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Heritage Images Collection

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9,013 Items

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Heritage Images Collection: London Stereoscopic Company (LSC)

London Stereoscopic Company (LSC) Collection
946 Items

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Pink Floyds Inflatable Pig Battersea Power Station

Pink Floyds Inflatable Pig Battersea Power Station
A 40-foot long inflatable pig suspended between two of the chimneys at Battersea Power Station, London, during a photoshoot for the cover of Pink Floyds album Animals, 6th November 1976

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Chrysopoeia Of Cleopatra

Chrysopoeia Of Cleopatra
Alchemical symbols from the Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra, an early Greek manuscript, circa 100 AD

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Shackletons Trans-Antarctic Expedition

Shackletons Trans-Antarctic Expedition
ANTARCTICA - 1916: Members of an expedition team led by Irish explorer Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton pull one of their lifeboats across the snow in the Antarctic, following the loss of the Endurance

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Art At The Serpentine

Art At The Serpentine
An artist at work on the banks of the Serpentine, Hyde Park. (Photo by Ron Case/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: The bow of the new 830-foot P&O liner Canberra on the day of its launch at Belfast

The bow of the new 830-foot P&O liner Canberra on the day of its launch at Belfast
The massive bows of the new 830-foot P&O liner Canberra on the day of its launch at Belfast. The ceremony will be performed by Dame Pattie Menzies, wife of the Australian prime minister

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Dutch Pavilion

Dutch Pavilion
18th April 1958: The floodlit main entrance to the Brussels International Exhibition Centre. (Photo by Ron Case/Keystone/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Air Trials

Air Trials
10th October 1955: A squadron of Gannet anti-submarine aircraft fly over the HMS Ark Royal during the carrier drill and flying trials in the English Channel

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Sleeping Sound

Sleeping Sound
2nd April 1968: London Zoos famous polar bear Pipaluk snuggles up to its mother during snowfall. (Photo by Ron Case/Keystone/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: France In Southampton

France In Southampton
7th January 1962: People on the quayside watch as the new 1035 ft French passenger liner France manoeuvres out of the Ocean Terminal at Southampton

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Antic And Mary

Antic And Mary
20th March 1957: The Admiralty tug Antic, left, leaves the SS Queen Mary in dock at Southampton, after it had been decided that the wind was too high for the ship to leave

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Shipyard Strike

Shipyard Strike
18th March 1957: The empty shipyards on the River Wear, Sunderland in England during the shipbuilders strike. (Photo by Ron Case/Keystone/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Olympic Gymnastics

Olympic Gymnastics
circa 1908: Gymnasts performing on the rings at the 1908 London Olympics. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Summer Cycling

Summer Cycling
A crowd of spectators at White City for the 100 km cycle race, an event of the 1908 Summer Olympics in London. (Photo by Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: City Of LA Train

City Of LA Train
circa 1935: View of the Union Pacific Railroads City of Los Angeles train running ont he Overland Route. (Photo by Orville Logan Snider/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Tinsel Town

Tinsel Town
circa 1945: A view of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine at night, with artificial Christmas trees and decorations lining the road, Los Angeles, California

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Flowers At Nymans

Flowers At Nymans
A summer flower bed at Nymans Garden, West Sussex, August 1969. (Photo by Kenneth Rittener/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Sea Of Faces

Sea Of Faces
The sailor gazes down at the sea from the deck of his ship and sees the waves transformed into beautiful women

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Hamburg Harbour

Hamburg Harbour
circa 1754: Boats in Hamburg harbour. Original Artwork: Engraving by D J Martin. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Smiling Angel

Smiling Angel
A statue of an angel situated in Reims Catherdral at the West Entrance, circa 1750. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Carrying Road Lights

Carrying Road Lights
Men carrying road lights in cressets, circa 1550. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Cressets

Four designs of cressets used for street lamps, and carried by night watchmen, circa 1550. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Cresset Bearer

Cresset Bearer
A watchman carrying a cresset, filled with burning oil or pitch, circa 1550. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Chemistry Laboratory

Chemistry Laboratory
People at work in a chemistry laboratory. Original Artwork: Printed for J Hinton at the Kings Arms in St Pauls Churchyard Yard, 1747. Published in the Universal Magazine in December 1747

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Harrowing

Flemish farmers harrowing their fields, circa 1525. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Albrecht Durer

