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1500s Collection

Background image1500s Collection: Jesus the apothecary, 16th century

Jesus the apothecary, 16th century
Jesus the apothecary. 16th-century artwork showing Jesus Christ (left) as an apothecary treating Adam and Eve. Various treatments are on the shelves

Background image1500s Collection: Skull anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci

Skull anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci. Historical artwork and notes on the anatomy of the human skull and teeth, by the Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Background image1500s Collection: Map of Scotland in the 1520s

Map of Scotland in the 1520s, showing territories of the Highland Clans. Printed color lithograph of a 19th century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Orteliuss map of Ottoman Empire, 1570

Orteliuss map of Ottoman Empire, 1570
Orteliuss map of the Ottoman Empire. This map is from the 1570 first edition of Theatrum orbis terrarum ( Theatre of the World )

Background image1500s Collection: Oronce Fines world map, 1531

Oronce Fines world map, 1531
Oronce Fines world map. Map of the worlds northern and southern hemispheres by the French mathematician and cartographer Oronce Fine (1494-1555)

Background image1500s Collection: Durers world map, 1515

Durers world map, 1515. Albrecht Durer (1471- 1528) was a German artist

Background image1500s Collection: Map of Europe, 1600

Map of Europe, 1600
16th century map of Europe. Published in Sienna in 1600, this Italian map shows the latest knowledge of the geography of Europe

Background image1500s Collection: 16th century map of the British Isles

16th century map of the British Isles
Map of the British Isles, in the 1570 edition of Ortelius Atlas (Theatrum Orbis Terrarum)

Background image1500s Collection: 16th Century Plan of Florence

16th Century Plan of Florence
16th century plan of Florence, Italy

Background image1500s Collection: John Calvin

John Calvin portrait. Hand-colored engraving

Background image1500s Collection: Medieval goldsmith at work

Medieval goldsmith at work
Workshop of Etienne Delaulne, a goldsmith in Paris, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of a 16th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Map of Palestine, 1588

Map of Palestine, 1588
16th century map of Palestine. North is towards upper right. Published in 1588, this German map shows the geography of Palestine, centred on the area that later become the state of Israel

Background image1500s Collection: Nottingham Castle in the 1500s

Nottingham Castle in the 1500s
Nottingham Castle overlooking the surrounding countryside in the 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Tower of London in the late Middle Ages

Tower of London in the late Middle Ages
London during the time of Henry VII (1457-1509). Color lithograph reproduction of an illuminated manuscript: Roy 16F, ii

Background image1500s Collection: Human skeleton

Human skeleton. Historical artwork of a human skeleton holding an hourglass. The 206 bones of the skeleton provide protection and support to the body

Background image1500s Collection: HENRY WRIOTHESLEY (1573-1624). 3rd Earl of Southampton in the Tower of London

HENRY WRIOTHESLEY (1573-1624). 3rd Earl of Southampton in the Tower of London. Oil painting by John de Critz, 1603

Background image1500s Collection: Actors on stage in the days of Shakespeare

Actors on stage in the days of Shakespeare
Theatrical performance in the days of Shakespeare. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Inca king Huayna Capac

Inca king Huayna Capac
Huayna Capac, Inca ruler in the early 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of a 16th century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Shrewsbury, England, in the 1500s

Shrewsbury, England, in the 1500s
High Street, Shrewsbury, in Tudor England. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: ChAteau de Chenonceau over the Cher River at dusk, Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire, Centre

ChAteau de Chenonceau over the Cher River at dusk, Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire, Centre
Chateau de Chenonceau over the Cher River at dusk, Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France

Background image1500s Collection: Durers Celestial Globe, 1515

Durers Celestial Globe, 1515. This shows the northern hemisphere, and was prepared in conjunction with the astronomer Stabius

Background image1500s Collection: 16th century world map

16th century world map
World map, published around 1565 in Venice, Italy, by Italian mapmaker Ferando Bertelli

Background image1500s Collection: Spanish galleon at sea

Spanish galleon at sea
Spanish galleon, an improved caravel three times longer than wide, used in the 1500s and 1600s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Use of an arquebusse, 16th century

