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Adhesive Collection

Background imageAdhesive Collection: POSTAGE STAMP, 1840. The Penny Black of Great Britain

POSTAGE STAMP, 1840. The Penny Black of Great Britain, engraved by Frederick Heath and printed by Perkins Bacon & Co. Issued on 6 May 1840, it was the worlds first adhesive postage stamp

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Flies stuck to flypaper

Flies stuck to flypaper A fly-killing device made of paper coated with a sweetly fragrant, but extremely sticky or poisonous substance that traps flies and other flying insects when they land upon it

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Activated platelets, SEM

Activated platelets, SEM
Activated platelets. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of activated platelets attached to surgical gauze. Platelets are tiny blood cells that help the body form clots to stop bleeding

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Sticker template with a cute girl cartoon character isolated illustration

Sticker template with a cute girl cartoon character isolated illustration

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Close up to PPF installation process on a front headlight and hood

Close up to PPF installation process on a front headlight and hood. PPF is a Paint Protection Film which protect paint from scratches and stone chips.

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Final Exam Results Test Reading Books Words Concept

Final Exam Results Test Reading Books Words Concept

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Leaf-tailed gecko, Uroplatus henkeli

Leaf-tailed gecko, Uroplatus henkeli

Background imageAdhesive Collection: A girl riding unicorn cartoon sticker illustration

A girl riding unicorn cartoon sticker illustration

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Woman, gothic look, naked breasts, standing

Woman, gothic look, naked breasts, standing Woman, gothic look, naked breasts, standing

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Owen Owen, Fablon display

Owen Owen, Fablon display
Window display in Liverpool Department store, Owen Owen, for the decorative adhesive Fablon Date: circa 1959

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Model, Static, Wright C, 1953. Creator: Charles H. Hubbell

Model, Static, Wright C, 1953. Creator: Charles H. Hubbell
Model, Static, Wright C, 1953. Wood and tissue exhibit model of a 1912 Wright C biplane, in overall silver paint scheme. 1/16 Scale

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Model, Static, Wright Glider, 1953. Creator: Charles H. Hubbell

Model, Static, Wright Glider, 1953. Creator: Charles H. Hubbell
Model, Static, Wright Glider, 1953. Wood and tissue exhibit model of the 1911 Wright glider in overall silver paint scheme. 1/16 Scale

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Model, Static, Curtiss D, ca. 1940. Creator: Charles H. Hubbell

Model, Static, Curtiss D, ca. 1940. Creator: Charles H. Hubbell
Model, Static, Curtiss D, ca. 1940. Wood display model of a Curtiss D biplane pusher aircraft, designed in 1910, in overall natural color. 1:16 scale

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Model, Static, Henri Farman, 1933. Creator: James E. Reeves

Model, Static, Henri Farman, 1933. Creator: James E. Reeves
Model, Static, Henri Farman, 1933. Wood display model of a 1909 Henri Farman pusher biplane. 1/16 scale

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Altimeter, German. Creator: CP Goerz

Altimeter, German. Creator: CP Goerz
105mm diameter, 55mm deep; red and black scales; chrome casing

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Barograph. Creator: Douglass Products Corp

Barograph. Creator: Douglass Products Corp
14cm high, 18.5cm long, 10.5cm wide; 15, 000feet; 1 hour; 1918

Background imageAdhesive Collection: 12c Henry Clay Treasury Department single, 1873. Creator: Unknown

12c Henry Clay Treasury Department single, 1873. Creator: Unknown
12c Henry Clay Treasury Department single, 1873

Background imageAdhesive Collection: 3c Washington City Despatch local post stamp, 1842. Creator: Unknown

3c Washington City Despatch local post stamp, 1842. Creator: Unknown
3c Washington City Despatch local post stamp, 1842

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Ladies Visit to an Ironclad (engraving)

Ladies Visit to an Ironclad (engraving)
1046492 Ladies Visit to an Ironclad (engraving) by Marie, Adrien Emmanuel (1848-91) (after); Private Collection; ( Ladies Visit to an Ironclad)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: A block of four Penny Black postage stamps

A block of four Penny Black postage stamps. The Penny Black was the worlds first adhesive postage stamp. The stamp, featuring a portrait of Queen Victoria, was issued on May 1, 1840; Illustration

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Lilium tingrinum, pollen

Lilium tingrinum, pollen - Pollen grains exuding copious adhesive pollenkitt. Watercolour by Franz Bauer, 1800-1833. Paper, watercolour. Botany Library

