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Images Dated 25th July 2014

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Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Highworth Station, c. 1910

Highworth Station, c. 1910
A photograph of passengers gathered on the platform at Highworth Station in Wiltshire, c.1910

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Highworth Station, 1960

Highworth Station, 1960
A view of Highworth Station in Wiltshire taken in 1960 when it was only open to railway employees going to work in Swindon Works

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: USA, Montana, Glacier National Park. Lake MacDonald landscape

USA, Montana, Glacier National Park. Lake MacDonald landscape. Credit as: Fred Lord / Jaynes Gallery / DanitaDelimont

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Ergot -Claviceps purpurea-, Burgenland, Austria

Ergot -Claviceps purpurea-, Burgenland, Austria

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Shafts of sunlight in pine forest at dawn, Strathspey, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland

Shafts of sunlight in pine forest at dawn, Strathspey, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, UK, July

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Litttle Redfish Lake, SNRA, Idaho - red glow and reflections of Mt

Litttle Redfish Lake, SNRA, Idaho - red glow and reflections of Mt. Heyburn from the rising sun

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: CM3 8762 Arthur, Bruckner, Lotus 23B, Jim Morris, Gipsy Dino P271

CM3 8762 Arthur, Bruckner, Lotus 23B, Jim Morris, Gipsy Dino P271
Arthur, Bruckner, Lotus 23B, Jim Morris, Gipsy Dino P271, FIA, Masters Historic Sports Cars, Silverstone Classic 2014, Classic Racing Cars, Endurance racing, FIA, historic racing cars, HSCC

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: CM3 8739 Tim Harvey, Craig Davies, Ford GT40, ABH 396 C

CM3 8739 Tim Harvey, Craig Davies, Ford GT40, ABH 396 C
Tim Harvey, Craig Davies, Ford GT40, ABH 396 C, FIA, Masters Historic Sports Cars, Silverstone Classic 2014, Classic Racing Cars, Endurance racing, FIA, historic racing cars, HSCC, July 2014

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: CM3 8724 Jamie McIntyre, Ewan McIntyre, McLaren M1C

CM3 8724 Jamie McIntyre, Ewan McIntyre, McLaren M1C
Jamie McIntyre, Ewan McIntyre, McLaren M1C, FIA, Masters Historic Sports Cars, Silverstone Classic 2014, Classic Racing Cars, Endurance racing, FIA, historic racing cars, HSCC, July 2014

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: CM3 8667 Allan Miles, Maserati 250F

CM3 8667 Allan Miles, Maserati 250F
Allan Miles, Maserati 250F, Pre 61, Grand Prix cars, HGPCA, Maserati Centenary Trophy, Silverstone Classic 2014, 2014, Classic Racing Cars, Grand Prix cars, HGPCA, historic racing cars, HSCC

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: CM3 8580 Adrian van der Kroft, HWM-Alta F2

CM3 8580 Adrian van der Kroft, HWM-Alta F2
Adrian van der Kroft, HWM-Alta F2, Maserati Centenary Trophy, HGPCA, Pre 61, Grand Prix Cars, Silverstone Classic 2014, 2014, Classic Racing Cars, Grand Prix cars, HGPCA, historic racing cars, HSCC

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Ein Mann schöpft sich Wasser aus einem heiligen Brunnen im Tempel, Japan 1960er Jahre. A man taking some water from a holy well at the temple, Germany 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Details der Verzierungen an einem Tempeldach mit markisen und Drachen, Japan 1960er Jahre. Detailed enrichments on a the roof of a temple with awnings and dragons, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Verzierungen an einem Tempeldach mit markisen und Drachen, Japan 1960er Jahre. Enrichments on a the roof of a temple with awnings and dragons, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Druch den Bogen des Denkmals ist die Kuppel der beim Atombombenabwurf auf Hiroshima erhaltenen Industrie- und Handelskammer zu sehen, Japan 1960er Jahre