Use of an arquebusse, 16th century
Spanish arquebusier, 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Women of Tudor England

Women of Tudor England
City women and a country-woman in Elizabethan England, 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Notes by Leonardo da Vinci

Notes by Leonardo da Vinci on the flow of water

Background image1500s Collection: Medieval scholar, 16th century

Medieval scholar, 16th century

Background image1500s Collection: 16th century map of Venice

16th century map of Venice showing the lagoon. Venice is a coastal city in the north-east of Italy

Background image1500s Collection: John Dee and Edward Kelly

John Dee and Edward Kelly
John Dee, English alchemist, mathematician and astrologer, with his assistant Edward Kelly, medium, alchemist and sorcerer

Background image1500s Collection: Northern hemisphere star chart, 1537

Northern hemisphere star chart, 1537
Northern hemisphere star chart, 16th century. Star chart (planisphere) of the northern hemisphere, based on Albrecht Durers star charts of 1515. The illustrations show the constellations

Background image1500s Collection: MEXICO: INDIANS, c1500. P urhepecha (Tarascan) Indians of Michoacan Province

MEXICO: INDIANS, c1500. P urhepecha (Tarascan) Indians of Michoacan Province, Mexico, flee their village shortly before the arrival of Spanish conquistadors

Background image1500s Collection: Undersea exploration in 16th-century Europe

Undersea exploration in 16th-century Europe
Underwater diver and man-at-arms, France, 1532. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Martin Luther

Martin Luther portrait. Hand-colored engraving reproduction of a portrait by Holbein

Background image1500s Collection: William Tyndale

William Tyndale, English translator of the New Testament. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: John Calvin and the four syndics at Geneva

John Calvin and the four syndics at Geneva
John Calvin and the four syndics founding the seminary which became the College of Geneva, 1559. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Temple ceremony in an Aztec city

Temple ceremony in an Aztec city. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Hand-colored woodcut

Hand-colored woodcut
Aztec tiger knight in a costume of cotton and a helmet made of wood, from a model in Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Trephination evidence in an Inca skull

Trephination evidence in an Inca skull
Inca skull showing evidence of prehistoric trephining or brain surgery in Peru. Woodcut with a watercolor wash

Background image1500s Collection: Bakers at their trade in the late Middle Ages

Bakers at their trade in the late Middle Ages
Bakers of York, showing their guild ordinances, England, 1590s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Spanish Armada, 1588

Spanish Armada, 1588
Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy, 1588. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Map of Western Europe, 1590

Map of Western Europe, 1590
16th century map of Western Europe

Background image1500s Collection: Europe, 16th century nautical map

Europe, 16th century nautical map
Nautical map of Europe, 1544 copy of Agnese Atlas. Several copies of this atlas were produced between 1536 and 1564, in Venice, by the Italian mapmaker Battista Agnese

Background image1500s Collection: Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer

Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) observing a lunar eclipse in Rome, Italy, in 1500. Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who studied in both Poland and Italy

Background image1500s Collection: Martin Luther, German theologian

Martin Luther, German theologian
Martin Luther (1483-1546), German theologian and founder of the Protestant Reformation. Luther was born at Eisleben

Background image1500s Collection: Orteliuss map of Italy, 1570

Orteliuss map of Italy, 1570
Orteliuss map of Italy. This map is from the 1570 first edition of Theatrum orbis terrarum ( Theatre of the World )

Background image1500s Collection: Orteliuss map of Poland, 1570

Orteliuss map of Poland, 1570
Orteliuss map of Poland. This map is from the 1570 first edition of Theatrum orbis terrarum ( Theatre of the World )

Background image1500s Collection: Orteliuss map of Greece, 1570

Orteliuss map of Greece, 1570
Orteliuss map of Greece. This map is from the 1570 first edition of Theatrum orbis terrarum ( Theatre of the World )

Background image1500s Collection: Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist