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Envelope, adhesive photo wafers

Envelope, adhesive photo wafers
Envelope containing a quantity of adhesive photo wafers, price sixpence, for use in Gilbert photograph albums. Date: circa 1920s

Background imageAdhesive Collection: City limit sign, symbolic image, protest against the rail project Stuttgart 21

City limit sign, symbolic image, protest against the rail project Stuttgart 21

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Car sticker, vorsteuerabzugsfaehig, German for VAT deductible

Car sticker, vorsteuerabzugsfaehig, German for VAT deductible

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Henry Cole (1808-1882) British designer

Henry Cole (1808-1882) British designer, civil servant and writer. Invented adhesive postage stamp. Published first Christmas card. Planned 1851 Great Exhibition. Director Victoria and Albert Museum

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Paying for letter delivery. After introduction (1840) of Rowland Hills system

Paying for letter delivery. After introduction (1840) of Rowland Hills system of pre-payment by adhesive stamps, payment by adddressee was superceded

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Digital illustration of man putting adhesive plaster on foot

Digital illustration of man putting adhesive plaster on foot

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Digital illustration of zinc-oxide adhesive tape

Digital illustration of zinc-oxide adhesive tape

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Businessman wrapped in red tape

Businessman wrapped in red tape

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Spiders web threads, SEM

Spiders web threads, SEM
Spiders web. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of gum drops on a strand of silk from the web of a garden orb spider (Araneus diadematus)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Vine weevil foot, SEM

Vine weevil foot, SEM
Weevil foot. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the foot of a black vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Mussel glue threads, SEM

Mussel glue threads, SEM
Mussel glue. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the byssus (glue threads) of a common mussel (Mytilus edulis)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Vine weevil, SEM

Vine weevil, SEM
Weevil. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a black vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Cluster fly foot, SEM

Cluster fly foot, SEM
Cluster fly foot. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a pulvillus on the foot of a cluster fly (Pollenia vespillo). A pulvillus is a rounded pad used to walk on smooth surfaces

Background imageAdhesive Collection: DVD data layers, SEM

DVD data layers, SEM
DVD layers. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the pitted layers that encode information on a DVD (digital versatile disc). The pits are read by a focused laser as the disc rotates

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Barnacle glue, SEM

Barnacle glue, SEM
Barnacle glue. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a section through the byssus (glue threads) of an acorn barnacle (Elminius modestus)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Acorn barnacles, SEM

Acorn barnacles, SEM
Acorn barnacles. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of three acorn barnacles (Elminius modestus) attached to a rock

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Gecko foot C014 / 0963

Gecko foot C014 / 0963
Gecko foot. Close-up of the foot of a southern turniptail gecko (Thecadactylus solimoensis), showing the adhesive lamellae (ridges)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Industrial adhesive manufacturing

Industrial adhesive manufacturing. Factory production of pellets of hot melt adhesives. This type of adhesive is used in products ranging from labels on packaged goods to car parts and wood panels

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Artificial gecko feet adhesive C014 / 0313

Artificial gecko feet adhesive C014 / 0313
Artificial gecko feet adhesive. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the surface of a material that uses a similar structure to that of a geckos foot

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Gecko foot C014 / 0258

Gecko foot C014 / 0258
Gecko foot. Close-up of the foot of a New Caledonian crested gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus), showing the adhesive lamellae (ridges)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Superglue adhesive detail, SEM

Superglue adhesive detail, SEM
Superglue adhesive (Ethyl cyanoacrylate) detail, scanning electron micrograph (SEM)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Goosegrass fruit, SEM

Goosegrass fruit, SEM
Goosegrass fruit. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the hooked fruit of a goosegrass plant (Galium aparine)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Sundew carnivorous plant leaf, SEM

Sundew carnivorous plant leaf, SEM
Sundew leaf. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the sticky stalks (red) on the leaf of a cape sundew (Drosera capensis), a carnivorous plant

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Jordan, Jerash. Local modern-day stone mason continues preservation efforts on the 2

Jordan, Jerash. Local modern-day stone mason continues preservation efforts on the 2, 000-year-old Roman city of Jerash, Jordan

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Spiders web, SEM

Spiders web, SEM
Spiders web. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of threads of spiders silk (yellow) encasing a woodlouse. Silk is produced from silk glands in the abdomen of the spider