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Seitengebäude im Tempelbezirk, Japan 1960er Jahre. Side building at the temple area, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Schrein im Tempelbezirk, Japan 1960er Jahre. Shrine at the temple area, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Das Kinder Friedensdenkmal an der Gedenkstätte Hiroshima, Japan 1960er Jahre. Chilrden's peace monument at Hiroshima memorial, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Frau verkauft auf der Straße geröstete Maiskolben, Japan 1960er Jahre. A woman selling toasted corn cobs on the street, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Souvenirverkäuferin bringt ihre Waren an den Kunden, Japan 1960er Jahre. A souvenir vendor selling her goods to clients, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Mutter trägt ihr Kind durch die Straßen von Kyoto, Japan 1960er Jahre. A mother carrying her baby through the streets of Kyoto, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Ein Mädchen mit einem Klackerspielzeug auf der Straße, Japan 1960er Jahre. A girl with a toy playing on the street, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Die "Heilige Brücke" in Nikko, Japan 1960er Jahre. "Holy Bridge" at Nikko, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Kinder an der Hand ihrer Mütter auf dem Weg zur Einschulung, Japan 1960er Jahre. Children and mothers hand in hand at children's first day at school, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Ein Schuhmacher arbeitet vor seinem Geschäft auf der Straße, Japan 1960er Jahre. A cobbler working in front of his shop on the street, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Ein Vater besucht mit seinen Kindern den Asakusa Kannon Tempel Sensoji in Tokio, Japan 1960er Jahre. A father and his children visiting Asakusa Kannon temple sensoji at Tokyo, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Die Großmutter bringt den Täufling zum Meiji Schrein in Kyoto, Japan 1960er Jahre. A grandmother bringing her grandchild to be baptised to Meiji shrine at Kyoto, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Mutter besucht mit ihrem kleinen Sohn den Wildpark in Nara, Japan 1960er Jahre. A mother and her son visiting a deer park at Nara, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Familie füttert Tauben beim Besuch im Nishi Hanganji Tempel in Kyoto, Japan 1960er Jahre. A family feeding pigeons while visiting the Nishi Hanganji temple at Kyoto, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Torbogen vor dem Itsukushima Schrein in Miyajima, Japan 1960er Jahre. Archway in front of Itsukushima shrine at Miyajima, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Kleinkind in seinem Anorak, Japan 1960er Jahre. Toddler wearing an anorak, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Mutter trägt ihr Kind durch die Straßen von Kyoto, Japan 1960er Jahre. A mother carrying her baby through the streets of Kyoto, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Menschen nehmen sich einen Schluck Wasser aus einem heiligen Brunnen in Japan, 1960er Jahre. People take a sip of water from a holy well at a temple in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Die Burg Odawara in der Stadt Odawara, Japan 1960er Jahre. Odawara castle at the city of Odawara, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Rundgebäude in einem Tempel in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Round building at a temple in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Der Heian Schrein in Kyoto, Japan 1960er Jahre. Heian shrine at Kyoto, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Fünfstöckige Pagode im Horyuji Tempel in Ikaruga, Japan 1960er Jahre. Pagoda of Horyuji temple at Ikaruga, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Aussichtsterrasse an einem Tempel in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Viewing platform of a temple at Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Der Kinkakuji Tempel in Kyoto, Japan 1960er Jahre. Kinkakuji temple at Kyoto, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Drei Generationen vor dem Hauseingang: Großmutter, Mutter und Kind, Japan 1960er Jahre. Three generations in front o the house, grandmother, mother and child, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Ufer am Hakone See in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Shore of Hakone lake, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Der Horyuri Tempel mit seiner fünfstöckigen Pagode spiegelt sich im heiligen See in Ikaruga, Japan 1960er Jahre. Horyuri temple and its pagoda reflecting in the holy lake at Ikaruga, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Kuppel an der Gedenkstätte in Hiroshima, Japan, 1960er Jahre. Dome at Hirshima memorial, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Statue eines Hausgeists vor einem Haus in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Sculpture of a familiar spirit in front of a house in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Vier Mädchen mit Klackerkugel als Zeitvertreib auf der Straße, Japan 1960er Jahre. Four little girls playing with toys in a street, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Zwei ältere Frauen auf dem Weg zum Markt in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Two elder ladies on their way to the market in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Tempeldach zur Zeit der Kirschblüte in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Roof a temple while cherry blossom time at Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Kinder an der Hand ihrer Mütter in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Children hand in hand with their mothers in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Frau mit einem Fotoapparat im Hof eines Tempels in Japan, 1960er Jahre. A woman taking photos at a courtyard of a temple in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Der große Daibutsu Buddha im Kotoku-in Tempel in Kamakura, Japan 1960er Jahre. Big Daibutsu buddha sculpture at Kotoku-in temple of Kamakura, JApan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Eine Mutter fotografiert ihren Sohn an seinem ersten Schultag in Japan, 1960er Jahre. A mother taking a photo of her son's first day at school in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Zwei Frauen im traditionellen Kimono in Jaopan, 1960er Jahre. Two women wearing traditional kimonos in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Fünfstöckige Pagode im Horyuji Tempel in Nara, Japan 1960er Jahre. Pagoda at Horyuji temple of Nara, Japan 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Japan

Kinder an der Hand ihrer Mütter in Japan, 1960er Jahre. Children hand in hand with their mothers in Japan, 1960s

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) on wall of Gomantong Cave. Sabah, Borneo. Malaysia

Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) on wall of Gomantong Cave. Sabah, Borneo. Malaysia

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Giant honey bee nest (Apis dorsata) up in a giant Mengaris tree (Koompassia excelsa)

Giant honey bee nest (Apis dorsata) up in a giant Mengaris tree (Koompassia excelsa) dipterocarp forest in Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Mock strawberry -Potentilla indica-, Tyrol, Austria

Mock strawberry -Potentilla indica-, Tyrol, Austria

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Construction of the viaduct Vallone Montanesi, Genoa

Construction of the viaduct Vallone Montanesi, Genoa Genoa. Date of Photograph:06/10/1930