Albrecht Durer
An illustration from Albrecht Durers Great Passion showing the sufferings of Christ, circa 1500. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: River Fishing

River Fishing
Men and women using nets and sticks to fish in a river, circa 1584. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: First Crusade

First Crusade
Crusaders in battle and the taking of Jerusalem, from a painted window of the Abbey of Saint Denys, circa 1098

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Busy Harvesters

Busy Harvesters
A busy harvesting scene, 1723. Original Artwork: From Le Nouveau Theatre d Agriculture et Menage des Champs, by Le Sieur Liger, pub. 1723. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Time For Bed

Time For Bed
Mary holding the baby Jesus in her arms while Joseph makes up a cot, circa 4 BC. Original Artwork: An engraving by Albrecht Altdorfer. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Doctors Meeting

Doctors Meeting
A group of 18th century doctors, circa 1750. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Map Of London

Map Of London
A map of London by William Smith, for a book titled Description of England With Arms of the Nobility, published in 1488. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Apothecaries At Work

Apothecaries At Work
Apothecaries making drugs from herbs. Original Artwork: By Roger Of Salerno, circa 1250. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Sowing Seed

Sowing Seed
A farmer sows his seed while his dog chases birds which are eating from the bag of seed, circa 1100. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Bear Baiting

Bear Baiting
A chained bear is baited with dogs and sticks, circa 1300. Original Artwork: From an illumination in the Louterell Psalter. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Silver Sale

Silver Sale
A merchant selling silver cups and a bowl, 1491.(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Moneychanger

A moneychanger sitting at a table, 1478. Original Artwork: From a woodcut from Der Seele Troft (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Corsican March

Corsican March
French troops marching in Corsica, circa 1700.(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Family Drawing

Family Drawing
A family scene in the 15th century, circa 1450.(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Stone Remedies

Stone Remedies
A seller of orites (precious stones) as powerful remedies against the bites of animals, 1491.(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Orange Victory

Orange Victory
Battle of the Boyne when William of Orange claimed the throne of England by defeating James II who fled to France, 11th July 1690. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Infantryman

An English soldier armed with a caliver in the time of King James I, circa 1610.(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Siege of Milan

Siege of Milan
The forces of Francis I of France breach the walls of Milan after besieging the city, October 1524. At the time, Milan was under threat from the plague and surrendered quickly

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Consultation

Two people consulting with an oracle in ancient Greece, circa 600 BC. The priestess (right) is predicting the future while in a state of trance. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Prediction By Chicken

Prediction By Chicken
A cage containing two chickens, circa 600 BC. In ancient Greece, the birds were thought to predict the future according to the manner of their feeding

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Royal Academy

Royal Academy
The first Royal Academy in St Martins Lane, London, circa 1740. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Binding Reaper

Binding Reaper
A Binding Reaper in a cornfield. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Great Plague Of London

Great Plague Of London
circa 1665: A street scene during the Great Plague of London, which killed 20 per cent of the citys population between 1665 and 1666

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Battle Of Culloden

Battle Of Culloden
The Battle of Culloden in Scotland, 16th April 1746. The battle resulted in a British victory over the Jacobites, who hoped to place Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne. Published in 1780

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Drunken Brawl

Drunken Brawl
A group of men fighting in an English tavern, circa 1675. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Early Hand Grenades

Early Hand Grenades
Two early types of hand grenade, circa 1630. Original publication: La Pyrotechnie de Hanzelet Lorrain, by Jean Appier-Hanzelet, pub 1630. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Saint Teresa Intercedes

Saint Teresa Intercedes
Saint Teresa of Avila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory, an engraving by Schelte Adams Bolswert after a painting from the workshop of Peter Paul Rubens, circa 1600

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Speeds Map Of Europe

Speeds Map Of Europe
A map of Europe and the coast of North Africa by cartographer John Speed, 1626. Around the edges are insets of the major European cities and their inhabitants. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Savoy Palace

Savoy Palace
A view across the Thames to the Savoy Palace, circa 1380. One of the finest noblemans houses in the capital, it was completely destroyed in the Peasants Revolt of 1381

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Ancient Order Of Druids

Ancient Order Of Druids
A druid plays his harp over an altar fire, whilst in the forest behind, three people present a child to a hooded figure, circa 100 BCE