Hugo Grotius, Dutch jurist
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), Dutch jurist and founder of international law. Grotius was born at Delft and at just 11 years of age went to university at Leiden. He became an advocate in 1599

Background image1500s Collection: Carrack, a merchant ship of the late 1400s

Carrack, a merchant ship of the late 1400s
Armed Genoese carrack, a merchant ship of the 1400s and 1500s. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Roman Catholic bishop, 1500s - 1600s

Roman Catholic bishop, 1500s - 1600s
Roman Catholic bishop in a choir-robe (left) and a bishop in his vestments for Mass, 1500-1600s. Antique hand-colored print

Background image1500s Collection: Front entrance to ChAteau de Chenonceau castle, Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire, Centre

Front entrance to ChAteau de Chenonceau castle, Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire, Centre
Front entrance to Chateau de Chenonceau castle, Chenonceaux, Indre-et-Loire, Centre, France

Background image1500s Collection: 16th-century medical astrology

16th-century medical astrology
Medical astrology. 16th-century artwork of Zodiac Man, a male body labelled with the twelve signs of the zodiac

Background image1500s Collection: Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher

Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), Italian philosopher. Bruno was a supporter of the Copernican view that the Earth revolved around the Sun

Background image1500s Collection: Italian cooks preparing a meal, 1500s

Italian cooks preparing a meal, 1500s
Cooks preparing food in an Italian kitchen, 1500s. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer C017 / 7118

Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer C017 / 7118
Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer

Background image1500s Collection: Johannes Kepler, German astronomer C017 / 7113

Johannes Kepler, German astronomer C017 / 7113
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), German astronomer, holding a divider used to plot distances. Kepler devised three fundamental laws of planetary motion

Background image1500s Collection: South American cannibals, 16th century

South American cannibals, 16th century
South American cannibals. 16th-century artwork of indigenous people of South American dismembering and roasting their slain enemies

Background image1500s Collection: Colossus of Rhodes statue

Colossus of Rhodes statue
Colossus of Rhodes

Background image1500s Collection: Galileo and his daughter Maria Celeste

Galileo and his daughter Maria Celeste
Galilei Galileo (1564-1642), Italian physicist and astronomer, being guided by his daughter Maria Celeste (1600-1634), a nun

Background image1500s Collection: Atlas compass, 16th century

Atlas compass, 16th century
Atlas compass in a 1544 copy of the Agnese Atlas. Several copies of this atlas were produced between 1536 and 1564, in Venice, by the Italian mapmaker Battista Agnese

Background image1500s Collection: 16th Century Plan of Rome

16th Century Plan of Rome
16th century plan of Rome

Background image1500s Collection: Southern hemisphere star chart, 1537

Southern hemisphere star chart, 1537
Southern hemisphere star chart, 16th century. Star chart (planisphere) of the southern hemisphere, based on Albrecht Durers star charts of 1515. The illustrations show the constellations

Background image1500s Collection: Retreat of the Spanish Armada from England in stormy seas

Retreat of the Spanish Armada from England in stormy seas, 1588. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatius of Loyola casting out evil spirits. Printed color halftone reproduction of a painting by Rubens

Background image1500s Collection: Martin Luther

Martin Luther portrait. Hand-colored engraving reproduction of a portrait by Holbein

Background image1500s Collection: Elizabeth I of England

Elizabeth I of England
Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I. Hand-colored photogravure of the engraving by Hendrik de Hondt the Younger

Background image1500s Collection: Emperor Charles V

Emperor Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V - also Charles I of Spain. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: King of England Henry VIII with his fourth wife

King of England Henry VIII with his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. Antique hand-colored print

Background image1500s Collection: Natives gathering food in Florida, 1500s

Natives gathering food in Florida, 1500s
Florida Native Americans gathering crocodiles, fish, and other wild animals and plants, 1591. Hand-colored Debry engraving of a LeMoyne painting

Background image1500s Collection: Street in Aztec Tenochtitian (reconstruction)

Street in Aztec Tenochtitian (reconstruction). Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Italian fashion in the 1580s

Italian fashion in the 1580s
Clothing of Italian ladies from Venice, Milan, and Florence, 1580s. Antique hand-colored woodcut

