, Trollius laxus)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana (Phytolaca decandra)

Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana (Phytolaca decandra)
6340428 Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana (Phytolaca decandra) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana (Phytolaca decandra)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Common alder, hazel alder or smooth alder, Alnus serrulata

Common alder, hazel alder or smooth alder, Alnus serrulata
6340409 Common alder, hazel alder or smooth alder, Alnus serrulata by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Common alder, hazel alder or smooth alder, Alnus serrulata)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Hairy scullcap, Scutellaria elliptica (Scutellaria pilosa)

Hairy scullcap, Scutellaria elliptica (Scutellaria pilosa)
6340401 Hairy scullcap, Scutellaria elliptica (Scutellaria pilosa) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Hairy scullcap, Scutellaria elliptica (Scutellaria pilosa)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: American chestnut, Castanea dentata Castanea vesca var

American chestnut, Castanea dentata Castanea vesca var
6340387 American chestnut, Castanea dentata Castanea vesca var by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( American chestnut, Castanea dentata Castanea vesca var. americana, Critically endangered)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Wild cucumber, prickly cucumber, bur cucumber or wild Balsam apple, Echinocystis lobata

Wild cucumber, prickly cucumber, bur cucumber or wild Balsam apple, Echinocystis lobata
6340469 Wild cucumber, prickly cucumber, bur cucumber or wild Balsam apple, Echinocystis lobata by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Wild cucumber, prickly cucumber)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Strawberry tree, Euonymus americanus

Strawberry tree, Euonymus americanus
6340459 Strawberry tree, Euonymus americanus by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Strawberry tree, Euonymus americanus)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Pacific anemone or cut-leaved windflower, Anemone multifida

Pacific anemone or cut-leaved windflower, Anemone multifida
6340441 Pacific anemone or cut-leaved windflower, Anemone multifida by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Pacific anemone or cut-leaved windflower, Anemone multifida)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Mud plantain or water hyacinth

Mud plantain or water hyacinth
6340391 Mud plantain or water hyacinth, Heteranthera dubia (Water star-grass, Schollera graminifolia) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Mud plantain or water hyacinth)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Venuss pride, woodland bluet and purple bluet

Venuss pride, woodland bluet and purple bluet
6339734 Venuss pride, woodland bluet and purple bluet, Houstonia purpurea, and long-leaved bluet, Houstonia longifolia (Fringe-leaved bluets, Hedyotis ciliolata, and long-leaved bluets)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Pubescent viburnum, Viburnum pubescens

Pubescent viburnum, Viburnum pubescens
6339733 Pubescent viburnum, Viburnum pubescens by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Pubescent viburnum, Viburnum pubescens)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Clasping Venus looking-glass or clasping bellflower

Clasping Venus looking-glass or clasping bellflower
6339743 Clasping Venus looking-glass or clasping bellflower, Triodanis perfoliata (Stem-clasping specularia)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Ohio goldenrod, Solidago ohioensis

Ohio goldenrod, Solidago ohioensis
6339737 Ohio goldenrod, Solidago ohioensis by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Ohio goldenrod, Solidago ohioensis)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Rich weed, Adenia pumila (Collinsonia canadensis?)

Rich weed, Adenia pumila (Collinsonia canadensis?)
6340421 Rich weed, Adenia pumila (Collinsonia canadensis?) by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Rich weed, Adenia pumila (Collinsonia canadensis?)

Background imageAgnes Mitchell Collection: Mud plantain or water hyacinth, Heteranthera reniformis

Mud plantain or water hyacinth, Heteranthera reniformis
6340389 Mud plantain or water hyacinth, Heteranthera reniformis by Endicott (18th-19th century); ( Mud plantain or water hyacinth, Heteranthera reniformis)

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"Agnes Mitchell: Exploring the Enigmatic World of Ghost Plants and Wildflowers" Step into the enchanting realm of Agnes Mitchell, where ghostly plants and elusive wildflowers come to life. Among her favorites are the ethereal Ghost Plant, also known as Ghost Pipe or Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora), with its pale white petals that seem to glow in the moonlight. Another captivating specimen is the Dutchman's Pipe, False Beech-drops, or Yellow Bird's Nest (Monotropa hypopitys). Its intricate structure resembles a delicate bird's nest hidden among the forest floor, adding an air of mystery to Agnes' botanical adventures. In her explorations, she has encountered the Liverleaf Wintergreen, Bog Wintergreen, or Pink Wintergreen (Pyrola asarifolia) thriving in damp habitats. This resilient plant displays stunning pink blooms that bring a touch of color to otherwise gloomy landscapes. Among Agnes' discoveries is also the Pale Indian Plantain (Arnoglossum atriplicifolium), commonly known as Orach-leaved Cacalia. Its unique foliage and vibrant flowers make it a standout amidst other flora. The Sickleleaf Silkgrass or Sickle-leaved Golden Aster (Pityopsis falcata) holds a special place in Agnes' heart due to its elegant curved leaves and golden blossoms that sway gracefully in gentle breezes. Wand Goldenrod, Willowleaf Goldenrod, or Willow-leaved Golden-rod (Solidago stricta) catches Agnes' attention with its slender stems adorned by clusters of bright yellow flowers. It adds a touch of sunshine wherever it grows. Agnes finds solace in encountering Stone Mint - Frost Mint - Dittany - American Dittany (Cunila origanoides). The aromatic scent emanating from these plants soothes her soul during her botanical expeditions.

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