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: The Turin-Milan motorway

The Turin-Milan motorway Italy. Date of Photograph:1935-1945

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Workers arrange blocks of porphyry on the road Turin Caselle in the Valley of Lauro

Workers arrange blocks of porphyry on the road Turin Caselle in the Valley of Lauro Turin. Date of Photograph:1935-1945

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Public works in Conca Baricetta

Public works in Conca Baricetta Adria Conca di Baricetta. Date of Photograph:1940-1950

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Industrial plant in Marghera

Industrial plant in Marghera Venice Marghera. Date of Photograph:10/1952

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: The Ilva steelworks at Bagnoli

The Ilva steelworks at Bagnoli Bagnoli Irpino. Date of Photograph:1937-1938

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Consorzio di Bonifica: Reclamation of Sarrabus - dealer Ferrabeton

Consorzio di Bonifica: Reclamation of Sarrabus - dealer Ferrabeton Cagliari. Date of Photograph:1930-1940

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Tract of Turin-Milan motorway single track paved by the SAI Ferrobeton

Tract of Turin-Milan motorway single track paved by the SAI Ferrobeton Turin. Date of Photograph:1932-1935

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Interior of the garage of Aeronautics in Catania realized by the Building Enterprise Ferrobeton

Interior of the garage of Aeronautics in Catania realized by the Building Enterprise Ferrobeton Catania. Date of Photograph:1949-1955

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Extension and expansion of the railway bridge over the Po at Piacenza

Extension and expansion of the railway bridge over the Po at Piacenza Piacenza. Date of Photograph:10/02/1930

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Men at work on the road Napoli-Avellino

Men at work on the road Napoli-Avellino Campania. Date of Photograph:1935-1945

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Public works in the surroundings of Pavia

Public works in the surroundings of Pavia Pavia. Date of Photograph:22/01/1959

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Po collector built by the company Ferrobeton in Conca di Volta Grimana

Po collector built by the company Ferrobeton in Conca di Volta Grimana Rovigo Conca di Volta Grimana. Date of Photograph:1940-1955

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Participant at the 'Premio Viareggio - Red Roofs'

Participant at the "Premio Viareggio - Red Roofs" Versilia / Viareggio. Date of Photograph:1940-1950

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Entrepreneurs and workers of the company 'Antonio Badoni Lecco

Entrepreneurs and workers of the company "Antonio Badoni Lecco, ABL", an Italian construction of shunting locomotives, of structural steel and special vehicles for transport Lecco

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Interior of Testing Building of Richard Ginori Livorno

Interior of Testing Building of Richard Ginori Livorno Livorno. Date of Photograph:1950-1960

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: 'Conference on Tourism Exploitation Calabria visit to Southern Company factory building Ammonia Cotrone'

"Conference on Tourism Exploitation Calabria visit to Southern Company factory building Ammonia Cotrone" Crotone. Date of Photograph:19/09/1925

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Work on a section of the Turin-Milan motorway

Work on a section of the Turin-Milan motorway Italy. Date of Photograph:1935-1945

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: View of the country after a flooding of the river Po

View of the country after a flooding of the river Po Italy. Date of Photograph:1890-1910

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Displaced workers to work and after a flooding of the river Po

Displaced workers to work and after a flooding of the river Po Italy. Date of Photograph:1890-1910

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: The coastal village of Little Haven Pembrokeshire

The coastal village of Little Haven Pembrokeshire
The coastal village of Little Haven in Pembrokeshire, Wales at sunset. This is a tiny fishing port on the coast path

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Spain, Castille-Leon, Segovia, Statue of Juan Bravo, Luis Daoiz

Spain, Castille-Leon, Segovia, Statue of Juan Bravo, Luis Daoiz and Pedro Velarde in Plaza la Reina Victoria Eugenia

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Spain, Castille-Leon, Segovia, The Alcazar

Spain, Castille-Leon, Segovia, The Alcazar

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Spain, Castilla La Mancha, Toldeo, The Mazapan El Foro Cafe on thePlaza de Zocolover

Spain, Castilla La Mancha, Toldeo, The Mazapan El Foro Cafe on thePlaza de Zocolover

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Maroon / Red leaf monkey / Langur (Presbytis rubicunda) eating fruits in tree, Danum

Maroon / Red leaf monkey / Langur (Presbytis rubicunda) eating fruits in tree, Danum Valley Conservation Area, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: Sunrise in Perc├®, Gaspe

Sunrise in Perc├®, Gaspe
Perc├® is a small city near the tip of the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, Canada

Background imageImages Dated 25th July 2014: CM3 8837 Paul Knapfield, Jamie Campbell-Walter, Ferrari 512M

CM3 8837 Paul Knapfield, Jamie Campbell-Walter, Ferrari 512M
Paul Knapfield, Jamie Campbell-Walter, Ferrari 512M, FIA, Masters Historic Sports Cars, Silverstone Classic 2014, 2014, Classic Racing Cars, FIA, historic racing cars, HSCC, July 2014

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