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Wind Engine

Wind Engine
A group of farm animals grazing around an iron turbine wind engine on a farm. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Arch Druid

Arch Druid
An Arch Druid in his judicial habit, circa 100 BCE. The druids were a class of ancient priests in western Europe, who were suppressed by the Romans in the first century CE. Aquatinted by R. Havell

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: HMS Royal Sovereign

HMS Royal Sovereign
The Royal Navy first rate ship of the line HMS Royal Sovereign, circa 1720. The ship was launched in 1701. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Battle of Cape Ecnomus

Battle of Cape Ecnomus
The Roman fleet defeats the Carthaginians at the Battle of Cape Ecnomus off the coast of Sicily during the First Punic War, 256 BC. Engraving by P.F. Tardieu after G. de St. Aubin, 1763

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Roman Warship

Roman Warship
A large Roman trireme warship, circa 300 BC. (Photo by Rischgitz/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Roman Fleet

Roman Fleet
A fleet of Roman warships, circa 300 BC. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Praetorian Guard

Praetorian Guard
The Praetorian Guard, bodyguards to the Roman Emperor, circa 50 AD. From a bas relief in the Louvre. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Roman Ladies

Roman Ladies
Three Roman ladies wearing the traditional stola or dress, circa 50 AD. Published in The History of Costume by Braun & Schneider. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: The Physician

The Physician
A 16th Century physician with an elderly woman. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Venetian Fashion

Venetian Fashion
Venetian fashion of the 16th Century, showing how a dress (left) can also be worn folded open to reveal the breeches and elevated shoes worn underneath (left). (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Syphilis Treatment

Syphilis Treatment
Physicians treating a man and a woman suffering with syphilis, circa 1450. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: 16th Century Brewing

16th Century Brewing
Men at work in a brewery, circa 1550. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Monkeys Laundering Ruffs

Monkeys Laundering Ruffs
An engraving satirising the new fashion for ruffs, depicting monkeys dressed in human costume, starching and laundering their neckwear, circa 1635

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Washing Ground

Washing Ground
A 19th century engraving of a group of women doing their laundry at a public washing ground, 1582. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice
A teocalli or Mesoamerican temple pyramid in Mexico, with a priest offering human sacrifice on the top, circa 1500. An engraving by J. Chapman for the Encyclopaedia Londinensis, 1817

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Pickpocket

circa 1830: A woman picks the pocket of an unsuspecting man reading a notice in the street. Title reads Lisles Play Upon Words A Diving Belle. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Foxy Christmas

Foxy Christmas
circa 1900: A fox holds a Christmas verse in its paws. Title reads with Mr Brer Foxs compliments. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Holywell

The north view of St. Winefreds Well and Chapel in the County of Flint, Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, circa 1700. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Hedon Church

Hedon Church, Yorkshire, circa 1750. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Early Blood Donor

Early Blood Donor
An early blood transfusion from a dog to a man, circa 1670. A 17th century woodcut. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Surgical Tools

Surgical Tools
Early surgical instruments for the amputation of limbs, including two saws, 1634. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: The Wounded Man

The Wounded Man
An illustration from a medieval medical textbook, showing a man pierced by a number of swords, knives and arrows, circa 1300. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Surgical Tools

Surgical Tools
Early surgical instruments for the amputation of limbs, used by French surgeon Jacques Guillemeau, 1612. They include knives, pincers, saws and a needle and thread

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Medieval Doctors

Medieval Doctors
Medieval doctors gather round a patients sickbed, circa 1400. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Parable Of The Talents

Parable Of The Talents
An engraved depiction of The parable of the talents from the New Testament Book of Matthew 25:14-30, circa 1700

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Rustic Scene

Rustic Scene
Farmworkers till the soil with horse-drawn ploughs. Original Artwork: From La Nouvelle Rustique, published in 1755. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Burning Bridge

Burning Bridge
11th April 1758: Crowds look on as the temporary wooden bridge adjacent to Old London Bridge is destroyed by fire

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle
circa 1760: Cattle graze whilst figures sit and walk in the grounds of Windsor Castle, the castle buildings rising from a mound beyond. Original Artwork: Engraved for The Complete English Traveller

Background imageHeritage Images Collection: Hotel De Ville

Hotel De Ville
The Hotel de Ville or City Hall in Paris, on the bank of the River Seine, circa 1760. From an engraving by Rigaud. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

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