Background image1500s Collection: Peasant paying rent in the late Middle Ages

Peasant paying rent in the late Middle Ages
Tenant paying rent, from a book of surveying printed in England, 1523. Hand-colored 19th-century woodcut reproduction of an earlier illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Florida explored by De Soto, 1539

Florida explored by De Soto, 1539
Bivouac of De Sotos expedition in the Florida wilderness, 1539. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background image1500s Collection: Vasco da Gamas route around Africa, 1400s

Vasco da Gamas route around Africa, 1400s
Africa as known after Vasco da Gamas discoveries, from map of Juan de la Cosa, 1500. Hand-colored woodcut reproduction

Background image1500s Collection: Map of the world, 1590

Map of the world, 1590
16th century map of the world

Background image1500s Collection: Three nose types, 17th century

Three nose types, 17th century
Three nose types. 17th-century artwork comparing three noses in profile: small, medium and large

Background image1500s Collection: Hen, historical artwork

Hen, historical artwork. 16th Century woodcut print of a hen. Published in Histoire de la nature des oyseaux by the French naturalist Pierre Belon (1555)

Background image1500s Collection: Family in a sauna, 16th century artwork C015 / 1554

Family in a sauna, 16th century artwork C015 / 1554
Family in a sauna. Artwork from Opus Chyrurgicum (1565) by the Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) showing a family in a suana

Background image1500s Collection: Rudolf II with his alchemist, artwork C013 / 9565

Rudolf II with his alchemist, artwork C013 / 9565
Rudolf II with his alchemist, artwork

Background image1500s Collection: 16th-century astronomy

16th-century astronomy. Artwork of Atlas holding up the heavens

Background image1500s Collection: The four humours, 16th century artwork

The four humours, 16th century artwork
The four humours, coloured historical artwork. Here, the head of Christ is surrounded by four male figures, who are personifications of the four humours

Background image1500s Collection: Marcus Manilius, Roman astronomer

Marcus Manilius, Roman astronomer. This woodcut was made by Albrecht Durer in 1515. Manilius was a Roman author

Background image1500s Collection: Luigi Groto, Italian poet

Luigi Groto, Italian poet
Luigi Groto (1541-1585), Italian poet

Background image1500s Collection: Martin Frobisher, English explorer

Martin Frobisher, English explorer
Martin Frobisher (c.1535-1594), English navigator and explorer. Frobisher became a cabin boy in 1544 and rose to the rank of captain by 1565

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The 1500s were a time of exploration, innovation, and cultural transformation. In the realm of art and science, geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci left their mark with groundbreaking works such as "Skull anatomy, " revealing the intricacies of human anatomy. Meanwhile, cartographers like Gerardus Mercator (GGBR2A-00076) created maps that expanded our understanding of the world. Orteliuss map of the Ottoman Empire in 1570 showcased the vast territories under its rule, while Durer's world map from 1515 provided a glimpse into how people perceived Earth at that time. These maps painted a picture of an ever-expanding global landscape. In Florence during this era, architects and urban planners crafted detailed plans for cities like never before seen. The 16th Century Plan of Florence exemplified this meticulous approach to city design. Oronce Fine's world map from 1531 furthered geographical knowledge by incorporating new discoveries made during expeditions around the globe. It was through these maps that Europeans began to comprehend just how vast our planet truly is. The use of firearms also revolutionized warfare during this period. Arquebusses became prevalent on battlefields across Europe in the 16th century, changing military tactics forever. Religion played a significant role in shaping society during this time as well. Figures like John Calvin emerged as influential theologians whose ideas would have lasting impacts on Protestantism and beyond. Maps continued to evolve throughout the century; one notable example being Map of Palestine in 1588 which depicted important biblical sites within its borders. Similarly, a detailed map showcasing British Isles shed light on England's growing influence over neighboring lands. By the turn of the century, Europe had undergone immense changes politically and culturally - reflected by Map of Europe from 1600 which captured shifting borders and emerging nation-states.

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