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Affecting Collection

Background imageAffecting Collection: Illustration for Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (colour litho)

Illustration for Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (colour litho)
6005952 Illustration for Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson (colour litho) by Wyeth, Newell Convers (1882-1945) (after); Private Collection; ( Mr Campbell, the Minister of Essendean)

Background imageAffecting Collection: The Amusements of the British Tar Abroad (engraving)

The Amusements of the British Tar Abroad (engraving)
1045842 The Amusements of the British Tar Abroad (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( The Amusements of the British Tar Abroad)

Background imageAffecting Collection: The Working of the Leaven (colour litho)

The Working of the Leaven (colour litho)
5997783 The Working of the Leaven (colour litho) by Sullivan, Edmund Joseph (1869-1933); Private Collection; ( The Working of the Leaven)

Background imageAffecting Collection: Poor Macedonian Beggar Woman and her dog

Poor Macedonian Beggar Woman and her dog
Poor Macedonian Beggar Woman sitting on the pavement with her dog beside her. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageAffecting Collection: Winter conditions in Yser, 1914

Winter conditions in Yser, 1914
Winter conditions in the Yser country : how the cold is affecting friend and foe. German prisoners and British soldiers alike frozen in the icy winds and snow in winter 1914. Date: 1914

Background imageAffecting Collection: Brother & Sister - London Street Children - Flotsam & Jetsam

Brother & Sister - London Street Children - Flotsam & Jetsam
Flotsam and Jetsam - A very elegant and emotive description and title for this beautifully-realised portrait study of two poor London street children. Date: 1895

Background imageAffecting Collection: Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) dieback of leaves

Common Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) dieback of leaves, caused by Ash Dieback (Chalara fraxinea) fungal disease, Norfolk, England, June

Background imageAffecting Collection: Fatima At The Lattice Affecting Cheeriness My Lord

Fatima At The Lattice Affecting Cheeriness My Lord, The Giaours Are Going, Engraving 1884

Background imageAffecting Collection: Maize (Zea mays) crop, rain-affected and failed field of feed maize

Maize (Zea mays) crop, rain-affected and failed field of feed maize, Houghton, Lancashire, England, December

Background imageAffecting Collection: Maize (Zea mays) crop, rain-affected and failed cob of feed maize

Maize (Zea mays) crop, rain-affected and failed cob of feed maize, Houghton, Lancashire, England, December

Background imageAffecting Collection: Seabird rescue, contaminated Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) adult

Seabird rescue, contaminated Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) adult, being tube fed by people, washed ashore after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea

Background imageAffecting Collection: Seabird rescue, contaminated Arctic Skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) dark phase

Seabird rescue, contaminated Arctic Skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) dark phase, adult, being treated, washed ashore after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea

Background imageAffecting Collection: Seabird rescue, cleaned Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) adult, winter plumage

Seabird rescue, cleaned Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) adult, winter plumage, being released by RSPCA West Hatch staff after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea

Background imageAffecting Collection: Seabird rescue, contaminated Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) adult

Seabird rescue, contaminated Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) adult, being cleaned by person, washed ashore after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea

Background imageAffecting Collection: Seabird rescue, contaminated Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) being collected by RSPCA officer and loaded into van

Seabird rescue, contaminated Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) being collected by RSPCA officer and loaded into van, washed ashore after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea

Background imageAffecting Collection: Razorbill (Alca torda) adult, winter plumage

Razorbill (Alca torda) adult, winter plumage, washed ashore after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea, affecting waterproof coating and ability to float, Chesil Beach, Dorset

Background imageAffecting Collection: Domestic Sheep, mule ewe, affected by Sheep Scab (Psoroptic Mange) caused by Psoroptes mites

Domestic Sheep, mule ewe, affected by Sheep Scab (Psoroptic Mange) caused by Psoroptes mites, grazing in pasture, Lancashire, England, March

Background imageAffecting Collection: Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) dead adult

Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) dead adult, washed ashore after contamination from polyisobutene oil additive at sea, affecting waterproof coating and ability to float, Chesil Beach, Dorset, England

Background imageAffecting Collection: Diabetic woman, artwork C016 / 9367

Diabetic woman, artwork C016 / 9367
Diabetic woman. Computer artwork showing sugar (white dots) entering the blood stream of a diabetic woman as she eats an apple. Some of the sugar is used by mitochondria (blue) to produce energy

Background imageAffecting Collection: Calla Lily (Zantedeschia sp. ) frost damaged with drooping spathe

Calla Lily (Zantedeschia sp. ) frost damaged with drooping spathe
Calla Lily (Zantedeschia sp.) frost damaged with drooping spathe, in pot on garden patio at dawn, Suffolk, England, november

Background imageAffecting Collection: Neurological drug treatment, artwork

Neurological drug treatment, artwork
Neurological drug treatment, conceptual image. Computer artwork representing the use of drugs that affect neural networks by altering the transmission of neurotransmitters across synapses (blue)

Background imageAffecting Collection: Wait Your Turn

Wait Your Turn
Disgruntled members of a gentlemens club must take a ticket and wait their turn to read a copy of The Bystander during World War One - a humorous comment on the paper shortages affecting the press

Background imageAffecting Collection: Planets and Zodiac

Planets and Zodiac
The Solar System, showing how the planets move between the houses of the Zodiacal system, thereby inevitably affecting everything that happens and everyone who is born

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"Affecting: Exploring the Intricate Interplay of Art and Human Experience" Art has always possessed a remarkable ability to affect us deeply, stirring emotions and provoking contemplation. From the frontispiece of Descartes' Treatise on Man, depicting the intricate formation of the fetus, to illustrations showcasing the workings and effects of the pineal gland on our nervous system, these visual representations captivate our minds. In "The Amusements of the British Tar Abroad, " an engraving transports us into a world where sailors find solace in foreign lands. The image reveals how different environments can impact individuals, affecting their perspectives and experiences. Similarly, in "The Working of Leaven, " a vibrant lithograph showcases how even something as simple as yeast can transform dough into bread. This metaphorical representation reminds us that small actions or influences can have profound effects on our lives. As we delve further into history's grasp, we encounter winter conditions in Yser during 1914. This haunting photograph captures not only freezing temperatures but also highlights how extreme circumstances affect both nature and humanity. Literature too holds immense power in affecting us emotionally. An illustration for Robert Louis Stevenson's "Kidnapped" immerses readers in its vivid narrative through color lithography. It demonstrates how words intertwined with artistry evoke strong reactions within us. Moving beyond fiction, we witness real-life struggles through images like "Poor Macedonian Beggar Woman and her dog. " Such depictions remind us that societal disparities profoundly affect individuals who often live at society's margins. Nature itself is not immune to being affected either; common ash trees suffering from dieback caused by fungal disease demonstrate this stark reality. The once lush foliage now wilted serves as a poignant reminder that environmental factors can drastically alter ecosystems. Traveling back in time to ca 1832 brings forth an enchanting watercolor titled "Three Arab Horsemen Encampment.

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