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Yellow dung flys foot, SEM

Yellow dung flys foot, SEM
Yellow dung fly (Scatophaga stercoraria) foot, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). The two claws (pale brown) are used to grip rough surfaces

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Insect foot, SEM

Insect foot, SEM
Insect foot. Coloured electron micrograph (SEM) of an unidentified insects foot

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Hercules beetle foot, SEM

Hercules beetle foot, SEM
Hercules beetle foot. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the foot of a hercules beetle (Dynastes hercules)

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Gecko robot foot

Gecko robot foot
Synthetic gecko toes. Toes from a robot foot designed to mimic (biomimetics) the foot of a gecko. The robot foot is made of a dry adhesive polymer

Background imageAdhesive Collection: SpinybotII climbing robot

SpinybotII climbing robot, scaling a wall. This robot has been designed to mimic (biomimetics) the climbing ability of insects and spiders

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Polyurethane glue, SEM

Polyurethane glue, SEM
Polyurethane glue. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of polyurethane glue between two surfaces

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Sticking plaster

Sticking plaster. Cut finger with a partially removed plaster

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Fruit label

Fruit label. Sticker on an organic apple showing the variety of apple and the country of origin

Background imageAdhesive Collection: PLM of a polypropylene film for adhesive plasters

PLM of a polypropylene film for adhesive plasters
Polypropylene film. Polarised light micrograph of a polypropylene (a type of plastic) film. From close up it can be seen that the film is a symmetrical pattern of hollow triangles

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Sticking tape, SEM

Sticking tape, SEM
Sticky tape. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the adhesive side of a piece of sticky tape. This cellulose tape has a pressure- sensitive adhesive coating on one side

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Sellotape, light micrograph

Sellotape, light micrograph
Sellotape, polarised light micrograph

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Postage stamp adhesive, SEM

Postage stamp adhesive, SEM

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Glue droplet, SEM

Glue droplet, SEM
Dried glue droplet. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the cracked surface of a dried droplet of glue. Magnification unknown

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Post-it note adhesive, SEM

Post-it note adhesive, SEM
Post-it note. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of spheres of adhesive (yellow) on the back of a Post-it note. The spheres contain an adhesive

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Beetle foot, SEM

Beetle foot, SEM
Beetle foot. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the surface of the foot of a common pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus). These modified foot hairs provide adhesion

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Flies caught on flypaper

Flies caught on flypaper

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Burs of Greater Burdock Arctium lappa in autumn. Dorset

Burs of Greater Burdock Arctium lappa in autumn. Dorset
ROG-13346 Burs of Greater Burdock - in autumn Dorset. UK Arctium lappa Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageAdhesive Collection: Bewitched apple (toffee apples) at Christmas, Alexander Platz, Berlin, Germany, Europe

Bewitched apple (toffee apples) at Christmas, Alexander Platz, Berlin, Germany, Europe

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Adhesive: Sticking the World Together From the humble beginnings of a postage stamp to the intricate workings of activated platelets, it has played an essential role in our lives. In 1840, the Penny Black of Great Britain revolutionized mail delivery as the world's first adhesive postage stamp. Engraved by Frederick Heath and printed by Perkins Bacon & Co. , it marked a significant milestone in communication. But adhesive's influence extends beyond paper and letters. Flies trapped on flypaper serve as a testament to its sticky power, capturing these pesky insects effortlessly. The microscopic world reveals another fascinating application - activated platelets observed under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These tiny cells use adhesion to form blood clots, crucial for wound healing and preventing excessive bleeding. Moving from biology to everyday life, Owen Owen's Fablon display showcases how they are transform spaces with vibrant patterns and colors. This versatile material allows for endless creativity in interior design. In aviation history, Charles H. Hubbell immortalized iconic aircraft models through static displays using adhesive bonds that held them together flawlessly. The Wright C model from 1953 captures the essence of flight innovation pioneered by Orville and Wilbur Wright themselves. Similarly, Hubbell's Wright Glider model pays homage to their early experiments that paved the way for modern aviation. The Curtiss D model from around 1940 represents another triumph where adhesive played a vital role in constructing this legendary aircraft known for its speed and maneuverability. Henri Farman's model from 1933 showcases yet another masterpiece brought together by skilled hands guided by adhesives. Beyond aviation lies other technological marvels like German-made altimeters that rely on precise adhesion mechanisms created by CP Goerz. Meanwhile, the X-33 VentureStar Reusable Launch Vehicle model from the 1990s hints at futuristic space exploration made possible through innovative bonding techniques.

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